• Title/Summary/Keyword: 교외지역

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Freight Network Build-up Based on Capacity and Acceptable Limits of Commercial Vehicles by Road Type (도로 위계에 따른 화물차량 용량과 허용비율을 고려한 화물 통행망 구축방안 연구)

  • Chae, Chan-Deul;O, Se-Chang;Lee, Gang-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.24 no.1 s.87
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    • pp.7-18
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    • 2006
  • Nowadays, the movement of commercial vehicles has caused severe congestion, environmental problems and damaged pavements in urban area. To solve the Problems, this research has proposed a methodology to build-up a freight network that is enable to manage the movement and demand of commercial vehicles. The network based on urban arterial network has developed according to freight traffic volume that is under the influence of road types among The in study area. Freight network has been developed by assignment method of 4-step transportation forecasting. Once, acceptable limits of freight traffic volume are decided, freight network can be developed using the capacity To confirm the application of the methodology, freight network of Seoul city has developed by the methodology.

A Study on Stress Factors Radiology Students Experience During Outdoor Clinical Training (방사선학과 학생이 교외 임상실습에서 경험한 스트레스 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Hoon;Kang, Se-Sik;Kim, Chang-Soo
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2013
  • This study aimed at analyzing stress factors of radiography students may experience during their clinical training, and thus at providing assistance in improving efficiency and quality of clinical training. As for the method of study, a questionnaire survey was conducted targeting radiography students from five universities in Busan and Gyeongsangnam-do regions who had clinical training experiences. The result of the survey showed that, among five stress factors, environmental factor was the highest source of stress, followed by ideals, values, roles and activity. In addition, it was found that the level of stress experienced during clinical training was higher than the level of stress in daily life. If the stress of clinical training can be reduced based on the results of this study, it will not only contribute to improving students' level of satisfaction with clinical training, but also enhance the quality of clinical training.

Discrimination of Private Property Right Protection in the U.S. Urban Regeneration Projects: A Perspective of Legal Geography (미국 도시재생사업과 사유재산권 보호의 차별 - 법제지리학의 관점 -)

  • Kim, Yong-Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.245-267
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    • 2012
  • This paper analyzes the discrimination of private property right protection in urban regeneration projects that is implemented by eminent domain based on public use in the United States. In spite of urban regeneration projects which depends on property condemnation for public use as a coercive power, it is executed on the discrimination of property right and sacrifice of the social disadvantages that transfer property from these private party to another big capitals and private developers. At first this paper investigates research trends in urban regeneration within the framework of multidisciplinary approach and suggests legal geographical perspective as a new research field. Next I figure out current state, types and numbers of brownfields site with the EPA and GAO data, and define these sites as results of deindustrialization and suburbanization process. Finally this paper uncover that the discrimination process of private property right is due to complex actions of expansion of public use concept in the U.S. Supreme Court from public ownership to economic public use, privatization of eminent domain, growth coalition regime and business friendly policy focused on economic development, class and racial bias, neoliberal movements of property right reform.

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An Analysis of the Urban Fringe Management Initiative's Operational Process in UK Using the Actor Network Theory - A Case Study of Thames Chase Community Forest Initiative - (행위자연계망이론을 통한 영국 도시교외지역 관리시책의 운영과정 특성 분석 -테임즈 체이스 마을 숲 조성 시책을 사례로-)

  • Kim, Yong-Bum;Park, Jae-Hong;Chun, Sung-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.13 no.1 s.34
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    • pp.97-109
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this research was to investigate and analyse how Community Forest Initiatives as urban fringe management initiatives made alliances with a variety of interest groups, enrol them in the urban fringe management processes using the Actor Network Theory. The Thames Chase Community Forest Initiative was selected and its area of operation included a $97 km^2$ area of green-belt area in East London. It was a instrument far improving and protecting the unique characteristics of the countryside landscape from urban developments as well as evaluating the impact of forestry inclusion in land use planning in the urban fringe. It was operated through a tiered structure comprising the Thames Chase Joint Committee and the management team. They employed a variety of devices to speak with one voice to bring about an effective operation process and to secure the enrolment of a variety of interest groups in its operational processes. Of note, the initiative's actor network impacted on improvement to and management of the countryside landscape despite not owning any land itself. As a result, when urban fringe management initiatives will be launched in South Korea to achieve a more effective and efficient urban fringe management, local councillors and representatives from public and non-government bodies should be more responsive to local communities' views and needs and work more vigorously on their behalf through lobbying, seeking media support, and so on. Moreover, better understanding and communication between local authorities' officers and management initiatives' teams are essential to avoid duplication of work practice.

Washoff Characteristics of Non-point Source pollutants and Estimation of Unit Loads in Suburban Industrial Complex Areas Runoff (교외 산업단지지역 강우유출수내 비점오염물질의 유출특성 및 원단위 산정)

  • Kim, Sung-Joon;Shin, Seon-Mi;Jeon, Yong-Tae;Won, Chan-Hee
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.315-325
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    • 2012
  • The characteristics of stormwater runoff and estimation of unit loads were examined in suburban industrial complex areas. During rainfall event, the peak concentrations occurred within the first 100 minutes after rainfall and then the highest concentration of NPS pollutants sharply decreased, showing strong first flush effect in suburban industrial complex. The cumulative load curves for NPS pollutants showed above the straight line, indicating that first flush effect occurred in suburban industrial complex. While the mean TSS, BOD, COD, TN and TP EMCs values were shown the highest values as 120.6 mg/L, 20.8 mg/L, 44.0 mg/L, 5.58 mg/L and 1.46 mg/L respectively. Unit loads estimated from the EMCs were TSS $43.86kg/km^2/day$, COD $52.45kg/km^2/day$, BOD $24.79kg/km^2/day$, T-N $6.65kg/km^2/day$, T-P $1.75kg/km^2/day$, and Pb $0.10kg/km^2/day$. Results of unit loads were compared with the unit pollutant loads from land-use in Korea and USA. The unit load of TSS was lower than that of USA. Estimated BOD and T-N and T-P unit loads were lower than that of Korea.

Designing a Daily Routine Charging Service at Commercial Sites for Electric Vehicle Users (상업 시설의 주차공간을 활용한 생활밀착형 전기차 충전 서비스 디자인)

  • Kim, Jeong Min
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.429-434
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    • 2020
  • Worldwide Electric Vehicle (EV) sales are rapidly increasing. But in many cases, charging locations can be found within or near downtown area of the city which makes EV users living outskirts of the city very difficult to establish their daily EV charging routines. In order to improve this situation, we have come up with a daily EV charge service connected with convenience stores and restaurants within reach of most EV users living in South Korea. We aim to allow users to charge their EVs while they shop and eat, just as if they charge their smartphones at cafes and restaurants. We have gone through user diary research and focus group interview research to figure out current user's concerns regarding charging and maintenance of EVs and applied the findings to our proposed service design.

Environment isotope aided studies on river water and ground water interaction in the Han River basin (동위원소를 이용한 한강유역의 지하수와 지표수의 연관성에 관한 연구)

  • 안종성;김재성
    • Water for future
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.245-252
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    • 1983
  • Recently river water pollution in Korea is given rise to serious problem in aspect of crop production, drinking well, water contamination and etc. Under these urgent situations, it is prime importance to protect water resources from pollutants. An environmental isotope survey of the groundwater form the shallow alluvial and the underlying crystalline rock aquifer of the Han River Basin has been undertaken, Analysis of the data has I) confirmed the hypothesis that the groundwater from the metropolitan area is recharged from the river whereas that form the non-urbanized region of the Basin is replenished by the infiltrating precipitation; ii) shown that crystalline rock aquifers are recharged by the ground water form the overlying alluvium. Old groundwater is a group of wells with tritium values in the range of 0 to 2 TU. These low values indicate that the water sampled was recharged much ealier, at least a few decades, than the other groundwater samples of higher tritium content. The low values in this region may, in fact, reflect the effect of the impermeable clay layers which impede infilteration from the surface. Stable isotope evidence confirmed that a recharge in the karst area occurs at a significantly greater elevation than that to the alluvial aquifer. An analysis of the tritium level collected over an annual cycle suggests that the residence time of groundwater is probably not more than a few months. There does not appear to be any correlation between the trace level of Zn, Mn and Pb in the groundwater and the mechanism of the recharge.

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The Design Trends of Outdoor Space in Commercial Multi-Complexes in Korea (국내 복합상업시설 외부공간의 특성과 변화 양상)

  • Choi, YoungJoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.89-106
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    • 2020
  • This study examines the functionality and landscape design specifics of the outdoor space of representative commercial multi-complexes in Korea in order to overview the design trends of outdoor landscaping trends. Through surveying the composition of outdoor spaces along with their relation to the surrounding landscape, open spaces, and the neighboring communities, this paper identified the change in trends regarding the characteristics of outdoor landscape planning and acknowledged the enhanced public value of outdoor space. This study asserts that the characteristics of outdoor spaces can best be understood by examining the ways in which the outdoor space relates to adjoining commercial multi-complexes and the surrounding landscape. Focusing on the relationships that outdoor space establishes, commercial multi-complexes can be categorized as follows: in/outdoor separated type, in/outdoor semi-open type, surrounding landscape-projected type, and surrounding landscape-combined type. By studying the landscape design specifics of the outdoor space of representative cases of each type, the following has been concluded: First, the amount of outdoor space has expanded in terms of importance and function while serving to assist in various activities and participatory experiences, and no longer merely serves as a backdrop of commercial facilities. Second, with the strengthened connectivity between in/outdoor spaces, the elements of outdoor surroundings are more actively introduced indoors to improve amenities. Through directly connecting certain indoor program spaces with outdoor spaces, commercial multi-complexes tend to provide richer combined experiences. Third, with the expansion of outdoor space functionality, commercial multi-complexes are increasingly recognized as a quasi-public space, making good example of liminal space. In light of the recent case of development plans linked with public open spaces in suburban settings, commercial landscape design shows the possibility of creating an open space that can function as a center for local culture and green networks in the community.

Study of On- and Off-Campus Clinical Practice Satisfaction and Major Satisfaction among Dental Hygiene Students in Some Regions (일부지역 치위생(학)과 학생들의 교내·외 임상실습만족도와 전공만족도에 관한 조사연구)

  • Moon, Seon-Jeong;Ku, In-Young;Choi, Hwa-Young;Ka, Kyung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.6793-6803
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    • 2014
  • A self-administered survey was conducted on dental hygiene students at colleges or universities in Chungcheong Province to increase the levels of practice for them and provide basic data that could improve their major satisfaction after practice. The data was collected from December 2012 to April 2013 and 766 questionnaires, except for 13 containing insincere responses, were finally analyzed using SPSS/Win18.0. The on- and off-campus practice groups formed 59.7% and 57.4%, respectively. The most frequent place for practice was university dental hospitals, followed in order by hospitals/clinics and health centers. University students were more satisfied with on-campus practice in terms of factors, such as practice contents, practice time, and practice performance than those at three-year colleges. The students in the higher grades were more satisfied with the practice time. The university students were also more satisfied with off-campus practice in terms of all the factors than those at three-year colleges. The students in higher grades were more satisfied with the practice time and practice performance. The on- or off-campus practice group was generally more satisfied with their major than the non-practice group, and each of the factors-practice performance, practice time, practice environment, and practice contents-significantly affected the major satisfaction. The results highlight the need to plan and provide satisfactory education based on an understanding and awareness of students so that they can take pride in their major through on- and off-campus practice. In addition, it is also necessary to develop educational guidelines for clinical practice and efficient programs so that clinical practice can create the optimal learning situation.

A Study on the Sustainability of the New Towns in Tokyo Metropolitan Area : Focusing on Self-Sufficiency and Social-Mix (동경권 신도시의 지속가능성에 관한 연구 : 자족성 및 소셜믹스를 중심으로)

  • Im, Chul-Woo;Kim, Chang-Gi
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 2011
  • This study considers sustainability in new town development projects in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Since the mid-1980's the purpose of new Town projects in Japan changed from encouraging residential development to sustaining self-sufficiency within multi-functional cities. Nevertheless simultaneous increases in elderly population and declines in general population became the new town's key issue. Is this trend a general phenomenon in Tokyo? Has the multi-functional city policy failed? What policies can encourage new town self-sufficiency? Judging from this research, the new towns of Tokyo are relatively young areas with low aging rates and low rates of population decrease. Nevertheless, in view of the multi-functional city plan, levels of self-sufficiency and social-mix in most new towns are inadequate. Considering these, this research recommends new town plans be required to consider surrounding industries and the accessibility form CBD to encourage self-sufficiency. Moreover, The social mix plan encouraging residential diversity is important to the sustainability of the new town.