• Title/Summary/Keyword: 규칙기반 방법

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Parcel Boundary Demarcation in Residential Area Using High Resolution Aerial Images (고해상도 항공영상을 이용한 주거지역 필지경계 설정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Chiyoung;Lee, Jaeone
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2015
  • As part of an effort to leap smart cadastre system by doing rearrangement of various mismatches in the land register, the cadastre renovation project is being recently conducted. In response to this demand, this paper proposes an image-based rapid parcel boundary demarcation plan using the high resolution aerial image with a GSD (Ground Sample Distance) of 5cm that matches to real ground boundary situation in residential area. To review the feasibility and accuracy of this proposed methodology, we compared the accuracy of parcel boundary point and parcel area extracted from the digital stereo plotting on the basis of results of cadastral boundary surveying and land register over the selected two test areas. The comparative accuracy result of all boundary points by digital stereo plotting is satisfied with accuracy requirement according to the criteria of the enforcement regulation of cadastral surveying, whereas it exceeded allowable error of ${\pm}0.07m$, more strictly specified in the Special Act on Cadastral Renovation. And about 20% of the total 70 parcels extracted by digital plotting are out of area tolerance in Jecheon study area, and 10% of the total 19 parcels in Suwon study area. The parcels exceeding accuracy limit are mostly due to the occlusion caused by building roof or eaves, and the obstacles such as trees existing on the boundary. Furthermore, an object identification is impossible in image because of vague boundary reference in case of nonexistence of man-made structures or natural features. Therefore, the utilization of boundary identification stickers is recommended as a solution for these types of land parcel.

Network Anomaly Detection Technologies Using Unsupervised Learning AutoEncoders (비지도학습 오토 엔코더를 활용한 네트워크 이상 검출 기술)

  • Kang, Koohong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.617-629
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    • 2020
  • In order to overcome the limitations of the rule-based intrusion detection system due to changes in Internet computing environments, the emergence of new services, and creativity of attackers, network anomaly detection (NAD) using machine learning and deep learning technologies has received much attention. Most of these existing machine learning and deep learning technologies for NAD use supervised learning methods to learn a set of training data set labeled 'normal' and 'attack'. This paper presents the feasibility of the unsupervised learning AutoEncoder(AE) to NAD from data sets collecting of secured network traffic without labeled responses. To verify the performance of the proposed AE mode, we present the experimental results in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, f1-score, and ROC AUC value on the NSL-KDD training and test data sets. In particular, we model a reference AE through the deep analysis of diverse AEs varying hyper-parameters such as the number of layers as well as considering the regularization and denoising effects. The reference model shows the f1-scores 90.4% and 89% of binary classification on the KDDTest+ and KDDTest-21 test data sets based on the threshold of the 82-th percentile of the AE reconstruction error of the training data set.

An XML Structure Translation System using Schema Structure Data Mapping (스키마 구조 데이타 매핑을 이용한 XML 구조변환 시스템)

  • 송종철;김창수;정회경
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.406-418
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    • 2004
  • Last days, various kinds of applications and system were individually introduced into specific groups or enterprises by different objective without considering interoperability among those. However, the environment for data processing is changing rapidly in these days. And now the necessity is growing to integrate and couple applications and system in the process dimension for more flexible and quicker data processing on these application programs and system. When integrating these application programs or system, an integration based on XML is recommended as it is one of good methods which will the additional cost and satisfy the requirements of the integration. This is because the XML is not only device-independent data type which can be used any platform, but also it uses XSLT, the document conversion standard established by W3C, which allows easy data conversion from one to another type on occasion of demands. This paper studies a design and implementation of system to convert XML structure. This system shows the structure of source- side providing data and destination-side processing data with using XML schema that defines structural information of a XML document. And this system defines the structure relationship of desired form as mapping structural information and data. This system creates the XSLT document that defines conversion rule between two structures based information which is defined. The XSLT document which is created as described above will convert data to be appropriate to the structure of the destination- side. By implementing this system, it is able to apply a document into various kinds of structure without considering specific system or platform and it is able to construct XSLT document to which meaning of desired form can be given. This paper aims to offer a process conversion between documents and to improve interoperability and scalability, so that we can contribute to build XML document processing environment

Design and Implementation of a BPEL Engine for Dynamic Function using Aspect-Oriented Programming (동적 기능 추가를 위하여 관점지향 프로그래밍 기법을 이용한 BPEL 엔진의 설계와 구현)

  • Kwak, Dong-Gyu;Choi, Jae-Young
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.205-214
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    • 2010
  • BPEL is a standard workflow language, which interacts with Web Services and is used in various applications. But it is difficult to use BPEL for specific applications which require additional functions. In this paper, we present a system which can add new functions to BPEL based on an aspect-oriented programming (AOP) technique. In order to add new functions to BPEL, we define a JWX document format that can describe new functions to apply to BPEL. JWX is XML-oriented document that can code the corresponding Java program in order to dynamically add new functions to BPEL documents. It is possible for BPEL workflow to add new functions without modifying the existing programs using the AOP technique, which guarantees low degree of coupling between key and additional requirements. Additionally this systems weaves based on new functions of Java program and JWX document by expanding BPEL engine called B2J based on AOP and execute them. Therefore it is possible to develop a new BPEL engine with additional functions easily and with low cost. The new system can execute additional conditions that the current BPEL engine doesn’t provide. The new system using functions of BPEL supplied by B2J. The new system can be used to add a new rule engine, which isn't currently provided.

Health Status of Vulnerable Preschool Children and Their Mothers' Health Management (취약계층 학령전기 아동의 건강상태와 어머니의 아동 건강관리실태)

  • Kang, Young-Sil;Kwon, In-Soo
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out preschool children's health status and their mothers' health management in the vulnerable classes. Methods: The assessment tool was developed, taken into consideration existing studies, materials produced by the customized visiting health care system, and review of visiting nurses of health centers and related experts. Data were collected January to February 2010 from 259 mothers by visiting nurses, and analyzed using SAS program for descriptive statistics. Results: Body weight less than 3 percentile was found for 5.0% children and over 97 percentile for 7.7%. Atopy was found in 17.8% children, no hand-washing after toileting and before meal in 30.9% and 36.7% respectively, no breakfast in 15.8%, and irregular meal in 32.0%. Sex education was made by 45.7% mothers, regular dental check by 56.6%, and hearing and eyesight test by 61.1% and 66.8% respectively. Home environment for upbringing is 34.3 in the scale of 41, and accident prevention 17.5 in the scale of 22. Conclusion: It is necessary to make an intervention on children's weight, personal sanitation and meal time in the vulnerable classes. Mothers need to be educated for appropriate health care, and home environments to improve upbringing and accident prevention.

Transaction Costs in an Emission Trading Scheme: Application of a Simple Autonomous Trading Agent Model

  • Lee, Kangil;Han, Taek-Whan;Cho, Yongsung
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.27-67
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    • 2012
  • This paper analyzed the effect of transaction costs on the prices and trading volumes at the initial stage of emission markets and also examined how the size of the effect differs depending on the characteristics of the transactions. We built trading protocols modeling a recursive process to search the trading partner and make transactions with several behavioral assumptions considering the situations of early markets. The simulations results show that adding transaction costs resulted in reduction of trading volumes. Furthermore, the speed of reduction in trading volume to the increase of transaction costs is higher when there is scale economy. With a certain level of scale economy, the trading volumes abruptly fall down to almost zero as the transaction cost gets over a certain level. This suggests the possibility of a failed market. Since the scale economy is thought to be significant in the early stage of emission trading market, it is desirable to design a trading system that maximizes trading volumes and minimizes unit transaction costs at the outset. One of the alternatives to meet these conditions is to establish a centralized exchange and take measures to increase trading volumes.

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Implementation of Greenhouse Environmental Control Systems using Intelligence (지능을 이용한 온실 제어 시스템)

  • Yang, J.;Chung, C.D.;Hong, You-Sik;Ahn, B.I;Hwang, S.I.;Choi, Y.H.
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2012
  • An experiment for an optimized automatic greenhouse environment in a flower farming greenhouse by building a ubiquitous sensor network with various sensors was conducted and the results were evaluated. And various culturing environmental information and data in the greenhouse were collected and analyzed. Then, the greenhouse was designed to maintain the best culturing environment on the basis of existing recommended optimized figures. By measuring the growth of the crops in the greenhouse, A system which controls facilities in the greenhouse to maintain the best culturing environment in accordance with change in the environment was analyzed.Computer simulation result proced that we discovered that controlling the facilities and the artificial light source increased production, enhanced quality, reduced labor and heating cost immensely. The experiment has proved that the u-flower farming system can maximize the income of farm families by sending warning messages to users of this system when weather suddenly changes so that users may cope with such changes and maintain the best culturing environment.

Meaning Analysis (의미 분석)

  • Lee, Gun-Won
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 2000.10d
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    • pp.419-423
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    • 2000
  • 성공적인 의사소통의 경우에 성(性)이, 이(理)와 명(命)으로 나타난 것이 같다. 진리(aletheia)가, 언어(logos)와 운명(moira)으로 나타난 것들이 일치하는 것이 성공적인 언화행위가 된다. 측정대상(melos)과 본체(ousia)가 구분되는 것은 언어와 운명의 괴리가 있을 수가 있기 때문이다. 체계적인 언어처리의 지식기반을 측정대상에 한정한다. (1) 철학의 시작은 더 옳은 언어표현의 정의(definition)로 이전의 잘못 사용된 언어처리를 대체시키는 것으로 소크라테스는 보았다. [R. Crossman] (2) 잘못을 지적하는 등에(Tabanidae)의 역할과 옮은 지식의 상기를 돕는 산파법(maieutics)이 소크라테스의 의미분석의 방법이다. [R. Crossman] (3) 언어를 통하여 진리를 추구한다는 입장(via language)애서 한 언어표현이 그 진리의 운명으로 나타남과 어긋날 때, 운명을 택하는 것은 조화 보다 더 안정의 우위를 인정하는 논리적인 입장으로 합리성 보다 실용(pragma)의 우위를 인정하는 것이다. [W. Quine] (4) 공동체의 공통규범의 추구는 그 언어 속의 공통의 형식 또는 법칙의 추구에 기초하는 것이 자연스럽다. 여기에서 그 언어사용은 그 기저의 법칙(underlying rule)에 개입한다는 입장에 기초한다. [J. Searle] (5) 진리의 언어표현과 운명적인 사태들 사이의 괴리를 처리하기 위하여 체계적인 언어표현의 대상(The Young Tableaux)과 실제(The continuum)의 구분을 수용한다. [AMS(2000)] 언어표현의 대상은 나타난 것(현)(顯)이고 실제에는 나타나지 않은 것도 있다. 이천(伊川), 명도(明道)] (6) 이 나타난 것과 나타나지 않은 것에 간격이 없다는 것(현미무간)(顯微無間)은 그 의사소통이 성공적인 것이라는 것을 말한다. 따라서 그 언어의 표현완전성(functional completeness)은 언화행위가 성공적이라는 것이다.[J. Searle] (7) 수로 쓰인 것(상수)(象數)과 시로 쓰인 것(의리)(義理)이 하나인 것은 그 나타난 것과 나타나지 않은 것들 사이에 어떠한 들도 없음을 말한다. [(성중영)(成中英)] (8) 공통의 규범의 공통성 속에 규범적인 측면이 벌써 있다. 공통성에서 개인적이 아닌 공적인 규범으로의 전이는 규범, 가치, 규칙, 과정, 제도로의 전이라고 본다. [C. Morrison] (9) 우리의 언어사용에 신비적인 요소를 부인할 수가 없다. 넓은 의미의 발화의미(utterance meaning) 속에 신비적인 요소나 애정표시도 수용된다. 의미분석은 지금 한글을 연구하고, 그 결과에 의존하여서 우리의 실제의 생활에 사용하는 $\ulcorner$한국어사전$\lrcorner$ 등을 만드는 과정에서, 어떤 의미에서 실험되었다고 말할 수가 있는 언어과학의 연구의 결과에 의존하여서 수행되는 철학적인 작업이다. 여기에서는 하나의 철학적인 연구의 시작으로 받아들여지는 이 의미분석의 문제를 반성하여 본다.

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Visualization of Korean Speech Based on the Distance of Acoustic Features (음성특징의 거리에 기반한 한국어 발음의 시각화)

  • Pok, Gou-Chol
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2020
  • Korean language has the characteristics that the pronunciation of phoneme units such as vowels and consonants are fixed and the pronunciation associated with a notation does not change, so that foreign learners can approach rather easily Korean language. However, when one pronounces words, phrases, or sentences, the pronunciation changes in a manner of a wide variation and complexity at the boundaries of syllables, and the association of notation and pronunciation does not hold any more. Consequently, it is very difficult for foreign learners to study Korean standard pronunciations. Despite these difficulties, it is believed that systematic analysis of pronunciation errors for Korean words is possible according to the advantageous observations that the relationship between Korean notations and pronunciations can be described as a set of firm rules without exceptions unlike other languages including English. In this paper, we propose a visualization framework which shows the differences between standard pronunciations and erratic ones as quantitative measures on the computer screen. Previous researches only show color representation and 3D graphics of speech properties, or an animated view of changing shapes of lips and mouth cavity. Moreover, the features used in the analysis are only point data such as the average of a speech range. In this study, we propose a method which can directly use the time-series data instead of using summary or distorted data. This was realized by using the deep learning-based technique which combines Self-organizing map, variational autoencoder model, and Markov model, and we achieved a superior performance enhancement compared to the method using the point-based data.

Construction of the Terminology Dictionary for National R&D Information Utilization (국가R&D정보활용을 위한 전문용어사전 구축)

  • Kim, Tae-Hyun;Yang, Myung-Seok;Choi, Kwang-Nam
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.217-225
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    • 2019
  • National research and development(R&D) information is information generated in the process of performing R&D based on programs and projects issued by national government departments, and includes information from various research fields as ordered by various departments. Therefore, for efficient R&D information retrieval, it is necessary to build a national R&D terminology dictionary that can reflect the characteristics of such national R&D information. In this study, we propose a method for constructing a national R&D terminology dictionary by applying the classification of science and technology standards used to specify the research field in national R&D information. We will discuss the structural characteristics of national R&D project information and the usefulness of the project keyword, and explain the status of national R&D information by the National Standard Science and Technology Classification(NSSTC) Codes and the characteristics of the national R&D terminologies. Based on this, a method for building a national R&D terminology dictionary is defined in terms of the type and structure of the terminology dictionary, preliminary construction procedures, and refining rules. The national R&D terminology dictionary built on the basis of this study can be used in various ways such as expansion of search terms using Korean-English equivalent words and synonyms when searching national R&D information, clarifying the scope of search using NSSTC, and providing user convenience functions using term explanation information.