• Title/Summary/Keyword: 그리드 스케줄링

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Proposal of Youngjong-do 112 Block Demo-Plant for Application of Smart Water Grid (SWG 적용성을 위한 영종도 112블록 데모플랜트 구축 방안)

  • Han, Kuk Heon;Park, Hyun Ki;Kim, Young Hwa
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.108-108
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    • 2016
  • 스마트워터그리드(Smart Water Grid; 이하 SWG)란 현재 직면에 있는 물 부족, 물 안보, 물 복지 등 물에 대한 문제를 ICT 기술을 활용하여 물관리의 새로운 패러다임을 제시할 수 있는 융합 기술이다. 즉, SWG는 기존의 수자원 관리 시스템의 한계를 극복하기 위해 첨단 정보통신기술을 이용하는 고효율의 차세대 인프라 시스템으로 다양한 수원을 활용하고 물을 효율적으로 배분 관리 운송하여 수자원의 불균형을 해소하고, 첨단센서네트워크를 이용해 용수관리 전분야에 걸쳐 양방향 실시간으로 용수정보를 감시 대응하여 용수관리와 에너지 효율의 최적화된 메가시티(mega-city)에 적합한 지능형 물관리가 가능할 것으로 예상되는 시스템이다. 따라서 국토교통부 과제로 추진중인 SWG 연구단에서 개발한 스마트 워터 기술을 영종도 112 블록에 적용하여 지역주민의 물복지 향상 및 물 사용자에 대한 소비자 만족도를 높이는데 목적을 두고 데모플랜트를 구축 방안을 수립하였다. 영종도 112블록(인천 운서동 및 운북동 일원)은 인천 공촌정수장에서 해저관로를 지나 영종통합 가압장에서 가압 후 공항신도시배수지에서 물을 공급받고 있는 지역으로 면적은 $17.41km^2$, 인구는 약 17,000명, 물사용량 $8,000m^3$/일, 총관로연장 약 55km, 유수율이 겨우 73.2% 지역이다. SWG 적용성 평가를 위해 영종도 112 블록에 유수율 제고 및 운영비용 저감을 목적으로 데모플랜트를 구축하였다. 스마트 계측을 위해 스마트미터 469개(15~20mm), 디지털미터 172개(25~200mm), 누수유무센서 1개소, 다항목 수질측정기 1개소, 유량계 3개소, 수압계 5개소, AMI 시스템 641개 및 물효율 운영프로그램과 물정보 App서비스 기능으로 구성하였다. 물효율 운영프로그램은 실시간 수요량 예측, 배수지 운영에 따른 취수량, 송수량, 펌프 대수조합 및 운전스케줄링이 가능한 경제적 물공급 스케줄링, 관망상태 감시 및 제어(실시간 유량/수압 분석을 통한 누수분석) 기능이 탑재되어 통합운영센터에서 운영할 계획이다. 데모플랜트 운영을 통해 수자원의 효율적인 배분 및 공급, 유지관리 향상, 운영 비용 최소화 등의 결과를 바탕으로 신도시 및 기존도시의 물관리 정책수립에 활용할 수 있을 뿐만아니라 시간적 공간적 불균형 해소 및 물시장 발전에 크게 기여할 것으로 사료된다.

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Scalable Data Provisioning Scheme on Large-Scale Distributed Computing Environment (대규모 분산 컴퓨팅 환경에서 확장성을 고려한 실시간 데이터 공급 기법)

  • Kim, Byungs-Sang;Youn, Chan-Hyun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.18A no.4
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 2011
  • As the global grid has grown in size, large-scale distributed data analysis schemes have gained momentum. Over the last few years, a number of methods have been introduced for allocating data intensive tasks across distributed and heterogeneous computing platforms. However, these approaches have a limited potential for scaling up computing nodes so that they can serve more tasks simultaneously. This paper tackles the scalability and communication delay for computing nodes. We propose a distributed data node for storing and allocating the data. This paper also provides data provisioning method based on the steady states for minimizing the communication delay between the data source and the computing nodes. The experimental results show that scalability and communication delay can be achieved in our system.

Service Prediction-Based Job Scheduling Model for Computational Grid (계산 그리드를 위한 서비스 예측 기반의 작업 스케줄링 모델)

  • Jang Sung-Ho;Lee Jong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2005
  • Grid computing is widely applicable to various fields of industry including process control and manufacturing, military command and control, transportation management, and so on. In a viewpoint of application area, grid computing can be classified to three aspects that are computational grid, data grid and access grid. This paper focuses on computational grid which handles complex and large-scale computing problems. Computational grid is characterized by system dynamics which handles a variety of processors and jobs on continuous time. To solve problems of system complexity and reliability due to complex system dynamics, computational grid needs scheduling policies that allocate various jobs to proper processors and decide processing orders of allocated jobs. This paper proposes a service prediction-based job scheduling model and present its scheduling algorithm that is applicable for computational grid. The service prediction-based job scheduling model can minimize overall system execution time since the model predicts the next processing time of each processing component and distributes a job to a processing component with minimum processing time. This paper implements the job scheduling model on the DEVS modeling and simulation environment and evaluates its efficiency and reliability. Empirical results, which are compared to conventional scheduling policies, show the usefulness of service prediction-based job scheduling.

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Optimal Energy Consumption Scheduling in Smart-Grid Considering Storage Appliance : A Game-Theoretic Approach (스마트 그리드에 있어서 저장 장치를 고려한 최적 에너지 소비 스케줄링 : 게임 이론적 접근)

  • Yeo, Sangmin;Lee, Deok-Joo;Kim, Taegu;Oh, Hyung-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.414-424
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    • 2015
  • In this research, we consider a smart grid network of electricity with multiple consumers connected to a monopolistic provider. Each consumer can be informed the real time price changes through the smart meter and updates his consumption schedule to minimize the energy consumption expenditures by which the required power demand should be satisfied under the given real time pricing scheme. This real-time decision making problem has been recently studied through game-theoretic approach. The present paper contributes to the existing literature by incorporating storage appliance into the set of available household appliances which has somewhat distinctive functions compared to other types of appliances and would be regarded to play a significant role in energy consumption scheduling for the future smart grid. We propose a game-theoretic algorithm which could draw the optimal energy consumption scheduling for each household appliances including storage. Results on simulation data showed that the storage contributed to increase the efficiency of energy consumption pattern in the viewpoint of not only individual consumer but also whole system.

SLA-Aware Scheduling Scheme for Market-based Computational Grid (마켓 기반 계산 그리드를 위한 SLA 인지형 스케줄링 기법)

  • Han, Young-Joo;Ye, Ren;Youn, Chan-Hyun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.220-223
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    • 2011
  • For successfully commercialized grid systems, it is required to provide an efficient scheduling scheme which is able to optimize benefits for three participants such as consumers, brokers, and providers so that every participant has sufficient benefit to maintain a sustainable market. In this paper, we define this job scheduling problem as an objective optimization problem for three participants. The three objectives are to maximize the success rate of job execution, total achieved profit, and the system utilization. To address the scheduling problem, we propose heuristics referred to as SLA-aware scheduling scheme (SA) for optimal resource allocation. The simulation results show that the improvement and the effectiveness of the proposed scheme and the proposed scheme can outperform well-known scheduling schemes such as first come first serve (FCFS), shortest job first (SJF), and earliest deadline first (EDF).

Cluster Topology Algorithm for Efficient Data Transmission in Wireless Body Area Network based on Mobile Sink (WBAN 환경에서 효율적인 데이터 전송을 위한 모바일 싱크기반의 클러스터 토폴로지 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Jun-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.49 no.12
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2012
  • The WBAN technology means a short distance wireless network which provides each device interactive communication by connecting devices inside and outside of body. Standardization on the physical layer, data link layer, network layer and application layer is in progress by IEEE 802.15.6 TG BAN. Wireless body area network is usually configured in energy efficient using sensor and zigbee device due to the power limitation and the characteristics of human body. Wireless sensor network consist of sensor field and sink node. Sensor field are composed a lot of sensor node and sink node collect sensing data. Wireless sensor network has capacity of the self constitution by protocol where placed in large area without fixed position. Mobile sink node distribute energy consumption therefore network life time was increased than fixed sink node. The energy efficient is important matter in wireless body area network because energy resource was limited on sensor node. In this paper we proposed cluster topology algorithm for efficient data transmission in wireless body area network based mobile sink. The proposed algorithm show good performance under the advantage of grid routing protocol and TDMA scheduling that minimized overlap area on cluster and reduced amount of data on cluster header in error prone wireless sensor network based on mobile sink.