• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공공부조수급자

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A Development for 'Attitude toward Work Scale' on Welfare Recipients (공공부조수급자의 "일에 대한 태도" 척도 개발)

  • Jung, Jin-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.207-225
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    • 2004
  • This study aims to develop an attitude toward work scale on the welfare recipients in Korea. This study has process through literature review and empirical research. As a results, there are 3 factors, 'independent/reliance', 'work as itself', 'hardworking and success' in this scale. And this scale is composed of 11 items with 5 likert scale. The sums of squared loading of this scale is 54.9%, and the internal reliability is ${\alpha}=.79$. The means of attitude toward work on welfare recipients in Korea is 43.9 among the total sum 55. This means the welfare recipients in Korea have highly positive attitude toward work. This study has an implication as a first trial to measure work attitude on welfare recipients in Korea more objective and scientific. But this scale need some follow-up study to improve the validity and elaboration.

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Single Mothers' Experiences of Public Support Service: The Case Study of Single Mothers Who are Lack of Work Ability (근로능력이 부족한 여성한부모의 공공부조서비스 이용 경험)

  • Sung, Jung-Huyn;Kim, Ji-Hye
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.261-275
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to explore the utilizing experience of public support service of the single mothers, who have been assessed as inability in aspect of labor. For this purpose of this study, we had in-depth interview five interviewees who had adolescent children or non-adult children. The participants were from 20s to 50s. From the outcomes of this study, we figured out that they had attempted to escape from the poor realities of life and to help the family budget through their work. However, they could not have plans to fulfill their aims, because of the unhealthy body conditions, the high working costs, the burdens for parenting or child-rearing, and the low levels of working ability. It has been shown that their parenting stresses and depressions from their hard realities have been reinforced, and those psycho-emotional pressures have been projected to connect with the inappropriate disciplines and parenting or child-rearing. And it has been reinforced through utilizing public support service. Consequently, they have become chronic through the repeated disappointment and unhealthy psycho-emotional condition. In this study, we discussed and proposed the labor policies and practical suggestions which have had a close relationship with the efficient judgement systems for work inability.

Analysis of Labor Market Activation Policy and Its Employment Outcomes: the Effects of Employment and Tailored Social Service Provision (한국의 노동시장 활성화 정책 특성과 취업 성과: 취업지원서비스와 맞춤형 사회서비스 중심 정책의 비교)

  • Ryu, Kirak
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.149-183
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    • 2012
  • This article aims to analyze main features of activation policy and compare major programmes in terms of their impact on employment performances in Korea. Since the introduction of National Basic Living Security Act in 2000, a series of activation policies have been in place for social assistance recipients, low-income employees, and youth unemployed by means of providing tailored employment and social services via in-depth counselling and case management. These activation policies carry both enabling and demanding elements: requiring programme participation in exchange for public assistance benefit receipts on the one hand, and providing various social services to remove barriers to employment through case management on the other hand. Therefore, it merits attention to analyze how various features of activation programmes affect employment outcomes, the effectiveness of delivery system and policy instruments as well. In analyzing employment outcomes of activation policy of which main characteristics lie in provision of employment and social services, this article points out the features and policy instruments of the activation policy that contribute to labor market entry of public assistance recipients and low income employees. In addition, it also delineates the determinants of exit from benefit receipts. Results from statistical analysis show that activation policy with intense employment service helps both benefit recipients and low income employees enter into the labor market at a faster rate. However, tailored social service provision enables social assistance recipients to exit from benefit receipts. These results suggest theoretical and policy relevant implication in regards to redesigning the delivery mechanisms and service instruments of activation policy.

Factors Affecting on Suicidal Ideation in Public Assistance Recipients (공공부조 수급자의 자살생각 영향요인)

  • Lee, Ju Hyun;Kim, Min Ji;Lee, Byeong Hui;Noh, Jin-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.366-374
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    • 2015
  • This study investigated what factors would affect suicidal ideation of the people who have received public assistance. For the purpose, the survey results of the 7th year(2012) of Korea Welfare Panel Study, which were conducted by Korea Institute for health and Social Affairs and Social Welfare Research Institute of Seoul National University, were used for analysis. In order to figure out the level of influence on the suicidal ideation, a binary logistic regression analysis using a binary logistic model was used as an analysis method. As a result, it was found that when the subjects are middle school graduates, and if they are married, there are low suicidal ideation. Also, the higher their self-esteem is and the higher their satisfaction with public assistance, the lower there they have suicidal ideation. Furthermore, it was proved that if they have depression, or in middle age, they have high possibility of suicidal ideation. It was proved that satisfaction with public assistance also can have influence on the suicidal ideation of the poor class, not only physical and psychological factors. Therefore, measuring the satisfaction of the recipients with public assistance can be one of the significant factors that affects suicidal ideation.

The Achievements and limitations of the U. S. Welfare Reform (미국 복지개혁의 성과와 한계)

  • Kim, Hwan-Joon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.53
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    • pp.129-153
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    • 2003
  • This study examines the socio-economic impacts of recent welfare reform in the United States. Based on the neo-conservative critique to the traditional public assistance system for low-income families, the 1996 welfare reform has given greater emphases on reducing welfare dependency and increasing work effort and self-sufficiency among welfare recipients. In particular, the welfare reform legislation instituted 60-month lifetime limits on cash assistance, expanded mandatory work requirements, and placed financial penalties for noncompliance. With the well-timed economic boom in the second half of the 1990s, the welfare reform seems to achieve considerable progress; welfare caseload has declined sharply to reach less than 50% of its 1994 peak, single mothers' labor force participation has increased substantially, and child poverty has decreased. In spite of these good signals, the welfare reform also has several potential problems. Many welfare leavers participate in the labor market, but not all (or most) of them. The economic well being of working welfare leavers did not increased significantly, because earnings increase was canceled out by parallel decrease in welfare benefits. Furthermore, most of working welfare leavers are employed in jobs with poor employment stability and low wages, making them highly vulnerable to frequent layoff, long-time joblessness, persistent poverty, and welfare recidivism. Another serious problem of the welfare reform is that a substantial number of welfare recipients are faced with extreme difficulties in finding jobs, because they have severe barriers to employment. The new welfare system with 5-year time limit can severely threaten the livelihoods of these people. The welfare reform presupposes that welfare recipients can achieve self-reliance by increasing their labor market activities. However, empirical evidences suggest that many people are unable to respond to the new, work-oriented welfare strategy. It may be a very difficult task to achieve both objectives of the welfare reform((1) providing adequate income security for low-income families and (2) promoting self-sufficiency) at the same time, because sometimes they are conflicting each other. With this in mind, a possible solution can be to distinguish welfare recipients into "(Very)-Hard-to-Employ" group and "(Relatively)-Ready-to-Work" group, based on elaborate examinations of a wide range of personal conditions. For the former group, the primary objective of welfare policies should be the first one(providing income security). For the "Ready-to-Work" group, follow-up services to promote job retention and advancement, as well as skill-training and job-search services, are very important. The U. S. experiences of the welfare reform provide some useful implications for newly developing Korean public assistance policies for the able-bodied low-income population.

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French 'Minima Sociaux's Scheme, Benefit Determination Rule and its Appreciation : A Study on Social Assistance in Europe (프랑스 사회적 미니멈(Minima sociaux)의 구조 및 급여 체계 : 유럽 공공 부조 제도의 한 연구)

  • Shim, Chang-Hack
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.75-97
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this article is to explore French 'minima sociaux', focusing its scheme, benefit determination rule and its level appreciation. First, on the its structure domain, French 'minima sociaux' presents the plural system in which there is eight categorical benefits and one general benefit. Il is the representation of the intention to guarantee minimum income for the dead zone people out of the social insurance application and also a historical product in different period, by different logic of benefits implementation. Second, comparing nine benefits based on the benefit determination rule, level of benefits for the poor without work ability is higher than one for the poor with work ability. Il represents one polarized perception toward for the poor according to have or not its work ability. Third, comparing level of 'minima sociaux' with relative poverty line, the level of the most 'minima sociaux' is placed under the poverty line. Nevertheless, it must not forget that 'minima sociaux' plays its role as the fundamental alternative for poverty alleviation, but not the only alternative. Fourth and finally, comparing with minimum income guarantee(SMIC in french), level of RMI benefit is estimated merely on the 50% of SMIC. We can consider that it is the result of the interaction of the complex factors, as the limited role of the state toward the minimum income guarantee for the RMI beneficiary and the intervention the logic of status instead of the logic of need, etc..

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What Hinders the Transition from Benefits Recipiency to Labor Market in the Korean Social Assistance Program? : In the case of working-age recipients (근로연령대 수급자의 탈빈곤 : 노동시장통합 결정 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Jiyeun;Lee, Hyonjoo;Cheon, Byungyou
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.185-208
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    • 2014
  • This study is to identify the factors deterring or precipitating the exit from welfare recipiency to labor market in the Korean social assistance program. The results from the empirical analyses of the Korea Welfare Panel Study(KOWEPS) show that the duration dependency is not due to increasing welfare dependency with duration, but to the fact that longer stayers have many vulnerable conditions to escape from poverty. Particularly, the main factors determining the transition from recipiency to labor market are not individual or household characteristics such as human or social capital. Those having adolescents of secondary education in their households or participating in some effective labor market program such as job placement service tend to have significant effects on the exit rates from recipiency. That means that the institution-related factors such as the education and health supports combined with benefits and the effective labor market programs are important in the translation from recipiency to labor market of working-age recipients in the Korean social assistance scheme.

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The Impact of TANF on Income and Poverty : analyses by sub-component (미국 TANF정책이 소득 및 빈곤에 미친 영향: 하부조항별 분석)

  • Yoo, Ji-Young
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.111-136
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    • 2007
  • The National Basic Livelihood Security(NBLS) System implemented from October 2000 has expanded cash assistance to cover the poor who are able to work in our country. Although the cash assistance for them has positive aspects of providing basic livelihood security for all people, but many scholars have also pointed out its negative aspects such as a decrease in labor supply among the poor. In order to provide policy implications for the cash assistance program of our country as well as the US, this paper examines the impact of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families(TANF) on poverty among single mothers and their families using data from March Current Population Survey of $1991{\sim}2002$. TANF imposes strong work requirements and time limits to recipients as conditions for cash assistance, which are major sub-components of TANF. Therefore, this paper analyzes TANF by looking at work requirements and time limits separately, not by looking at TANF as a single policy. The research findings show that work requirements significantly decreased income and increased poverty among single mothers. Although time limits show income increasing effects and poverty decreasing effects, it seems further studies on time limits are needed at this point. The research findings of this paper provide important lessons for welfare to work cash assistance of our country as well as the US.

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Work Incentive Provisions in Benefit Structure of Social Assistance Program (공공부조 급여구조가 수급자의 근로동기에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, Neung-Hoo
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.46
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    • pp.60-88
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    • 2001
  • This paper examined the impacts of the welfare reform program, California Work Pays Demonstration Program(CWPDP), implemented in 1992. CWPDP was designed to move welfare recipients into the labor market by reducing the amount of AFDC grants and one-third earned income disregard. The evaluation of the policy impacts on the welfare recipients was conducted in two areas: employment and earnings. This study used a subset of a database created by the California Department of Social Services, and University of California Data Archive and Technical Assistance. The subset is composed of 3,936 AFDC-FG cases selected in LA County: 1,311 control cases and 2,625 experimental cases. The control group was kept on the AFDC rules as of September 1992, while the experimental group was subject to AFDC rule changes implemented under CWPDP. The analyses of the employment and earnings using the random effects probit model and the random effects regression model, respectively, indicated that CWPDP did not effectively encourage female heads to participate in the labor market. It also revealed that CWPDP did not significantly increase the earnings of female heads. The findings imply that the disincentive structure of the public assistance program is not the main barrier preventing female heads from getting jobs and leaving the welfare rolls. Rather, participation in the labor market and exit from welfare is mainly determined by their own demographic characteristics and the economic cycle. Based on the findings, policy implications are suggested on the National Minimum Protection Program in Korea. Those include a flexible exemption rate for the earned income of beneficiaries, affordable child care services, and guaranteed public jobs.

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An Exploratory Study on the "Trust" Operational Scheme for Income Security and Asset Management for People with Developmental Disabilities in Adulthood (성인기 발달장애인의 소득보장과 재산관리를 위한 「신탁」 운영방안에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Cheon;Kang, Ji-Hyun
    • 재활복지
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.29-62
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the main operational scheme of the "financial planning" and "the trust" for people with developmental disabilities as a means of property protecting and managing for them. The results are as follows; Regarding to "Financial planning", it is necessary to establish a measure to meet the financial needs for people with developmental disabilities in future plan; Issues to be taken care of in the point of financial planning include plan for the maintenance and use of property for their independent life; and public and private resources and support for the disabled. Obstacles are lack of national awareness of the financial planning for the disabled. In relation to the contents of the "trust" of people with developmental disabilities, the principles of operation are assuring universality, publicness, stability, self-decision making, and individuality; operating system is a mixture of public and private; subjects of target are people with developmental disabilities with no parents or caring family as well as income. The required support is a supervisory system for the secure management of asset to entrusted institutions; the decision support system for people with developmental disabilities; maintaining the qualification of government receipt of public assistance for those who do not redeem up to a certain amount of personal property utilizing the trust system.