• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공학설계

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A Novel QoS Provisoning Scheme Based on User Mobility Patterns in IP-based Next-Generation Mobile Networks (IP기반 차세대 모바일 네트워크에서 사용자 이동패턴에 기반한 QoS 보장기법)

  • Yang, Seungbo;Jeong, Jongpil
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2013
  • Future wireless systems will be required to support the increasingly nomadic lifestyle of people. This support will be provided through the use of multiple overlaid networks which have very different characteristics. Moreover, these networks will be required to support the seamless delivery of today's popular desktop services, such as web browsing, interactive multimedia and video conferencing to the mobile devices. Thus one of the major challenges in the design of these mobile systems will be the provision of the quality of service (QoS) guarantees that the applications demand under this diverse networking infrastructure. We believe that it is necessary to use resource reservation and adaptation techniques to deliver these QoS guarantee to applications. However, reservation and pre-configuration in the entire service region is overly aggressive, and results in schemes that are extremely inefficient and unreliable. To overcome this, the mobility pattern of a user can be exploited. If the movement of a user is known, the reservation and configuration procedure can be limited to the regions of the network a user is likely to visit. Our proposed Proxy-UMP is not sensitive to increase of the search cost than other schemes and shows that the increasing rate of total cost is low as the SMR increases.

Deformation Behavior and Slope Stability Effect of Anchored Retention Walls Installed in Cut Slope (절개사면에 설치된 앵커지지 합벽의 변형거동 및 사면안정효과)

  • Hong Won-Pyo;Han Jung-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2004
  • In order to establish the design method of anchored retention walls in cut slope, the behavior of anchored retention walls and backside ground needs to be investigated and checked in detail. In this study, the behavior of anchored retention walls was investigated by instrumentation installed in cut slope for an apartment construction site stabilized by a row of piles and anchored retention walls. When the anchor was installed at each excavating stages, the horizontal deflection of retention wall decreased, while the horizontal deformation of backside ground increased. The deflection of anchored retention wall decreased as the anchor was prestressed. The prestressed anchor farce has a great effect on the deflection of retention walls, while it has little effect on the deformation of its backside ground. The maximum horizontal deflection of anchored retention walls was developed between $1\%\;and\;4\%$ of excavation depth, which are $2\~8$ times larger than max. horizontal deflection of anchored retention walls including rock layers with backside horizontal ground. Meanwhile, SLOPILE (ver. 3.0) program analyzes the slope stability effects for anchored retention walls. As a result of analysis on slope stability analysis, the lateral earth pressure applied at anchored retention piles could be used as the mean values of empirical lateral pressures using anchored retention wall with horizontal ground at its backside.

Settlement Characteristics of Large Drilled Shafts Embedded in Bed Rocks (암반에 근입된 대구경 현장타설말뚝의 침하특성)

  • Hong Won-Pyo;Yea Geu-Guwen;Nam Jung-Man;Lee Jae-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2005
  • The data on the pile load tests performed on 35 large drilled shafts are analyzed to investigate the load-settlement characteristics of large drilled shafts embedded in bed rocks. Generally, the settlement of large drilled shafts embedded in bed rocks is too small to determine the ultimated load with application of the regulation in design code for either the total settlement or the residual settlement. Therefore, to determine the yield load of large drilled shafts embedded in bed rocks, p(load)-logS (settlement) curve method, which has been proposed originally for the driven pile, was applied to the investigation on the data of the pile load tests. This technique shows that the yield load can be determined accurately and easily rather than other conventional techniques such as P-S, logp-logS, S-logt, and P-S curve methods. An empirical equation is proposed to represent the relationship between pile load and settlement before the yield loading condition. And the settlement of piles was related with the depth embedded in rock as well as rock properties. Based on the investigation on the data of pile load tests, the resonable regulations f3r both the total settlement and the residual settlement are proposed to determine the yield load of large drilled shafts embedded in bed rocks.

Load Transfer Mechanism of Drilled Shafts in Weathered Rock (풍화된 암반에 근입된 현장타설말뚝의 하중전이기구)

  • ;Cho Sung-Min;Jung Sung-Jun;Kim Myoung-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 2005
  • Since the allowable bearing capacities of piles in weathered/fractured rock are mainly governed by settlement, the load-displacement behavior of pile should be known accurately. To predict pile head settlement at the design stage, the exact understanding of the load-transfer mechanisms is essential. Therefore, in this research, the load-transfer mechanism of drilled shaft socketed into weathered rock was investigated. For the investigation, five cast-in-place concrete piles with diameters of 1,000 mm were socketed into weathered gneiss. The static axial load tests and the load-transfer measurements were performed to examine the axial resistant behavior of the piles. A comprehensive field/laboratory testing program on weathered rock at the Held test sites was also performed to describe the in situ rock mass conditions quantitatively. And then, the effect of rock mass condition on the load transfer mechanism was investigated. The f-w (side shear resistance-displacement) curve of the pile in moderately weathered rock reached to yielding point at a for millimeter displacements, and after yielding point, the rate of resistance increment dramatically decreased. However, the f-w curve in the highly/completely weathered rock did not show the obvious yielding point, and the resistance gradually increased showing the hyperbolic pattern until relatively high displacement (>15 mm). The q-w (end bearing resistance-displacement) curves showed linear response at least until the base displacement of approximately 10 mm, regardless of rock mass conditions.

A Study on Predominant Periods and Attenuation Characteristics of Ground Motion (지반 탁월주기와 지반 운동특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, So-Gu;Cha, Jeong-Sik;Jeong, Hyeong-Sik
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.139-156
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    • 1995
  • A set of field investigations was performed to estimate accurately the predominant periods of seismic 8round motions and the attenuation characteristics of the seismic ground vibration. Predominant periods of ground motions were estimated from the measurement of the continuous microseismic vibratins of certain periods, inherent in the ground and in the buildings, utilizing the high sensitivity digital velocity seismometer consisting of 3-component geophones and a digital seismograph. Estimated predominant periods of microseismic vibraion of the ground(measured on'the ground surface) and the building (measured on the second floor) were in the range of 0.18~0.235 sec. and 0.26~0.31 sec. respectively. The subsurface structure of the site ground was surveyed by the seismic refraction method utilizing the digital seismicwave probing system. The ground structure was found to be a two-layered system : an upper top soil layer of 7m in thickness with the P-wave velocity of 662m1sec and a lower layer of silty-clayey soils with the P -wave velocity of 2210m1 sec. The attenuation characteristics of the seismic ground vibrations were determined by the amplitude decay measurement method us;ng the Seisgun, which produces strong artificial seismic energy. Measured spatial attenuation coefficients of the ground vibration in vertical(Z) longitudinal(X), transverse(Y) direction were 0.1137, 0.0025, and 0.0290 respectively. Estimated Spartial QP's (inverse of the specific dissipation constant w.r.t. shear waved of X, Y, and Z directions were in the range of 5.913~7.575, 32.371~41.452, 2.794~3.579 re spectively. This indicates that aseimic design of the structures on the site should take stronger consideration regarding the earthquake resistance characteristics of the structures against longitudinal ground motion.

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A Stability Analysis of Geosynthetics Reinforced Soil Slopes II - Evaluation of Required Reinforcement Tensile Force - (토목섬유 보강 성토사면의 안정해석 II. - 소요 보강재 인장력 평가 -)

  • Kim Kyeong-Mo;Kim Hong-Taek;Lee Eun-Soo;Kim Young-Yoon;Ahn Kwang-Kuk
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2005
  • Generally, when the stability of the geosynthetic reinforced soil slopes is analyzed, the required tensile forces of each reinforcement layers are calculated from total reinforcement forces which are necessary to retain the equilibrium state of slip mass in which the slip surfaces are assumed to be a linear or bilinear. It is assumed that the reinforcement forces are increased or constant with depth. However, according to the instrumented field data and laboratory model test results, the maximum tensile strain of reinforcement in a reinforced soil slope is developed in a certain elevation, not a bottom of the slope. In the concept of reinforced soil, postulated failure surfaces are the traces of the position in which the reinforcement tensile forces are maximum in the layer, and the reinforcement tensile forces are related to the stress state on the postulated failure surface. Therefore, in this study, based on the distribution of normal stress on the slip surface, a new method for the evaluation of required tensile forces is suggested and a number of the instrumented field data are analyzed by newly suggested method. As a result, it is shown that the newly suggested method produces relatively accurate reinforcement tension forces.

Modeling the Effect of Water, Excavation Sequence and Reinforcement on the Response of Tunnels

  • Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.161-176
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    • 1999
  • A powerful numerical method that can be used for modeling rock-structure interaction is the Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (D D A) method developed by Shi in 1988. In this method, rock masses are treated as systems of finite and deformable blocks. Large rock mass deformations and block movements are allowed. Although various extensions of the D D A method have been proposed in the literature, the method is not capable of modeling water-block interaction, sequential loading or unloading and rock reinforcement; three features that are needed when modeling surface or underground excavation in fractured rock. This paper presents three new extensions to the D D A method. The extensions consist of hydro-mechanical coupling between rock blocks and steady water flow in fractures, sequential loading or unloading, and rock reinforcement by rockbolts, shotcrete or concrete lining. Examples of application of the D D A method with the new extensions are presented. Simulations of the underground excavation of the \ulcornerUnju Tunnel\ulcorner in Korea were carried out to evaluate the influence of fracture flow, excavation sequence and reinforcement on the tunnel stability. The results of the present study indicate that fracture flow and improper selection of excavation sequence could have a destabilizing effect on the tunnel stability. On the other hand, reinforcement by rockbolts and shotcrete can stabilize the tunnel. It is found that, in general, the D D A program with the three new extensions can now be used as a practical tool in the design of underground structures. In particular, phases of construction (excavation, reinforcement) can now be simulated more realistically.

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Evaluation of p-y Curves of Piles in Soft Deposits by 3-Dimensional Numerical Analysis (3차원 수치해석을 이용한 점성토 지반의 p-y 곡선 산정)

  • Lee, Si-Hoon;Kim, Sung-Ryul;Lee, Ju-Hyung;Chung, Moon-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2011
  • The p-y curve has been used to design pile foundations subjected to lateral loading. Although the p-y curve has a large influence on the pile lateral behavior, p-y curves have not been clearly suggested. In this study, the p-y curve of clay was evaluated for drilled shafts in marine deposits by using 3-dimensional numerical analyses. First, the optimization study was performed to properly determine boundary extent, mesh size, and interface stiffness. The numerical modeling in the study was verified by comparing the calculated and the pile loading test results. Then, the p-y curves of single and group piles were evaluated from the parametric study. The selected parameters were pile diameter, pile Young's modulus and pile head fixed condition for a single pile, and pile spacing for group piles. Finally, the p-multiplier was evaluated by comparing the p-y curves of a single pile and group piles. As a result, the p-multiplier at pile spacing of 3D was 0.83, 0.67 and 0.78 for the front, middle, and back row piles, respectively, and showed values similar to those of O'Neill and Reese (1999). For the pile group with pile spacing larger than 60, the group effect can be ignorable.

Automatic Extraction of Abstract Components for supporting Model-driven Development of Components (모델기반 컴포넌트 개발방법론의 지원을 위한 추상컴포넌트 자동 추출기법)

  • Yun, Sang Kwon;Park, Min Gyu;Choi, Yunja
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.2 no.8
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    • pp.543-554
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    • 2013
  • Model-Driven Development(MDD) helps developers verify requirements and design issues of a software system in the early stage of development process by taking advantage of a software model which is the most highly abstracted form of a software system. In practice, however, many software systems have been developed through a code-centric method that builds a software system bottom-up rather than top-down. So, without support of appropriate tools, it is not easy to introduce MDD to real development process. Although there are many researches about extracting a model from code to help developers introduce MDD to code-centrically developed system, most of them only extracted base-level models. However, using concept of abstract component one can continuously extract higher level model from base-level model. In this paper we propose a practical method for automatic extraction of base level abstract component from source code, which is the first stage of continuous extraction process of abstract component, and validate the method by implementing an extraction tool based on the method. Target code chosen is the source code of TinyOS, an operating system for wireless sensor networks. The tool is applied to the source code of TinyOS, written in nesC language.

Methods for Stabilizing QoS in Mobile Cloud Computing (모바일 클라우드 컴퓨팅을 위한 QoS 안정화 기법)

  • La, Hyun Jung;Kim, Soo Dong
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.2 no.8
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    • pp.507-516
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    • 2013
  • Mobile devices have limited computing power and resources. Since mobile devices are equipped with rich network connectivity, an approach to subscribe cloud services can effectively remedy the problem, which is called Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). Most works on MCC depend on a method to offload functional components at runtime. However, these works only consider the limited verion of offloading to a pre-defined, designated node. Moveover, there is the limitation of managing services subscribed by applications. To provide a comprehensive and practical solution for MCC, in this paper, we propose a self-stabilizing process and its management-related methods. The proposed process is based on an autonomic computing paradigm and works with diverse quality remedy actions such as migration or replicating services. And, we devise a pratical offloading mechanism which is still in an initial stage of the study. The proposed offloading mechanism is based on our proposed MCC meta-model. By adopting the self-stabilization process for MCC, many of the technical issues are effectively resolved, and mobile cloud environments can maintain consistent levels of quality in autonomous manner.