• Title/Summary/Keyword: 교차로 시스템

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A Study on the Calculation of Dynamic Yellow Signal Time Based on Approach Speed and Collision Points (접근속도와 상충지점 기반 동적황색신호시간 산정 연구)

  • Hyunho Son;Sanghoon Sung;Choulki Lee;Hyeon Soo Lee
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.14-34
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to calculate the appropriate yellow-signal time for intersections, to find out the relationship between the approach speed and intersection width when calculating the time, and to secure safety by minimizing conflicts and dilemma sections in intersections that change according to the signal operation. For this purpose, 6,824 data points from 5 intersections were collected and analyzed. The main results of the study are as follows. First, the approach speed of individual vehicles in different lanes was analyzed, and the width of an intersection was defined by considering the conflict in each direction. Second, we developed a multiple regression model based on the approach speed and conflict points, which compensated for the problems of an existing formula. Third, a standard table is presented for applying the appropriate yellow-signal time according to the approach speed and intersection width based on a development formula. A method is also presented to determine the safety of the length of the dilemma according to the change in the yellow-light time by presenting a calculation table that can cross-analyze the yellow-signal time and a dilemma section using the relationship.

교차로 사고음 검지시스템의 방해음향 조사연구

  • Kang, Hee-Koo;Go, Young-Gwon;Kim, Jae-Yee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.805-808
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, it was performed the analysis on various intersection acoustic patterns for detection rate improvement of accident sound detection system : an acoustic pattern analysis on general traffic noise, an acoustic pattern analysis on engine noise, an acoustic pattern analysis on obstruct factors for accident sound detection system. There are remarkable differences between the acoustic patterns of traffic noise and accident sound, and we most consider the acoustic patterns when we compose the accident traffic detection system by acoustic because there is error range of 20[dB] according to the volume of traffic in intersection.

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The Development of Vehicle Counting System at Intersection Using Mean Shift (Mean Shift를 이용한 교차로 교통량 측정 시스템 개발)

  • Chun, In-Gook
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2008
  • A vehicle counting system at intersection is designed and implemented using analyzing a video stream from a camera. To separate foreground image from background, we compare three different methods, among which Li's method is chosen. Blobs are extracted from the foreground image using connected component analysis and the blobs are tracked by a blob tracker, frame by frame. The primary tracker use only the size and location of blob in foreground image. If there is a collision between blobs, the mean-shift tracking algorithm based on color distribution of blob is used. The proposed system is tested using real video data at intersection. If some huristics is applied, the system shows a good detection rate and a low error rate.

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A Study on the Performance Evaluation Measures of Traffic Signal Operation at Signalized Intersections by Utilizing Historical Data from Advanced Traveller Information System (첨단 교통 정보 시스템 누적 소통정보를 활용한 신호교차로 운영개선 효과평가를 위한 혼잡강도 지표 연구)

  • Cho, Yong-bin;Kim, Jin-tae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.643-654
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    • 2018
  • In order to understand and manage traffic flows in urban areas in the past, a variety of traffic engineering theoretical indicators such as intersection lag and highway speed have been applied. However, these theories and indicators have been developed under the constraints of traffic engineering research before the construction of intelligent transportation system. Since the ATIS system currently exists, it is necessary to introduce a separate traffic engineering technology that utilizes the data. In this paper, it is aimed to confirm whether it is applicable to intermittent flow (approach road, intersection, control group, main road axis) by using 'congestion intensity' which is already used in traffic engineering field. The results of this study are as follows: (1) The traffic signal improvement effect of urban road access road, intersection road, control group, Two verification studies were performed to verify the derived congestion intensity index. (1) verification of congestion intensity threshold value analysis and (2) crossing improvement using the congestion intensity. Through verification, it was confirmed that it is possible to apply the congestion intensity in the inter - city intermittent flow using the 5 - minute unit speed data so as to be able to escape from the existing traffic signal operation management which is past passive and manpower limit.

Key Change in the Mix System (믹스 시스템에서의 키 변경)

  • Yi Ju-Hyeong;Hong Man-Pyo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institutes of Information Security and Cryptology Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.377-381
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    • 2006
  • 익명통신을 위한 믹스 시스템에서 공격의 위험에 대응하기 위하여 효과적인 키 관리가 중요하다. 공개키 암호 시스템을 사용할 경우, 믹스 노드의 비밀 키가 노출된 것으로 의심됐을 때, 또는 노출의 예방을 위해서 주기적으로 키를 변경할 필요가 있다. 믹스 시스템의 특성상 메시지의 송수신 사이에는 전송딜레이 이상의 딜레이 시간을 갖게 되고, 키 변경 이후에 일정 시간 동안에는 예전의 키를 적용한 메시지와 새로운 키를 적용한 메시지가 동시에 나타날 수 있다. 이러한 키 교차 시간을 충분히 가질 경우 공격에 노출될 위험이 커지고, 반대로 짧은 교차 시간을 갖는 것은 정상적인 메시지의 드랍을 증가시킨다. 믹스 시스템의 환경을 고려하여, 메시지의 평균적인 딜레이 시간을 알아내고 적당한 교차 시간을 적용해 볼 수 있겠다.

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Connectivity Management of a Pedestrian Smartphone App in the Cyber-Physical Intersection Systems (CPIS) (사이버-물리 교차로 시스템에서 보행자를 위한 스마트폰 앱의 연결성 관리)

  • Jeong, Han-You;Suramardhana, Tommy Adhyasa;Nguyen, Hoa-Hung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39B no.9
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    • pp.578-589
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we introduce the concept of cyber-physical intersection systems (CPIS) which interconnects roadside units (RSU) located at the intersection, on-board units (OBU) of moving vehicles, and the smartphone apps, named the Smartphone Agent (SA). At the pedestrian mode of the SA, the connectivity management schemes, such as a location update and a handover control algorithm, are proposed to better support the CPIS services while minimizing the power consumption of the pedestrian's smartphone. We develop a real prototype of the CPIS, including RSU, OBU, and the SA. Based on the numerical results collected from a pedestrian moving around the Pusan National University campus, we validate that the proposed connectivity management schemes can improve not only the power efficiency of the pedestrian's smartphone, but also the quality of the CPIS services.

Collision Avoidance System of Container Terminal Crossroad, using an Ad-hoc Network (Ad-hoc 네트워크를 이용한 컨테이너터미널 교차로에서의 충돌방지 시스템 설계)

  • Ha, Il-Ho;Do, Dae-Man;Hyun, Maeng-Hwan;Choi, Young-Bok
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.1079-1081
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    • 2011
  • 컨테이너터미널 장치장 내 교차로에서 무인 YT(Yard Tractor)간 충돌방지를 위하여 RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) 태그와 ad-hoc 네트워크를 이용한 교차로 충돌방지 알고리즘을 제안한다. 또한 ad-hoc 네트워크 라우팅 프로토콜은 장치장 교차로에서 충돌방지를 위한 YT 간 통신성능을 결정하는 중요한 요소로써, 장치장 교차로 환경과 YT의 이동성을 고려하여 프로토콜을 결정해야 한다. 따라서 RFID 태그를 이용한 YT 위치정보와 AODV(Ad hoc On demand Distance Vector) 방식의 Hello 메시지를 이용해서 충돌방지를 위한 ad-hoc 네트워크 라우팅 프로토콜을 제안한다.

RFID 기반의 효율적인 교통신호체계 시스템 설계 및 구현

  • Jang, Seong-Ryeol;Sim, Jun-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2007.12a
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    • pp.301-303
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    • 2007
  • 본 논문은 RFID를 이용한 효율적인 교통신호 체계를 구축하기 위해서 연구했다. 이 시스템은 4차선의 주차로 와 2차선의 소방로로 이루어진 교차로 에서 주차로의 교통량이 많을 경우, 차로에서는 녹색불이 지속되어 교통의 흐름을 원활하게 해주며, 소방로에서 차량이 일정량 증가하게 되면, 주차로의 선호 등이 적색등으로 바꾸어 소방로의 차량이 소통되도록 하는 지능형 교통체계시스템용 설계하였다. 본 시스템의 구성을 위해서 RFID 태그를 차량에 설치하고, 리더기를 도로에 설치하여 차량의 유무를 판별할 수 있도록 하였다.

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Traffic-Accident-in-Alley Prevention System by Object Tracking in Video Surveillance Camera Streaming Video (비디오 감시 카메라 내 사물 추적을 통한 골목길 교차로 사고 예방 시스템)

  • Kim, Hyungjin;Kim, Juneyoung;Park, Juhong;Shim, Jaeuk;Ko, Seokju;Kim, Jeongseok
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2020.05a
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    • pp.536-539
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    • 2020
  • 길이 좁고 차도와 인도의 구분이 없는 골목길의 특성상 사각지대가 많고 보행자의 동선을 예측하기 힘들어 교통사고가 많이 발생하고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 AI 를 활용, 영상 내 사물을 추적하여 골목길에서의 사고를 예방하는 시스템을 제안한다. 해당 시스템은 Object - Detection & Tracking 을 사용하여 보행자 및 차량을 식별·추적하여 두 개 이상의 사물이 동시에 교차로에 접근 시 사고 예방 알람을 발생시킨다. 이 시스템을 전국에 설치되어 있는 CCTV 에 활용하면 추가적인 비용과 설치 시간에 제한받지 않고 전국적으로 응용할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

Optimal Traffic Signal Cycle using Fuzzy Rules

  • Hong You-Sik;Cho Young-Im
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.161-165
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    • 2005
  • In order to produce an optimal traffic cycle. We must first check how many waiting cars are at the lower intersection, because waiting queue is bigger than the length of upper traffic intersection. Start up delay time and vehicle waiting time occurs. To reduce vehicle waiting time, in this paper, we present an optimal green time algorithm using fuzzy neural network. Through computer simulation has been proven to be improved average vehicle speed than fixed traffic signal light which do not consider different intersection conditions.

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