• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기형지수

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Marine Algal Flora and Community Structure of Gogunsan Islands outside the Saemangeum Dike (새만금 방조제 외측 고군산군도 지역의 해조상 및 군집구조)

  • Kim, Ju-Hee;Ko, Yong-Deok;Kim, Young-Sik;Nam, Ki-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.156-165
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    • 2011
  • It is selected seven sites for marine algal flora and community structure and investigated seasonally from December 2008 to November 2009 in Gogunsan Islands, the west coast of Korea. A total of 58 species including 10 green, 16 brown and 32 red algae were collected and identified. Among these species, 11 species were found throughout the year. Annual mean biomass in dry weight were 213.8 g $m^{-2}$ at Sinsido 1, 143.1 g $m^{-2}$ at Sinsido 2, 133.3 g $m^{-2}$ at Sinsido 3, 164.0 g $m^{-2}$ at Munyeodo, 116.9 g $m^{-2}$ at Seonyudo, and 145.1 g $m^{-2}$ at Jangjado. Maximum biomass was recorded in Sinsido 1, and minimum mean biomass was Sinsido 4. The dominant species based on biomass were Sargassum thunbergii, Ulva pertusa, Sargassum fusiforme and Corallina pilulifera. S. thunbergii was the representative alga occurred at all seasons. The flora investigated could be classified into six functional groups such as coarsely branched form (46.6%), filamentous form (27.6%), sheet form (17.2%), thick leathery form (3.4%), jointed calcareous form (3.4%) and crustose form (1.7%). The R/P, C/P and (R+C)/P value reflecting flora characteristics were 0.33~0.75, 1.11~2.50, 1.47~3.25, respectively. Diversity index (H') and dominance index (DI) indicated that stability of seaweed community of Gogunsan Islands was unstable and environmental conditions were bad. According to multidimensional scaling (MDS) and cluster analysis, Gogunsan Islands were divided into three distinct groups. The first group was Sinsido 2, Sinsido 3, Seonyudo and Muyeodo and the second group comprised Sinsido 1 and Jangjado and the other was Sinsido 4 due to meaningful difference in similarity.

Effect of Saengmaec-san on the Level of Blood Glucose and Serum Components in Streptozocin-Induced Diabetic Rats (생맥산의 식이가 Streptozocin으로 유도된 당뇨 Rat의 혈당과 혈청 성분 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Jin;Yang, Hye-Jin;Kim, Mi-Hwan;Ryu, Gi-Hyung;Jung, Ji-Youn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.9
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    • pp.1179-1186
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of saengmaec-san on the level of blood glucose and serum components in streptozocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. The experimental groups were divided into normal group (normal), diabetic control group (Dia-control), 10% saengmaec-san (white ginseng) group (DA), 10% saengmaec-san (fermented white ginseng) group (DB), 10% saengmaec-san (fermented red ginseng) group (DC), 5% saengmaec-san (extruded and fermented white ginseng) group (DDL), 10% saengmaec-san (extruded and fermented white ginseng) group (DDH). The body weight after induction of diabetes was 85.4% in the Dia-control group compared with the normal group. But in the DA group, the body weight showed clear sign of recovery almost normal level after administration of saengmaec-san for two weeks. The food efficiency ratios (FER) were 5.94% in the normal group. But it was significantly decreased in the Dia-control group (0.58%). All the treatment groups showed increase of FER compared with the Dia-control group. The level of blood glucose was significantly increased in the STZ-induced diabetes groups but it was decreased in all the treatment groups after administration for 2 weeks. Serum creatinine level were significantly higher in the STZ-induced diabetes groups and after administration of saengmaeg-san for 2 weeks while the level of serum creatinine was decreased 33.3% in the DB group. After administration of saengmaec-san for two weeks, serum total cholesterol level were significantly lower in all treatment groups than the first day of the total cholesterol level. The level of serum triglyceride was increased in all the treatment groups compared with the first day of triglyceride level. The level of serum HDL-cholesterol, after STZ-induced diabetes, was decreased in all treatment groups but particularly in the DDL and DDH groups increased HDL-cholesterol level compared with the first day of the saengmaec-san administration. Compared with the beginning of experiment, Atherogenic index (AI) were significantly decreased in all treatment groups than the Dia-control group and showed clear sign of recovery almost normal level. These results suggested that the saengmaec-san could be developed as an antidiabetic agent.

Guideline in the Management of Antenatally Diagnosed Unilateral Hydronephrosis (산전 초음파로 발견된 수신증의 치료 방침)

  • Hahn Hye-Won;Jun Nu-Lee;Kim Kun-Seok;Moon Dae-Hyuk;Yoon Chong-Hyun;Park Young-Seo
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.60-66
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : Neonatal hydronephrosis has been detected with increasing frequency with the widespread use of prenatal ultrasonography, but the consensus about its postnatal management has not yet been reached, especially about surgical intervention. We attempted to determine the guideline of follow-up study and surgical intervention of hydronephrosis by analyzing clinical outcomes of neonates with hydronephrosis. Materials and Methods : Between 1994 and 2000, 128 hydronephrotic kidneys were postnatally confirmed. Cases associated with other urologic anomalies were excluded and 90 unilateral hydronephrotic kidneys with a minimum follow-up of 12 months were enrolled in this study. We classified the patients into 6 groups according to the anterior posterior pelvic diameter(APPD) at initial ultrasonography(USG) within 1 month after birth. Renal USG and $Tc^{99m}-mercaptoacetyl$ triglycerine(MAG3) scan were done according to a set protocol, and pyeloplasty was performed when indicated according to our protocol. Results : Most cases whose APPD were below 10 mm improved or resolved. Only few cases with APPD above 20 mm showed spontaneous improvement and most(88%) had undergone operation. Those with initial APPD within 10-19 mm showed variable outcomes. When the risk factors for irreversible renal functional deterioration were analyzed, the age at pyeloplasty and pre-operative functional deficit were significant. Conclusion : We concluded that in infants with initial APPD below 10 mm, consideration of surgery is not needed, and in those with initial APPD above 20 mm, early operation is recommended. Our set protocol based on initial USG is useful, but the cut-off value of relative renal function(RRF) for operation might be increased to 40% to improve post operative RRF.

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Influences of Die Temperature and Repeated Extrusion on Physical Properties of Extruded White Ginseng (사출구 온도와 반복 압출성형이 백삼압출성형물의 물리적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Kwan-Hyung;Ryu, Gi-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.921-927
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of die temperature and repeated extrusion on physical properties of extruded white ginseng (EWG). The die temperature was adjusted to 100, 120, and $140^{\circ}C$, and extrusion was repeated under the same conditions with their corresponding samples. Specific mechanical energy input decreased as die temperature increased during extrusions. The secondary extruded white ginseng (SEWG) at a die temperature of $120^{\circ}C$ showed a higher expansion index than other extrudates. Elevation of both die temperature and repeated extrusion increased the specific length of extrudates. The highest apparent elastic modulus, breaking strength, and water solubility index obtained from SEWG at a die temperature of $100^{\circ}C$ were $7.53{\times}10^8N/m^2$, $7.49{\times}10^5N/m^2$, and 39.02%, respectively. When die temperature increased, water absorption index (WAI) decreased. The WAI of SEWG was higher than that of EWG. In conclusion, repeated extrusion affected physical properties of white ginseng and could be applied to produce improved quality of ginseng products.

Early Result of Surgical Management of the Anomalous Origin of the Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery (관상동맥-폐동맥 이상 기시증에 대한 수술의 조기 결과)

  • Yoon Yoo Sang;Park Jeong Jun;Yun Tae Jin;Kim Young Hwue;Ko Jae Kon;Park In Sook;Seo Dong Man
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.1 s.258
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    • pp.18-27
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    • 2006
  • Background: Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) is a rare congenital anomaly, but is one of the most common causes of myocardial ischemia which would result in high mortality within the first year of life. This is our early result of the surgical management for these patients. Material and Method: From June 1989 to July 2003, 6 patients with ALCAPA and one patient with ARCAPA (Anomalous origin of the Right coronary artery from the pulmonary artery) underwent surgical repair. We have reviewed the all medical records, electrocardiogram, chest X-ray and echocardiography retrospectively. Result: Three of the patients were boys and four were girls. The median age at the operation was 5.4 months (Range: 3$\∼$33 months). The average body weight of at the operation was 6.7 kg (Range: 3.7$\∼$11.3 kg). A mean follow up period was 18 months. Only 3 patients were initially diagnosed as ALCAPA. And 3 patients had moderate mitral regurgitation. Immediate coronary artery reimplantation on diagnosis with the aim of restoring a two-coronary system circulation was done. The average bypass time was 114$\pm$37 minutes, and the average aortic cross clamping time was 55$\pm$22 minutes. The average stay of intensive care unit was 5$\pm$3 days, the mean mechanical ventilator time was 38$\pm$45 hours and the hospital stay after operation was 12$\pm$5 days. There were significant improvements in electrocardiogram and chest X-ray of the all patients except one late death patient. The ventricular function showed almost normal recovery after operation; the EF (Ejection Fraction) increased from 41.2$\pm$ 10.3$\%$ to 60.5$\pm$ 15.8$\%$ within 1 month and to 59.8$\pm$13.9$\%$ within 1 year after operation, the SF (Shortening Fraction) increased from 23.6$\pm$4.7$\%$ to 38.6$\pm$8.4$\%$ within 1 month and to 37.4$\pm$7.9$\%$ within 1 year after operation, LVEDDI (Left Ventricular End-diastolic Dimension Index) decreased from 100.8$\pm$25.6 mm/$m^{2}$ to 90.3$\pm$ 19.2 mm/$m^{2}$ within f month and to 79.3$\pm$ 15.8 mm/$m^{2}$ within 1 year after operation. Concomitant mitral repair was done in two patients with anterior mitral leaflet prolapse. In every patient, mitral valve showed less than mild regurgitation during follow up. One late death occurred in which patient Dor procedure was applied 10 months after initial operation due to the dilated cardiomyopathy Conclusion: In the management of this rare and could be fatal Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA), early suspicion and correct diagnosis is of most important. But, after diagnosis, immediate restoration of 2 coronary systems could result in good outcome.

The ages and stages questionnaire: screening for developmental delay in the setting of a pediatric outpatient clinic (ASQ :소아과외래에서의 발달지연 선별검사)

  • Kim, Eun Young;Sung, In Kyung
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.11
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    • pp.1061-1066
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : Early identification of developmental disabilities allows intervention at the earliest possible point to improve the developmental potential. The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), a parent- completed questionnaire, can be used as a substitute for formal screening tests. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity of the Korean version of the ASQ (K-ASQ) as a screening tool for detecting developmental delay of young Korean children in the setting of a busy pediatric outpatient clinic. Methods : Parents completed the K-ASQ in the waiting room of the pediatric outpatient clinic of St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic University Medical College. Out of 150 completed the ASQ, 67 who were born term and had no previous diagnosis of developmental delay, congenital anomalies, or neurological abnormalities were enrolled. The cut-off values of less than 2 standard deviations (SD) below the mean for the ASQ were used to define a "fail", and children who failed in one or more domains tested were classified as "screen-positive". Diagnosis of developmental delay was made when the developmental indices fell below -1 SD of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development-II. Results : (1) The mean age of children was $16.4{\pm}7.4$ months. Ten children (14.9%) were small-for- gestational age infants. The mean birth weight and gestational age were $3.1{\pm}0.6kg$ and $38.8{\pm}1.4$ weeks. Nine children (13.4%) were twins and 33 (49.0%) were male. The mean maternal education in years was $13.6{\pm}2.4$, and 31.3% had full-time jobs. The time for completing the ASQ was $10.2{\pm}3.0$ minutes. (2) Seventeen children (25.4%) were classified as screen-positive, four of them were delayed in development. Among eight children diagnosed with developmental delay, four were screen-positive and the other four were screen-negative by the ASQ. (3) The test characteristics of the ASQ were as follows: sensitivity (50.0%); specificity (78.0%); positive predictive value (23.5%); negative predictive value (92.0%). Conclusion : The high negative predictive value of the K-ASQ supports its use as a screening tool for developmental delay in the setting of a pediatric outpatient clinic.

A Case of Child with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Recurred after Adenotonsillectomy (편도 및 아데노이드 절제술 후 재발한 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡 증후군 소아 1례)

  • Kim, Cu-Rie;Kim, Dong-Soon;Seo, Hyun-Joo;Shin, Hong-Beom;Kim, Eui-Joong;Shim, Hyun-Joon;Ahn, Young-Min
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.94-99
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    • 2008
  • The most common cause of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in childhood is adenotonsillar hypertrophy. Adenotonsillectomy improves the symptoms quite well in most cases. However, some patients could experience the OSAS again after adenotonsillectomy, who might have several risk factors such as incomplete operation, misdiagnosis, combined anatomical malformation, sinusitis or chronic allergic rhinitis, obesity, initial severe OSAS, and early onset OSAS. We report a case of 11-year-old obese boy who presented with snoring for several years. He was obese with body mass index (BMI) of $26.3kg/m^2$ and also found to have fatty liver by ultrasonogram. Initial polysomnography (PSG) showed that he met the criteria of severe OSAS with the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) of 70.5. He underwent adenotonsillectomy and symptoms improved immediately. Four months later symptoms were relieved with AHI of 0, but 1 year after the adenotonsillectomy he started to complain snoring again and the subsequent PSG results showed that OSAS has relapsed with AHI of 43. Paranasal sinus X-ray and physical examination showed sinusitis and re-growth of adenoid. Obesity was proved not to be a contributing factor because his BMI decreased to normal range ($23.1kg/m^2$) after diet control and regular exercise. Also, liver transaminase was normalized and fatty liver was disappeared on follow-up abdominal ultrasonogram. After treatment of sinusitis, symptoms were relieved with decreased AHI (8.5). This case suggests that simple adenotonsillectomy might not be the end of OSAS treatment in childhood. Patients who had adenotonsillectomy should be followed by subsequent PSG if symptoms recur. It is also important to be aware of risk factors in the recurrent OSAS for the proper intervention according to the cause.

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Effect of Chestnut on lipid Metabolism and Antithrombotic Capacity in Rats (랫드에서 밤의 과육 및 내피가 지방대사 및 항혈전능에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, So-Jung;Kim, Mi-Hwan;Kim, Jin;Kim, Hyeong-Jin;Kim, Soo-Hyun;Lee, Seung-Ho;Park, Young-Seok;Park, Byung-Kwon;Kim, Byeong-Soo;Kim, Sang-Ki;Choi, Chang-Sun;Ryu, Gi-Hyung;Jung, Ji-Youn
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2009
  • This study was performed to investigate the effect of dried powder of chestnut on lipid metabolism, anti-thrombotic effect in rats. Thirty 5-week-old male Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were randomly allocated into five groups and used for experiment. We examined the lipid metabolism and antithrombotic capacity of SD rats administered for 5 weeks with 0.16 g/kg, 0.5 g/kg chestnut flesh powder and 0.16 g/kg, 0.5 g/kg chestnut inner shell and flesh powder mixture, respectively. Food intake, body weight gain and food efficiency ratio were also checked. The levels of serum triglyceride and tree fatty acid were not statistically significant between the all experimental groups. However, the antithrombotic capacity and total lipid levels of the treatment groups were significantly lower than those of the negative control group. These results suggest that the supplementation of chestnut on diet lower the total lipid level in SD rats.

Developmental Abnormality in Agricultural Region and Toxicity of the Fungicide Benomyl on Korea salamander, Hynobius leechii (한국산 도롱뇽(Hynobius leechii)의 농경지에서의 배 발생 이상과 살균제 Benomyl의 독성효과)

  • Choi, Yeoung-Ju;Yoon, Chun-Sik;Park, Joo-Hung;Jin, Jung-Hyo;Cheong, Seon-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.35 no.3 s.99
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    • pp.198-212
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    • 2002
  • A numerical variation and abnormalities were studied on egg bags and embryos of Korean salamander, Hynobius leechii from agricultural habitat. The teratogenic and toxic effects of fungicide benomyl were also investigated with early embryos from non-agricultural habitat. We collected 144 egg bags from agricultural region, and 3418 of early embryos were contained. The lengths of egg bags were varied from 10 to 23 cm and the most frequent length was 19 cm. The number of embryos was varied from 7 to 43, and the most frequent range was 22 to 26. Spontaneous abnormalities were occurred in 406 embryos among 116 egg bags, and 24 kinds of external abnormalities were found. Individuals showing severe external defect were histologically studied and they showed optic dyspalsia, thyroid carcinoma, somatic muscular dysplasia, partial biaxial structure, decrease of red blood cells in the heart, cephalic degeneration and intestinal dysplasia. 385 embryos from non-agricultural region were exposed to 200 nM${\sim}$ 1 ${\mu}$M of benomyl at blastula or gastrula for 12 days. All embryo were dead in the concentration of 1 ${\mu}$M (LD$_{100}$) and 75% of embryos were dead in 800nM of benomyl. Speciflc effect due to benomyl was acrania or cephalic dysplasia and this restult suggests that the benomyl inhibit stongly to the development of neural tissue. These abnormal developments may be caused by antimitotic action, inhibition of tubulin complex, destruction of microtubule, inhibitions of neurulation and closing of neural fold, and by the inhibition of the movement of neural crest cells.