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Three Coitocoecid Trematodes (Digenea:Opecoelidae) from the Marine Fish of the Korean Southern Sea (한국 남해안 해산어에 기생하는 결맹흡충(Coitocoecum) 속 흡충류 3종)

  • Kim, Ki-Hong;Hwang, Yoon-Jung;Huh, Sung-Hoi
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 1998
  • Three species of Coitocoecum, C. orthorchis, C. latum and C. glandulosum were found from the marine fish of the Korean southern sea. Among them, C. latum and C. glandulosum were reported for the first time in Korea, and Acanthopagrus schlegeli was recorded as a new host species for C. glandulosum. Two species, C. acanthogobium and C. koreanum, reported by Park (1939) were treated as synomyms of C. orthorchis.

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Transfer of Cobitis laterimaculata to the Genus Niwaella (Cobitidae) (Cobitis laterimaculata의 속(屬)의 이동(移動))

  • Son, Yeong-Mok;He, Shun-Ping
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2001
  • Taxonomic review of Cobitis laterimaculata was carried out based on 17 specimens collected from the Caozejiang River, Huangzezhen, Shengxian county, Zhejiang province, China. The species shares several notable characters with Niwaella spp., including the posterior position of the dorsal fin, small head, color pattern without pigmentary zones of Gambetta, short and curved suborbital spine, short and subequal barbels, strong carina on caudal peduncle, and lack of a lamina circularis on the pectoral fin base in males. We conclude that Cobitis laterimaculata should be transferred from Cobitis to Niwaella.

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New Record of the Yellowfin Scorpionfish, Scorpaenopsis neglecta (Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae) from the Coastal Waters of Jeju Island, Korea (제주도 연안 해역에서 채집된 양볼락과 쑥감펭속 한국미기록종, Scorpaenopsis neglecta)

  • Kim, Byung-Jik;An, Jung-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.243-248
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    • 2015
  • Based on three scorpionfish specimens (131.8~163.4 mm SL) collected from the coastal waters of Jeju Island, we described Scorpaenopsis neglecta as the first record from Korea. They were characterized by having 12 dorsal fin spines, lacking of palatal teeth and of black pigment between the first and third dorsal fin spines, wider interorbital region than orbital diameter, no median interorbital ridge, uppermost opercular spine with multicusps, and a broad blackish band distally and numerous various sized black spots on inner side of pectoral fin. We proposed a new Korean name, "Ssol-chi-u-reug" for the species.

First Record of Gymnogobius cylindricus (Perciformes: Gobiidae) from Incheon River Estuary, Jeonbuk-do, Korea (전북 인천강 하구역에서 출현한 망둑어과(농어목) 한국미기록종, Gymnogobius cylindricus)

  • Kim, Byung-Jik;Song, Ho-Bok;An, Jung-Hyun;Choi, Seung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.173-177
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    • 2013
  • Based on a single specimen (49.9 mm SL) collected from Incheon River estuary, south-western Korea, Gymnogobius cylindricus was described as the first record from Korea as well as the westernmost record of the world. The species is characterized by having a large maxilla extend far beyond posterior margin of eye, dorsal fin with VI-I, 12 rays, anal fin with I, 11 rays, and without dark blotches and dots on lower part of body and caudal fin, respectively. A new Korean name, "Ga-neunsal-mang-dug" is proposed for the species.

Morphological Description of Three Species of Pufferfishes (Tetraodontidae) from India (인도산 참복과(Tetraodontidae) 어류 3종의 형태 기재)

  • Han, Kyeong-Ho;Baek, Jeong-Ik;Shin, Lim-Soo;Kim, Hui-Jin;Yoon, Byeong-Il;Hwang, Jae-Ho;Lee, Seong-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2017
  • Three species of pufferfishes (family Tetraodontidae) were examined to determine their morphological characteristics based on meristics, morphometrics, olfactory organs, and lateral line systems of specimens collected from the Chennai Fish Market in Tamil Nadu, India, in December 2016. The three species, which are all previously unreported in Korea, are Chelonodon patoca (Hamilton, 1822), Lagocephalus spadiceus (Richardson, 1845), and Arothron immaculatus (Bloch and Schneider, 1801). For nostril shape, fishes of the genus Lagocephalus have two nostrils, while Arothron and Chelonodon have none. Fishes of the genera Lagocephalus and Arothron have a single well-developed lateral line on the body, while Chelonodon fishes have two lateral lines that merge on the caudal peduncle.

Productivity Profiles of Korean Inventors: A First Look at the Korean Inventor Panel Data (한국 개발자 패널데이터를 이용한 기술개발자의 생애주기 생산성 분석)

  • Kim, Jinyoung
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.161-186
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    • 2018
  • Albeit numerous endeavors in matching names and surveying inventors, inventor-level studies of patent data have been scarce because unique inventors can not be identified across patents. Using the Korean patent data with inventor IDs, birth year, and gender available, we construct unique inventor-level panel data. As the first undertaking with our data, we investigate the age profile of patent productivity among inventors. We find an inverted U-shaped profile with the peak at age 31. We also find an increasing productivity for younger cohorts of inventors. These findings are robust after we control for the calendar year effects and the quality of patents.

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A Study of classification the predicate in "Biwiron(脾胃論)" (비위론에 기재된 술어의 분류에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Myung-Hee;Lee, Byung-Wook;Kim, Eun-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.163-186
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    • 2010
  • Objective and Background : Attempt to express knowledge by IT is the current of the times, knowledge of the oriental medicine have to meet the needs of the times. It takes 'classification system of the oriental medicine terms' and 'system of the predicate' for explaining the relation between concepts to express knowledge by IT technique. Researches for 'classification system of the oriental medicine terms' are in progress already, researches for 'system of the predicate' are insufficient. Subject of study : We proceeded to study of the predicate in Idongwon(李東垣)'s "Biwiron(脾胃論)" has clear theory system and considerable influence upon knowledge of the oriental medicine for studying 'system of the predicate' which expresses knowledge of the oriental medicine in early stage. Method : Acquire Chinese play a predicate part in "Biwiron(脾胃論)", translate the Chinese to answer the context, group the similar predicate, decide representative predicate of group. And attempt to make classification system of the representative predicate with Term management system based on SQL Server 2005. Results and Considerations : I classify the predicate which predicate diagnosis, treatment, symptoms and knowledge of the oriental medicine into existence, condition, cognition and will. This classification seems to be useful to explain factors which have an effect on demonstration and treatment.

소음인(少陰人) 신수열표열병(賢受熱表熱病)과 상한(傷寒) 유관병증(有關病證)의 비교 고찰 -대우사상소음인(對于四象少陰人) 신수열표열병여(賢受熱表熱病與) 상한(傷寒) 유관(有關) 병증적(病證的) 비교고찰(比較考察)

  • Heo, Gi-Hoe;Kim, Seong-Hwan;Lee, Yong-Beom
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.19 no.2 s.33
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    • pp.11-29
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    • 2006
  • 동의수세보원(東醫壽世保元)소음인편(少陰人篇), 유신수열표열병화위수한리한병양대부분조성(由賢受熱表熱病和胃受寒畵寒病兩大部分組成). 신수열표열병(賢受熱表熱病), 분위울광증(分爲鬱狂證), 망양증(亡陽證), 태양병궐음증등삼개병증(太陽病厥陰證等三個病證). 상한론적하초축혈증시사기재하조적혈증(傷寒論的下焦血證是邪氣在下蕉魚的血證), 용저당탕(用抵當湯), 도인승기탕등파열해열지제치료(桃仁承氣湯等破血解熱之劑治療). 단동무인위상한하초축혈증위울축방광증(但東武認爲傷寒下蕉蓄血證爲鬱蓄醫謗胱證) 기병기시신국양기피사소거(其病機是賢局陽氣被邪所拒), 불능상소어비국(不能上疏於脾局), 울축방광(鬱蓄膀胱). 고동무장양기울축적병증시(故東武將陽氣鬱蓄的縮的病證視), 위울광증(爲鬱狂證), 장양기누설적한출시위망양증(將陽氣漏泄的汗出視寫亡陽證). 동무장태양상풍무한증(東武將太陽傷風無汗證), 하조축혈증(下蕉蓄血證), 귀속우울광초증(歸屬于鬱狂初證), 장열입혈실증(將熱入血室證), 양명병위가가실증(陽明病胃家實證), 귀속우울광중증(歸屬于鬱狂中證), 장양명병조열광언증(將陽明病湖熱狂言證), 귀속우울광말증(歸屬手驚狂末證), 장태양상풍한출증(將太陽傷風出證), 귀속우망양초증(歸屬于亡陽初證), 장양명병(將陽明病), 불오한(不惡寒) 반오열(反惡熱) 한자출증(汗自出證), 귀속우망양중증(歸屬手亡陽中證), 장양명병(將陽明病), 발열한다증(發熱汗多證), 귀속우망양말증(歸屬手亡陽末證). 타인위소음인음병당유복만자리(他認爲少陰人陰病當有腹題滿自利), 시병등증상(時病等症狀). 초기약무복통자리적증상이견궐음증(初起若無複痛自利的症狀而見厥歐陰證), 인위시정사상지일구이경기쇠갈소치(認爲是正邪相持日久而正氣衰竭所致).

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"동의보감(東醫寶鑑)"의 소양병(少陽病)에 대한 고찰

  • Lee, Ju-Hye;Lee, Yong-Beom
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.19 no.1 s.32
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    • pp.194-201
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    • 2006
  • 일반래설(一般來說), 상한소양병포괄소시호탕증(傷寒小陽病包括小柴胡湯證), 시호계지탕증(柴胡桂枝湯證), 대시호탕증(大柴胡湯證), 황금탕증(黃芩湯證), 시호계지건강탕증(柴胡桂枝乾薑湯證), 시호가용골모려탕증(柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯證). 가시한국대표성적임상의서(可是韓國代表性的臨床醫書)동의보감(東醫寶鑑), 주요재잡병편중(主要在雜病篇中)한(寒)문적소양형증용약리참천술료소양병(門的少陽形證用藥裏參闡術了少陽病) 종차가이간출(從此可以看出)동의보감(東醫寶鑑)대소양병적인식정도여(對少陽病的認識程度與一般的傷寒體系具有明顯的區別). 필자통과분석(筆者通過分析)동의보감(東醫寶鑑) 잡병편(雜病篇) 한(寒)당중적유관소양형증용약적조문(當中的有關少陽形證用藥的條文), 득출여하결론(得出如下結論): 동의보감(東醫寶鑑)당중(當中), 소양병시이구고(少陽病是以口苦), 인건(咽乾), 목현(目眩), 협만(脇滿), 건구(乾區), 왕래한열등증상위주(往來寒熱等症狀爲主), 발병부위시소양병호발부위태양양명지간화흉협(發病部位是少陽病好發部位太陽陽明之間和胸脇); 기재적주요치방시소시호탕(記載的主要治方是小柴胡湯), 황금탕(黃芩湯), 십조탕등삼개처방(十棗湯等三個處方). 종저일점가이간출(從這一點可以看出)동의보감(東醫寶鑑)불구니어(不拘泥於)상한론(傷寒論)적체계(的體系), 갱가중시실용성(更加重視實用性), 즉이증상위중심료해병정(卽以症狀爲中心了解病情), 심조갱가적합적치법여치방(尋更加適合的治法與治方). 기대금후능유인연구유관십조탕시부가이열입소양병치방화(期待今後能有人硏究有關十棗湯是否可以列入少陽病治方和)동의보감(東醫寶鑑)육경형증용약당중적표본개념(六經形證用藥當中的標本槪念).

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"黃帝內經"臨證擧要 ("황제내경(黃帝內經)"의 임증요점(臨證要點))

  • 왕홍도
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.8-11
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    • 2004
  • "황제내경(黃帝內經)"(간칭(簡稱)"내경(內經)")의 내용을 임상치료와 진단에서 사용하면서 얻은 체험을 종합해보면 다음과 같다. 1. "내경(內經)"에서는 병을 치료하는 방법과 기술에 있어서는 대부분 직접 어느 한 가지 질병에 어떠한 치료방법을 사용할 것과 그 치료방법의 구체적인 조작방법과 사용에 대하여 기록하고 있다. 이러한 기록은 저자가 진실로 보고 들은 것으로서 거짓됨이 없다. "내경(內經)"에는 치료 방법만으로도 침구(鍼灸), 약물요법(藥物療法)뿐만이 아니라 또한 방복수법(放腹水法)이 있으며, 물리강온법(物理降溫法), 단식요법(斷食療法), 수술절제법(手術切除法), 압추경동맥강온법(壓推頸動脈降溫法)(자절진사(刺節眞邪)), 견인(牽引), 자료(磁療) 및 "딸꾹질을 치료하는 세 가지 방법" 등 거의 30가지에 가까운 치료방법들이 기재되어 있다. 2. "내경('內經)"의 이론은 어느 한 사랑의 손에서 만들어진 것이 아니며 또한 어느 한 시기에 저술 된 것도 아니다. "각가학설(各家學說)"의 성격을 띠고 있다. 3. "내경('內經)"에서는 글귀가 간결하고 함축성이 아주 강하므로 한마디에 많은 뜻을 내포하고 있다. 그러므로 임상에서 사용할 때 그 뜻을 잘 이해하면서 사용해야 한다. 4. "내경(內經)"을 연구하는 사람들이 "내경(內經)"의 이론을 임상에서 사용할 때 가장 먼저 장중경선사(張仲景先師)를 본받아 여러 의학자들의 장점을 취해야 한다. "상한잡병론(傷寒雜病論)"에서는 곳곳에 내경(內經)"의 취지를 나타내고 있으며 내경(內經)" 에 나오는 방법을 치료의 원칙으로 삼고 있다. 치료원칙은 대부분 "음양응상대론(陰陽應象大論)의 기준으로 삼고 있다.

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