• Title/Summary/Keyword: 굴 산업

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The Status of Useful Vascular Plants in Eastern DMZ Area (동부 DMZ 일원 관속식물 유용자원 현황)

  • Kim, Sang Jun;An, Jong Bin;Shin, Hyun Tak;Jung, Su Young;Hwang, Hee Suk;Bak, Gi Ppeum;Park, Jin Sun;Kim, Hee Chae
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2018.04a
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    • pp.26-26
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 DMZ 및 접경지역에서 생육하고 있는 자생식물에 대하여 조사된 연구자료와 국립수목원 DMZ자생식물원에서 자체 조사로 수행된 미조사지역 연구 등을 집대성한 DMZ 일원의 관속식물상 가운데 행정구역상 고성군, 인제군, 양구군, 화천군에 해당하는 동부지역 관속식물의 유용자원 현황에 대하여 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 동부지역은 고성군의 석호들을 포함한 저층습지 및 해안지역과 설악산(1,708m), 점봉산(1,424m), 화악산(1,468m), 등의 고산지대, 대암산(1,304m) 정상부근에 위치한 고층습지 용늪(1,280m)까지 이르는 다양한 생활환경 특성을 포함하고 있다. DMZ일원의 관속식물상 157과 754속 2,047종 12아종 340변종 105품종 총 2,504분류군 중 40.2%인 111과 438속 873종 4아종 113변종 17품종 1,007분류군이 확인된 동부지역 유용식물의 조사 결과 식용식물 순채, 고려엉겅퀴, 병풍쌈 등 336분류군(33.3%), 사료용식물 산뽕나무, 고광나무, 새 등 334분류군(33.1%), 약용식물 주목, 백부자, 삼지구엽초 등 270분류군(26.8%), 관상용식물 제비동자꽃, 백작약, 만병초 등 118분류군(11.7%), 목재용식물 일본잎갈나무, 소나무, 오동나무 등 38분류군(3.7%), 염료용식물 밤나무, 매발톱나무, 갈매나무 등 26분류군(2.5%) 섬유용 식물 개모시풀, 쐐기풀, 참싸리 등 8분류군(0.7%), 산업용식물 굴참나무, 붉나무, 노박덩굴 3분류군(0.2%), 용도를 알지 못하는 식물 280분류군(27.8%)으로 나타났다.

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The Economic Impact of the Korean Port Industry on the National Economy : from the Viewpoint of Macroeconomics (한국항만산업이 국가경제에 미치는 영향에 관한 분석 - 거시경제의 관점에서 -)

  • Moon, S.H.
    • Journal of Korean Port Research
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.65-92
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    • 1992
  • The Korean central government has not appreciate the full extent of the impact of seaports on the national economy. As a consequence port investment has not been given sufficient priority and capacity has failed to keep pace with demand. The principal reason for this failure is the fact that the linkages (or relationships) of the port transport industry with other sectors have not been quantified and fully appreciated. To overcome this dificiency this paper developed a port input-output model to determine the economic impact of the port industry on the national economy. This impact study was conducted by analysing the impact of the Korean port industry upon the national economy from the macroeconomic viewpoint, and identifying the spreading effects of port investments upon the nation's economy. The analysis of the economic impact of the port industry suggests that its contribution to the Korean economy is substantial. What the model shows is, in quantifiable terms, there are the strong economic linkages between the port industry and the other sectors of the national economy. The contribution of the port industry to the Korean economy was summarised in the Conclusion section.

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Gangneung Haksan Odokttegi Heritage and Performance Contents (강릉학산오독떼기유산과 공연콘텐츠)

  • Lee, Chang-Sik
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.38
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    • pp.249-275
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    • 2019
  • Gangneung farm song is important for the ritualistic labortheatricals. Especially, in the theatrical process program, the songsof weeding, such as Haksan Odokkteggi and Ssadae, were alsoincluded to represent the agricultural ritualistic prayer for goodharvest. The use of Gangneung farm song is attractive in termsofthe circumstances. There is no chance of success as a plan simplyfor local events. As a comprehensive art, Gangneung farmsongshould simultaneously revitalize locality, representability andglobality. In this context, three directions are suggested dependingon the development progress. The second direction to the thirddirection are mainly oriented toward government-local authoritycentered support, but, in particular, the third direction should aimtobe an open archive in which the public and the contents prosumercan participate. In the production of the traditional content, OSMUmust be endlessly recreated and spread through 'diversity' and'interrelationships'. The contents utilization was discussed based on the transmissiondetails and analysis evidence of Gangneung Haksan Odokttegi. Thediversification of the way of performing farm song and the folk songs that can induce interest were proposed. Furthermore, basedon the fact that 12 songs classified into 8 work types, there-creation of the contents that focus on the playful aspect of theperforming arts was also proposed. In addition to suggestingthedesirable discourse of the performance groups, the experienceprogram development, education, public relations andcommunication reinforcement based on the narrating principlesoffarm songs, and the development and execution of farmsongprograms based on the tradition and the event demands wereproposed. While mentioning the necessity of value creation, thevitality of performing arts skills that put emotion, imagination, fun, sympathy, and etc. on the original form and the model of farmsongs should be supplemented to Gangneung Haksan Odokttegi. The independent transmission aspect of Gangneung Arirangisalso positive. There are difficulties of reduction of traditionalitydueto the designation, standardized transmission, lack of developmentof voluntary performances, and demonstration-centeredtransmission. Narrowly, we focused on the education andvitalization directions in terms of the capacity building of theconservation council itself. By embodying the essential value of theagricultural literature that farm songs possess, it can bringimpression of all worlds, all lives, communication and sharing, anddraw inspiration from the humanistic view of the world andemotion. The reconstitution of agricultural heritage, theconstruction of a storytelling linked with the concrete objects suchas Beomil National Preceptor, Gulsansa, FlagpoleSupport(Dangganjiju), Seokcheon, Hakbawi rock, and etc., andtheestablishment of fusion type farm song museum were proposed. In terms of culture industry, we requested active support fromtheinstitutions including local governments and various farmsongstorytelling creation projects.