• Title/Summary/Keyword: 구조적 붕괴

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Construction Monitoring for Steel Truss Bridge Widening Works (강 트러스교 확장공사시 시공중 계측)

  • Lee, Chang Soo;Jang, Jeong Hwan;Yi, Jang Seok;Kim, Nam Hong
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2005
  • This study examines the stability of Sungsu bridge which was issued nine years ago because of its collapse accident and now is on the progress of extension work in each construction stage by construction monitoring system. From this study, the measured value in each construction stage of anchorage truss and suspended truss shows the agreement with the analytical values up to 60~110 percents, and the elements' stresses emanating from the pre-loading stage, are also similar to the analytical value. Regarding these results, it is expected that each member has enough stiffness and the construction condition is satisfactory. In addition, it is expected that the transverse members and sway bracing bolts integrate completely the existing truss and new attached truss as a one body from the result of the vibration test to find out the integration rates.

Ultrastructural and Histochemical Study on the Epithelia of Digestive Tract of a Korean Slug, Incilaria fruhstorferi (한국산 산민달팽이 ( Incilaria fruhstorferi ) 소화관 상피조직의 미세구조 및 조직화학적 연구)

  • 이정찬;장남섭;한종민
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.143-160
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    • 1997
  • 한국산 산민달팽이 Incilariafruhstorferi의 소화관을 부위별로 관찰하고, 소화관 상피조직을 구성하는 세포의 종류와 분포수 그리고 분비되는 과립 등을 미세구조적, 조직화학적으로 관찰하고 그 결과를 보고하고자 한다. 산민달팽이의 소화관은 식도, 위, 장, 직장 등으로 구성되어있으며, 식도는 다시 전식도, 소낭, 후식도로 나누어지고, 장은 전장과 중장, 후장 등으로 구분되었다. 소화관을 부위별롸 관찰한 결과 섬모원주상피세포 2종, 녹색과립세포 3종, 청색과립세포, 점액세포, 투명세포, 망상형세포 그리고 괴사형세포 등 모두 10종류가 확인되었다. 섬모원주세포는 A형과 B형 등 두 종으로 나뉘며, A형은 세포의 상단 자유면에 섬모와 미세융모가 밀생된데 비해, B형은 전자밀도가 높아서 검게 보이고, 장과 직장에서만 관찰되는 특징을 보였다. 섬모의 구조는 9 x 2 + 2 axoneme이었다. 녹색과립세포는 미세구조에 의해 A형, B형 그리고 C형등 3종으로 나누어지며, 소낭과 후식도, 위, 직장에서 주로 관찰되었다. A형과 B형은 Sudan black에 양성인 지방과립(1.36 x 1.6$\mu\textrm{m}$)만을 포함하고 있는데비해 C형은 글리코겐 과립도 포함하고 있었다. 청색과립세포는 10종류의 세포 중 가장 키가 크고 (35$\mu\textrm{m}$), Millon반응에 양성을 보이는 둥근과립(직경, 1.3$\mu\textrm{m}$)을 포함하고 있는데 과립들은 단백질성으로 확인되었다. 이들은 중장에서만 관찰되었다. 장과 직장에서 주로 많이 관찰되는 점액세포는 세포질 속에 전자밀도가 낮은 투명한 과립과 전자밀도가 높아서 검게 보이는 둥근과립(크기, 1.33 x 0.89$\mu\textrm{m}$)들을 포함하고 있었는데, 이들은 미성숙 시기에는 투명과립(직경, 2.66$\mu\textrm{m}$)으로 관찰되었다. PAS-alcian blue(pH 2.5)반응에서 투명과립은 alcianophillia로 나타난 반면, 검은 과립은 PAS에 양성반을을 보이며, 각각 산성점액과 중성점액과립으로 확인되었다. 투명세포는 광학현미경 관찰에서 A형과 B형으로 구분되었으나, A형은 전자현미경 관찰에서 신경내분비세포로 확인된 반며, B형은 지방과립을 소지한 지방저장세포로 각각 확인되었다. 신경내분비세포가 소지한 과립의 크기는 0.16$\mu\textrm{m}$ 정도였다. 망상형세포는 주로 위에서 관찰되는 형태가 불규칙한 작은 세포로서 세포질에 비해 큰 핵을 소지하고 있었다. 소량의 세포질 돌기에는 사립체와 과립성소포체를 포함하고 있다. 괴사형세포는 후장과 직장에서 주로 많이 관찰되고, 점액세포의 점액과립이 분비된 후, 붕괴되는 과정에서 형성된 것으로 확인되었다.

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Collapse Analysis of Ultimate Strength for the Aluminium Stiffened Plate subjected to Compressive Load (알루미늄 보강판의 압축 최종강도 붕괴 해석)

  • Park, Joo-Shin;Ko, Jae-Yong;Kim, Yun-Young
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.31 no.10
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    • pp.825-831
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    • 2007
  • The use of high-strength aluminum alloys for ship and offshore structure generally has many benefits compared to the structural steels. These materials are used widely in a variety of fields, especially in the hull and deck of high speed craft, box-girder of bridges, deck and side plates of offshore structure. The structural weight can be reduced using these aluminum structure, which can enable high speed The characteristics of stress-strain relationship of aluminum structure are fairly different from the steel one, because of the influence of Heat Affected Zone(HAZ) by the welding processing. The HAZ of aluminum is much wider than that of steel with its high heat conductivity. In this paper, the ultimate strength characteristics of aluminum stiffened panel subjected to axial loading, such as the relationship between extent of HAZ and the behavior of buckling/ultimate strength, are investigated through the Finite Element Analysis with varying its range.

Analysis of the Disaster Sites using Power-assisted Devices for Rescue (인명구조용 근력지원장치의 적용가능한 재난현장 분석)

  • Lee, Minsu;Park, Chan;Kim, Jingi;Lee, Dongeun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.273-278
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we set the need, purpose, and the direction of developments in life-saving devices and analyzed the disaster sites where power-assisted devices are to be applied. For this purpose, we classified the disaster in accordance with the Basic Law for on Disaster and Safety Management and analyzed the common disaster sites where power-assisted devices are available. As a result, 13 disaster sites were classified into three categories. Firstly, 8 sites of social disaster accidents, fire(suppression), fire(rescue), collapse, traffic accidents, explosion, CBR(chemical, biological, and radiological), environment pollution, and other safety accidents, were defined. Secondly, 4 disaster accidents, earthquake, flood, typhoon and other natural disasters, were classified. Finally, other disaster sites were taken into account.

A Comparative Study on Seismic Fragility of RC Slab Bridge Considering Aging Effect of Components (RC 슬래브 교량의 요소별 노후도를 고려한 지진취약도 비교분석)

  • An, Hyojoon;Park, Ki-Tae;Jung, Kyu-San;Kim, Yu-Hee;Lee, Jong-Han
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2021
  • In recent years, large-scale earthquake activity has occurred in Korea, and thus public interest in earthquakes is increasing. Accordingly, the importance of seismic performance management of structures is emerging. In particular, the collapse of a bridge, one of main road facilities, directly leads to many casualties. Therefore, engineers need to evaluate the seismic fragility of the bridge and prepare for the earthquake event. The service life of these bridges has been over 30 years, which requires a study on the aging effect on bridges. In this study, seismic analysis of the target RC slab bridge was performed considering the aging effects of each component of the bridge. Components of the bridge included pier and bearing, which dominate the seismic response of the bridge. The seismic performance of the bridge was evaluated using nonlinear static and dynamic analyses. In addition, the limit state and dynamic response of each component were used to evaluate the seismic fragility according to the aging of each component.

Sensitivity of Hydraulic Structures Design Parameter by Climate Change (기후변화에 의한 수공구조물 설계인자 민감도 연구)

  • Kong, Jung-Sik;Kim, UlAnYi
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.419-419
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    • 2011
  • 이상호우, 사막화, 빙하융해, 생태계 먹이사슬 변화, 이상기온 등 기후변화의 행태는 지구 곳곳에서 다양하게 발발되고 있으며 그로인해 발생되는 인적 물적 피해가 심각하다. 1996년 집중호우에 의한 연천댐체 파괴, 2002년 8월의 낙동강 유역 장기홍수, 2002년 태풍 루사 및 2003년 태풍 매미 등 국내에서는 기후변화 중에서도 주로 이상호우로 인해 발생하는 피해가 많았으며 이들은 주기성이나 특성을 갖지 않아 예측이 어려운 관계로 망양보뢰 식의 후처리에 급급한 실정이었다. 최근 기후변화에 따른 지역별 홍수량, 가뭄량 등에 관한 연구가 가속화되고 있으며, 이와 더불어 해당 기후모델 발현 시 기존 구조물에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구도 필수적이다. 나아가 기존 구조물 뿐 아니라 새로 시공되는 구조물의 설계에서 기후변화에 대한 안정성을 위해 추가적으로 포함해야 할 요소가 있는지에 대한 연구도 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 가상 기후모델에 대해 그 모델이 예측하는 홍수량이 실제 발현되었을 경우를 가정하여, 기존 수공구조물의 안정성에 미치는 영향을 살펴보고 영향인자의 민감도를 분석하고자 한다. 대상 수공구조물은 붕괴 시 영향력이 큰 정도를 기준으로 필댐, 콘크리트차수벽형석괴댐(CFRD), 콘크리트중력식댐, 제방으로 그 범주를 제한 하였으며 대상유역은 한강으로 가정하였다. 구조물의 안정성 검토방법은 각 구조물의 종류에 따라 상이하다. 흙이 주 재료인 제방과 필댐의 경우, 침투(Piping)와 비탈면(Sliding)에 대한 안정성 평가가 이루어지며 CFRD는 댐체와 벽체로 나누어 안정성평가를 하며 댐체 안정성 평가방법은 필댐과 유사하다. 본 연구에서는 하천설계기준(2009)과 댐설계기준(2005)에 따라 각 구조물의 기준안전율을 책정하였으며 점착력, 내부마찰각, 단위중량 등의 물성치는 해당 지역의 토질특성에 따라 여러 문헌을 참고하여 설정하였고 이를 SEEP/W, SLOPE/W 프로그램을 이용하여 구조해석을 실시하였다. 콘크리트중력식댐은 활동, 전도, 지지력에 대해 각각 안정성을 평가하며 MIDAS와 ABAQUS 프로그램을 병행하여 해석하였다. 민감도(Sensitivity)란 안정성에 영향을 미치는 설계인자들의 변화에 따라 안정성이 어떻게 변화하는 지를 말한다. 기후변화에 의한 수공구조물 설계인자 민감도 연구를 통해 기존 설계과정 또는 안정성 검토 시 해당인자의 기여도를 높이거나 새로운 설계인자를 추가하여 미래 상황에 대한 구조물의 위험 정도를 과거대비 상세히 예측할 수 있으며 나아가 적절한 대응 방안 제시에 기여하여 기후변화에 따른 피해를 감소할 수 있을 것이라고 생각된다.

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Crystalline Structure of the Extrudate of High Amylose Corn Starch (압출성형 고아밀로즈 옥수수전분의 결정 구조)

  • Kim, Ji-Yong;Lee, Cherl-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.1024-1028
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    • 1998
  • Crystalline structure of the extrudate of high amylose corn starch was studied by X-ray diffractometer and $^{13}C\;NMR$. The X-ray diffraction crystal ratio of the extrudates (barrel temperature $100^{\circ}C$ )of high amylose corn starch slightly increased from 6.08% to 8.37% by increasing feed moisture content from 25% to 45%. But extrudates of high amylose corn starch showed similar crystal ratio on various extrusion conditions. Extrudates of high amylose corn starch (feed moisture content 20%, barrel temp $140^{\circ}C$) showed more enlarged crystal structure than that of non-extrudates. The perpendicular distance of crystal increased by extrusion. Crystal ratio was changed from $6.3{\sim}8.3%$ to $4.5{\sim}5.8%$ during storage at $4^{\circ}C$. Starch configuration was examined with $^{13}C\;NMR$. Double helical content was measured by $^{13}C\;NMR$ method. The highest double helical content (60%) was obtained from high amylose corn starch extrudate (barrel temp.: $100^{\circ}C$, feed moisture content 45%). Double helical contents and resistant starch (RS) yield (pancreatin) were positively correlated. However, double helical content of the extrudates was not changed by the storage at $4^{\circ}C$.

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Russia-Central Asia relations -Focusing on the period after the establishment of the EAEU in 2015- (러시아·중앙아시아 관계 -2015년 EAEU 창설 이후를 중심으로-)

  • Sang Nam Park
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.85-114
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze Russia-Central Asia relations since the launch of the EAEU in 2015 and forecast the future from a structural realism perspective. Bilateral relations have both elements of close cooperation and elements of conflict. Russia and Central Asia, which have the characteristics of an authoritarian alliance, also have a symbiotic relationship in which they have no choice but to cooperate with each other to maintain the regime. Based on this, Russia has made various efforts to reunify Central Asia. Central Asia also has no choice but to cooperate with Russia for its survival, but at the same time, it has expanded its scope of cooperation in the international community to avoid being subjugated to Russia again. However, as China's power expands, Russia's relative weakness, and wariness toward Russia increases after the Ukraine War, the gap in bilateral relations is widening. In particular, as China's influence grows, Russia's nervousness also increases. This is why Putin visits Central Asia and holds active summit talks even during the war in Ukraine. If competition between Russia and China surfaces, there is a high possibility that the international order in Central Asia will become unstable. However, it is still unlikely that the power of Russia and China will reverse in Central Asia. Above all, the security, historical, and cultural connections between Russia and Central Asia are areas that are difficult for China to catch up with. Therefore, a weakening of Russia's influence compared to the past is inevitable, but its superiority is expected to continue. If Russia breaks away from belligerence and transforms into an attractive cooperative partner, there is a possibility that bilateral relations will take an upward turn again. However, it seems unlikely that such changes and innovations will occur under the Putin regime. Therefore, the biggest obstacle to realizing Putin's goal of reunifying Central Asia is Putin himself.

The Effect of Drinking Water Fluoride on the Fine Structure of the Ameloblast in the Fetal Rat (음용수 불소가 흰쥐태아 법랑모세포의 미세구조에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Do-Seon;Jeong, Moon-Jin;Yoe, Sung-Moon
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.189-193
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    • 1999
  • The response of ameloblast to long term (3 weeks) exposure to fluoride was examined in continuously erupting mandibular incisors of pregnancy rats as compared to control rats receiving a similar diet (Teklad L-356) but no sodium fluoride in there drinking water. Rats were started on water containing 0 ppm, 100 ppm, 200 ppm, and 300 ppm NaF at the beginning of pregnancy. To examine on the ultrastructural changes of the ameloblast, electron microscopy was used. The results indicated that rat incisors expressed two major changes in normal amelogenesis that could be attributed to chronic fluoride treatment. The fluoride produces marked alteration in the fine structure of ameloblast from teeth of young rats, such as large confluent distensions of the endoplasmic reticulum and swelling of isolated mitochondria, in particular on the morphology of the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. A graded series of alterations to these organelles were produced, and the severity of the changes would seem to be dependent on dose and time. This experimental data suggested that exposure prolonged of animal to high level of fluoride appears to induce morphological changes in the normal appositional growth and initial mineralization of enamel created during amelogenesis.

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A Study of Improvement Direction of Inspection Diagnosis Report and Bridge Maintenance Detailed Guidelines (교량 점검진단 보고서 및 유지관리 세부지침 개선 방향 연구)

  • Han-Min Cho;Ki-Tae Park;Dong Woo Seo;Kyu San Jung;Jae Hwan Kim;Jin-Hyuk Lee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2022
  • After the collapse of the Seongsu Bridge in 1994, the 「Special Act on the Safety Control and Maintenance of Establishments」 was enacted in Korea, and many efforts have been made in the field of safety inspection and maintenance of facilities. Among these facilities, a total of 33,165 bridges, which account for the largest share next to buildings, are currently in use, and 28,150 bridges of type 2 and 3 account for about 85% of the total. However, compared to the relatively more important type 1 bridges, type 2 and 3 bridges, which occupy most of the bridges, have insufficient maintenance status regarding inspection and diagnosis. This reason appears in the subjective judgment and records of the inspection performer when performing inspection and diagnosis of bridges, and in the inspection and diagnosis report form that has not been systematically established. Therefore, in this study, we intend to derive an improvement (draft) of the inspection and diagnosis report that can be systematically and continuously utilized by correcting and supplementing the problems of the existing inspection and diagnosis report.