• Title/Summary/Keyword: 국립세종도서관

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A Study on the Building and Operating of the National Science Library (국가과학도서관 건립 및 운영에 관한 고찰)

  • Kwak, Dong-Chul
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.105-130
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    • 2010
  • Science and technology information resources are major impetus for all research and development activities. Now countries around the world are seeking efficient and effective means to cope with the exponential growth of needs for science and technology information for research. In this context, it has been perceived vital to establish national infrastructures in order to extend the availability of world's science and technology information. In Korea, it has been a recurring issue to build a national science library to prevent knowledge colonization and to gain a competitive edge in the fields. It is essential to have one as a national information infrastructure to assume the role of developing a sustainable model for access to the world's science and technology information, providing permanent access to them. In this paper, therefore, some issues concerning building and managing a new national science library in Korea are examined. In doing so, the following details are dealt with in detail. First, the rationale behind building a national science library is described, Second, the functions and roles of the library are defined, Third, previous discussions and attempts to build a national science library are reviewed and analysed. Finally, possible problems and issues raised in relation to build a national science library are probed, and future directions are also suggested. In this process, the recent strategic plan for national science library, national agriculture library, and national medical library, and changing plan for Sejong city are taken into consideration as influencing factors.

Tour Program in Archives: Case Study for the Presidential Archives (기록관의 견학 프로그램 - 대통령기록관을 사례로 -)

  • Lee, Hyewon;Rieh, Hae-young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.219-245
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    • 2015
  • Archives should promote services to users using various outreach service methods. Although the archives' tour program is one of the effective means of services, there has been few studies on the archival tour program. This study investigated archival tour programs and tried to suggest a desirable tour program, with the Korean Presidential Archives as a case. For this study, four U.S. Presidential Libraries' tour programs were investigated and analyzed. Also, tour programs offered in similar organizations in Korea, such as Kim Daejung Library, Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and National Library of Korea, were analyzed. Current tour programs offered by the Korean Presidential Archives were also analyzed and some limitations were identified. Based on the characteristics of the Korean Presidential Archives, which will be moved to independent building in Sejong City soon, desirable direction to organize tour programs for various user groups were suggested.

A Study on the Linkage and Development of the BRM Based National Tasks and the Policy Information Contents (BRM기반 국정과제와 정책정보콘텐츠 연계 및 구축방안에 관한 연구)

  • Younghee, Noh;Inho, Chang;Hyojung, Sim;Woojung, Kwak
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.191-213
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    • 2022
  • With a view to providing a high-quality policy information service beyond the existing national task service of the national policy information portal (POINT) of the National Library of Korea Sejong, it would be necessary to effectively provide the policy data needed for the implementation of the new national tasks. Accordingly, in this study, an attempt has been made to find a way to connect and develop the BRM-based national tasks and the policy information contents. Towards this end, first, the types of national tasks and the contents of each field and area of the government function's classification system were analyzed, with a focus placed on the 120 national tasks of the new administration. Furthermore, by comparing and analyzing the national tasks of the previous administration and the current information, the contents ought to be reflected for the development of contents related to the national tasks identified. Second, the method for linking and collecting the policy information was sought based on the analysis of the current status of policy information and the national information portal. As a result of the study, first, examining the 1st stage BRM of the national tasks, it turned out that there were 21 tasks for social welfare, 14 for unification and diplomacy, 17 for small and medium-sized businesses in industry and trade, 12 for general public administration, 8 for the economy, taxation and finance, 6 for culture, sports and tourism, science and technology, and education each, 5 for communication, public order and safety each, 4 for health, transportation and logistics, and environment each, 3 for agriculture and forestry, 2 for national defense and regional development each, and 1 for maritime and fisheries each, among others. As for the new administration, it is apparent that science technology and IT are important, and hence, it is necessary to consider such when developing the information services for the core national tasks. Second, to link the database with external organizations, it would be necessary to form a linked operation council, link and collect the information on the national tasks, and link and provide the national task-related information for the POINTs.