• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기술경쟁력 분석

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A Study on the Relationship of Learning, Innovation Capability and Innovation Outcome (학습, 혁신역량과 혁신성과 간의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kui-Won
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.380-420
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    • 2014
  • We increasingly see the importance of employees acquiring enough expert capability or innovation capability to prepare for ever growing uncertainties in their operation domains. However, despite the above circumstances, there have not been an enough number of researches on how operational input components for employees' innovation outcome, innovation activities such as acquisition, exercise and promotion effort of employee's innovation capability, and their resulting innovation outcome interact with each other. This trend is believed to have been resulted because most of the current researches on innovation focus on the units of country, industry and corporate entity levels but not on an individual corporation's innovation input components, innovation outcome and innovation activities themselves. Therefore, this study intends to avoid the currently prevalent study frames and views on innovation and focus more on the strategic policies required for the enhancement of an organization's innovation capabilities by quantitatively analyzing employees' innovation outcomes and their most suggested relevant innovation activities. The research model that this study deploys offers both linear and structural model on the trio of learning, innovation capability and innovation outcome, and then suggests the 4 relevant hypotheses which are quantitatively tested and analyzed as follows: Hypothesis 1] The different levels of innovation capability produce different innovation outcomes (accepted, p-value = 0.000<0.05). Hypothesis 2] The different amounts of learning time produce different innovation capabilities (rejected, p-value = 0.199, 0.220>0.05). Hypothesis 3] The different amounts of learning time produce different innovation outcomes. (accepted, p-value = 0.000<0.05). Hypothesis 4] the innovation capability acts as a significant parameter in the relationship of the amount of learning time and innovation outcome (structural modeling test). This structural model after the t-tests on Hypotheses 1 through 4 proves that irregular on-the-job training and e-learning directly affects the learning time factor while job experience level, employment period and capability level measurement also directly impacts on the innovation capability factor. Also this hypothesis gets further supported by the fact that the patent time absolutely and directly affects the innovation capability factor rather than the learning time factor. Through the 4 hypotheses, this study proposes as measures to maximize an organization's innovation outcome. firstly, frequent irregular on-the-job training that is based on an e-learning system, secondly, efficient innovation management of employment period, job skill levels, etc through active sponsorship and energization community of practice (CoP) as a form of irregular learning, and thirdly a model of Yί=f(e, i, s, t, w)+${\varepsilon}$ as an innovation outcome function that is soundly based on a smart system of capability level measurement. The innovation outcome function is what this study considers the most appropriate and important reference model.

A Study on Delay Causes and Tasks of Korean Performing Arts' Overseas Expansion (공연예술의 해외시장진출 지체요인 및 향후과제)

  • Kim, Sun-Young;Kwon, Byung-Woong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.215-225
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    • 2016
  • This study seeks to find an alternative to the requirement for proving the competitiveness of Korean performing arts before entering into the overseas market by deriving the factors causing entry into the market to be delayed based on an analysis of the current status. Between 2007 to 2014, the overseas revenues from Korean performing arts increased by 16.4% compared to the total amount of financial support, as the number of free performances given overseas and the average guaranteed number of performances overseas are both at a standstill. Also, the size of the audience increased by a mere 3.3 times, which is an even lower growth rate than that for the number of performances, 3.8 times, during the same period. Furthermore, the audience size per unit is suffering from long-term stagnation. The main causes are as follows: 1) applying one-dimensional methods to performing arts exchanges and expanding the overseas market, 2) the existing confused concepts between profit and non-profit contents, 3) the weaknesses of the market expansion strategy, because of programming practices focusing on providers, such as presenters and producers, rather than consumers. As a result, the necessary basic research, including consumer surveys, has not been done yet. In order to understand the implications of this analysis and solve the problem of the delayed overseas expansion of Korean performing arts, the Korean wave industry was examined as a representative example. Consumer surveys for the performing arts, possibly benchmarked to the "Korean Wave Consumer Survey Index (KWCSI)", are expected to be done in the near future. In addition, through the development of a specific consumer index of the performing arts, customized marketing strategies by continent and country need to be established. This empirical study of the overseas expansion of performing arts can be utilized as a bridge between the academic and real worlds. This work may also enable a variety of strategies to be established for the overseas expansion of the performing arts.

A Study on Customer Loyalty and Word-of-Mouth Effect according to Character Trait of Patient in Dental Clinics (치과내원환자의 성격특성에 따른 고객충성도 및 구전효과 연구)

  • Yang, Hae-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.5819-5826
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    • 2011
  • Recently in the dental world, competition in the medical industry has been intensified due to the prolonged economic stagnation, the quantitative expansion of medical institutions, the enhancement of medical consumers'awareness of rights, and the diversity of medical consumer needs. Dental institution management of the difficulties is the requirement for dental institution to ensure competitiveness. So Word-of-Mouth marketing, which creates high marketing effectiveness with low cost, needs to be actively utilized as a new alternative to mass communication marketing. This research is to accurately grasp the target group of dental medical marketing activities through research on the degree of customer loyalty and Word-of-Mouth effects according to character trait of the patients visiting dental clinics, and to present the basic data for Word-of-Mouth marketing strategies from a viewpoint of practical business through presenting Word-of-Mouth promotion factors. To achieve this, questionnaire survey was conducted on 10 dental clinics located in Daegu for 4 weeks from April 11, 2011 to May 6, 2011 and 612 copies of responses to the questionnaires for final data for analysis were obtained. The results of the analysis are as follows. There were no significant differences in the degree of customer loyalty according to character trait of the subjects between the introverts and the extroverts, and the subjects with high market mavens propensity were found to show high degree of customer loyalty (F=5.243, p=.006). In the differences in Word-of-Mouth effectiveness according to character trait, there were greater differences in Word-of-Mouth experiences in the extrovert subjects ($x^2$=6.738, p=.006) and the subjects with high market mavens propensity ($x^2$=17.251, p=.000). The results of this research clarifies the degree of customer loyalty according to character trait of the patients visiting dental clinics and the differentiated influences of Word-of-Mouth effectiveness, and through this, they will become basic data for presenting ways to establish strategies from the viewpoint of practical business that should be considered in establishing dental medical marketing strategies.

A Design Direction for Mobile phones between Comparison of Users from Korea, China and Japan (한중일 사용자 비교분석을 통한 모바일폰 디자인 방향)

  • Eune, Ju-Hyun;Jung, Hee-Yun;Kim, Yun-Jun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20 no.3 s.71
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2007
  • The competition to capture a larger slice of the market in Mobile Communication business is increasing among companies. In order to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage in the Asian market, it is critical to continue to develop new technology. Understanding the underlying distinctive characteristics and needs of each market and the cultural backgrounds that drive those needs is a necessary focus. Companies with marketing strategies based on a correct understanding of market needs will capture dominant positions in the market. The purpose of this study is to identify those differences in user behavior and cultural tendencies among different people in different countries in the mobile telecommunication market. This research is based on an on-line survey in three countries (Korea, China, and Japan). Below are the contents of the survey on the mobile phone based on: 1) User behavior 2) Design preference 3) Purchasing behavior 4) User awareness on manufacturer brand. Through the analysis of this questionnaire it is possible to identify the differences and similarities among countries dearly. 1) Cultural trends and perceptions related to mobile phone usage were largely caused by differences in the state of technology, policies and business strategies of mobile sonics carriers and manufacturers, and national tendencies, of each country. 2) Korean and Japanese users produced similar responses to the questions related to advanced technology, whereas Korean and Chinese users responded similarly to national tendency-related questions. 3) To the questions related to business strategies of mobile service carriers and manufacturers, users in all three countries displayed markedly different responses. Once again, accurate analysis of the differences and similarities related to mobile phone usage in each country will help the companies in this industry to gain a competitive edge in the market. This study should not stop at simple comparison but be a framework for giving companies a dear future direction for technological development.

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A Study on the Application and Development of Contents through Digitalizing Korean Patterns (한국문양의 디지털컨텐츠 개발과 활용에 관한 연구)

  • 박현택
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 2003
  • The world is preparing another unseen war, that is, the cultural war of digital economy which will dominate the new millenium. As the “contents”, which are composed of various ingredients of media, gain vitality, the developed nations are in preparation of the war with the “cultural industry” weapons. The digital economic experts say that the left out nations will become economic colony in the new millenium age. The most important characteristics of cultural industry is the unity of creativity and culture which is all the more improved on the basis of the culture created upon knowledge. This leads to competition between nations or regions, and to survive one has to develop the industrial structure through cognition of its own cultural value. Furthermore, it is not a short-term development and investment of cultural products but a study on the method to graft the cultural value to the industry itself. The multi-media period does not accept an independent medium, and the contents products are becoming the leading industry since il is proved that they last semi-permanently in the digital world. The victory lies in the quality and quantity of the contents as the high ability and variety of the technology of media advance in accordance to the market principles. Since the culture, science and economy are becoming one complex structure, all nations of the world are trying the evolve a unique design of their on culture on the basis of the global universality. In consequence, we should excavate a uniqueness from our cultural heritage and develop into a korean design which will be recognized in the world market. The value of our cultural property should not only be used as academic and research purposes but should be re-evaluated with modem view, recognized as the core element that decides the quality of life and developed into exclusive designs. The korean designs represent the mould concept of our people which evolves from the mould or shape alphabet of Korea To meet the requirements of the changing world and in preparation of the cultural competitive age, it is never too early to make a data on the korean designs through their analysis and evaluation.

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A study of SCM strategic plan: Focusing on the case of LG electronics (공급사슬 관리 구축전략에 관한 연구: LG전자 사례 중심으로)

  • Lee, Gi-Wan;Lee, Sang-Youn
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2011
  • Most domestic companies, with the exclusion of major firms, are reluctant to implement a supply chain management (SCM) network into their operations. Most small- and medium-sized enterprises are not even aware of SCM. Due to the inherent total-systems efficiency of SCM, it coordinates domestic manufacturers, subcontractors, distributors, and physical distributors and cuts down on cost of inventory control, as well as demand management. Furthermore, a lack of SCM causes a decrease in competitiveness for domestic companies. The reason lies in the fundamentality of SCM, which is the characteristic of information sharing, process innovation throughout SCM, and the vast range of problems the SCM management tool is able to address. This study suggests the contemplation and reformation of the current SCM situation by analyzing the SCM strategic plan, discourses and logical discussions on the topic, and a successful case for adapting SCM; hence, the study plans to productively "process" SCM. First, it is necessary to contemplate the theoretical background of SCM before discussing how to successfully process SCM. I will describe the concept and background of SCM in Chapter 2, with a definition of SCM, types of SCM promotional activities, fields of SCM, necessity of applying SCM, and the effects of SCM. All of the defects in currently processing SCM will be introduced in Chapter 3. Discussion items include the following: the Bullwhip Effect; the breakdown in supply chain and sales networks due to e-business; the issue that even though the key to a successful SCM is cooperation between the production and distribution company, during the process of SCM, the companies, many times, put their profits first, resulting in a possible defect in demands estimation. Furthermore, the problems of processing SCM in a domestic distribution-production company concern Information Technology; for example, the new system introduced to the company is not compatible with the pre-existing document architecture. Second, for effective management, distribution and production companies should cooperate and enhance their partnership in the aspect of the corporation; however, in reality, this seldom occurs. Third, in the aspect of the work process, introducing SCM could provoke corporations during the integration of the distribution-production process. Fourth, to increase the achievement of the SCM strategy process, they need to set up a cross-functional team; however, many times, business partners lack the cooperation and business-information sharing tools necessary to effect the transition to SCM. Chapter 4 will address an SCM strategic plan and a case study of LG Electronics. The purpose of the strategic plan, strategic plans for types of business, adopting SCM in a distribution company, and the global supply chain process of LG Electronics will be introduced. The conclusion of the study is located in Chapter 5, which addresses the issue of the fierce competition that companies currently face in the global market environment and their increased investment in SCM, in order to better cope with short product life cycle and high customer expectations. The SCM management system has evolved through the adaptation of improved information, communication, and transportation technologies; now, it demands the utilization of various strategic resources. The introduction of SCM provides benefits to the management of a network of interconnected businesses by securing customer loyalty with cost and time savings, derived through the consolidation of many distribution systems; additionally, SCM helps enterprises form a wide range of marketing strategies. Thus, we could conclude that not only the distributors but all types of businesses should adopt the systems approach to supply chain strategies. SCM deals with the basic stream of distribution and increases the value of a company by replacing physical distribution with information. By the company obtaining and sharing ready information, it is able to create customer satisfaction at the end point of delivery to the consumer.

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A Study on Factors Affecting Youth Employee's Labor Mobility and Employment Status Transition (청년취업자의 노동이동 및 고용형태 전환에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Ban, Jung-Ho;Kim, Kyung-Hee;Kim, Kyung-Huy
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.73-103
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    • 2005
  • This study takes of youth panel data(2002-2003), there is the purpose to know to youth employed's labor mobility conditions of employment status conversion and examine on factors affecting conversion of employment status. Main analysis result and policy imply, is as following. First, although youth employed's non-standard employment shows some decrease, employment youth hierarchy was construed that youth of our country is consisting very changefully because appear great turnover that is converted by unemployment or Not economically activity population same period. Specially, non-standard employment phenomenon of woman or low in scholarship person appeared notedly, and because phenomenon that is converted by unemployment or Not economically activity population is expose that is deepened, discriminating policy of government dimension is required for employment stabilization of these class. Second, show result that danger to escape to non-standard job risk trap which seeking employment activity of youth class is arranged case or company which is formed by official path is suitable becomes low, must formulate path of employment about youth class and improve qualitative level of employment through suitable job placement education of youth class or function (technology) level. Third, when was construed, but take into account that the although large enterprise have low risk in non-standard job, recently employment of youth class consists very limited, rather small scale business or smaller enterprise's competitive power preferably need to be plan. Finally, danger to non-standard job youth employed's company form is government connection wonder was expose that high, Such result can do that it is difficult by limited research period, but reflect actuality that youth unemployment policy of our country is enforced laying stress on public labor or unregular job employment such as internship system. Therefore, current youth unemployment policy may have to change by employment policy that can secure stable work record by youth class or act as bridge-building that promote conversion by full-time job.

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Identification and Chromosomal Reshuffling Patterns of Soybean Cultivars Bred in Gangwon-do using 202 InDel Markers Specific to Variation Blocks (변이영역 특이 202개 InDel 마커를 이용한 강원도 육성 콩 품종의 판별 및 염색체 재조합 양상 구명)

  • Sohn, Hwang-Bae;Song, Yun-Ho;Kim, Su-Jeong;Hong, Su-Young;Kim, Ki-Deog;Koo, Bon-Cheol;Kim, Yul-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.396-405
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    • 2018
  • The areas of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) cultivation in Gangwon-do have increased due to the growing demand for well-being foods. The soybean barcode system is a useful tool for cultivar identification and diversity analysis, which could be used in the seed production system for soybean cultivars. We genotyped cultivars using 202 insertion and deletion (InDel) markers specific to dense variation blocks (dVBs), and examined their ability to identify cultivars and analyze diversity by comparison to the database in the soybean barcode system. The genetic homology of "Cheonga," "Gichan," "Daewang," "Haesal," and "Gangil" to the 147 accessions was lower than 81.2%, demonstrating that these barcodes have potentiality in cultivar identification. Diversity analysis of one hundred and fifty-three soybean cultivars revealed four subgroups and one admixture (major allele frequency <0.6). Among the accessions, "Heugcheong," "Hoban," and "Cheonga" were included in subgroup 1 and "Gichan," "Daewang," "Haesal," and "Gangil" in the admixture. The genetic regions of subgroups 3 and 4 in the admixture were reshuffled for early maturity and environmental tolerance, respectively, suggesting that soybean accessions with new dVB types should be developed to improve the value of soybean products to the end user. These results indicated that the two-dimensional barcodes of soybean cultivars enable not only genetic identification, but also management of genetic resources through diversity analysis.

A Study on Nutritive Values and Salt Contents of Commercially Prepared Take-Out Boxed-Lunch In Korea (한국형 시판 도시락의 영양가 및 식염함량)

  • Kim, Bok-Hee;Lee, Eun-Wha;Kim, Won-Kyung;Lee, Yoon-Na;Kwak, Chung-Shil;Mo, Sumi
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.230-242
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    • 1991
  • This research was conducted on the 10 take-out boxed-lunches commercially prepared in the department stores. chain stores. and the public railroad trains in Korea. Sampling was conducted from February 1990 to March 1990. Nutritive values and sodium contents of the 10 boxed-lunch samples are summarized as follows : 1) The average weight(percentage) of the cooked rice and the side dishes were 304.6g(49.4) and 312.4(506%), respectively. The weight of these samples were significantly heavier than that of Japanese style boxed-lunches. 2) The average number of the side dishes was 12. The average numbers of food items classified by the five food groups were 6.1 in protein food group, 0.3 in calcium food group. 6.0 in vitamin and mineral food group. 1.5 in carbohydrate food group, and 1.5 in oil and fat food group. 3) They contained on the average 840.7kcal of energy, 38.9g of protein, 22.7g of fat, 120.4g of carbohydrate. 300.8mg of calcium. 410.8mg of phosphours, 6.61 mg of iron. 219.8 R.E. of vitamin A, 0.46mg of thiamin, 0.67mg of riboflavin, 10.5mg of niacin, 27.5mg of ascorbic acid. Thus. except vitamin t the content of all the nutrients were higher than the value of 1/3 of the RDA for adults. 4) The high priced group(group 2) had more protein, calcuim. iron and niacin contents than the cheaper group(group 1). Probably, it's because the group 2 had more animal foods than the group 1. 5) The average energy content per unit price(100 won) was 37.3kcal and the average protein content per unit price(100 won) was 1.64g. Korena style boxed-lunches had higher energy and protein contents per unit price than Japanese style, and the group 1 higher than the group 2. 6) The average energy Proportions of Protein, carbohydrate. and fat were 18.3%, 57.4%, and 24.3%, respectively. These proportions are good enough. 7) Frequency of cooking methods for the side dishes were found in the decreasing order : pan-frying, frying, braising, seasoning, kimchi, grilling, pickling, stir-frying, steaming and fermenting. Generally simple cooking methods were used, thus the menus were lack or varieties. 8) Frequency of colors for the side dishes were found in the decreasing order : red, brown. yellow, green, black, white. Too much red pepper was used. 9) The average capacity of the containers for the staples and the side dishes were 468.1ml and 590.6ml, respectively. And the containers could not keep the food items well seperated. 10) The average contensts of sodium and salt were 2.287mg and 5.76g, in the range of 1, 398mg to 3, 489mg and 3.53g to 8.80g, respectively. These are much higher values than the recommended amount of salt.

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Effect of Work Improvement for Promotion of Outpatient Satisfaction on CT scan (CT 외래환자의 만족도 향상을 위한 업무개선 연구)

  • Han, Man-Seok;Lee, Seung-Youl;Lee, Myeong-Goo;Jeon, Min-Cheol;Cho, Jae-Hwan;Kim, Tae-Hyung
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2012
  • Nowadays, most of the hospital serves "one stop service" for CT scan. The patients could be taken the CT scan in the day they register for scan. On the contrary to the time convenience, patients are not satisfied with long waiting time and unkindness of staff. The objective of this study is to improve the patient's satisfaction for the CT scan, by analyzing inconvenience factors and improving the service qualities. From April 1 to August 30 in 2011, we investigated the satisfaction of patients who did examined abdomen CT scan with contrast media. We analyzed the 89 questionnaires before and after the service improvements from them. The worker's kindness, the environment of CT room and understanding about CT scan were answered by questionnaire and the waiting time of a day CT scan was drawn by medical information statistics. Also, the period before improvement was from April to June and the period after improvement was from July to September. And these questionnaire was analyzed through SPSS V. 15.0. In this study, kindness of staff, environment of CT room, intelligibility for CT scan and waiting time was explored and analyzed by SPSS V.15.0. The score of kindness was improved by 32%, satisfaction level of the environment was improved by 52.54%. The understanding level about CT scan was improved by 52.36% and the wating time of a day CT was shortened by 21% through our service enhancement programs. Consequentially, it is considered that these efforts would contribute to increase the revenue of hospital.