• Title/Summary/Keyword: 교배조합

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Genetic Studies on Some Silkworm Characters by the Diallel Cross II. Analysis of Heterosis and Combining Abilities (이면교잡에 의한 잠체형질의 유전분석 II. 조합능력의 검정)

  • 장권열;한경수;민병열
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1981
  • Diallel crosses among six silkworm varieties were used as the materials by the randomized block design. and combining ability tests were conducted to determine the relationships between parents and their F$_1$ hybrids. The six parents and their 30 F$_1$ crosses were evaluated for five quantitative characters in each female and male silkworms. Mean values of period(days) of larval stage in mid-parent were more than those of each F$_1$ hybrids. Highly significant differences were shown in the total cocoon weight and weight of cocoon layer of silkworms in F$_1$ hybrids of 111$\times$114, 111$\times$ yunil, 114$\times$yunil and those of reciprocal crosses. From the results, it was recognized that varieties A(111), D(114) and F(yunil) were useful varieties as the parents in breeding of silkworms for increasing the total cocoon weight and weight of cocoon layer, etc. Differences among crosses in apparent degree of heterosis existed for total cocoon weight of cocoon layer and cocoon layer ratio, etc. Mean square values of GCA (general combining ability) were more greater than those of SCA(specific combining ability) for period(days) of larval stage, period (days) of 5th instar and cocoon layer ratio of silkworms. The effects of GCA were differ from parents and characters and the effects of SCA were also differ from parents, characters and crosses.

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Influence of Genotype and Ecotype on Anther Culture Efficiency in Hot Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) (고추의 유전자형 및 생태형이 약배양 효율에 미치는 영향)

  • 김용권;권오열;윤화모
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.49-52
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    • 1999
  • The influence of genotype and ecotype on the anther culture efficiency using hybrid of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) was investigated. Anther culture efficiency was differently dependent on the genotype of parents. In the efficiency of embryo production, the cross combination using female parents with high embryo inducing ability was higher than those with low embryo inducing ability. It was shown that genotype and cytoplasm has effect on embryo production. Also the embryogenic ability was different according to ecotype of cross lines. The frequency of embryo production were the highest in Local variety $\times$ pimento cross combinations with 17.8~46.1 and the lowest in Pimento $\times$ Local variety cross combinations with 5.4~8.5%. Embryo inducing frequency was the middle value with 10.25~23.1% in Local variety $\times$ Tropical variety, Tropical variety $\times$ Local variety, Tropical variety $\times$ Pimento, and Pimento $\times$ Tropical variety cross combinations.

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Inheritance of Fruit Texture Traits in Oriental Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta Nakai) (동양배 과실의 육질 관련 형질의 유전분석)

  • Hwang, Hae Sung;Byeon, Jae Kyun;Kim, Whee Cheon;Shin, Il Sheob
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2014
  • To improve the breeding efficiency of oriental pear, the inheritance of major fruit traits were analyzed using 4,035 seedlings of 15 cross combinations combined with 13 cultivars. Yearly variation of parental cultivars, broad-sense heritability of the traits, and frequency of seedlings with commercially acceptable characteristics by the mid-parent values were studied. Despite the heritabilities of traits related with pear the fruit texture were different depending on cross combination, the average narrow-sense heritability ($h^2$) for firmness, flesh hardness, flesh density and grit were over 0.6, a relatively high value. However fruit firmness showed different heritability among the cross combination and its value of cross combination between 'Niitaka' and 'Choju' was very low as 0.11. Positive correlation was not observed on fresh hardness, fresh density and grit but observed on firmness between mid-parent value and average value of offspring. Regression of offspring on firmness, fresh hardness, fresh density and grit between mid-parent value and average value of offspring were 0.778, 0.343, -0.273, 0.313, respectively. Frequency distributions of fruit texture in 15 cross combinations of pear seedling was influenced by parental characteristics. When fruit firmness was estimated as low, low ${\times}$ high and high ${\times}$ high values in parental fruits, firmness in their offspring exhibited low, medium and high, respectively. In addition, when parental grit by sensory evaluation were light ${\times}$ light and light-medium ${\times}$ medium-heavy, most of offsprings showed light and medium grit, respectively.

Interitance of Pericarp Thickness of Waxy Maize (찰 옥수수 과피두께의 유전)

  • Lee, In-Sup;Choe, Bong-Ho;Lee, Won-Koo;Lee, Hee-Bong
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.489-494
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    • 1993
  • The amount of maize being imported from other countries to meet the national demand are increasing every year. Regardless of the usage whether it is for silage or for human consumption, amount of seeds for farmers are ever being increased. In order to solve the problems arising from the seed import, a program for developing waxy hybrids with high quality was set up at the College of Agr., Chungnam National University. The main breeding targets for high quality waxy hybrids are focused on the pericarp thickness. In order to obtain basic information needed for developing hybrids with thin pericarp, six inbred lines all derived from open pollinated Korean waxy lines were diallel crossed. Results obtained indicate that waxy hybrids with thin pericarp can be developed by choosing proper parental lines. Of the six inbreds, Jewon inbred had utmost thin pericarp compared with other lines. Hybrids crossed with Jewon showed also thinner pericarp than other hybrids. However, Danyang which has thick pericarp showed thicker pericarp in hybrid combinations. Variance due to general combining abilities was greater than the variance due to the specific combining abilities, indicating that additive gene effects are more important. The pericarp thickness of waxy hybrid endosperm varied with the parts of pericarp. The germinal side of the pericarp is comparatively thinner than the abgerminal side. The upper part (crown) has thicker pericaip than lower part (tip) of the kernel.

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The Analysis of the Genetic Variance and Combining Ability in some Quantitative Characters by Daillel Crosses of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (이면교잡에 의한 가잠의 몇가지 실용형질의 유전변이와 조합능력 분석)

  • 장창식;손해룡
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 1985
  • The genetic variances and combinding ability of some useful characters were analyzd on sixty four combinations in the 8$\times$8 diallel cross using the four Japanese races(Jam 107, Jam 113, Jam 117 and Jam 119) and the four Chinese races(Jam 108, Jam 114, Jam 118 and Jam 120). The eight quantitative characters were the total larval stage period(TP), the fifth larval instar period(FP), the female cocoon total weight(FW), the male cocoon total weight(MW), the female cocoon layer weight(FL), the male cocoon layer weight(ML), the female cocoon layer ratio(FR), and the male cocoon layer ratio(MR). The results were as follows: The analysis of the genetic variance and the combining ability in the TP and the FP. In TP and FP, h2N was less than h2B. The GCA, SCA and RCA were at a high significant level. Hl/D and (Hl/D)1/2 ere large. The heterosis were small minus. E and D were large. The r was in the positive direction, because the recessive genes were mainly expressed as a short rearing periods. The regressions of the characters were passed below 0 point, because the characters in the TP and the FP were appeared overdominant. The order of the dominance in the TP of the parents were in the order of Jam 119>Jam 113>Jam 117>Jam 108>Jam 120>Jam 114>Jam 107>Jam 118, and that in the FP of the parents were followed in the orders of Jam 117>Jam 113>Jam 108>Jam 114>Jam 119>Jam 107>Jam 120>Jam 118. The analysis of the genetic variance and the combining ability of the FW and the MW. In the FW and the Mw, h2N was less the h2B. The GCA and SCA were large but RCA was little. Hl/D and (Hl/D)1/2 in the parents were large. Heterosis was large. E was appeared large in the FW, and small in the MW. D was small. The r was of the minus direction, because the dominance genes were less expressed. The regression of the these characters were padded below 0 point, because the characters in FW and MW were appeared overdominant. The orders of the dominance in the FW of the parents were as the order of Jam 107>Jam 108>Jam 119>Jam 113>Jam 114>Jam 120>Jam 117>Jam 118, and in the MW of them in the order of Jam 114>Jam 120>Jam 108>Jam 113>Jam 107>Jam 119>Jam 117>Jam 118. The analysis of the genetic variance and the combining ability of the FL and ML. In the FL and the ML, h2N was less than h2B. GCA and SCA were large. RCA was little. Hl/D and (Hl/D)1/2 ere large. Heterosis was large. The r was in the negative direction, because the dominance genes were less expressed. The regression of the characters of FL and ML were appeared overdominant. The dominance in the FL of parents ere in the order of Jam 120>Jam 114>Jam 119>Jam 119>Jam 118>Jam 107>Jam 117>Jam 113, and the ML of them in the order of Jam 114>Jam 108>Jam 120>Jam 117>Jam 118>Jam 107>Jam 119>Jam 113. The analysis of the genetic variance and combining ability of the FR and the MR. In the FR and the Mr, h2N was less than h2B. GCA was large. The SCA and RCA were little. In the FW, Hl/D was large but (Hl/D)1/2 was a little. In MR, Hl/D and (Hl/D)1/2 both were a littel. Heterosis was a little. E in the FR was in the negative direction, because the dominance genes were less expressed but that in the MR was the positive direction because the recessive genes were mainly expressed. The order of the dominance in the FR of the parents were in the order of Jam 117>Jam 114>Jam 108>Jam 120>Jam 118>Jam 119>Jam 107>Jam 113 and that in the MR these were in the order of Jam 114>Jam 117>Jam 108>Jam 118>Jam 107>Jam 119>Jam 120.

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Block Designs for Partial Diallel Crosses (부분이면교배에서의 블록계획)

  • 손영남;최규정
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.367-379
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, the method of constructing incomplete block designs for comparing general combining abilities of p inbred lines for partial diallel crosses is proposed. These partial diallel crosses block designs are constructed by using m-associate class partially balanced incomplete block designs with block size 2 and balanced incomplete block designs. Also, the efficiencies of block designs obtained through this method are tabulated for number of lines 24 or less.

비육돈의 교배조합이 부분육의 수율과 육질에 미치는 영향

  • Yang, Han-Sul;Jeong, Jin-Yeon;Kim, Hyo-Seon;Kim, Byeong-U;Lee, Jeong-Gyu;Jeon, Jin-Tae;Do, Chang-Hui;Ju, Seon-Tae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.161-163
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    • 2005
  • 비육돈 생산에 있어 교배조합이 부분육수율과 육질에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보고자 YLB, YLD 및 BD품종을 이용하여 조사하였다. 부분육의 경우 YLD 및 BD이 YLB에 비해 높은 삼겹살, 목심 수율을 나타내었고, 전체 정육의 수율도 높았다. 육질 측정 결과, YLB, YLD에 비해 BD에서 높은 pH 및 낮은 명도(L*)값을 보였으며, 지방산 분석 결과, 포화지방산 함량은 YLD 품종에서 높게 나타났으며, 불포화지방산은 BD 품종에서 높은 것으로 나타났다.

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Interspecific Pollination of Oriental, Martagon and Trumpet Group as Male Parent in Lilium spp. (Oriental, Martgon 및 Trumpet Group을 화분친으로 사용한 백합의 종간수분)

  • Lee, Ji-Yong;Yoon, Eui-Soo;Lim, Yong-Pyo
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2004
  • This study was undertaken to study the effect of interspecific pollination of L. longiflorum and L. ${\times}$formolongi as the female parent with Oriental, Martagon and Trumpet group as the male parent by cut-style pollination. In the interspecific pollination of L. longiflorum cv. Gelria and Lorina with Oriental group as the male parent, the corresponding fruits obtained immature embryo were 1, 8, and the mean number of embryo per fruit were 11.0, 3.0, respectively. In the interspecific pollination of L. ${\times}$formolongi cv. Raizan, the corresponding fruits obtained immature embryo were 17, and the mean number of embryo per fruit were 4.0. On the other hand, in the interspecific pollination between L. longiflorum and L. ${\times}$formolongi as the female parent and Martagon and Trumpet group as the male parent, the pollination of L. ${\times}$formolongi as the female parent and L. henryi of Trumpet group as the male parent were obtained only 2 fruits, however no embryo.

Growth Performances of Artificial Hybrids on Some Deciduous Quercus Taxa (I) (낙엽성(落葉性) 참나무류의 인공교잡(人工交雜) 묘목(苗木)의 생육(生育) 특성(特性) (I))

  • Lee, Jeong Ho;Kwon, Ki Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.88 no.4
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    • pp.485-489
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    • 1999
  • The germination percentages of Quercus hybrid seeds produced in 1994 using stored pollens were low. The survival rate and height growth within 2 years differed according to crossing combinations. The survival rate and growth of seedlings from hybrid seeds produced in 1991 and 1993 were investigated. The survival rates of five-year-old and three-year-old seedlings were from 71 to 100% and from 33 to 100%, respectively. The survival rates differed according to cross combinations. The mortality of seedlings increased in proportion to the increase of percentages of dwarf seedlings. The growth of five-year-old seedlings, of which mother tree was Q. aliena, was the best. The growth of seedlings produced by artificial crossing tended to be worse than that of natural crossing.

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Studies on the Efficiency of Selection of Some Agronomic Characteristics in Accelerating Generations of Hybrid-Rice Population (수도육종년한단축법에 있어서 몇가지 형질의 선발효과에 관한 연구)

  • Chea-Yun Cho
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    • v.20
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    • pp.27-62
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    • 1975
  • These studies were aimed at clarifying whether or not selecting agronomic characteristics of hybrid-rice populations under greenhouse conditions was useful. The selection of two quantitative characteristics, culm length and heading date, and two qualitative characteristics, shattering and awnedness, was very effective, but the flag leaf length and the exsertion of panicle was not consistent, varying from one cross to another.

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