• Title/Summary/Keyword: 궤도모델

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A Study on the Diffusion of Gaseous Radioactive Effluents Based on the Statistical Method (통계적 방법을 이용한 방사성 물질의 대기 확산 평가)

  • Na, Man-Gyun;Lee, Goung-Jin
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.251-257
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    • 1998
  • A diffusion model of radioactive gaseous effluents is improved to apply for domestic nuclear power plants. Up to now, XOQDOQ computer code package developed by U. S NRC has been used for the assessment of radioactive plume dispersion by normal operation of domestic nuclear power plants. XOQDOQ adopts the straight-line Gaussian plume model which was basically derived for the plane terrain. However, since there are so many mountains in Korea, the several shortcomings of XOQDOQ are improved to consider the complex terrain effects. In this work, wind direction change is considered by modifying the wind rose frequency using meteorological data of the local weather stations. In addition, an effective height correction model, a plume reduction model due to plume penetration into mountain, and a wet deposition model are adopted for more realistic assessments. The proposed methodology is implemented in Yongkwang nuclear power plants, and can be used for other domestic nuclear power plants.

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  • Lee, Woo-Kyoung;Lim, Hyung-Chul;Park, Pil-Ho;Youn, Jae-Hyuk;Yim, Hong-Suh;Moon, Hong-Kyu
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.221-232
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    • 2004
  • Gauss method for the initial orbit determination was tested using angle-only data obtained by orbit propagation using TLB and SGP4/SDP4 orbit propagation model.. As the analysis of this simulation, a feasible time span between observation time of satellite resulting the minimum error to the true orbit was found. Initial orbit determination is performed using observational data of GPS 26 and Koreasat 2 from 0.6m telescope of KAO(Korea Astronomy Observatory) and precise orbit determination is also performed using simulated data. The result of precise orbit determination shows that the accuracy of resulting orbit is related to the accuracy of the observations and the number of data.

Development of the GOCI Radiometric Calibration S/W (정지궤도 해양위성(GOCI) 복사보정 S/W 개발)

  • Cho, Seong-Ick;Ahn, Yu-Hwan;Han, Hee-Jeong;Ryu, Joo-Hyung
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2009.03a
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    • pp.167-171
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    • 2009
  • 정지궤도에서는 세계 최초의 해양관측위성으로 개발된 정지궤도 해양위성(GOCI, Geostationary Ocean Color Imager)은 통신해양기상위성(COMS, Communication, Ocean and Meterological Satellite)의 탑재체로서 2009년말 발사 예정이다. 정지궤도 해양위성의 복사보정은 센서의 전기적 특성에 의한 잡음을 제거하기 위한 암흑전류 교정(Dark Current Correction)을 먼저 수행한 다음, 주운영지상국인 해양위성센터(KOSC, Korea Ocean Satellite Center)에서 수신된 위성의 원시자료의 Digital Number(DN)를 실제 해양원격탐사에서 이용하는 물리량인 복사휘도(Radiance, $W/m^2/{\mu}m/sr$)로 변환하는 복사보정을 수행한다. 정확도 높은 복사보정을 수행하기 위해서는 기준광원의 복사휘도와 센서의 물리적 특성을 정확하게 알아야 한다. 정지궤도 해양위성 궤도상 복사보정(on-orbit radiometric calibration)에서는 태양이 기준광원이기 때문에, 기준 태양복사모델(Thuillier 2004 Solar Irradiance Model)에서 지구-태양간 거리 변화(1년 주기)를 보정한 태양의 방사도 (Irradiance)를 이용하고, 태양입사각에 대한 태양광 확산기의 감쇄 특성 변화를 고려하여 센서에 입력되는 복사휘도를 계산한다. 센서의 물리적 특성으로 인한 복사보정의 오차를 줄이기 위해 우주방사선 및 우주먼지(space debris)로 인해 위성 운용기간 중 그 특성이 저하되는 태양광 확산기(solar Diffuser)의 특성변화를 모니터링하기 위한 DAMD(Diffuser Aging Monitoring Device)를 이용한다. 정지궤도 해양위성 주관운영기관인 한국해양연구원의 해양위성센터에서는 정지궤도 해양위성 복사보정을 수행하기 위한 S/W를 통신해양기상위성 자료처리시스템 개발사업의 일환으로 개발하였으며, 관련 성능 시험을 수행하고 있다.

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Determination of Upper Limit of Rail Pad Stiffness for Ballasted and Concrete Track of High-Speed Railway Considering Running Safety (주행 안전을 고려한 고속철도 자갈궤도 및 콘크리트궤도 레일패드의 강성 상한 결정)

  • Yang, Sin-Chu;Jang, Seung-Yup;Kim, Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.526-534
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    • 2011
  • In this study, proposed is the methodology to determine the upper limit for stiffness of rail pad for the ballasted and concrete track in high-speed railway in the viewpoint of running safety, considering the dynamic characteristics of train and track and the operation environment. For the track irregularity, one of the most important input parameters for traintrack interaction analysis, the reference vertical track irregularity PSDs(power spectral densities) for the ballasted and concrete track in a wide range of frequencies were proposed based on those presented in France and Germany and that obtained from the measured data at Kyeong-Bu 1st phase high-speed railway line. Using these reference PSD models, the input data for the vertical track irregularity data were regenerated by random generation process, and then, the wheel load reduction rates according to the stiffness of the rail pads have been calculated by the train-track interaction analysis technique. Finally, by comparing the wheel load reduction rates calculated with the derailment criteria prescribed in the Korean standards for railway vehicle safety criteria, the upper limits for the stiffness of rail pad have been proposed.

Performance Analysis of GPS and QZSS Orbit Determination using Pseudo Ranges and Precise Dynamic Model (의사거리 관측값과 정밀동역학모델을 이용한 GPS와 QZSS 궤도결정 성능 분석)

  • Beomsoo Kim;Jeongrae Kim;Sungchun Bu;Chulsoo Lee
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.404-411
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    • 2022
  • The main function in operating the satellite navigation system is to accurately determine the orbit of the navigation satellite and transmit it as a navigation message. In this study, we developed software to determine the orbit of a navigation satellite by combining an extended Kalman filter and an accurate dynamic model. Global positioning system (GPS) and quasi-zenith satellite system (QZSS) orbit determination was performed using international gnss system (IGS) ground station observations and user range error (URE), a key performance indicator of the navigation system, was calculated by comparison with IGS precise ephemeris. When estimating the clock error mounted on the navigation satellite, the radial orbital error and the clock error have a high inverse correlation, which cancel each other out, and the standard deviations of the URE of GPS and QZSS are small namely 1.99 m and 3.47 m, respectively. Instead of estimating the clock error of the navigation satellite, the orbit was determined by replacing the clock error of the navigation message with a modeled value, and the regional correlation with URE and the effect of the ground station arrangement were analyzed.

인공위성 추적을 위한 위성 궤도 계산 프로그램 개발

  • Song, Yong-Jun;Jin, Ho;Kim, Gap-Seong;Lee, Seong-Hwan
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.130.2-130.2
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    • 2011
  • 지상의 관측소에서 특정 인공위성을 찾아내기 위해서는 위성의 정밀궤도 계산이 필요하다. 궤도상의 인공위성의 위치는 시간에 따라 계속 변하므로 이러한 위성의 위치를 실시간으로 추적하기 위해서는 컴퓨터를 이용한 계산이 필수적이다. 정밀한 계산 결과를 얻기 위하여 태양과 지상 관측소의 위치는 Astronomical Almanac과 지구 타원체 모델을 이용하여 계산 하였다. 인공위성의 궤도는 미공군 북미방공사령부(NORAD)에서 발표하는 TLE를 초기값으로 이용하여 J2 섭동효과를 포함한 위성의 위치 및 속도의 변화를 계산하여 SkyView로 나타내었다. 이렇게 나타낸 SkyView의 결과를 실제 위성의 궤적과 비교하여 위성의 궤도를 검증하였으며, 시간에 따른 위성의 광도 곡선 변화 계산 루틴을 작성하여 실제 위성을 찾아내기 위한 기초자료로 활용이 가능하도록 하였다. 모든 계산을 위한 프로그램을 Visual Studio.net 2010 환경에서 C++ 언어를 이용하여 작성하였으며, 결과를 나타내기 위하여 Nokia 사의 Cross Platform 라이브러리인 Qt를 이용하여 UI 제작 및 Visualization을 수행하였다. Qt 라이브러리는 C++ 언어를 기반으로 작성된 플랫폼 독립적인 GUI 라이브러리로써 MS Windows, Linux, MacOS 환경에서 사용이 가능하다. 이를 통해 운영체제에 관계없이 모든 컴퓨터 환경에서 동일한 유저 인터페이스를 이용하여 계산을 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 향후 우주물체탐색에 있어 독자적인 운영을 위한 프로그램으로 활용할 예정이다.

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A Bayesian Regression Model to Estimate the Deterioration Rate of Track Irregularities (궤도틀림 진전율 추정을 위한 베이지안 회귀분석 모형 연구)

  • Park, Bum Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.547-554
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    • 2016
  • This study considered how to estimate the deterioration rate of the track quality index, which represents track geometric irregularity. Most existing studies have used a simple linear regression and regarded the slope of the regression equation as the progress rate. In this paper, we present a Bayesian approach to estimate the track irregularity progress. This Bayesian approach has many advantages, among which the biggest is that it can formally include the prior distribution of parameters which can be derived from historic data or from expert experiences; then, the rate can be expressed as a probability distribution. We investigated the possibility of applying the Bayesian method to the estimation of the deterioration rate by comparing our bayesian approach to the conventional linear regression approach.