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Socio-economic Polarization and Intra-urban Residential Segregation by Class (사회경제적 양극화와 도시 내 계층별 거주지 분리)

  • Chung, Su-Yeul
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2015
  • It is widely believed that increasing socio-economic polarization inspired by globalization and economic restructuring worsens residential segregation by class in Korean cities. However, the existing literature falls short in showing the recent changes of the residential segregation, particularly after the 1997 financial crisis, with reliable and systematic segregation measures. Noting that there are the two major dimension in residential segregation - evenness-concentration and exposure-clustering - this study introduced not only global measure (dissimilarity index and isolation/interaction index) but also local measures (location quotient and Local Moran's I) for each dimension. These measures are applied to the case study of Seoul in the 2000s. The class is defined by education attainment and the data is obtain through the MicroData System Service System(MDSS). The result shows that the residential segregation by education attainment persists through 2000s and even get worse in some dimension. More significantly, it turns out that high-class and low-class residence are nearly mirror-images of each other, indicating high segregation.

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Farmers perception of and adjustment to typhoon hazards on Cheju island, Korea (태풍재해에 관한 제주도 농부들의 인식과 적응도 연구)

  • Kim, Wook-Joong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39
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    • pp.93-114
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    • 1989
  • 거의 해마다 내습하는 태풍위험을 제주지역 농부들이 어떻게 인식하고 그에 적응하고 있는지 아울러 이와같이 연례행사처럼 발생하는 태풍재해 문제 해결에 있어 정부관계기관의 역할에 대한 그들의 인식은 어떠한가를 살펴보는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 우선 위 연구과제를 살피기 위하여 다음과 같은 세 가지 가설이 전제되었다. 첫째, 태풍과 같은 자연발생적 위협과 빈번한 접촉내지 오랜 경험은 인간에게 위험과 손실을 준다는 자각으로 이끌며 또한 장차 발생의 정확한 예측에 비교적 밀접한 관계를 갖는다. 그리고 이러한 경험들은 그와같은 자연발생적 위협으로부터 일시 피하거나 위협지역으로부터 아주 떠나 버린다기 보다 오히려 적응이라는 선택을 취한다. 둘째, 인간이 이와같은 위협지역 제주도와 같이 사회문화적인 특성이 뚜렷한 지역에 삶의 터전을 가지고 있는 것은 경제적 요인에서라기보다도 사회문화적 바탕에서 그 원인을 찾을 수 있다. 셋째로, 정부의 이와같은 자연발생적 재해문제 해결은 해당 지역 거주주민들과 보다 긴밀한 컴뮤니케이션과 함께 정부나 컴뮤니티를 통한 자연재해에 관한 계몽교육을 강화함으로서 그 역할이 효과적으로 수행될 수 있다. 총 113명의 농업을 주업으로 하는 가구주들을 제주도의 상습태풍재해지구에서 무작위 단게별군집(Random-cluster Stratified Sampling)방법에 의하여 선별하고 태풍위협에 대한 개인별 재해인식과 인간 적응을 알아보기 위하여 작성된 설문서를 통하여 각기 면담, 연구분석자료가 수집되었다. 제주농부들의 태풍에 대한 자각과 적응은 제주도 나름의 풍토에서 오랜 삶의 경험을 토대로 얻어진 결과라는 것이 입증되었다. 한편, 장차 태풍 내습에 대한 그들의 예측은 상당히 정확하였으며, 태풍재해에 대한 적응은 동기적이고 예방적 즉, 농부들은 재해의 근원적 소멸을 위해 재해지역을 떠난다기보다 오히려 피해를 감수하고 있었으며 또한 그들의 기본 영농방법이나 작물의 대체를 급격히 전환한다기 보다 부분적으로 수정, 변경시켜 나가고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 한편, 그들의 적응과정은 현대적 영농기술과 그들 특유의 전통적 방법을 혼합 병행하고 있었으며 가족이나 친척 이웃과의 유대관계가 재해지역에 거주하는 지배적 이유로 나타났다. 또 한편, 해당연구지역 농부들은 태풍피해에 대한 정부의 보조를 알고는 있으나 그것이 재해문제를 해결하는데 있어서 효율적이라고 생각치 않고 있다. 그들은 더욱 많은 재정적 보조를 희망하는 것만큼 연례저긍로 내습, 피해를 주고 있는 태풍재해 문제에 대한 정부의 적극적이고 좀더 효과적 예방 대책을 요구하고 있다.

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Effects of environmental management on firm performance (환경경영이 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Min-Seok;Choi, Hyun-Seok;Park, Byung-Chun
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.523-536
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    • 2011
  • This study is to empirically investigate structural relations and the degree of effects among environmental strategy, environmental management system, environmental activities, and firm performance by using structural equation modelling. In particular, we focus on examining how the structure and the effect vary according to the type of environmental strategies. In this study, environmental strategies are classified as "passive type" and "active type" by the cluster analysis, which are used for developing two different research models. For firms employing active environmental strategy, the environmental strategy has a positive effect on all of environmental management system, environmental activities, and firm performance. For firms employing passive environmental strategy, the environmental strategy has a positive effect on both of environmental management system and environmental activities, while it does not have a statistically significant effect on firm performance. The study empirically supports that the active environmental management will result in a positive firm performance.

Study of Audience Perceptions and Responses of Broadcasting Deliberation (시청자 집단의 심의 인식·반응에 관한 연구)

  • Yeo, Hyun-Chul;Jung, Jae-Ha;Jin, Chang-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.87-100
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study is to explore audience perceptions of and responses to broadcasting deliberation and analyze their characteristics. The study employed factor and cluster analyses to categorize audience perceptions of broadcasting deliberation, resulting in the identification of six types of preferences: strict standards applied to positive deliberation etc. The results indicate that audiences, which can be categorized into three types, are more likely to prefer positive deliberation over broadcasting codes. The ratio of civil compliance to a minimum standard of positive deliberation is higher than ratios involving the other standards that were included in the study. The study applied a range of theories, such as cognitive dissonance, inconsistency of perception and response, and psychological reactance, to examine and distinguish audience perceptions and responses. The study's findings provide valuable information for researchers and interested organizations and can help to lay a cornerstone for systematically classifying audience perceptions and needs in the future.

A Demand Survey on Major Fitness of Curriculum of Fire Risk Prediction and Assessment (화재위험성 예측평가분야 교육과정의 전공 적합도에 대한 수요조사)

  • Lee, Se-Myeoung
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.130-136
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    • 2016
  • A university needs to analyze and improve its curricula with the perspective of the consumer to develop a syllabus for the training of industry-demand customized human resources. Accordingly, this paper surveyed the demand of fire-related industry workers to evaluate the major fitness of the curriculum of fire risk prediction and assessment and carried out descriptive statistical analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, and one-way ANOVA based on the results. According to the analysis, fire-related industry workers reported that the curriculum of fire risk prediction and assessment is suitable for majors. In addition, they were greatly aware of the necessity of basic major and common major subjects among subjects of fire risk prediction and assessment. The results of this analysis will provide the basic data to improve the curriculum continuously in the future.

Trip Generation Model based on Geographically Weighted Regression (공간가중회귀분석을 이용한 통행발생모형)

  • Kim, Jin-Hui;Park, Il-Seop;Jeong, Jin-Hyeok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2011
  • In most of the urbanized cities, socio-economic attributes tend to cluster as patterns of similarity in space, namely spatial autocorrelation, by agglomeration forces. The classical linear regression model, the most frequently adopted in the trip generation step, cannot sufficiently represent this effect. In order to take into account the effect properly, we need a model which adequately deals with the spatial dependence patterns. In this study, the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) model is adopted as an alternative method for the local analysis of relationships in multivariate data sets; that is GWR extends this traditional regression framework by estimating local rather than global parameters. This study shows the existence of spatial effects in the production and attraction of home base/non-home based trips through the GWR model using travel data collected in Daegu metropolitan area. Furthermore, LISA is employed to verify the fact that the local spatial autocorrelation exists.

Long-Term Fluctuations of Water Temperatures in the Upper 200m off the Southeast Coast of Korea (한국 동해안 외해 표층 200m 수온의 장기변동)

  • KANG Yong-Q;KANG Hye-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.450-458
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    • 1991
  • The thermal structures and their spatio-temporal fluctuations in the upper 200m layer off the southeast coast of Korea are studied using the bimonthly temperature data for 17years(1967-1983) at 37 stations. We analyzed the fluctuations of the temperatures in the surface(0-100m) and in the subsurface(100-200m) layers. The fluctuations of temperatures in the surface water are dominated by the annual variation, whereas the subsurface layer temperatures contain considerable non-seasonal fluctuations. The distributions of water temperature anomalies in the subsurface layer are closely related with those in the surface layer. The predominant periods of temperature fluctuations in the subsurface layer, other than the annual variation, are 14 and 70 months. The period of 14 months coincides with that of the pole tide or Chandler wobble. The cluster analysis shows that our study area can be divided into the cold, the frontal and the warm regions.

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Remote Sensing-assisted Disaster Monitoring and Risk Analysis (원격탐사를 활용한 연속적 재난상황 인지 및 위험 모니터링 기술)

  • Im, Jungho;Sohn, Hong-Gyoo;Kim, Duk-jin;Choi, Jinmu
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_3
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    • pp.1007-1011
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    • 2020
  • Recently, natural and anthropogenic disasters have rapidly increased due to the on-going climate change and various human activities. Remote sensing (RS) technology enables the continuous monitoring and rapid detection of disastrous events thanks to its advantages covering vast areas at high temporal resolution. Moreover, RS technology has been very actively used in disaster monitoring and assessment since cluster- and micro-satellites and drones were introduced and became popular. In this special issue, nine papers were introduced, including the processing and applications of remote sensing data for monitoring, assessment, and prediction of various natural disasters. These papers are expected to serve as useful references for disaster management in the future.

Comparison of several criteria for ordering independent components (독립성분의 순서화 방법 비교)

  • Choi, Eunbin;Cho, Sulim;Park, Mira
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.889-899
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    • 2017
  • Independent component analysis is a multivariate approach to separate mixed signals into original signals. It is the most widely used method of blind source separation technique. ICA uses linear transformations such as principal component analysis and factor analysis, but differs in that ICA requires statistical independence and non-Gaussian assumptions of original signals. PCA have a natural ordering based on cumulative proportion of explained variance; howerver, ICA algorithms cannot identify the unique optimal ordering of the components. It is meaningful to set order because major components can be used for further analysis such as clustering and low-dimensional graphs. In this paper, we compare the performance of several criteria to determine the order of the components. Kurtosis, absolute value of kurtosis, negentropy, Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic and sum of squared coefficients are considered. The criteria are evaluated by their ability to classify known groups. Two types of data are analyzed for illustration.

Color Appearances and Morphological Characteristics of Rice According to the Visual Acceptance (외관 기호도에 의한 쌀의 색택 및 형태관련 특성)

  • Song, Jin;Chun, A-Reum;Kim, Sun-Lim;Kim, Deog-Su;Son, Jong-Rok
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    • v.51 no.7
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    • pp.618-623
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to select the acceptance test influenced by some quality characteristics of rice, and may provide the basic information on rice grade of appearance quality as distinguished the numerical values. Forty-four Japonica rice varieties mainly cultivated in Korea were evaluated for a consumer acceptance test. Color preferences of rice were highly correlated with appearance quality (r=-0.897**) and redness (r=-0.893**). Especially, appearance quality value resulted from interaction of $redness{\times}yellowness$ values was expected as a specific character used for grade of rice appearance. Shape preferences of rice showed the positive correlation with grain width (r=0.527**) and grain size (r=0.454**). Result of the consumer acceptance test of rice appearance conducted through a cluster analysis revealed five groups. Our study suggests that it may be feasible to be graded by average of quality character among groups, grain width, and grain size in Duncan's multiple range test.