• Title/Summary/Keyword: 군사안보

검색결과 339건 처리시간 0.019초

정보전대응을 위한 컴퓨터 포렌식스 기반 모의실험1) (A Simulation Model for the Response of Information-Warfare based on Computer Forensics)

  • 최용락;고병수;박명찬
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권1호
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    • pp.391-421
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    • 2003
  • While the social activities using Internet become generalized, the side effect of the information security violation is increasing steadily and threaten the countries which is not ready to prevent from offensive penetration such as the Information-fighter or Cyber-military. In this paper, we define the concept and characteristics of the modern Information-Warfare and analyze various kinds of threatened elements and also examine the recent trend in other countries. And introducing Computer Forensics raised recently for the confrontation against the security violation in the future, we will show the developing strategies and the necessity in order to response cyber attacks. These developing strategies can be used to ensure and re-trace the technical evidence for the security violation and to achieve the disaster relief effectively. So we hope that can apply them to the actual preparation through developing cyber trial test of the defense and attack for the Information-Warfare.

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국방 전산망의 효율적인 설계를 위한 휴리스틱 알고리듬 개발 (Development of a heuristic algorithm for the effective design of military information networks)

  • 우훈식;윤동원
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권1호
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    • pp.345-360
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    • 2003
  • To build an information oriented armed forces, the Korean military telecommunication networks adopt TCP/IP standard communication infrastructures based on ATM packet switched networks. Utilizing this network infrastructure, the Korean armed forces also applies to the areas of battleship management for efficient operation command controls and resource management for efficient resource allocations. In this military communication networks, it is essential to determine the least cost network topology under equal performance and reliability constraints. Basically, this type of communication network design problem is known in the literature as an NP Hard problem. As the number of network node increases, it is very hard to obtain an optimal solution in polynomial time. Therefore, it is reasonable to use a heuristic algorithm which provides a good solution with minimal computational efforts. In this study, we developed a simulated annealing based heuristic algorithm which can be utilized for the design of military communication networks. The developed algorithm provides a good packet switched network topology which satisfies a given set of performance and reliability constraints with reasonable computation times.

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미사일 Fin 액츄에이터용 서보모터의 외란 토크 억제 제어 (Disturbance Torque Suppression Control of Servo Motors for Missile Fin Actuators)

  • 김창환
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권1호
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    • pp.311-343
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we propose a generalized disturbance torque suppression control scheme of servo motors for missile fin actuators. Our controller consists of both a model based feed-forward controller and a stabilizing feedback controller. The feed-forward controller is designed such that the output of nominal plant tracks perfectly the reference position command with a desired dynamic characteristics. The feedback controller stabilizes the overall closed loop system. Furthermore, the feedback controller contains a free function that can be chosen arbitrary. The free function can be designed so as to achieve both the suppression of disturbances and the robustness to model uncertainties. In order to illuminate the superior performance of our control scheme to the conventional ones, we present some simulation results.

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쾌적한 군복 설계를 위한 의복기후 분포 (Distribution of clothing microclimate for making comfortable military uniform)

  • 김양원
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권1호
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    • pp.231-247
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    • 2003
  • To get the basic data for making comfortable military uniforms and to examine the distribution of clothing microclimate, seasonal fluctuations of skin temperature, subjective sensation, and clothing microclimate were measured from 10 males. The subject were questioned on thermal comfort in experiment. Clothing microclimate temperature at breast, skin temperature at four sites (breast, upper arm, thigh, leg), deep body temperature at eardrum( tympanic temperature), and subjective sensation were measured for an hour in the controlled climatic chamber. The subjects felt comfortable when skin temperature were recorded $34.43^{\circ}C$ at breast, $33.53^{\circ}C$ at upper arm, $32.9^{\circ}C$ at thigh, and 32.50 at leg. Then mean skin temperature was $33.55\pm$$0.63^{\circ}C$. Clothing microclimate temperature ranged from 31.2 to $33.8^{\circ}C$, and clothing microclimate humidity ranged from 49.80~52.41%. In the comparison of these results with the microclimate of military uniforms, it needs more insulation in clothing for military uniforms. It also says that military uniforms should be made of the textiles which can control humidity.

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지상표적식별을 위한 다중센서기반의 정보융합시스템에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Multi-sensor Data Fusion System for Ground Target Identification)

  • 강석훈
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권1호
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    • pp.191-229
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    • 2003
  • Multi-sensor data fusion techniques combine evidences from multiple sensors in order to get more accurate and efficient meaningful information through several process levels that may not be possible from a single sensor alone. One of the most important parts in the data fusion system is the identification fusion, and it can be categorized into physical models, parametric classification and cognitive-based models, and parametric classification technique is usually used in multi-sensor data fusion system by its characteristic. In this paper, we propose a novel heuristic identification fusion method in which we adopt desirable properties from not only parametric classification technique but also cognitive-based models in order to meet the realtime processing requirements.

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이승만 대통령의 전쟁지도 (President Syngman Rhee and the Conduct of the Korean War)

  • 김행복
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권1호
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    • pp.35-70
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    • 2003
  • President Lee, Syngman was ROK supreme commander at the Korean war. But, it is doubt that he executed his authority and responsibility by the ROK constitution and law. At the phase of the Korean War conduct, his role may be divided into 'military operation execution one' and 'political-diplomacy one'. He appointed unqualified person to the important position of the national defence, didn't make war execution system, and was not make to meet the war. And, after transferring the ROK force operation commanding authority to the Commander in Chief, UN Command, his role was extremely trivial at the military operation execution phase. Any way, he intended to recover the inferior national strength and military capacity with USA aid, and concentrated his effort toward diplomacy with USA. At last, he succeeded in making a mutual defence treaty and gained a big result to harden Korea national security after war. In sum, president Lee was shrewd politician and diplomat than military leader. And, it can be evaluated that he supplemented the lost part of military affairs side with diplomat one.

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"전쟁론" 번역서 유감1) (On the Korean Translations of Clausewitz's On War)

  • 김만수
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권1호
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    • pp.1-34
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    • 2003
  • Clausewitz's On War is a very difficult classic. Because its manuscript was not completed by him, and the Korean translations are hard to understand. Seven Korean translations of the twelve, all of the Korean translations of On War, are the plagiarisms or very alike to the former translations. It remains only five translations, to that is worth reading. Even the five are composed of Korean, difficult to understand. Because they are full of japanese and chinese terms, the sentence structures too long and complex, and many of terms too 'military'. Now is the time to translate the book new, that is understandable with easy and simple terms and short sentences.

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군작전 효율화를 위한 셀룰라망 연동구조 설계 (An Architecture Design of Military Operation System Utilizing Cellular Networks)

  • 김재철;김인택
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권9호
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    • pp.257-282
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose an architecture design of military operation system utilizing cellular networks. The main contribution of this paper is to provide a cost-effective military operation solution for ground forces, which is based on IT(information technology). By employing the cellular phones of officers' and non-commissioned officers' as the tools of operational communication, the proposed system can be constructed in the minimum duration and be built on the four components: command and control system, gateway, security system, and terminal(cell phone). This system is most effective for the warfare of limited area, but the effectiveness does not decrease under the total war covering the whole land of Korea. For the environmental change of near future, expanded architecture is also provided to utilize the functionalities of smart phones.

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한국의 방산수출 전략 연구 (A Study of The ROK's Defense Exporting Strategies)

  • 이필중
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권9호
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    • pp.141-190
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    • 2011
  • Defense industry as 'a new dynamics of economic growth' policy implies driving policy of defense products' export. The purpose of this study is to suggest suitable strategies to meet with such policy in terms of region and individual nation. The strategies towards advanced region are joint sale strategy for the third countries, extension strategy of trade-off and development strategy of products to exploit niche markets. The strategies towards non-advanced regions are package strategy including exchange of economic development know-how, strengthening strategy of relationships to leading groups in national decision-making processes, exploit strategy of sales market through transfer discard and surplus equipments to other nations, government to government sale strategy towards countries holding low leveled equipment maintaining and management abilities. Finally, successive strategies require leaders' will, active sales diplomacy and active international cooperations of defense industry.

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제대군인 취업에 관한 연구 - 민간기업 취업을 중심으로 - (A Study on Employment of Discharged Military Personnel -Establishment and Management of Private Military Company-)

  • 김기훈
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권9호
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    • pp.283-311
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    • 2011
  • The Republic of Korea, ranked as the 5th military power according to the size of its ground troops, discharges more than 200,000 manpower to the society annually; more than 13,000 of them are officers. The re-employment rate of discharged military personnels, who experience early retirement of 5 to 15 years compared to general public officers, is very low, only amounting to 53.2%. On the other hand, major developed countries exhibit great national scale of effort to take responsibility in helping the settlement of the soldiers who have dedicated their career for their countries. The re-employment rate amounts to 94%. Fully acknowledging such disparity, this paper examines various policies on discharged members support of developed countries, and aims to suggest developmental model on employment support designed for discharged members in the Republic of Korea.

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