• Title/Summary/Keyword: 구강위생교육

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Survey of Recognition on Periodontal Health Inpatients of Some Dental Clinics in Geoje (거제지역 치과 내원환자의 치주 건강에 관한 인식도 조사)

  • Go, Eun-Jeong
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.203-210
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    • 2009
  • The following are the results of questionnaire research targeting 213 people at 4 dental clinics in Geoje region in order to examine recognition on the periodontal health in Inpatients of dental clinic. 1. In the item of recognition on periodontal health, the patients, who know about whether or not recognizing periodontal disease, were indicated to be 62.9%. Women were knowing better than men. The significant difference by gender was indicated(p < .01). As for a route of acquiring information on periodontal disease, a case of obtaining via television and internet was surveyed to be 31.6%. As for recognition on frequency of tooth scaling, a case of recognition as saying of the necessity of doing once a year was indicated to be 43.7%. The significant difference was indicated depending on job and academic background(p < .001). 2. As for the periodontal-health status, the patients of recognizing that the condition in the gums is mostly healthy were indicated to be 75.1%. The more professional job led to showing the significant difference depending on occupation(p < .001). As for a reason for a visit to dentistry, a case of visiting due to smell in the mouth was indicated to be 18.1%. As for kinds of dental treatment, the patients. who received the tooth scaling by visiting a dental clinic. were the largest with 46.5%. The significant difference was indicated depending on job(p < .01), academic background(p < .05), And monthly income(p < .001).

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A Survey on the Perception of the Counterplans of Medical Accident and Dispute of Dental Hygienist (의료사고 및 의료분쟁에 대한 치위생사의 인식도 조사)

  • Oh, Jin-Ho;Kwon, Jeong-Seung;Ahn, Hyoung-Joon;Kang, Jin-Kyu;Choi, Jong-Hoon
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.9-33
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    • 2007
  • In the field of dentistry, there existed relatively few emergency patients or patients who need intensive care and thus had low medical dispute rates. However, these days, there is a general tendency of increased medical disputes. Although many medical disputes are caused by medical accidents of the dentists, because dental assistants are also lawfully involved in practicing dentistry, there is a possibility of medical disputes or medical accidents caused by dental assistants. Therefore, the role of the dental assistants cannot be ignored. This study consists of a survey given to dental hygienists currently working in general hospitals, dental hospitals and private dental clinics. Following is the results of the analysis of 275 respondents' backgrounds, medical disputes rates including patients' complaints, their understanding of medical regulations and their general understanding of overall dental practice and medical disputes. 1. 251 of 274(91.6%) respondents doubted the risk of medical accident and dispute. 2. 81(29.5%) dental hygienist experienced complaint from patients. They have been working in the private dental clinic, the rate of this experience was high. 3. 349 case of 1805(19.3%) the complaints by patients, highest percentage among its category, were those regarding dental fees and poor service. 4. 129 case of 1805(7.1%) patients' complaints, highest percentage among it's subcategory, were those regarding the absence of explanations of precautions or request of agreements before dental treatment. 5. 252 of 267 (94.4%) dental hygienists chart after a scaling treatment. However, only 55(20.7%) dental hygienists chart the fact of explaining the precautions. 6. 6(2.2%) dental hygienists do not inspect patients' medical history, if patients don't mention it. 7. 104 of 274(38.0%) dental hygienists responded to be capable of administering first aid treatment. 8. 115(41.8%) dental hygienists have a first aid kit and equipment. 9. In case of medical dispute, 268(97.8%) dental hygienists respond that, charting plays a big role in resolving the dispute. 10. In case of medical dispute, 272(93.3%) dental hygienists respond that, explanation and agreement before treatment have an important role in settlement of dispute 11. Only 160(58.4%) dental hygienists responded correct answer that the duration of keeping medical records is 10 years. 12. 124(45.3%) respondents thought that it is legal for a dental hygienist to take a panoramic dental X-ray, 71(25.9%) respondents thought that it is legal practice cervical resin treatment by dental hygienist, and 37(13.5%) respondents thought that it is legal extract primary teeth by dental hygienist. 13. 24(18.76%) respondents thought that it doesn't matter to tell patient's state to others 14. 272(99.27%) responded that receiving education for the prevention of medical disputes was needed and of them, 61.0% thought it was urgent. 15. 186(64.2%) has never had classes regarding the prevention of medical disputes while in school and 212(77.4%) has not had the same type of classes after graduating from school. 16. 256(93.4%) responded that there will be even more of an increased number of medical disputes. Among them, 83.3% of respondents though that due to the increased opportunity of acquiring information through the internet and mass media. The study shows that 29.5 percentage of dental hygienists have experienced the medical disputes and complaints and they are lack of recognition of medical regulations and dental hygienist's official duty. So, there is a big potential of the percentage to increase. Therefore, the correct understanding of explaining precautions and requesting agreement before dental treatments and performing them are mandatory. Moreover, classes regarding the prevention and counterplans of medical disputes need to be widely offered.

A Study on the Health Promotion Behavior of Dental Hygiene Stdents: the case of Gyeonggi province (치위생과 재학생의 건강증진행위에 관한 연구 -경기지역 치위생과를 중심으로-)

  • Shin, Myung-Suk;Moon, Hee-Jung;Lee, Jong-Tae
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the health promotion behavior of dental hygiene students in boosting a university student health. The subjects in this study were 687 dental hygiene students in four different colleges in Gyeonggi province. A survey was conducted in September and October 2007, and the collected data were analyzed with SPSS 12.0 program. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. The he freshmen scored lowest in oral health care behavior(3.11±.57), and the gap between them and the others was statistically significant (p < .001). 2. In regard to health promotion behavior, the students who found themselves not to be in good shape scored lower in terms of nutritional care(3.63±.63), social support(2.43±.60), responsibility for their own health(2.40±.68) and esteem for their own lives(2.33±.51). There were statistically significant differences between them and the others(p < .001, p < 0.01). 3. As to the relationship of the academic background of parents to health promotion behavior, the students whose fathers stopped at middle school(3.62±.52) lagged behind most in terms of nutritional (p < .001), and those whose mothers stopped at middle school(2.52±.52) were given the smallest social support. The gap between these groups and the others were statistically significant(p < .05). 4. The self-boarding students(3.66±.57) fall behind most in the aspect of nutritional care, and there was a statistically significant gap between them and the others(p < .001). 5. The students whose monthly mean household income was one million won or less(2.42±.62) valued their own lives least, and the gap between them and the others was statistically significant(p < .05). 6. As for correlation among the variables, stronger social support led to better reverence for life, and better esteem for life was concurrent with better stress management. There was a statistically significant relationship between those variables(p < .01).

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Factors Affecting Health Status and Health Behaviors of Immigrant Women in Urban and Rural Areas (도시와 농촌의 다문화가정 이주여성의 건강실태 및 건강행위에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Lim, Jae-Ran;Jung, Mi Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.2244-2255
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to compare smoking, drinking, dietary management, personal hygiene, and oral care between immigrant women in urban and rural areas and to determine predictors of the overall health behaviors. With the standardized questionnaire used for community health survey data collection was performed in 128 immigrant women from November 2011 to October 2012. Rural women performed significantly higher numbers of health behaviors than urban women and residential district, education, employment status, and perceived difficulties related to cultural adaptation significantly predicted health behaviors in immigrant women. Immigrant women in urban areas may be highly vulnerable in maintaining health behaviors compared with rural women and cultural barriers may hinder positive health behavior maintenance. Therefore, careful considerations at individual, community, and environmental levels are needed when assessing immigrant women's health behaviors and designing culturally relevant interventions to improve health status.

Orthodontic Treatment of an Impacted Immature Tooth Using C-tube as a Skeletal Anchorage : Case Reports (C-tube를 골격성 고정원으로 이용한 매복된 미성숙 영구치의 교정적 치료 : 증례 보고)

  • Choi, Sooyeon;Kong, Eunkyung;Chung, Kyurhim;Baek, Kwangwoo
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2014
  • Skeletal anchorage is recommended as an orthodontic treatment for an impacted immature permanent tooth. Among these methods, C-tube is relatively safe because it is fixed to the cortical bone of interdental and the lower part of the root with several short miniscrews, which causes less damage to the root in patients of early permanent dentition. As it can be easily bent, the traction direction can be adjusted to favorable bone density sites. However, patient cooperation is important and traction based on physiological force in order to gain root and dentoalveolar tissue development in immature permanent teeth is required. Periodic follow-ups should be mandatory.

Knowledge of adolescents and adults about water fluoridation among the residents of Seoul (서울시 거주 청소년과 성인의 수돗물 불소농도조정사업 의식에 관한 조사연구)

  • Yoo, Young-Jae;Kim, Kwang-Soo
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.999-1006
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to understand and compare the knowledge of the adolescents and adults among the residents of Seoul metropolitan city about water fluoridation program. Methods : A total of 613 adolescents and adults between the age of 15 and 31-49 was surveyed by the questionnaire. Among them, the source of drinking water, the source of cooking water, awareness of caries prevention effect of water fluoridation program, awareness of cost benefit of health insurance of water fluoridation program, approval of water fluoridation program, awareness of health safety of water fluoridation program were surveyed. Results : 85.5% of adolescents and 88.9% of adults were surveyed to use public water supply for drinking water, and 95.3% of adolescents and 96.8% of adults were surveyed to use public water supply for cooking water. But only 14.0% of adolescents, comparing to the 42.1% of adults, were surveyed to be aware of the caries prevention effect of water fluoridation, and only 6.0% of adolescents, comparing to the 24.6% of adults, were surveyed to be aware of the caries prevention effect of water fluoridation to reduce to health insurance expenditure. About 82.6% of adolescents, comparing to the 92.1% of adults, were surveyed to vote for the fluoridation program, and only 6.8% of adolescents, comparing to the 28.6% of adults, were surveyed to be aware of health safety of water fluoridation program. Conclusions : Extensive oral health education program to the adolescents are necessary about using water fluoridation to prevent the dental caries.

A research on the actual condition of children's toothbrushing (아동들의 잇솔질 관리 실태에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hye-Kyung;Kim, Young-Im
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : The research which sees width for a wide gain and loss is about brush qualitative management of the child about dental hygiene of the child is investigated the brush qualitative actual condition. Methods : The data which is collected used SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Science) WIN 11.5 programs and analyzed, a frequency and a percentage with analytical technique, in order to grasp the general quality of the investigation object person produced to examine is about the brush quality control actual condition of the children opinion t-test (verification) frequency analyses and x2(Chi-square) verifications, executed. Result : The followings are the findings of this research. First, the children about the reason which wipes this 83.4% the thing protection dental caries answer back, followed in grade and considers the difference which was visible(p<0.001). Second, wipes whether to experience is educated answer back 83.0% was educated, followed in sex and considers the difference which was visible(p<0.05). Third, when 1 time is brush quality of the children doing, in grade and the time when becomes disturbance was, most between 2~3 minutes followed considers the difference which was visible(p<0.01). Fourth, when 1 time is brush quality of the children doing, in grade and the time when becomes disturbance was, most between 2~3 minutes followed considers the difference which was visible(p<0.01). Fifth, when 1 time is brush quality of the children doing, in grade and the time when becomes disturbance was, most between 2~3 minutes followed considers the difference which was visible(p<0.05, p<.001). Sixth, Use duration of the toothbrush the child of most was 3~6 months, according to grade and sex was visible the difference which considers. Conclusion : Are oral healthily of the children is the knowledge which relates with a brush quality and practical degree important. Therefore this there must be dental health education program development will be able to improve, means must reflect the dental health education at the time of.

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Effect of dietary quality on periodontal diseases in Korean adults: the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2016-2018) (한국 성인의 식생활의 질이 치주질환에 미치는 영향: 국민건강영양조사 제7기(2016-2018) 자료 활용)

  • Park, Jung-Eun
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.535-543
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: This study investigated the relationship between the Korean healthy eating index (KHEI) and periodontal disease in the Korean adult population. Methods: The data used in the analyses were obtained from the seventh Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2016-2018). Data were analyzed by chi-square tests and t-test. Multiple regression analysis was also performed to assess the association between KHEI and periodontal disease. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Results: Multiple logistic regression analysis adjusted for socioeconomic variables showed that medical and health behavior variables were significantly related to the KHEI 1 (<63.7, odds ratio [OR]: 1.23, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.03-1.46), KHEI 2 (63.7-79.9, OR: 1.14, 95% CI: 0.97-1.34), and risk for periodontal disease. Conclusions: The results showed a significant association between the KHEI and periodontal disease in the Korean adult population.

The Correlation between Fatigue and Halitosis, Xerostomia, Temporomandibular disorder in the Employees in Educational Institutions in an Area (일부지역 교육기관 종사자들의 피로도와 구취 및 구강 건조감, 턱관절 장애와의 관련성)

  • Ku, In-Young;Park, Hyo-Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.1156-1170
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    • 2018
  • Purpose. This study was conducted to analyze fatigue and subjective oral health status in the employees in educational institutions and provide basic data for the development of a program for the promotion of oral health. Methods. As for the subjects, this study conducted a survey with 468 educational personnel in elementary, middle, and high schools in the Daegu-Gyeongbuk area from March through June 2016 and utilized 407 copies finally. As for the items on the survey, this study conducted an investigation on their general characteristics, fatigue, and subjective oral health status(halitosis, xerostomia, temporomandibular disorder) with the self-administered method. With the data collected, this study conducted frequency analysis, t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis, using SPSS 20.0 statistical program, and the statistical significance level was .05. Results. As a result of this study, it turned out that by sex, fatigue was higher in women(4.59 points); by the place of work, those in 'elementary school' had higher fatigue(4.59 points); and by health condition and oral health status, most of them responded that they were 'not healthy'(4.81 and 4.84 points, respectively) and there was a statistically significant difference (p<.05). As for the correlation between fatigue and subjective oral health status, there were positive(+) impacts on halitosis(=.248, p<.001), xerostomia(=.097, p<.05), and temporomandibular disorder(=.148, p<.01), so it turned out that there was a correlation between fatigue and subjective oral health status. Conclusion. Based on the result of an analysis of the impacts of the fatigue level on subjective oral health status, it is judged that it would be necessary to continue to build up a program that can promote the oral health status of the educational personnel. In addition, it is necessary to conduct studies continuously for the development and application of a program for the change in lifestyle and behavior that can lower their fatigue.

A study on the status of dental underserved areas in Korea (한국의 치과의료 취약지역 현황 분석)

  • Yu, Ji-Won;Shin, Bo-Mi;Shin, Sun-Jung;Bae, Soo-Myoung
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.367-381
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the status of dental care in underserved areas of Korea. Methods: This study targeted 229 cities in Korea. The analytical index was revised and supplemented with variables related to dental care, and the "oral health level" indexes were further selected to provide a total of 20 analytical indexes. All selected indexes were converted into T scores (cited by the Korea Health Promotion Institute) and subjectively weighted. Finally, the regional oral health indices and areas were derived. PASW Statistics 25.0 (SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL, USA) was used to analyze descriptive statistics. Results: Gyeongbuk Cheongsong-gun had the highest dental underserved index. The city with the highest regional oral health underserved index was Jeonnam Shinan-gun. Daegu Jung-gu had the lowest dental underserved index and regional oral health underserved index. Regional gaps existed between dental care and the regional oral health underserved index according to the city province (p<0.001). Conclusions: To continuously evaluate oral health conditions and projects centered on vulnerable areas, it is necessary to develop indicators to derive vulnerable areas for dental care and to develop effective public dental policies.