• Title/Summary/Keyword: 깊은 특징

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A Study on 'Seungininsangmu' of Haejugwonbeon (<성인인상무>에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Hee;Kim, Kyung-Sook
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.35
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    • pp.93-123
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    • 2017
  • The Buddhist dance, which is considered to be the essence of Korean folk dance, has changed and developed over many years, having profound influential relations with Buddhism in terms of its origin, source, title, and costumes. Today the Buddhist dance is performed in two fixed types, Jangsam dance and Buk dance, but it is estimated that there must have been various forms of Buddhist dance during the Japanese rule based on the its historicity and various origination theories. It was around 1940 that Jang Yang-seon, the master of Haejugwonbeon, turned 'Seungininsangmu' into a work through Yang So-woon. The present study analyzed the video of 'Seungininsangmu' performed at the 'Performance in the Memory of Yang So-woon' in 2010, and the analysis results were as follows: first, the dance has a clear message to be delivered in its title and connotes an origination theory of Buddhist dance, which argues that the Buddhist dance was created by a Buddhist that underwent agony and corruption during his ascetic practice and later returned to Buddhism. Secondly, the process of Jangsam dance - Buknori - Bara dance - Heoteun dance - Hoisimgok - Guiui shows the thematic consciousness of the dance clearly in a sequential manner. Finally, the dance was in a form of combining various expressive methods according to the story and its development including the Bara dance, a dance performed in a Buddhist ceremony, the Heoteun dance, which is strongly characterized by individuality and spontaneity that are folk features, and Hoisimgok, the Buddhist music. Those findings indicate that the dance reflected well the flow of putting the Buddhist dance on the stage or turning it into a work in the early 20th century. Compared with the types of Buddhist dance in a strong form including the Jangsam dance and Buk dance, 'Seungininsangmu' conveys the meanings that the original Buddhist dance tried to express in terms of content and reflects on the diversity of combined Akgamu and theatrical elements in terms of form. The present study is significant in that it offers many implications for the Buddhist dance capable of future-oriented development.

The Symbolism of Ginseng in Mimang by Park Wan-Seo (박완서의 소설 「미망(未忘)」에 나타난 인삼의 상징성)

  • Ock, Soon Jong
    • Journal of Ginseng Culture
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    • v.4
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    • pp.38-58
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    • 2022
  • Park Wan-seo's novels deal with realistic topics of society, such as women's issues, the capitalist system, and the problems that come with old age. Assuch, her work is used as a tool to analyze social phenomena in various fields, such as women's studies, sociology, and literature. A characteristic style of Park Wan-seo's novels is that she bases them on her own experiences. However, among her novels, the novel Mimang is exceptional. The plot is based on stories that have been passed down from generation to generation. This is to show the spirit of the times through the unforgettable story of her hometown, Gaesong. Mimang is the story of a family chronology that spans four generations centered on Chun Cheu-Man and his family, who became powerful capitalists through the cultivation and commerce of ginseng cultivation. Set in the late 19th century until the end of the Korean War, the novel unravels the essence of the times symbolized by merchants of ginseng and Gaeseong, focusing on the actions of people living in a period of historical turbulence. Gaeseong is the mecca of Korean ginseng, and Gaeseong cannot be portrayed without the story of ginseng and its merchants. Therefore, Mimang, a fictionalized story based on real facts, contains valuable testimony of the history of ginseng, not only as historical values of modern history and personal customs but also as microhistory. In the novel, traces of the times of Gaeseong and the spirit of ginseng merchants, as shown in the Japanese sacking of ginseng during the colonial period, the resistance of ginseng merchants, and the conversion of ginseng capitalism to modern capitalism, are imprinted like fossils. What is especially meaningful is that the stories in the novel correspond to historical facts and constitute a chapter in the history of ginseng. The symbolism of ginseng in the novel can be explained in three main ways. First, it shows the essence of Korean ginseng. It reveals the soul of ginseng through the sincerity and rigor of ginseng farming, as well as the spirit and pride of ginseng. Second, it symbolizes the exploitation of ginseng in Japan as a national issue. The efforts of ginseng merchants to protect this and support the independence movement are presented as important themes to express nationalism. Third, it shows the modern capitalist progressiveness of Gaeseong ginseng merchants, who do not stay in landownership and commercial capital, but convert them to productive capital and contribute to society by modernizing them. The three symbolisms show the spirit of the times of the Gaeseong ginseng merchants, clearly revealing the meaningful relationship between the Korean people and ginseng.

Spatial Distribution of Macrozoobenthic Organisms along the Korean Coasts in Summer Season (한국 연안의 하계 대형저서동물의 공간분포)

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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2022
  • To clarify the spatial distribution pattern of macrozoobenthos in Korean coastal waters in the summer season and investigate the relationship between community structure and benthic environmental factors, field surveys on community structure and benthic environmental factors were conducted at 117 stations in August 2017. A total of 613 macrobenthic species were identified, with the mean density of 1,228 ind./m2 and the mean biomass (wet weight) of 110.9 g WW/m2. Rich biodiversity was found at stations near Wando and along the coast of the East Sea, and there is a trend that stations with greater biodiversity also showed higher mean density as well. The dominant species in all the coastal areas in Korea was Heteromastus filiformis, which were found at most of the stations during the survey. The relatively deep areas in the East Sea were dominated by Magelona johnsoni and Maldane cristata, which were the third and ninth dominant species in the study areas, respectively. Pseudopolydora kempi and Rhynchospio sp. were observed only at the station located in the Nakdong River estuary. From the cluster analysis the stations could be clustered into three station groups with more similar faunal composition. Group A was located in the eastern coast, characterized with deep water depth and low levels of sand contents, while Group B was located in the southern coast, characterized by shallow depth of water and high content of mud and organic matter. Lastly, Group C was in the western coast, demonstrating low levels of mud content and organic matters. The biodiversity of macrobenthic species in the study area showed high positive correlation coefficients with benthic environmental factors such as sorting, clay, silt, and contents of organic matter in sediments, but negatively correlated with the sand contents. Major dominant species, Theora lata and Eriopisella sechellensis, both showed negative correlation coefficients with the sand contents, but a relatively high positive correlation with the levels of organic contents.It can be concluded that the spatial distribution patterns of macrobenthic organisms in Korean coastal waters are affected by depth, sediment type, and contents of organic matters.

대순사상의 인문정신과 인류평안의 이념

  • 잔스촹
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.21
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    • pp.199-254
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    • 2013
  • 대순사상은 인간의 행위와 정신적 틀, 즉 몸과 마음을 닦고 세상을 다스리며 백성을 평안하게 하는 도리를 설파하고 있다. 우주 공간의 질서와 깊은 연관을 맺는 이러한 도리는 인간 자신의 인지(認知)와 심신 수양의 내용을 포함하며, 사람이 사회와 우주자연과의 관계를 어떻게 처리해 나갈 것인지에 관한 문제도 다루고 있다. 따라서 대순사상을 인문이라는 관점에 입각하여 분석해 볼 필요가 있다. 이탈리아에서 시작된 서양의 인문주의와 비교해 볼 때, 중국 전통의 인문정신은 인류 개체의 창조력과 그 성과를 인정하고, 인격적 수양과 개선을 주장하며, 사회의 조화를 강조하는 한편, 인류가 반드시 천지인의 조화로운 관계 속에서 개체와 전체의 생존을 파악해야 함을 강조한다. 이러한 인문정신은 『전경』에서도 찾아볼 수 있다. 그 하나가 모악산과 단주(丹朱)에 대한 서술인데, 모악산은 산 즉 '간'(艮)괘이며 단주는 적색에 상응하니 곧 '리'(離)괘가 된다. 이 두 괘가 서로 조합하면 '비(比)'괘가 되며, 『주역』의 비괘와 연관하여 서로 간의 모순을 없애고, '바둑'을 두는 기법을 거울삼아 심성을 다스리며, 인격을 완성하고, 인신이 조화를 이루도록 하며, 사회를 안정시킬 것을 말한다. 대순 신앙의 최종 목표는 지상천국을 건설하는 것인데, 이런 목표를 실현하기 위해서는 인격수양을 그 출발점으로 삼아야 한다. 인격수양의 목표는 바른 도인이 되기 위한 것이며, 이를 위해서는 수도 공부를 해야만 한다. 수도는 춘추시기 노자 이래로 유구한 문화적 전통을 지닌 것이지만, 대순진리회는 한국사회 역사의 경향과 현실의 필요에 부응하여 수도 이론을 새롭게 수립하였다. 이를 살펴보면, 대순진리회는 수도자가 '성(誠), 경(敬), 신(信)'에 힘쓰는 품격 함양을 매우 중시한다. 또 도인들이 가정의 화목에 힘써야 하며, 솔선수범하는 도인으로서 사회의 모범이 되어야 한다고 말한다. 이렇게 볼 때, 대순진리회는 '인도'(人道)를 함양함을 강조하고 있으며, 이것은 전통적인 유가에서 말하는 '수신, 제가' (修身, 齊家)의 정신과 그 의미가 맞닿아 있다. 또한 중국 도교의 '선도(仙道)를 이루고자 하면 먼저 인도(人道)를 행하라'는 사상적 취지와도 일치한다. 대순진리회에서 수도의 최종 목표는 도통이다. 도통은 수도자가 매우 높은 경지에 이르게 되었을 때 가지는 특수한 능력과 정신의 경지이다. '도통'에 대한 기록은 『장자·제물론』, 『문자』의 「부언편>(符言篇) 등에서 찾아볼 수 있는데, 대순진리회가 말하는 도통은 중국의 도가 전통에 보이는 도통과도 연관되지만 강한 인륜수양(人倫修養)적 특색을 지니고 있다는 점에서 차이가 있다. 이것은 대순진리회가 가지는 중요한 인문적 함의라 하겠다. 대순진리회는 수도 공부로써 광제창생·보국안민·지상천국건설의 사회적 이상을 실현하고자 한다. 조화로운 사회적 관계를 수립하기 위한 토대는 대순진리회의 종지 첫 번째인 음양합덕이다. 음양합덕은 대순진리의 인문 취지의 이론적 기초를 형성하는 사상이다. 음양합덕의 철학적 사고는 종지 두 번째인 신인조화(神人調化)의 이상으로 이어진다. 신인조화는 『상서·순전』(尙書·舜典)의 신인이화(神人以和)에서 그 사상적 연원을 찾아 볼 수 있다. 다만 신인이화가 율려 조화의 '결과'를 표현한 것이라면, 신인조화에서 중시하는 것은 '과정'이며 인간과 신의 상호작용이라는 점에 그 특징이 있다. 신인조화를 이루기 위해서는 공부를 해야 하며, 그 배후에는 인본(人本)의 사상이 깃들어 있다. 그것은 종지 세 번째인 '해원상생'의 내용에서 더욱 명확하게 드러난다. 신인조화가 인간과 신의 관계를 조화롭게 하는 것을 말한다면, 해원상생은 인간과 인간의 관계를 조화롭게 하는 것을 말한다. 또 다른 한편으로는 긴 역사의 과정 속에서 맺힌 원을 풀어 우주의 기운을 잘 통할 수 있게 하고 인간 사회의 정상적인 교류를 이루도록 한다. 이러한 내용은 사회적인 인문적 관심과 배려를 다분히 포함하고 있는 것이다. 대순진리회의 종지 네 번째인 도통진경은 수도의 가장 높은 경지를 말하는데, 이러한 이념은 노장 일파의 도가 학자들이 말한 순박한 본성으로 회귀하자는 정신에서 그 원류를 찾을 수 있을 것이다. 또한 이는 한진(漢晉)시대 이래 중국 도교가 추구했던 '진경' 의 의미와도 합치된다. 그러나 시대와 환경이 다름으로 인해, 대순진리회의 '진경'은 사회생활의 의미까지 내포한다. 비록 대순진리회의 경전이 인본(人本)을 명확히 밝히고 있지는 않으나, 대순진리회의 요의(要義) 중 하나인 인존사상은 대순진리회의 인문정신을 말해주는 것이다. 인존사상의 직접적인 기능은 평안(平安)으로서 삶을 이롭게 하는 것이다. 대순진리회는 우주대원의 진리를 '도'라 하였는데 이러한 '도'는 중국의 도가에서 말하는 '도'와 동일하며, 여기에는 '안(安)'의 의미가 포함되어 있다. 대순진리회의 신조 중 '안심', '안신'은 마음을 정(靜)하게 하고, 몸을 편하게 하는 것으로 볼 수 있지만, 심신의 공포와 두려움을 떨쳐내어 안전과 보호를 얻는다는 의미도 있으므로 결국 평안이 전제가 된다. 이렇듯 대순진리회에서는 '평안에 대한 희구'를 근본으로 하여 신앙인들이 열심히 수도에 정진하고 있다. 대순진리회가 인류 평안을 기본으로 하는 종교라는 점에서, 반드시 세인들의 환영을 받을 것임을 믿어 의심치 않는다.

The Aspects of Change of Sijo (시조의 변이 양상)

  • Kang Myeoung-Hye
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.24
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    • pp.5-46
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    • 2006
  • Korean verse has flexibly changed its form and contents according to the historical background of the times. This fact arouses reader sympathy because it has reflected ideas, historical aspects and realities of the times. However, korean verse has kept its own characteristics in some ways, allowing it to exist today. It holds its form as 3 verses of three by three or four meter and three letters of the last of three verses. It makes every different version which has specific aspects of each times in the same 'sijo' area. 'Sijo' in Korean poems, is the first form that has been changed from formal to private functionally. As a result of that common verses in the Goryeo to Joseon eras were going with the stream of the times. Verse was the plate for justice so that there was no double meaning, symbols, or technical sentences. It had to show the idea of Myungchundo Jwonginryun. The theme was commonly fitted within certain areas. such as blessings, fidelity, devotion, etc. Around the end of the Joseon era, there was activation of private verses - a form of sijo with no restrictions on the length of the first two verses. Some ideas had been changed because Sarimpa gained power, domestic conflict, and the introduction of practical science. These things had an effect on the form of Sijo. After all, it shows the ideas of collapsing feudalism, resistance of confucian ideas, equality of the sexes, and opposition to the group who rule the government. Thus Sasul Sijo seems to have the tendency of resistance to reality. It was a specialty of realism poetry It explained our life in detail and reflected real life by being an intermediary of realism. This met and represented the demand of a reader's expectations. After 1905, there was new form of sijo that is very different, in form and content, from the previous versions. It was even different in areas of what people accepted. They started to think sijo was not the form of lyrical verse that is once was. It became a 'record of reading'. The form changed to 'hung or huhung' that satirized the times and the ending of a word in the last verse. Although this form could deliver the tension in statement, it was too iu from the original form. Therefore, it didn't last long, and its position got smaller because of the free verse that had western influence and was emerging in the times. In the middle of 1920, there was a movement of Sijo revival. It was lead by Choinamsun. He wrote poems and Sijo which were effected by western ideas in his early works. Although he worked with that, he took the lead in the movement of Sijo revival. He published the collection of Sijo $\ulcorner$Baekpalbunnwoi$\lrcorner$ that has one major theme-patriotic sentiment. He thought an ancient poem was a part of racial characteristics so that he expressed the main theme which represented the times and situations of his era. Modern Sijo is difficult. Sijo has to have modern and Korean verse characteristics at the same time. If it considers a modern aspect too much, it could not be distinguished from sijo and free verse. If it overly leans toward Sijo. it would seem to be too conservative which it then could be said to have no real charm of a poem. In spite of these problems, it is written constantly, because it has its own specialty. It has been focused on some works because they reflect awareness of modern times, the democratic idea, and realism. Overall, the authors of Modern Sijo express various themes by using different forms. The more what we can guess in this work, Sijo will exist permanently because of its flexibility. Furthermore, one special characteristic-flexibility of the korean verse will make it last forever and it will be a genre in Korean poetry.

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Characteristics and classification of paddy soils on the Gimje-Mangyeong plains (김제만경평야(金堤萬頃平野)의 답토양특성(沓土壤特性)과 그 분류(分類)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Shin, Yong Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.1-38
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    • 1972
  • This study, designed to establish a classification system of paddy soils and suitability groups on productivity and management of paddy land based on soil characteristics, has been made for the paddy soils on the Gimje-Mangyeong plains. The morphological, physical and chemical properties of the 15 paddy soil series found on these plains are briefly as follows: Ten soil series (Baeggu, Bongnam, Buyong, Gimje, Gongdeog, Honam, Jeonbug, Jisan, Mangyeong and Suam) have a B horizon (cambic B), two soil series (Geugrag and Hwadong) have a Bt horizon (argillic B), and three soil series (Gwanghwal, Hwagye and Sindab) have no B or Bt horizons. Uniquely, both the Bongnam and Gongdeog series contain a muck layer in the lower part of subsoil. Four soil series (Baeggu, Gongdeog, Gwanghwal and Sindab) generally are bluish gray and dark gray, and eight soil series (Bongnam, Buyong, Gimje, Honam, Jeonbug, Jisan, Mangyeong and Suam) are either gray or grayish brown. Three soil series (Geugrag, Hwadong and Hwagye), however, are partially gleyed in the surface and subsurface, but have a yellowish brown to brown subsoil or substrata. Seven soil series (Bongnam, Buyong, Geugrag, Gimje, Gongdeog, Honam and Hwadong) are of fine clayey texture, three soil series (Baeggu, Jeonbug and Jisan) belong to fine loamy and fine silty, three soil series (Gwanghwal, Mangyeong and Suam) to coarse loamy and coarse silty, and two soil series (Hwagye and Sindab) to sandy and sandy skeletal texture classes. The carbon content of the surface soil ranges from 0.29 to 2.18 percent, mostly 1.0 to 2.0 percent. The total nitrogen content of the surface soil ranges from 0.03 to 0.25 percent, showing a tendency to decrease irregularly with depth. The C/N ratio in the surface soil ranges from 4.6 to 15.5, dominantly from 8 to 10. The C/N ratio in the subsoil and substrata, however, has a wide range from 3.0 to 20.25. The soil reaction ranges from 4.5 to 8.0. All soil series except the Gwanghwal and Mangyeong series belong to the acid reaction class. The cation exchange cpacity in the surface soil ranges from 5 to 13 milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil, and in all the subsoil and substrata except those of a sandy texture, from 10 to 20 milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil. The base saturation of the soil series except Baeggu and Gongdeog is more than 60 percent. The active iron content of the surface soil ranges from 0.45 to 1.81 ppm, easily-reduceable manganese from 15 to 148 ppm, and available silica from 36 to 366 ppm. The iron and manganese are generally accumulated in a similar position (10 to 70cm. depth), and silica occurs in the same horizon with that of iron and manganese, or in the deeper horizons in the soil profile. The properties of each soil series extending from the sea shore towards the continental plains change with distance and they are related with distance (x) as follows: y(surface soil, clay content) = $$-0.2491x^2+6.0388x-1.1251$$ y(subsoil or subsurface soil, clay content) = $$-0.31646x^2+7.84818x-2.50008$$ y(surface soil, organic carbon content) = $$-0.0089x^2+0.2192x+0.1366$$ y(subsoil or subsurface soil, pH) = $$-0.0178x^2-0.04534x+8.3531$$ Soil profile development, soil color, depositional and organic layers, soil texture and soil reaction etc. are thought to be the major items that should be considered in a paddy soil classification. It was found that most of the soils belonging to the moderately well, somewhat poorly and poorly drained fine and medium textured soils and moderately deep fine textured soils over coarse materials, produce higher paddy yields in excess of 3,750 kg/ha. and most of the soils belonging to the coarse textured soils, well drained fine textured soils, moderately deep medium textured soils over coarse materials and saline soils, produce yields less than 3,750kg/ha. Soil texture of the profile, available soil depth, salinity and gleying of the surface and subsurface soils etc. seem to be the major factors determining rice yields, and these factors are considered when establishing suitability groups for paddy land. The great group, group, subgroup, family and series are proposed for the classification categories of paddy soils. The soil series is the basic category of the classification. The argillic horizon (Bt horizon) and cambic horizon (B horizon) are proposed as two diagnostic horizons of great group level for the determination of the morphological properties of soils in the classification. The specific soil characteristics considered in the group and subgroup levels are soil color of the profile (bluish gray, gray or yellowish brown), salinity (salic), depositonal (fluvic) and muck layers (mucky), and gleying of surface and subsurface soils (gleyic). The family levels are classified on the basis of soil reaction, soil texture and gravel content of the profile. The definitions are given on each classification category, diagnostic horizons and specific soil characteristics respectively. The soils on these plains are classified in eight subgroups and examined under the existing classification system. Further, the suitability group, can be divided into two major categories, suitability class and subclass. The soils within a suitability class are similar in potential productivity and limitation on use and management. Class 1 through 4 are distinguished from each other by combination of soil characteristics. Subclasses are divided from classes that have the same kind of dominant limitations such as slope(e), wettness(w), sandy(s), gravels(g), salinity(t) and non-gleying of the surface and subsurface soils(n). The above suitability classes and subclasses are examined, and the definitions are given. Seven subclasses are found on these plains for paddy soils. The classification and suitability group of 15 paddy soil series on the Gimje-Mangyeong plains may now be tabulated as follows.

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