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A Study on Optimal Reinforcing Type of Precast Retaining Wall Reinforced by Micropiles (마이크로파일로 보강된 프리캐스트 콘크리트 옹벽의 최적보강형태에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hong-Taek;Park, Jun-Yong;Yoo, Chan-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.22 no.11
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2006
  • The PCRW (Precast Concrete Retaining Wall) has many advantages compared with cast in place concrete retaining wall : shorter construction period, excellency of quality and minimum interference with the adjacent structure and traffics. However, shallow foundation type of PCRW, which has comparatively better ground condition, has some disadvantages such as difficulty in transportation and higher cost due to the size of PCRW being expanded by resisting only with self-weight if there is no other supplementary reinforcement. The presented study, in order to complement such disadvantages of PCRW, have applied the micropile method. The micropile method has advantages like low-cost and high-efficiency and does not require huge space, because it can be executed with small size equipment. However, the mechanical behavior characteristics of the PCRW reinforced by micropile, which is installed to improve the reinforcement effect, is not yet clearly identified and there is no suggested standard as to the length, diameter, install angle and install position of micropiles. Hence, this method is yet being designed depend on engineer's experience. In this study, various laboratory model tests as to sliding and overturning were performed in order to identify and present the optimum type of reinforcement and reinforcement effect of the PCRW reinforced by micropiles. In addition, it also executed numerical analysis for the purpose of verifying the optimum type of reinforcement for micropiles based on the results of laboratory model tests. The optimum reinforcement type of micropiles was estimated by model test and numerical analysis. The length of micropiles is 0.4 times wall height and the diameter is 0.04 times wall length.

Biomechanical Research Trends for Alpine Ski Analysis (알파인 스키 분석을 위한 운동역학 연구 동향)

  • Lee, Jusung;Moon, Jeheon;Kim, Jinhae;Hwang, Jinny;Kim, Hyeyoung
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.57 no.6
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    • pp.293-308
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    • 2018
  • This study was carried out to investigate the current trends in skiing-related research from existing literature in the field of kinematics, measurement sensor and computer simulation. In the field of kinematics, research is being conducted on the mechanism of ski turn, posture analysis according to the grade and skill level of skiers, friction force of ski and snow, and air resistance. In the field of measurement sensor and computer simulation, researches are being conducted for researching and developing equipment using IMU sensor and GPS. The results of this study are as follows. First, beyond the limits of the existing kinematic analysis, it is necessary to develop measurement equipment that can analyze the entire skiing area and can be deployed with ease at the sports scene. Second, research on the accuracy of information obtained using measurement sensors and various analysis techniques based on these measures should be carried out continuously to provide data that can help the sports scene. Third, it is necessary to use computer simulation methods to clarify the injury mechanism and discover ways to prevent injuries related to skiing. Fourth, it is necessary to provide optimized ski trajectory algorithm by developing 3D ski model using computer simulation and comparing with actual skiing data.

Kinematical Analysis of Woman Javelin Throwing (창던지기 동작의 kinematic적 특성분석)

  • Lee, Jong-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.345-359
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of the study was to provide the fundamental data to instruct athletes through the analysis athletes' movement in javelin. Three athletes in the level of national representative were participated in this study. The study analyzed kinematic variables(lead foot and releasing javelin) through 3-D analysis and obtained the following results. 1. During withdrawal, it is important to maintain of running horizontal velocity. 2. It was showed that throng average height was $84{\pm}3.3%$ and javelin adequative degree, Among the athletes, $S_2$ who had the best record was released the javelin with the fast velocity, but throw the javelin with the less releasing velocity. 3. $S_2$ released after lead foot were completely landed and therefore it is no problem in a kinematic aspect. However, $S_1$ angle was too small. it caused increase of release velocity to be prevented. 4. $S_2$ showing the best result indicated shorter in duration time. Generally, the shorter duration time in release phase showed the longer release distance. Especially $S_1$ and $S_3$ showing the worse result indicated the longer duration time in preparatory phase, causing the breakup of force. Therefore to improve the record, it should be decreased the duration time in preparatory phase. 5. Compared with $S_1$ and $S_3$, $S_2$ showing the best record indicated the higher velocity in center of mass, trunk, upper arm, lower arm and hand That is the higher velocity of upper arm at release leaded the better velocity transfer from upper arm to following lower arm and hand, these action should be considered to be helpful of better record. According to the above conclusion, when the athletic leaders cauch athletes, they should focus on maintaining knee angle, upper body and hip angle in a previous stage of release and throwing angle, throwing height, throwing velocity in a release stage.

Development of an Aerodynamic Simulation for Studying Microclimate of Plant Canopy in Greenhouse - (2) Development of CFD Model to Study the Effect of Tomato Plants on Internal Climate of Greenhouse - (공기유동해석을 통한 온실내 식물군 미기상 분석기술 개발 - (2)온실내 대기환경에 미치는 작물의 영향 분석을 위한 CFD 모델개발 -)

  • Lee In-Bok;Yun Nam-Kyu;Boulard Thierry;Roy Jean Claude;Lee Sung-Hyoun;Kim Gyoeng-Won;Hong Se-Woon;Sung Si-Heung
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.296-305
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    • 2006
  • The heterogeneity of crop transpiration is important to clearly understand the microclimate mechanisms and to efficiently handle the water resource in greenhouses. A computational fluid dynamic program (Fluent CFD version 6.2) was developed to study the internal climate and crop transpiration distributions of greenhouses. Additionally, the global solar radiation model and a crop heat exchange model were programmed together. Those models programmed using $C^{++}$ software were connected to the CFD main module using the user define function (UDF) technology. For the developed CFD validity, a field experiment was conducted at a $17{\times}6 m^2$ plastic-covered mechanically ventilated single-span greenhouse located at Pusan in Korea. The CFD internal distributions of air temperature, relative humidity, and air velocity at 1m height were validated against the experimental results. The CFD computed results were in close agreement with the measured distributions of the air temperature, relative humidity, and air velocity along the greenhouse. The averaged errors of their CFD computed results were 2.2%,2.1%, and 7.7%, respectively.

A Study on Improving the Performance of Shale for Application of Aggregate for Concrete (콘크리트용 골재활용을 위한 셰일 골재의 성능개선에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Han;Jung, Yong-Wook;Jang, Seok-Soo;Yeo, In-Dong;Choi, Jong-Oh
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.5915-5922
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    • 2013
  • In this study, with the aim of improving the performance of shale to allow for its use as coarse aggregate for concrete, we coated shale aggregates with water repellents and polymers and evaluated their physical properties such as density, water absorption rate, wear rate, and stability depending on the coating method. In addition, the effects of the performance improvement were evaluated by assessing the properties of fresh concrete produced by varying the shale substitution ratio, as well as the compressive strength, flexural strength, and freeze-thaw resistance according to curing ages. The test results revealed that the absolute dry densities of all coated aggregates satisfied the standard density for coarse aggregates for concrete(>$2.50g/cm^3$),and the absorption rate of the shale aggregate coated with water repellent decreased by about 50% compared with that of uncoated shale. The wear rate of the polymer-coated shale decreased by up to 13.0% compared with that of uncoated shale. All coated aggregates satisfied the stability standard for coarse aggregates for concrete(${\leq}12$). The water repellent-induced performance improvement decreased the shale aggregates' slump by about 20~30mm compared with that of the uncoated shale aggregates, and the air content of the repellent-coated shale aggregate increased by up to 0.9% compared with that of the uncoated shale aggregate. The compressive strength of the polymer-coated shale aggregates at a curing age of 28 days was RS(F) 95.7% and BS(F) 90.0%, and the flexural strength was RS(F) 98.0 % and BS(F) 92.0% of the corresponding values of concretes produced using plain aggregates. Furthermore, the concrete using polymer-coated shale aggregates showed a dynamic modulus of elasticity of RS(F) 91% and BS(F) 88% after 300 freeze-thaw cycles, thus demonstrating improved freeze-thaw durability.

Physical knowledge in children: Children's developing understanding of object motion (아동의 물리지식: 물체의 운동에 대한 아동의 이해와 발달)

  • Park Sunmi
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.31-47
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    • 2004
  • This study was carried out to examine the development of physical knowledge in children. Eighty children aged 3- to 11-year-old and 16 adults were participated in this study. Participants' knowledge about failing, sliding and sinking/floating objects was investigated to understand what kind of knowledge they had, whether their knowledge was organized as theory and what was the nature of the developmental change in physical knowledge. Results showed that, for falling object task children of all age had correct knowledge about object's falling phenomena. However, there were age differences in children's understanding of the cause of object's falling. As the children's age decreased, the frequency of explanation referring to the absence of supper rather than the gravity as the cause of falling phenomena increased. For the sliding object task, children of all age could predict the motion of sliding object correctly. But only a few 9- and 11-year-old children could understand the effect of object weight and relations between gravity, frictional force and their interactions. Children under age 7 showed no evidence of possessing these knowledge. For sinking or floating object task, children of all age and even adults showed difficulties in understanding the sinking or float phenomena per se. For the cause of these phenomena although a few 9- and 11-year-old children referred to buoyancy as the cause, they had no correct knowledge about the buoyancy. This was also true for the adults. As a conclusion, the results of this study suggested that, not 3, but as young as 5-year-old children's physical knowledge exited as a form of naive theory in terms of their use as a causal devise in explaining the cause of object motion. However, even the theory of 9- and 11-year-old children was lack of the abstractness and coherence, which were also important characteristics of a theory. Finally, developmental change in physical knowledge proceeded toward more frequent and consistent use of physical knowledge as causal device and more abstract and coherently organized theory.

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Properties of Hot Weather Nuclear Power Plant Concrete with Water Cooling Method and Retarding used (배합수 냉각방법 및 지연제 사용에 따른 서중 원전콘크리트의 특성)

  • Lee, Seung-Han;Jung, Yong-Wook;Jang, Seok-Soo;Yeo, In-Dong;Choi, Jong-Oh
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.4602-4609
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    • 2013
  • In summer and winter, the difference between the temperature during the day and that during the night is high, which leads to various problems during concrete placement, such as cracks and defects in the concrete as well as low durability and strength. Although nuclear power plant concrete is widely used for placement in all seasons, particular attention must be paid to its quality during the summer. Therefore, we evaluated the effects of a cooling method for mixing water, which is a commonly used hot weather precooling method, and the use of a retarder, on the characteristics of Nuclear Power Plant concrete. In the cooling method for mixing water, cold water at 5 was used, with 50% of the water content consisting of ice flakes. The effects of using a retarder were evaluated by reviewing the characteristics of the cement at the unset stage and after hardening. To evaluate the characteristics of the unset cement, we measured the slump, air volumes, setting times, and pressure strengths after hardening. Furthermore, we measured the heat of hydration at different temperatures; the loss of heat was minimized using insulation. Both the slump time and the complete ageing time of the air volume were found to be 120 min at $20^{\circ}C$ and 40 min at $40^{\circ}C$. In the case when the cooling method for mixing water was used and in the case when a retarder was used, the initial and final sets by penetration resistance were delayed, and the delay decreased with increasing air temperature. For the heat of hydration, the cooling method for mixing water not only lowered the maximum temperature but also delayed its attainment. However, the use of a retarder had no effect on the maximum temperature. Moreover, in the early ages (e.g., 3 and 7 days), the pressure strength of the concrete was lower than that of plain cement. However, the strength of 28-day concrete met the standard construction specifications.

Shallow subsurface structure of the Vulcano-Lipari volcanic complex, Italy, constrained by helicopter-borne aeromagnetic surveys (고해상도 항공자력탐사를 이용한 Italia Vulcano-Lipari 화산 복합체의 천부 지하 구조)

  • Okuma, Shigeo;Nakatsuka, Tadashi;Komazawa, Masao;Sugihara, Mitsuhiko;Nakano, Shun;Furukawa, Ryuta;Supper, Robert
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2006
  • Helicopter-borne aeromagnetic surveys at two different times separated by three years were conducted to better understand the shallow subsurface structure of the Vulcano and Lipari volcanic complex, Aeolian Islands, southern Italy, and also to monitor the volcanic activity of the area. As there was no meaningful difference between the two magnetic datasets to imply an apparent change of the volcanic activity, the datasets were merged to produce an aeromagnetic map with wider coverage than was given by a single dataset. Apparent magnetisation intensity mapping was applied to terrain-corrected magnetic anomalies, and showed local magnetisation highs in and around Fossa Cone, suggesting heterogeneity of the cone. Magnetic modelling was conducted for three of those magnetisation highs. Each model implied the presence of concealed volcanic products overlain by pyroclastic rocks from the Fossa crater. The model for the Fossa crater area suggests a buried trachytic lava flow on the southern edge of the present crater. The magnetic model at Forgia Vecchia suggests that phreatic cones can be interpreted as resulting from a concealed eruptive centre, with thick latitic lavas that fill up Fossa Caldera. However, the distribution of lavas seems to be limited to a smaller area than was expected from drilling results. This can be explained partly by alteration of the lavas by intense hydrothermal activity, as seen at geothermal areas close to Porto Levante. The magnetic model at the north-eastern Fossa Cone implies that thick lavas accumulated as another eruption centre in the early stage of the activity of Fossa. Recent geoelectric surveys showed high-resistivity zones in the areas of the last two magnetic models.

Performance Characteristics of Agitated Bed Manure Composting and Ammonia Removal from Composting Using Sawdust Biofiltration System (교반식 축분 퇴비화 및 톱밥 탈취처리 시스템의 퇴비화 암모니아 제거 성능)

  • Hong, J.H.;Park, K.J.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2007
  • Sawdust biofiltration is an emerging bio-technology for control of ammonia emissions including compost odors from composting of biological wastes. Although sawdust is widely used as a medium for bulking agent in composting system and for microbial attachment in biofiltration systems, the performance of agitated bed composting and sawdust biofiltration are not well established. A pilot-scale composting of hog manure amended with sawdust and sawdust biofiltration systems for practical operation were investigated using aerated and agitated rectangular reactor with compost turner and sawdust biofilter operated under controlled conditions, each with a working capacity of approximately $40m^3\;and\;4.5m^3$ respectively. These were used to investigate the effect of compost temperature, seed germination rate and the C/N ratio of the compost on ammonia emissions, compost maturity and sawdust biofiltration performance. Temperature profiles showed that the material in three runs had been reached to temperature of 55 to $65^{\circ}C$ and above. The ammonia concentration in the exhaust gas of the sawdust biofilter media was below the maximum average value as 45 ppm. Seed germination rate levels of final compost was maintained from 70 to 93% and EC values of the finished compost varied between 2.8 and 4.8 ds/m, providing adequate conditions for plant growth.

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Influences of Air Pollution on the Growth of Ornamental Trees - With Particular Reference to SO2 - (대기오염(大氣汚染)이 조경수목(造景樹木)의 생육(生育)에 미치는 영향(影響) - 아황산(亞黃酸)가스에 대(對)하여 -)

  • Kim, Tae Wook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.20-53
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    • 1976
  • For the purpose of detecting the capability of the trees to resist air pollution and of determining the tree species best suited for purification of polluted air, particularly with regard to $SO_2$ contamination, six following ornamental tree species were selected as experimental materials: i.e., Hibiscus syriacus L., Ginkgo biloba L., Forsythia koreana Nak., Syringa dilatata Nak., Larix leptolepis Gordon, and Pinus rigida Miller. The susceptiblities of the trees were observed and analyzed on the basis of area ratio of smoke injury spots to the total leaf area. The results of the experiments are as follows: I. The Susceptibilities to Sulfur Dioxide. (1) The decreasing order of tolerance to $SO_2$ by species was as follows: 1. Hibiscus syriacus 2. Ginkgo biloba, 3. Forsythia koreana, 4. Syringa dilatata, 5. Larix leptolepis, and 6. Pinus rigida. In general, Hibiscus syriacus and Ginkgo biloba can be grouped as the most resistant and Larix leptolepis and Pinus rigida as the least resistant and Forsythia koreana and Syringa dilatata as of intermediate resistance. (2) The sulfur content of the leaves treated by $SO_2$ increased in proportion to the increase of the concentration of the fumigation. The content in the coniferous species proved to be less than that of the broad-leaved species, but Ginkgo biloba proved to contain as much sulfur as broad-leaved species. (3) The earlier-stage leaves fumigated in June with the $SO_2$ concentration up-to-l-ppm showed that sulfur content increases in proportion to the increase of the concentration of the fumigation, but the difference between concentration was not so significant. (4) The later-stage leaves fumigated in October showed higher sulfur content than the earlier stage leaves, and a wider range of difference in sulfur content was detected among different concentrations. The limit of fumigation resulting in culmination of sulfur absoption in broad-leaved species, such as Syringa dilatata, Hibiscus syriacus, and Forsythia koreana proved to be around 0.6 ppm. (5) Due to the sprouting ability and the adventitious bud formation, the recovery from $SO_2$ fumigation was prominent in Hibiscus syriacus, Syringa dilatata, and Forsythia koreana. (6) The differences in the smoke spot color were recognized by species: namely, dirt-brown in Syringa dilatata, brilliant yellowish-brown in Pinus rigida and Ginkgo biloba, whitish-yellow in Hibiscus syriacus and reddish-brown in Forsythia koreana. (7) The leaf margins proved to be most susceptible, and the leaf bases of the mid-rib most tolerant. In both Ginkgo biloba and Larix leptolepis, the younger leaves were more resistant to $SO_2$ than the older ones. II. The ulfur Content of the Leaves of the Ornamental Trees Growing in the City of Seoul. (1) The sulfur contents in the leaves of the Seoul City ornamental trees showed a remarkably higher value than those of the leaves in the non-polluted areas. The sulfur content of the leaves in the non-polluted area proved to be in the following descending order: Salix pseudo-lasiogyne Leveille, Ginkgo biloba L., Alianthus altissima swingle, Platanus orientalis L., and Populus deltoides Marsh. (2) In respect to the sulfur contents in the leaves of the ornamental trees in the city of Seoul, the air pollution proved to be the worst in the areas of Seoul Railroad Station, the Ahyun Pass, and the Entrance to Ewha Womans University. The areas of Deogsu Palace, Gyeongbog Palace, Changdeog Palace, Changgyeong Park and the Hyehwa Intersection were least polluted, and the areas of the East Gate, the Ulchi Intersection and the Seodaemun Intersection are in the intermediate state.

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