• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공간조형

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A Study on the Monolithic Characteristics of Contemporary Architecture (현대건축에서의 단일체적 조형 성향에 관한 연구)

  • Lyu, Ho-Chang
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.1 s.63
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2006
  • This study is on the general characteristics of 'Monolithic' architecture. The intentions of monolithic architecture can be assumed as an attempt to replace the formal looseness or difficulties of understanding formal complexity of modern architecture, or a trial to react against contemporary avant-garde architectural tendency typically characterized as unstableness, uncertainty, fluidity, and articulation to reestablish autonomy of architecture. Buildings in this category coincide in their extreme economy and simplicity of overall form and consistency of external appearance while showing great expressional capacity with very limited formal means. Even though monolithic architecture still seems a little unstable and ambiguous in historical aspects, it can be considered as strikingly shaped objects or autonomous forms with identities, logics, and representation that promote recognition. Using architectural techniques of scale, colors, materials and finishes, monolithic architecture shows strategically invested surfaces that mediate between the inside and the outside, and shows unexpected and mysterious autonomy. This kind of monolithic approach is also found in interior space as a separate objects that contain functional space inside, or as formal elements that overflow the boundaries of conventional architecture by eliminating the distinction between floor, wall, and ceiling.

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Spatio-temporal Structure of Diurnal and Semidiurnal Tides in Geopotential Height Field (지위고도장의 일주기 및 반일주기 조석의 시공간적 구조)

  • Cho, Hyeong-Oh;Son, Seok-Woo;Lee, Yong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.465-475
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    • 2016
  • The diurnal and semidiurnal tides in the global atmosphere are examined using 3-hourly geopotential height field of the state-of-the-art reanalysis data. Unlike the previous studies, the spatial structure and seasonality of those tides are analyzed from the surface of the earth to the stratosphere. It is found that, at most levels, diurnal tide is strong in the midlatitudes while semidiurnal tide is predominant in the tropics. The former shows strong seasonal cycle with a larger amplitude in summer than in winter in both hemispheres. This is different from the semidiurnal tide which has essentially no seasonal cycle. In term of the vertical structure, while semidiurnal tide has a barotropic structure, diurnal tide exhibits a distinct vertical structure with increased amplitude and height. Especially tropical diurnal tide exhibits a nearly opposite phase from the surface to the free troposphere, and to the upper stratosphere. Its amplitude also varies nonlinearly with height, possibly influenced by water vapor, ozone, gravity waves and solar radiation.

A study on the program development for optimizing the supply and exhaust port opening ratio in road tunnels with transverse ventilation system (횡류식 도로터널의 급배기구 개도율 최적화 프로그램 개발 연구)

  • Jo, Hyeong-Je;Chun, Kyu-Myung;Min, Dea-Kee;Kim, Jong-Won;Beak, Jong-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.517-532
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    • 2017
  • The transverse ventilation system, commonly applied to urban tunnel, is necessary to be distributed with airflow uniformly. In this study, we developed a program that can optimize the opening ratio of ports to ensure ventilation performance of design criteria through a uniform airflow distribution even though ventilation interval becomes longer. And program's prediction performance was verified by comparison with TUNVEN DUCT program. For comparison, Semi-transverse ventilation system was applied. Both programs predicted a similar port size and air flow distribution, and the variation range of the calculated values was 11.71% and 1.36%, respectively. This program is very useful for port optimization design of transverse and semi-transverse ventilation system, because it is possible to analyze various tunnel lengths and supply/exhaust port installation conditions.

Construction of Cemetery Management System using Mobile DGPS (휴대용 DGPS를 이용한 묘지관리시스템 구축)

  • Cho, Hyung-Sig;Sohn, Hong-Gyoo;Lim, Soo-Bong;Kim, Seong-Sam;Kim, Sang-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2008
  • The cemetery areas which are occupied more than 1.0 percent of whole land of Korea have widened gradually but the reconnaissance is not being conducted for the cemetery investigation due to deficiencies for budget and manpower of the government. The aim of this study is to find a method to establish the lower cost GIS-based cemetery management system by using hand-held DGPS receiver and Mobile GIS software system for easy cemetery management. The results were evaluated and compared to the RTK GPS method. Since the Cemetery Management System shows every tomb's position on the high resolution satellite imagery with a cadastral data, the map helps to find the interesting places easily. Therefore the system data can be used for various purposes such as planning for land development, dealing with real estate as well as cemetery management.

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Governance of Urban Regeneration Policies of Newcastle/Gateshead England (영국 뉴카슬/게이츠헤드의 도시재개발사업에 관한 연구 : 정책 거버넌스를 중심으로)

  • Shin, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.131-145
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    • 2012
  • During the 1980s and 1990s, most of the old industrial cities of advanced countries have experienced serious de-industrialisation. This has caused many problems, such as economic decline, increasing unemployment, environmental degradation and social unrests. Since the mid-1980s, some of these cities have started to tackle the problems by urban regeneration programs with cultural and artistic activities, new industries, and implementing housing projects. The cities of Newcastle and Gateshead in Northeastern England were the examples of the ones which have created major development projects, such as building condominiums, renovating old factory building, and promoting cultural and art activities. This paper introduces policies and programs of the cities' urban regeneration, analyses their governance structure, and articulates factors contributing to the success of the policies and programs.

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A Comparative Analysis of the Calligrams of Apollinaire, Paul Eluard, and Lee Sang (아폴리네르, 폴 엘뤼아르, 이상(LEE Sang) 시의 상형적 시어 비교분석)

  • Lee, Byung-Soo
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.45
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    • pp.33-54
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    • 2016
  • This study presents a comparative analysis of the calligrammic poetic dictions shown in the poems of the French poets Guillaume Apollinaire and Paul Eluard and in those of the Korean poet Lee Sang. They were adventurers in the avant-garde movement who used experimental techniques that led to futurism, expressionism, cubism, dadaism, and surrealism. They applied a typographic technique that combined pictorial arrangements of fonts, shapes of compositions and between lines, letters of the alphabet, mathematical symbols, and graphical elements, such as circles or lines, to make up a poem that also looked like a painting. Their works, valued as visual lyric poems, break up language and combine anti-poems. They rejected traditional poetic dictions or grammar, but developed a paratactic poem that freely uses letters and symbols. Their calligrammic poetic dictions arouse dynamic images like space extension. Lee Sang's calligrams seem like abstract paintings that apply geometric symbols like those used in technical drawings. As a result, crossing the boundaries between language and pictorial art by using experimental materials and techniques, their poems deconstruct the creative standards of rational and traditional poetic dictions, creating an adventurous, expressive technique. Their calligrammic, avant-garde poems introduced a new spirit of art into both French and Korean modern poetic literature.

An Analysis of the Visual Attention on the Urban Landscape with Pilotis Space using Eye Tracking in terms of the Conception of 'Space and Infinity' ('공간과 무한성' 개념의 측면에서 도시경관에 대한 시각적 분석 - 필로티 공간의 유무에 따른 아이트래킹 기법 실험분석을 바탕으로 -)

  • Cho, Hyeong-Kyu
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2018
  • Gordon Cullen, who tried to understand urban landscapes in terms of visual attention, introduced a concept called 'Space and Infinity' in his book 'Townscape'. According to him, urban images like infinity spreading across the sky are more effectively created when we happen to see an open space while walking along a ground-level street than when we look at the sky. This study aims to quantitatively examine if urban observers pay more attention to spaces like pilotis on the bottom of a building. Thus, this study collected observers on actual urban landscape images and partially-edited images and conducted an experiment by adopting Eye-movement Tracking to find out if they actually pay more visual attention to a space like pilotis. This study selected a total of 50 people as research subjects and divided them into two groups. Image 1 was shown to one group, and Image 2 with the pilotis space edited was shown to the other group. As an experiment to find objective evidences on Gordon Cullen's 'Space and Infinity', this study analyzed difference between Image 1 and Image 2, and it was found that the domain of pilotis showed a value five times higher than the average visual attention since it attracted much visual attention although it was very small in area. That is, it has objectively clarified that people get most fascinated with a place with infinite images in the background like a pilotis space out of all the urban landscapes as Gordon Cullen's theory. In addition, the differences in visual concentration of pilotis space by sex, by subject was examined, and there was no significant difference in visual concentration of pilotis space by gender. As a result of examining the difference of visual concentration by classifying the subjects into architectural related major, the major group showed higher frequency of viewing than the non - major group.

A study on quantitative risk assessment for railway Tunnel fire (철도터널에서 차량화재시 정량적 위험도 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Ji-Oh;Nam, Chang-Ho;Jo, Hyeong-Je;Kim, Jong-Won
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.307-319
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    • 2010
  • As we learned in Daegu subway fire accident, fire in the railway tunnel is prone to develop to large disaster due to the limitation of smoke control and smoke exhaust. In railway tunnel, in order to ensure fire safety, fire prevention and fighting systems are installed by quantitative risk assessment results. Therefore, in this research, developed the program to establish quantitative risk assessment and suggested quantitative safety assessment method including fire scenarios in railway tunnel, fire and evacuation analysis model, fatality estimate model and societal risk criteria. Moreover, this method applys to plan preventing disaster for Honam high speed railway tunnel. As results, we presented the proper distance of escape route and societal risk criteria.

A study on design process for public space by users behavioral characteristics (이용자 행태 특성에 의한 공용공간의 디자인 프로세스 연구)

  • 김개천;김범중
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2004
  • A systemic approach to behavior on the basis of human psychology is needed for behavior-centered space design. Also, the recognition that human and environment, in all, have complementarity is needed- human and space shall be understood as a general phenomenon, supposing interaction. Design of behavior-oriented space means configuration and coordination of physical subjects as well as understanding, analysis and reflection of psychological and behavioral phenomena. It is analysis of a private individual as well as understanding of interaction between human groups, as well. In respect of space recognition, analysis not on material movement but on energy circulation and variable is important. It means that the understanding of user's behavior and psychology does not orient reasonable purpose just for convenience. That is, such understanding intends to understand behavioral patterns and psychological phenomena between space and human beyond the decomposition of structure of human and space into physical elements and the design based on standardized data. Thereby, more human-oriented space design might be implemented by the understanding of behavioral essence. Also, a user-centered design process from another viewpoint might be created, and the general amenity among man, space and environment - better environmental quality - might be produced. For this, the consciousness of human activity that is, activity system shall be ahead of it, and the approaches for design shall be implemented into a process not in predictive ideas but in semi-scientific system. On the basis of the above view, this study was attempted to investigate the orientation of design to recognize space as another life, and explore a process where it is drawn into a design language on the basis of human behavior. If the essence of space behavior and the activity system are analyzed through user observation and it is reflected upon a space design program and then developed into a formative language, a new design process on human and environment might be produced. In conclusion, the reflection of user's behavior and psychology into design, contrary to existing public space design based on physical data, can orient quality improvement of human life and ultimately be helpful to the proposition, 'humanization of space'.

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A Study of Experimental Image Direction for Short Animation Movies -focusing in short film and (단편애니메이션의 실험적 영상연출 연구 -<탱고>와 <페스트 필름>을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Don-Ill
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.36
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    • pp.375-391
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    • 2014
  • Animation movie is a non-photorealistic animated art that consists of formative language forming a frame based on a story and cuts describing frames that form the cuts. Therefore, in expressing an image, artistic expression methods and devices for a formative space are should be provided in a frame while cuts have the images between frames faithfully. Short animation movie is produced by various image experiments with unique image expressions rather than narration for expressing subjective discourse of a writer. Therefore, image style that forms unique images and various image directions are important factors. This study compared the experimental image directions of and , both of which showed a production method of film manipulation. First, while uses pixilation that produces images obtained from live images through painting and many optical disclosure process on a cell mat, was made with diverse collage techniques such as tearing, cutting, pasting, and folding hundreds of scenes from action movies. Second, expresses non-causal relationship of characters by their repetitive behaviors and circulatory image structure through a fixed camera angle, resisting typical scene transition. On the other hand, has an advancing structure that progresses antagonistic relationship of characters through diverse camera angles and scene transition of unique images. Third, in terms of editing, uses a long-take short cut technique in which the whole image consists of one short cut, though it seems to be many scenes with the appearance of various characters. On the other hand, maximizes visual fun and commitment by image reconstruction with hundreds of various short cuts. That is, both works have common features of an experimental work that shows expansion of animated image expressions through film manipulation that is different form general animation productions. On top of that, delivers routine life of diverse human beings without clear narration through image of conceptualized spaces. expresses it in a new image space through image reconstruction with collage technique and speedy progress, setting a binary opposition structure.