• Title/Summary/Keyword: 내용적 연관성

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Standardizing and Visualizing Descriptive Summaries of Election Survey Data (선거 여론조사 자료의 표준적 요약과 시각화)

  • Huh, Myung-Hoe;Lee, Yong-Goo
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.845-854
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    • 2008
  • Survey reports of election opinions consist of numerous cross-tabulations between socio-demographic variables and political opinions including preferred candidates. Since socio-demographic variables are related each other, duplicate interpretations arise. The aim of this study is twofold: The first is to separate the effects of socio variables such as education, occupation and income from the effects of demographic variables such as region, sex and age. The second is the visualization of multiple cross-tabulations in low-dimensional space by extended doubling technique of correspondence analysis. Survey researchers may get some help from this study to present their survey results more lucidly and visually.

Case Study on the Regionality and Characteristics in the Expression of Modern Chinese Architecture (중국 현대 건축의 지역성 구축 및 표현 특성 사례 연구)

  • Ma, Dong-Qing;Yoon, Ji-Young;Zhang, Jing-Yu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.636-647
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    • 2018
  • This study is to explore the characteristics of contemporary Chinese architecture from the aspects of the regionalism of environment, culture and technology. Six cases of contemporary Chinese architecture which won the world-wide famous were selected and analyzed. The results are the followings; First, the regionalism of environment emphasizes the building's response to the regional environment (topography, climate and regional landscape). Second, the regionalism of culture reflects as the relevance between architecture and community structure, economic patterns, folk customs and other social factors of the region. Third, the regionalism of technology requires the coordination of construction process, structure form, materials and other contents of architecture with the regional environment and culture, and emphasizes the suitability of technology. Environment, culture and technology determine that the regionalism of contemporary Chinese architecture is not purely the meaning at the formal level, but explores the underlying causes.

Preference Prediction System using Similarity Weight granted Bayesian estimated value and Associative User Clustering (베이지안 추정치가 부여된 유사도 가중치와 연관 사용자 군집을 이용한 선호도 예측 시스템)

  • 정경용;최성용;임기욱;이정현
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.30 no.3_4
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    • pp.316-325
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    • 2003
  • A user preference prediction method using an exiting collaborative filtering technique has used the nearest-neighborhood method based on the user preference about items and has sought the user's similarity from the Pearson correlation coefficient. Therefore, it does not reflect any contents about items and also solve the problem of the sparsity. This study suggests the preference prediction system using the similarity weight granted Bayesian estimated value and the associative user clustering to complement problems of an exiting collaborative preference prediction method. This method suggested in this paper groups the user according to the Genre by using Association Rule Hypergraph Partitioning Algorithm and the new user is classified into one of these Genres by Naive Bayes classifier to slove the problem of sparsity in the collaborative filtering system. Besides, for get the similarity between users belonged to the classified genre and new users, this study allows the different estimated value to item which user vote through Naive Bayes learning. If the preference with estimated value is applied to the exiting Pearson correlation coefficient, it is able to promote the precision of the prediction by reducing the error of the prediction because of missing value. To estimate the performance of suggested method, the suggested method is compared with existing collaborative filtering techniques. As a result, the proposed method is efficient for improving the accuracy of prediction through solving problems of existing collaborative filtering techniques.

Analysis of Relationship between Academic Achievement and Job Satisfaction of Secondary NCS Vocational Education (중등 NCS 직업교육의 학업성취도와 취업만족도 관계 분석)

  • Choi, Sooho
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.41-57
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between academic achievement and job satisfaction in secondary NCS vocational education. The questionnaires were divided into 5 variables : NCS education understanding, quality of education service, necessity of vocational education, academic achievement, job satisfaction. We used SPSS WIN 18.0, to examine the importance, reliability, validity, and association analysis using questionnaires. The results showed that the quality of education service and the necessity of vocational education were influenced on academic achievement in independent variables. But understanding of NCS education was not adopted. In the parameters and dependent variables, academic achievement was found to affect job satisfaction. So if educational institutions are to pay attention to and improve the quality of vocational education service and the need for vocational education, academic achievement will increase. Academic achievement is expected to positively affect job satisfaction after employment.

Toward An Integrative Pluralism of Religions: Embodying Yijing, Whitehead, and Cobb

  • Cheng, Chung-ying
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.17
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    • pp.239-279
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    • 2004
  • 이 글에서 나는 세 단계의 다른 종교이해 방식을 구분하여 세 가지 형태의 종교다원주의 정의하고 그 특징을 설명하고 있다. 그 첫째는 차별적 다원주의인데, 현존하는 혹은 앞으로 그 모습을 드러낼 종교들 사이의 차별성을 그대로 인정하는 형태이다. 둘째는 상보적 다원주의로써 현존하는 또는 앞으로 출현할 종교들은 각각의 종교적 실천과 그 믿음이 그 내용상 상호보충적인 성격을 지니고 있다고 보는 것이다. 셋째는 통합적 다원주의이다. 이 관점은 모든 종교를 인류와 인간의 세계이해의 전체론적 발전 과정의 필수적 부분들로 보는 것이다. 이 가운데 통합적 형태의 다원주의가 가장 중요하다. 왜냐하면 이 관점은 각각의 다른 종교들에게 그것 고유의 이질적 역사적 관점에 의한 하나의 토대를 제공하기 때문이다. 이 관점은 또한 각기 다른 종교들의 차이점들을 창조적 전체와 연관시켜보는 개방적이고 창조적인 통찰력을제공함으로써 그 종교들이 인간의 앎과 실천에 가장 중요한 비젼과 관련하여 각각이 궁극적으로 적절한 위상을 성취할 수 있도록 하며, 상호간에 배우고 더욱 발전할 수 있는 존재로 서로 이해되고 격려하도록 하는 기능을 수행한다. 이와 같은 종교적 통찰력의 면에서 나는 상호보충적인 다원주의 이론을 발전시킨 존 콥과 데이비드 그리핀의 업적에 심심한 고마움을 전한다. 그러나 동시에 각 종교의 독특성은 유지하면서도 상대주의는 피하기 위해서는 어떻게 이 상호보충적인 다원주의가 화이트헤드의 창조성 철학의 관점에 의해 부분의 개성을 유지하면서도 전체를 감싸 아우르는 통합적 다원주의로 반드시 한 걸음 더 나아가야 하는지를 강조 설명하고 있다. 이 글의 후반부에서는, 나는 또한 통합적 다원주의 관점의 종교적 진리와 믿음의 고양이 중요함을 이해하기 위하여 서로 연관된 네 가지 주제를 논한다: (1) 지역적으로 상대적인 인류의 필요에 동시에 응하고자 하는 동서의 세계종교의 목표에 부응하기 위해서는 화이트헤드적 사유의 틀과 역경의 철학이 보여주는 사유의 틀이 어떻게 통합되어야 하는가 (2) 어떻게 상대주의의 내적 논리에 의해 제기된 논쟁점들이 세계종교 안에서 동시에 극복되고 고려되어 종교가 계속 발전하는데 도움을 줄 수 있는지 (3) 어떻게 인류가 창조성의 또는 창조자로써의 신의실존-우주론적 견해의 풍부함으로 인도 되는 신적 개별화의 근본 은유적 존재로 역할을 해왔는지 (4) 유가와 도가의 통합적 조화의 역사적 모범에 기초해 볼 때, 기독교와 불교 이 두 세계종교의 통합적 조화가 가능한지, 그리고 왜 이 두 종교가 세계의 종교들이 서로 다른 종교적 믿음과 행위의 통합적 조화의 상태로 나아가는 미래의 변화를 이루는데 유효한 종교가 되는지.

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A study on the application of M2PL-Q model for analyzing assessment data considering both content and cognitive domains: An analysis of TIMSS 2019 mathematics data (내용 및 인지 영역을 함께 고려한 평가 데이터 분석을 위한 Q행렬 기반 다차원 문항반응모형의 활용 방안 연구: TIMSS 2019 수학 평가 분석)

  • Kim, Rae Yeong;Hwang, Su Bhin;Lee, Seul Gi;Yoo, Yun Joo
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.379-400
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to propose a method for analyzing mathematics assessment data that integrates both content and cognitive domains, utilizing the multidimensional two-parameter logistic model with a Q-matrix (M2PL-Q; da Silva, 2019). The method was applied to the TIMSS 2019 8th-grade mathematics assessment data. The results demonstrate that the M2PL-Q model effectively estimates students' ability levels across both domains, highlighting the interrelationships between abilities in each domain. Additionally, the M2PL-Q model was found to be effective in estimating item characteristics by differentiating between content and cognitive domain, revealing that their influence on problem-solving can vary across items. This study is significant in that it offers a comprehensive analytical approach that incorporates both content and cognitive domains, which were traditionally analyzed separately. By using the estimated ability levels for individual student diagnostics, students' strengths and weaknesses in specific content and cognitive areas can be identified, supporting more targeted learning interventions. Furthermore, by considering the detailed characteristics of each assessment item and applying them appropriately based on the context and purpose of the assessment, the validity and efficiency of assessments can be enhanced, leading to more accurate diagnoses of students' ability levels.

A Study on the Cultural Landscapes of Scenic Sites on 『Joseon myeongseungsiseon(朝鮮名勝詩選)』 at the Japanese Colonial Period - A Case of Cheonan, Chungnam Province - (일제강점기 『조선명승시선(朝鮮名勝詩選)』에 나타나는 명승고적의 문화경관 연구 - 충청남도 천안을 사례로 -)

  • Lee, Hang-Lyoul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to investigate the changes in Scenic Spots by utilizing the "Sinjeungdonggukyeojiseungram(新增東國輿地勝覽)" and "Joseonhwanyeoseungnam(朝鮮?與勝覽)" to interpret "Joseonmyeongseungsiseon(朝鮮名勝詩選, 1915)". By examining the historical context when "Joseonmyeongseungsiseon" was published, it documented the Japanese's memories of 'Sino-Japanese War(淸日戰爭)' in 1894, which implies the 'policy of assimilation' by the Japanese Government-General of Korea after the Japanese annexation of Korea(1910). Detailed information about the author 'Narushima Sagimura(成島鷺村)' can be found in preface. In the "Joseonmyeongseungsiseon", it dedicates most of the part in describing the Scenic Spot especially in 'Anseong Do (15 lines)', where has the memories of war such as the 'First Sino-Japanese War'. The number of Scenic Spots, commonly mentioned in both "Sinjeungdonggukyeoji seungram" and "Joseonhwanyeoseungnam" in Cheonan province are 13 in total. Most of the content contains a similar structure. But 'Honggyeongwon(弘慶院)' and 'Seonghwanyeok(成歡驛)' has both the common Joseon Dynasty landscape point of view, and the additional historical context which are about the 'Jeongyujaeran(丁酉再亂)' or 'First Sino-Japanese War' consequently enlightens the 'placeness' of the Scenic Spots. Among the newly described Scenic Spots, 'Anseongdo(安城渡)' is the part that focuses on the memory of the 'Anseongcheon Battle' that gave Japan its first defeat in the Sino-Japanese War. Especially, by introducing the poetry of 'Sinobu Shunpei' it maximizes the appreciation through emphasizing the direct correlation between placeness and the poem itself. While the Joseon Dynasty poems are 10 pieces in total and their title and the subject matters are all related to historical spots, and the appreciation also maximizes when fully interpreted with understanding the historical context. However, it's contextual meanings are neglected by dividing the actual structures into separate pages. When looking at the location of famous historic sites, they come in many different types, considering the location, meaning, size, and conditions surrounding them. It appears as a service space for travelers, a place for sightseeing, relaxation or return, a temple space for paying respects or memorial services, a fortress facility for defense and protection, or a fishing area for wages, and an old battlefield. Especially, it is noted that the area is diverse as the cultural landscape of Cheonan, given that the battle space between the hermitage and the Donghangnongmin(東學農民) is shared with each other. It is necessary to establish policies for the preservation and restoration of local cultural assets based on these points in the future.

A Study on Risk Factor Identification by Specialty Construction Industry Sector through Construction Accident Cases : Focused on the Insurance Data of Specialty Construction Worker (건설재해사례 분석에 의한 전문건설업종별 위험요인 탐색 : 전문건설업 근로자 공제자료를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Young Jai;Kang, Seong Kyung;Yu, Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.45-63
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    • 2019
  • The number of domestic construction company is expanding every year while the construction workers' exposure to disaster risk is increasing due to technological advancements and popularity of high-rise buildings. In particular, the industry faces greater fatalities and severe large scale accidents because of construction industry characteristics including influx of foreign workers with different language and culture, large number of aged workers, outsourcing, high place work, heavy machine construction. The construction industry is labor-intensive, which is to be completed under given timeline and consists of unique working environment with a lot of night shifts. In addition, when a fixed construction budget is not secured, there is less investment in safety management resulting in poor risk management at the construction site. Taking account that the construction industry has higher accident risk rate and fatality rate, risky and unique working environment, and various labor pool from foreign to aged workers, preemptive safety management through risk factor identification is a mandatory requirement for the construction industry and site. The study analyzes about 8,500 cases of construction accidents that occurred over the past 10 years and identified risk factor by construction industry sector to secure a systematic insight for risk management. Based on interrelation analysis between accident types, work types, original cause materials and assailing materials, there is correlation between each analysis factor and work industry. Especially for work types, there is great correlation between work tasks and industry type. For reinforced concrete and earthwork are among the most frequent types of accidents, and they are not only high in frequency of accidents, but also have a high risk in categories of occurrence.

A study of the effects of collage on post-modern interior spaces (탈모던 실내공간에 적용된 꼴라쥬 효과에 관한 연구)

  • 박혜경
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 1998
  • This study is a proposal for the positive application of collage techniques into the process of interior design. For that, we need to set up the appropriate definitions of collage and to analyze its properties as a creative design methode of that field, in the basis of the twentieth-century art history. The study is divided into three sections as follows: 1) The traces of collage in the art movements such as Cubism, Dada, Surealism, and Pop art will be researched in terms of art concepts, appearances and, properties. 2) The relationships between collage and the main ideas of those art movements, as mentioned above, will be discussed for proving that collage is such an effective techniques as to erdxxly Post-modem ideas. 3) The examples of collage techniques and their effects appearing in Post-modem interior spaces will be surveyed for the purpose of proving its abilities as a creative design methode in interior design. Further studies should be succeeded for suggesting practical and educational models of its application.

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Comparison of Wind Load Provisions Based on the Wind Buckling Behaviors of Plant Tank (플랜트 탱크의 좌굴 거동에 근거한 풍하중 설계기준 비교 연구)

  • Bae, Doobyong;Park, Il Gyu;Park, Jang Ho;Oh, Chang Kook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.203-211
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    • 2016
  • There are no consistent wind load provisions to design the plant tank in Korea. To suggest the appropriate design wind load, five kinds of specifications including KS B 6283, API 650, ASCE 7-10, EN 1991-1-4 are compared. To evaluate the adequacy of wind load specification in each code first, pressure coefficients were calculated in each code and compared with the results of wind tunnel test. Finite element analyses using linear bifurcation analysis were performed with the parameter of h/d and f/d (h : height of cylinderical part of tank, f : roof heigh, d : diameter of tank). By analyzing the results, appropriate wind load criteria which reflects the real wind actions and easy to apply will be suggested.