• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노동의 질

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A Prospect and Tasks for Regional Development of Youngnam Area: (1) Development Process and the Quality of Life (영남지역 발전의 전망과 과제: (1) 발전과정과 삶의 질)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.23-43
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    • 1995
  • This paper is the first part of a research which looks into the regional development process and the quality of life of Youngnam area, and which suggests a prospect and tasks for the future development of the region. Youngnam region has grown rapidly on the basis of labor-intensive light industries and standardized Fordist lage-scale heavy industries through the industrialization and urbanization of South Korea from the 1960s; but recently it has shown a relatively downward trend. The recent economic stagnation of Youngnam region can be seen as a result of uneven regional development in the national scale, which has brought out the increasing subcontracting relation within the region, the geographically excessive concentration of firms, the lack of growth potentiality of high-tech industries, the weakness of producer service, and the shortage of financial activities for capital flows. In addition, construction of physical and social infrastructures and management of urban central functions could not meet properly the rapid economic and urban growth of the region. Because of these problematics inherent in the economy of Yougnam region, the occupational status of regional dwellers is more or less unstable, and the wage level of employee as a whole in Youngnam region is lower than those of Seoul, although the wage level of labourers in manufacturing is relatively high. Moreover, the quality of life of dwellers in the region has some difficulties in the use of resources and ecological environment as well as the unequal provision of means of living and welfare facilities, even though it has been improved materially.

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A Study on the Effect of Operation System of Human Resource Management on Business Performance (인사관리의 운영방식이 기업의 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.548-553
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed the effect of the operation system of human resource management. First, the primary operating direction of the goal, talent selection system, and personnel management personnel management affected almost all the performance variables. More than one primary goal of personnel management in the loyalty inspired workers more than the fixed labor costs, and external recruitment of short-term hiring favored internal training scheme for long-term employment, employee training, and development in the long term more than short-term performance improvement the more weight to quality and innovation in the productivity of labor, product and services, employee-driven innovation, reduce turnover, had a positive impact on labor relations. On the other hand, the primary goal of personnel management and personnel selection methods had a positive impact on financial performance. Personnel management operating direction did not significantly affect the financial results. Second, the main type of employee utilization affected the quality of products and services, and labor relations. Trying to take advantage of temporary workers more than regular workers had a positive impact on the quality of products and services, and labor relations. Third, the operating unit of Personnel Management had an impact on the degree of innovation of products and services. Both personal achievements and the performance of the operating units had a positive impact on the degree of innovation of products and services, more than teamwork and personnel management. This study provided practical implications for verifying the effect of detailed characteristics of human resource management on financial/non-financial business performance.

Model Verification of Decision Assisting Nitrogen Expert System NES to Illinois Cornfields (일리노이주의 옥수수 포장에서 질소질 비료의 적정시용에 대한 전문가체계의 검증)

  • Kim, Won-Il;Jung, Goo-Bok;Huck, M.G.;Kim, Kil-Yong;Park, Ro-Dong
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.64-70
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    • 2001
  • To verify the newly developed decision assisting expert system for nitrogen fertilizer application NES to Illinois cornfields, a couple of N rate studies from Dr. Howard and five Illinois Agricultural Experiment Stations were applied. Four types of recommendations including the current Illinois recommendation, Hoeft recommendation, NES, and maximum economic recommendation were compared with each other for the crop yields, profits, recovery rate, and N losses to cornfields. The N rate of NES recommendation, considering productivity index (PI), soil organic matter content (SOM), and pre-sidedressing nitrate concentration (PSNT) level, was the lowest in comparison to those of other recommendations. However, N recovery rate in NES was generally higher and the resulting N loss was lower than others. But, adherence to the recommendations may also reduce farmers income if environmental expense did not considered. Therefore, NES will be more effective by adding the factors including environmental expense, tillage systems, crop rotation, and other agricultural management parameters.

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Constructing a Conceptual Framework of Smart Ageing Bridging Sustainability and Demographic Transformation (인구감소 시대와 초고령 사회의 지속가능한 삶으로서 스마트 에이징의 개념과 모형에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Hyunjeong Lee;JungHo Park
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2023
  • As population ageing and shrinking accompanied by dramatically expanded individual life expectancy and declining fertility rate is a global phenomenon, ageing becomes its broader perspective of ageing well embedded into sustained health and well-being, and also the fourth industrial revolution speeds up a more robust and inclusive view of smart ageing. While the latest paradigm of SA has gained considerable attention in the midst of sharply surging demand for health and social services and rapidly declining labor force, the definition has been widely and constantly discussed. This research is to constitute a conceptual framework of smart ageing (SA) from systematic literature review and the use of a series of secondary data and Geographical Information Systems(GIS), and to explore its components. The findings indicate that SA is considered to be an innovative approach to ensuring quality of life and protecting dignity, and identifies its constituents. Indeed, the construct of SA elaborates the multidimensional nature of independent living, encompassing three spheres - Aging in Place (AP), Well Aging (WA), and Active Ageing (AA). AP aims at maintaining independence and autonomy, entails safety, comfort, familiarity and emotional attachment, and it values social supports and services. WA assures physical, psycho-social and economic domains of well-being, and it concerns subjective happiness. AA focuses on both social engagement and economic participation. Moreover, the three constructs of SA are underpinned by specific elements (right to housing, income adequacy, health security, social care, and civic engagement) which are interrelated and interconnected.

Evaluation of Psychosocial Impact and Quality of Life in BRCA Mutation Family (BRCA 돌연변이 가계의 심리상태 및 삶의 질 평가)

  • Han, Sang-Ah;Kim, Sai-Rhee;Kang, Eun-Young;Kim, Jeong-Hyun;Ha, Tae-Hyeon;Yang, Eun-Joo;Lim, Jae-Young;Han, Won-Shik;Noh, Dong-Young;Kim, Sung-Won
    • Journal of Genetic Medicine
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The aims of this study are to evaluate psychological impact and quality of life according to the cancer diagnosis and mutation status in Korean families with BRCA mutations. Materials and Methods: Seventeen affected carriers (AC), 16 unaffected carriers (UC) and 13 healthy non carriers (NC) from 13 BRCA mutation families were included in the study. Outcomes were compared with regard to depression (Beck Depression Inventory), anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, STAI), optimism (Reevaluation of the Life Orientation test, LOT-R), knowledge of hereditary ovarian cancer, and quality of life (QoL) (SF-36v2 Health Survey, physical component score [PCS], mental component score [MCS]) among three groups. Result: Level of depression, optimism, and PCS were similar in AC, UC, and NC. Anxiety score was elevated in all three groups. MCS was significantly low in AC than in UC and NC (P=0.009, P=0.017). Knowledge of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer was high in AC than NC (P=0.001). MCS was significantly related to whether patient was affected by cancer (P=0.043) and has occupation (P=0.008) or not in multivariable analysis. Conclusion: From this cross sectional study, psychological adverse effect was not related to the carrier status of BRCA mutation. Elevated anxiety in BRCA family members was observed but, independent to affection and the type of genetic mutation. AC showed low mental QoL. Further effort to understand psychological impact and QoL of genetic testing in BRCA family members is required for follow-up in clinical aspects.

Survey Design of the Workplace Panel Survey in Korea (사업체패널조사의 조사설계)

  • Lee, Kee-Jae;Kim, Hye-Won;Kim, Sue-Jin;Kim, Ki-Min;Lee, Yong-Hee
    • Survey Research
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.71-91
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    • 2008
  • Workplace Panel Survey(WPS) is the representative panel survey of workplace in Korea. WPS was newly sampled in 2005 and is to be used for the subsequent biennial survey. The main survey is divided into a questionnaire for human resources(HR) manager, a questionnaire for labor relations manager and a questionnaire for representatives of unions. The population of WPS 2005 included workplaces across the country with 30 or more employees. The WPS 2005 was composed of 1,905 workplaces including 290 workplaces in the public sector. The sample was selected by the stratified random sampling. Weighting process for the survey data was introduced to compensate for differential sampling and non-response rates. Personal interviews were conducted using the Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing(CAPI) system during visits by interviewers, along with survey via mail and e-mail concerning employment and financial issues. The CPAI system introduced for the WPS 2005 can by used for automatical detection for errors and inconsistencies which may occur during the survey process. The CAPI system played an important part in enhancing the reliability of the survey data.

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Current Status and Perspectives of Weed Science in Asia-Pacific Area (아시아·태평양지역의 잡초연구 동향과 전망)

  • Lee, In-Yong;Kim, Jin-Won;Kim, Sang-Su;Yoo, Hong-Jae;Hwang, In-Seong;Lee, Kye-Hwan;Cho, Nam-Gyu;Lee, Dong-Guk;Hwang, Ki-Hwan;Won, Ok Jae;Jia, Weiqiang;Ko, Young-Kwan;Choi, Jung-Sup;Yeom, Hyun-Suk;Park, Kee Woong
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.292-305
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    • 2017
  • This paper provides the current status of weed science and prospects for the development of weed science based on the research trends presented at the 26th Asian Pacific Weed Science Conference in 2017. Approximately 458 researchers from 25 countries, including Korea, participated in the conference and presented 325 papers in 20 research areas. Major research topics were herbicide resistance, herbicide use, herbicide development, weed ecology, allelopathy, weed management, and exotic weeds. Particularly, there were many presentations and interesting to researchers about the development and use of new herbicides, such as florpyauxifen-benzyl ester, triafamone, fenquinotrione, and tolpyralate. Development of new herbicide formulations and spray methods were suggested as a solution for the population decline in rural area and low labor quality especially in Asia and Pacific regions. In future weedy rice and exotic weeds will be a serious problem in this area so we need to cooperate to make good technical and practical solutions.

An Evaluation of a Basic Subsidy Program for Infants (보육보조금의 효과 분석: 영아기본보조금을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Yoon Young
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.29-73
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    • 2007
  • This paper evaluates the effects of the Basic Subsidy Program provided to families with infants cared for in private day care centers. There has been a discrepancy in the price and quality level between public and private day care centers. Public day care centers which receive government support in their labor costs are able to maintain relatively higher quality at lower price than their private counterparts, while the majority of children are cared for at private day care centers. To reduce the gap of the price and quality of care between public and private day care centers by improving the quality and decreasing the price of private day care centers, the Basic Subsidy Program was introduced in 2006 to the private day care centers. The subsidies mainly aim to improve the quality and the accessibility of child care, and encourage mothers' labor supply. For this purpose, the provision of the Basic Subsidy Program imposed prerequisites to the care providers including minimum wage and four major insurances for teachers, and child-staff ratio. I examine whether the subsidies improve the quality of care, help mothers balancing work and family, and increase satisfaction with child care from mothers' perspective. Since the outcome variables that measure the quality of care are difficult to obtain, I instead use the input variables for quality production. Child-staff ratio, teachers' welfare, and care environment are considered. The relationship between these variables and the introduction of subsidies is examined. The 2004 National Survey of Child Care and Education and the 2004 National Survey of Day Care Centers are used for the base data set. To reflect the outcomes after the Basic Subsidy Program, equivalent data sets for households and care providers are constructed by the KDI Data Analysis Unit. Using these nationally representative data sets, information regarding child care is collected. The findings show that the subsidies contribute to the quality of care improving the input variables of quality production. The welfare of teachers is improved, and the child-staff ratio significantly decreases. As a result, the usage of private day care centers greatly increases even though the price level rarely changes. However, mothers' satisfaction with child care are rarely affected by the subsidies. Although the subsidies with no eligibility criteria enlarge the recipients, the actual effects to increase maternal labor supply or to improve satisfaction is limited. Given this findings, I suggest some modifications of subsidies to raise the effectiveness of the subsidy program.

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The Change of Industrial Distribution Pattern by Worker Status Classification : Busan, 1994~2004 (종사상 지위분류에 따른 산업분포변화: 부산, 1994~2004)

  • Kang, In-Joo;Nam, Kwang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 2007
  • Diagnosis and Prediction of urban industrial structure is a key subject for establishment of sustainable urban development plan. By this time, studies of industry-related urban spatial structure have been concentrated on measurement of space distribution by industry type mainly using data about urban industries or total worker numbers. Now, status of workers become an important issue so this study analyzed qualitative change of urban industrial structure in the view of space using work status classification system. For that, data for work status in 1994 and 2004 were collected in towns and villages, and space analysis units were coincided based on change data between 1994 and 2004. Then, it analyzed spatial distribution pattern of employment through qualitative standard called work status using GIS. The analysis results by work status type of Busan industrial structure in GIS circumstance were as below. First, traditional labor intensive industries met a limit and service and wholesale/retail sale industries went to be poor livelihood. Therefore, Busan's employment rate should be decreased and worker numbers were statistically increased, however, irregular and non-wage workers were suddenly increased. So, it was determined that the quality of employment in Busan area came down. Second, a traditional downtown area has dwindled; on the other hand, employment has been increased in new town or new industrial complex and in the area developed services rather than the manufacturing industry. It is expected that the result of this study may be meaningful as data to prepare for longterm industrial development plan through qualitative evaluation called work status as well as to make behavior pattern of industrial structure which is basis of urban development.

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The Effect of PM10 and PM2.5 on Life Satisfaction: Focusing on WTP (미세먼지가 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: WTP 추정을 중심으로)

  • Seo, Misuk;Cho, Hong Chong
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.417-449
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of local area concentration of particulate matter on life satisfaction, by matching subjective satisfaction in the Korea Labor & Income Panel Study data with daily data of $PM_{10}$ and $PM_{2.5}$. We find that the concentration of particulate matter has a significant negative effect on satisfaction. A $1{\mu}g/m^3$ increase in $PM_{10}$($PM_{2.5}$) leads to lower the probability of choosing 'satisfaction' by 0.042%p~0.091%p(0.034%p~0.153%p) and a 1% increase in annual income per household raises the probability of choosing 'satisfaction' by 0.16%p~0.18%p respectively. To estimate the monetary value of reducing $PM_{10}$ and $PM_{2.5}$, we calculate willingness-to-pay for mitigating air pollution, which represents the tradeoff between the reduction in particulate matter and income. We find that people on average are willing to pay \108,787($96)~209,519($186) for a $1{\mu}g/m^3$ reduction in $PM_{10}$ and to pay 89,345($79)~362,930($322) in $PM_{2.5}$. This amount corresponds to 0.26%~0.50%(0.22%~0.88%) of the average annual household income in South Korea.