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Vegetation Structure and Growth Environmet of Diabelia spathulata (Siebold & Zucc.) Landrein Population in Mt. Cheonseong, Korea (천성산 주걱댕강나무 개체군의 식생구조와 생육환경)

  • Yi, Myung Hoon;Yoo, Sung Tae;Jang, Jeong Gul
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.346-361
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    • 2021
  • The range of D. spathulata identified in this survey was between N 35° 24' 58" ~ N 35° 26' 35", E 129° 05' 43" ~ E 129° 07' 04". It is located at an altitude of 98~592 m. The soil pH was strongly acidic in the range of 4.2~4.9, with a canopy openness of 18.56% and a chlorophyll index of 36.74 ± 2.80. As a result of the TWINSPAN analysis, 20 plots of 100 m2 each were divided in 4 communities: Pinus densiflora community, Quercus monglica-Diabelia spathulata community, Quercus serrata-Diabelia spathulata community and Carpinus tschonoskii subassociation. The result of species diversity was 0.7615, and evenness and dominance were found to be 0.6077 and 0.3923, respectively. The height of D. spathulata is up to 3.4 m, and the average height is 1.1 m, with most of the species distributed as shrubbery and herbaceous. The average population density of the 20 plots was 1.635 individuals/m2, the height range of flowering was 1.0 ~ 1.8 (aver. 1.39 m) and the rate of flowering was 27.37%. It's propagation pattern was mainly formed by extending the rhizome to the side, creating a colony of ground stems.

Growing Environment Characteristics and Vegetation Structure of Lonicera harae, Medicinal Plant (약용식물 길마가지나무 자생지의 생육환경특성과 식생구조)

  • Son, Yonghwan;Park, Sunghyuk;Jeong, Daehui;Cho, Hyejung;Son, Hojun;Jeon, Kwonseok
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.297-310
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    • 2021
  • Lonicera harae is a species of shrub in the Caprifoliaceae family, mostly distributed in East asia. So far, the related research on the genus of Lonicera is insufficient compared to the Lonicera japonica belonging to the same genus, which requires attention to domestic native plants. Therefore, this study aims to provide baseline data for cultivation and utilization through the growth environment and vegetation structure of the natural habitat. Lonicera harae, which plant found throughout the Korean Peninsula. The natural habitats of Lonicera harae is the forest, valley and lowland areas of the southern region. study examined 24 quadrats in 11 regions, including Gwangju, Wanju and Namhae. As a result, environmental condition of Lonicera harae was 8 to 483 m above sea level, normally distributed over 173 m, Slope was 5 to 25 degree with 8.5 degree on average. The list of plants were classified as a total of 229 taxa comprising 80 families, 166 genus, 198 species, 3 subspecies, 24 varieties, 4 forma. As a result of the clustering analysis, the three clusters were divided into three groups; Robinia pseudoacacia, Zelkova serrata, Larix kaempferi. Species diversity was 1.399 and Dominance and Evenness were found to be 0.978 and 0.022 respectively.

Review of context & meaning of Jeongjeonje by Yi Hang-no (화서(華西) 이항노(李恒老)의 정전제(井田制) 주장과 그 함의(含意))

  • Park, Sung-soon
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.48
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    • pp.195-223
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    • 2012
  • Until now, I guess, many scholars misunderstood the characteristic of economic awareness of Yi Hang-no as if it was a modern nationalism or radicalism against Japanese anti-Korean insistences. But I think these opinions are out of historical attitude. So to understand Yi's economic awareness correctly, I think, We should focus on the traditional Confucian thought system at that time. As one method to reach the goal, I focused on the word, Jeong-jeon-je: Oriental equal land system. Yi Hang-no put the importance on Jeong-jeon-je to make utopia he dreamed of. Yi thought Jeong-jeon-je is the basis of equal society and strong state. Also Yi thought a moral society would be achieved by Jeong-jeon-je because the equal land system, so called Jeong-jeon-je provide peasants with equal lands, so it makes peasants stable in economic situation. Especially, Yi Hang-no put importance on that Jeong-jeon-je would raise moral consciousness of people because equal economic condition makes people wealthy, so people would be good men naturally. Yi Hang-no explain it in basis of Insim-Dosim-seol: a theory of two minds bad & good to be. Yi Hang-no thought equal economic condition is the basis of making people moral being. He thought Jeong-jeon-je was a basis of the condition. Reversely, Yi thought Western insists of trade was the beginning of making people fight for individual benefit, so it produces devil selfishness out of human mind. That was the reason that Yi Hang-no opposed the trade with Western Powers. Eventually Yi's assertion of embargo came out of his Insim-Dosim-seol. In this context, Yi's Jeong-jeon-je was insisted as a method to raise human moral consciousness.

Fish Community Characteristics and Inhabiting Status of Endangered Species in the Bukcheon (Stream) of Seoraksan National Park, Korea (설악산국립공원 내 북천의 어류군집 특성 및 멸종위기종의 서식양상)

  • Park, Seong-Cheol;Choi, Kwang-Seek;Han, Mee-Sook;Ko, Myeong-Hun
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.390-401
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    • 2022
  • This study investigated the characteristics of fish communities and inhabiting status of endangered species in the Bukcheon (Stream) of Seoraksan National Park, Korea from April to September 2020. A total of 4,356 fish of 7 families and 22 species were collected from 17 survey stations during the survey period. The dominant species was Zacco koreanus (relative abundance, 41.8%), and subdominant species was Rhynchocypris kumgangensis (relative abundance, 15.1%), followed by Pungtungia herzi (10.1%), Pseudopungtungia tenuicorpa (5.0%), Coreoleuciscus splendidus (4.1%), Zacco platypus (3.8%), Microphysogobio longidorsalis (3.5%), and Hemibarbus mylodon (2.2%). Among the fish species collected, 14 species (63.6%) were identified as Korean endemic species. There was one natural monument species (Hemibarbus mylodon), and four species of class II endangered wildlife that were designated by the Ministry of Environment (Acheilognathus signifer, Pseudopungtungi tenuicorpa, Gobiobotia brevibarba, and Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis). Among the four species of class II endangered wildlife, B. lenok tsinlingensis inhabited in the upper stream, and A. signifer, P. tenuicorpa and G. brevibarba inhabited mainly in the middle-lower stream. Also, P. tenuicorpa, H. mylodon, and B. lenok tsinlingensis were inhabited in large numbers. Additionally, two cold-water fish species (R. kumgangensis and B. lenok tsinlingensis) and one landlocked species (B. lenok tsinlingensis) were collected. According to the results of cluster analysis, the dominance index decreased from upstream to downstream, but the diversity, evenness, and richness index increased; the cluster structure was divided into the uppermost, upstream, midstream, and downstream. The water quality of Bukcheon was evaluated as good overall since the river health (index of biological integrity) evaluated using fish was evaluated as very good (11 stations), good (2 stations), and normal (4 stations). However, river repair work was being carried out in some areas and some wastewater was flowing in from the midstream, therefore, supplementary measures to preserve fish habitats are required.

Analyses of Community Structure of Phytoplankton in Reservoirs Located in the Geum River Watershed in South Korea (금강 유역 호소에서 출현하는 식물플랑크톤 군집구조 특성 분석)

  • Choi, Yong Bum;Shin, Yoon Keun
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.280-290
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    • 2021
  • The present study investigated species richness and phytoplankton community structure in lakes in the Geum River Basin during autumn and spring seasons. Surveys were conducted between September and November 2019, and between April and May 2020, which corresponded to the autumn and spring seasons, respectively, to explore the distribution characteristics of the species. A total of 49 species of phytoplankton belonging to 31 genera and seven classes were identified in Cho Pyeong-ji, 51 species belonging to 29 genera and six classes were identified in Song Ak-ji, 49 species belonging to 32 genera and seven classes were identified in Cheong Cheon-ji, 82 species belonging to 45 genera and six classes were identified in Ye Dangji, and 70 species belonging to 40 genera and six classes were identified in Ganwol Lake. A total of 43 species belonging to 74 genera and seven classes were identified. The ranges of phytoplankton standing crop were as follows: 223~3533 cells mL-1 in Cho Pyeong-ji, 881~176018 cells mL-1 in Song Ak-ji, 402~6139 cells mL-1 in Cheong Cheon-ji, 262~10460 cells mL-1 in Ye Dang-ji, and 20413~330695 cells mL-1 in Ganwol Lake. Phytoplankton diversity in Cho Pyeong-ji, Song Ak-ji, Cheong Cheon-ji, Ye Dang-ji, and Ganwol Lake were 1.10~2.60, 0.56~2.03, 0.21~2.03, 0.65~2.57, and 0.44~1.12, respectively. Phytoplankton species richness in Cho Pyeong-ji, Song Ak-ji, Cheong Cheon-ji, Ye Dang-ji, and Ganwol Lake were 1.91~4.99, 1.82~3.26, 1.26~4.17, 2.07~5.37, and 1.90~2.43, respectively. Phytoplankton evenness indices in Cho Pyeong-ji, Song Ak-ji, Cheong Cheon-ji, Ye Dang-ji, and Ganwol Lake were 0.38~0.78, 0.18~0.69, 0.08~0.71, 0.22~0.72, and 0.14~0.38, respectively. Phytoplankton dominance indices in Cho Pyeong-ji, Song Ak-ji, Cheong Cheon-ji, Ye Dang-ji, and Ganwol Lake were 0.40~0.83, 0.55~0.96, 0.44~0.99, 0.42~0.93, and 0.89~0.97, respectively.

Growing Environment Characteristics and Vegetational Structure of Sageretia thea, Medicinal Plant (약용식물 상동나무 자생지 생육환경 특성과 식생구조)

  • Son, Yonghwan;Son, Ho Jun;Park, Gwang Hun;Lee, Dong Hwan;Cho, Hyejung;Lee, Sun-Young;Kim, Hyun-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.594-606
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to figure out the environment factors including vegetation structure and soil characteristics in natural habitats of Sageretia thea, and offers the basic information for habitats conservation and proliferation. The natural habitats of Sageretia thea were located at altitudes between 0~370 m with inclinations ranged as 3~35°. Through the vegetation research, the dominant species of tree layers were found to be divided into four communities. Cornus macrophylla (Com. I), Pinus thunbergii - Cinnamomum camphora (Com. II), Machilus thunbergii (Com. III), and Pinus thunbergii (Com. IV). The Species diversity (H') was 1.397~1.455, evenness (J') was 0.972~0.986, and dominance (D) was found to be 0.014~0.028. As a result of the physicochemical characteristics of soils, habitats soil mainly consisted of sandy soil and sandy loam soil. The average soil pH was 5.28~5.98, electronic conductivity was 0.22~63 ds/m, soil organic matter was 13.33~19.33 cmol+/kg, Exchange cations were appeared in the order of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and Na+. The Ordination result showed that Correlation coefficient between communities and environmental factors were significantly correlated with 4 main factors altitude, electronic conductivity, cation exchange capacity, exchangeable Na+. As expected, The result of this study will be helpful information on the preservation and mass production for use.

An Exploratory Study of Professionalism on Data Management Jobs in the Public Sector: From the Perspective of Library and Information Science (공공부문 데이터 관리직무의 전문성에 대한 탐색적 연구 - 문헌정보학 관점에서 -)

  • Heejin, Park;Ji Sung, Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.491-514
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    • 2022
  • Public reforms based on New Public Management have made the public sector specialized, and accordingly the role of public administration has expanded as well as the demand on professional jobs has increased. On the other hand, with the rapid development of information and communication technology, the data produced by public sector organizations has also significantly increased. This environmental changes made data management and a data management job in the public sector critical. However, there have been very few studies of conceptualizations and systematic investigations on data management jobs. Moreover, specific definitions, types or qualifications of/for a data management job or a person who do this job are rarely reflected in relevant laws and regulations. Based on the systematic literature review, this study conceptualized professionalism, identified its multiple dimensions, and draw a conceptual research framework. Focusing on the professional control on personnel management which is one of the dimensions of professionalism, relevant laws, work guidelines and job descriptions included in job openings were analyzed with regard to a data management job in the public sector. The findings are as follows. First, an assigned role and responsibility associated with a data management job have vague boundaries. Second, work guidelines and manuals only focus on the post quality control stage rather than equally addressing all the eight stages of the data lifecycle. Third, neither a data management job in the public sector nor a person who take care of this job is not appropriately defined. Therefore, a role and responsibility of/for the job and a person in charge should be reflected in the relevant laws and guidelines in a tailored way. More importantly, job analyses and evaluations should be thoroughly conducted to enhance professionalism on data management jobs in the long term.

Characterization of Sedimentation and pH Neutralization as Pretreatment of Acid Contaminated Water (산 오염수 전처리용 침전 및 중화 특성)

  • Im, Jongdo;Lee, Sangbin;Park, Jae-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.23 no.9
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2022
  • Sedimentation and pH neutralization has been investigated as preteatment of acid contaminate water. The settling and neutralizing process derive more effective degradation efficiency as the pre-treatment process before the removal process of adsorption, volatile, biodegradation, or oxidation. Settling velocity, uniformity coefficient, coefficient of curvature, and grain size index can define in the sedimentation process for characteristics of the soil. The stainless steel sieve has been used to separate each particle size of the dry soil by assembling in order of 4, 10, 20, 40, 80, 100, and 200 mesh sizes. The soil from Gamcheon Port in Busan drops upper side of the sieve and shakes back and forth to separate each different size of the particle. The 1L of Imhoff cone and 200 mL of the mass cylinder were used as settling tanks to calculate settling velocity. Stokes' equation was used to figure out the average density of dry soil with a value from settling velocity. In the results, the average particle density and lowest settling velocity were 1.93 g/cm3 and 0.11 cm/s, respectively. These values can detect the range of settling points of sediment to prevent chemical accidents. In pH neutralization, the initial pH of 2, 3, 4, and 5 of nitric acid and sulfuric acid are used as an acid solution; 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001 M of sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide are used as a base solution. The main goal of this experiment is to figure out the volume percentage of the acid solution becomes pH 7. The concentration of 0.001 M of base solution exceeds all the conditions, 0.01 M exceeds partially, and 0.1 M does not exceed 5 v/v% except pH 2. Calcium hydroxide present less volume than sodium hydroxide at pH neutralization both sulfuric and nitric acid.

An Empirical Study on Public Value Conflict in Cultural Administration: Comparison and Analysis Based on Administrators, Planners, and Artists (문화행정의 공공성 가치충돌에 관한 실증연구 - 행정인, 기획인, 예술인 집단 비교분석 -)

  • Jang, Seok Ryu
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.56
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    • pp.39-87
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    • 2020
  • This study empirically analyzed the value conflicts of cultural administration based on the needs of axiological discussions and the differences in intersubjectivity among the cultural administration groups and the contradicting attributes of culture and administration. The study classified the stakeholders into administrative staff, planners, and artists to compare their value priorities of publicness in cultural administration. A classification analysis was also conducted based on the normative by each group and the value distribution on a 2×2 value matrix between autonomy and accountability and fairness and efficiency. Based on the results of the quantitative study, the awareness of the relationships among the groups and cause and effects of value conflicts was analyzed through in-depth interviews. Thus, the study aimed to identify the directions for value distribution wherein the values of administration and culture can coexist and determine the implications of expanding this mutual understanding. The results revealed that in the conflict between autonomy and accountability, all groups had a greater awareness of accountability. In terms of normative aspects, it was possible to see a normative value line with an emphasis on autonomy, rather than on accountability from the lower stages on the budget hierarchy (administrators at the top, followed by planners and artists). In the conflict between autonomy and accountability, the size of dissonance between appropriateness and reality was the largest among the groups in the lower stages of the budget hierarchy, and became larger along the order of administrators, planners, and artists. In the conflict between efficiency and fairness, all groups had a greater awareness of efficiency. In terms of fairness in normative aspects, emphasis was placed on was artists, administrators, and planners, in that order. The size of dissonance between efficiency and fairness by groups became larger along the order of budget hierarchy-administrators, planners, and artists. Based on the results, the study compared and analyzed the 2×2 value matrix between the normative and actualities by groups. The normative value distribution emphasized Type 1 (accountability x fairness) as seeking communitarianism values through culture and Type 2 (autonomy x fairness) as seeking balanced values of cultural freedom of individualsonabalance. However, in actualities, although the communitarianism values of Type 1 were considered important, there were no distributions to the liberal values of Type 2, rather to the economic values of culture from Type 4 (accountability x efficiency). In summary, the Korean cultural administration isunderapressureof value distribution to emphasize the communitarianism and economic rather than liberal values, through bureaucratic control in actualities compared with the normative. This study will have significant implications on value distribution decision-making by groups and political implementations within the purview of cultural administration.

Studies on the Weed Competition 1. Interpretation of Weed Competition of Paddy Rice Under Various Cultural Patterns (잡초경합에 관한 연구 제1보 수도 재배양식에 따른 잡초 경합 구조 해석)

  • Guh, J.O.;Chung, S.T.;Chung, B.H.
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 1980
  • Asking to change the cropping patterns to save the labor and capitals in paddy rice cultivation, the study was intended to know the weed problems under the various possible cultural systems; namely, direct seeding (in broadcast and row), machine transplanting and hand transplanting. Under the conditions as weedy check plots, paddy yields were significantly variated among cropping systems, and the functions of panicle No. and spikelet No. to the yield were neglected, among others. However, the yield and yield components were narrowed among cropping systems, and the function of spikelets number per area was comparatively improved to the others.

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