• Title/Summary/Keyword: 고속도로 기본구간

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Evaluation of Driver's Psychophysiological Load at Freeway Merging Area (고속도로 합류부에서 운전자의 심리.생리적 작업 부하 연구)

  • 김주영;장명순
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 1999
  • This study evaluated the chance of driver's Psychophysiological load of occipital lobe at freeway merging area and compared with basic driving section. Ten persons of 8 men and 2 women were investigated at 3 basic section and 3 merging areas on the Youngdong freeway. It is found that driver's load in acceleration lane before merging is 2.21 times higher than the basic driving section. Further, driver's load for merging was maintained fur 4 seconds after merging. Particularly, driver's highest loading point in merging behavior was found to be 80m from the gore area.

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Comparison of Freeway Capacity and Level of Service of Each Country HCM (각국 도로용량편람의 고속도로 기본구간 용량 및 서비스수준 분석방법론 비교 연구)

  • 최병국
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 1999
  • A first version of KHCM was Published in 1992, and is currently used extensively in engineering Practice. The study of new manual was initiated in 1998 and is intended to be ready for publication by the year 2000. The purpose of this paper is to indicate the study direction of basic freeway section by comparing the results of each country HCM. 1985 USHCM, 1997 USHCM, 1992 K17CM, German HCM, Japan HCM, Australian HCM. Taiwan HCM, and Canadian HCM have been reviewed. All the country except Germany followed the same method developed in 1985 USHCM for analysing basic freeway section. Therefore the method of USHCM and German HCM have been introduced in detail. Finally. the Problem of 1992 KHCM have been suggested.

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Relationship between V/C and Accident Rate for Freeway Facility Sections (focused on Shingal-Ansan Freeway) (고속도로 시설물 구간의 교통혼잡도와 사고율의 관계 분석 (신갈-안산 고속도로를 중심으로))

  • Oh, Cheol;Chang, Jae-Nam;Chang, Myeong-Sun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 1999
  • The objective of this study is to clarify the relationship between accident rate and V/C for freeway facility. The relationship can be used as a basic reference to predict and prevent traffic accident. The traffic volume and the number of accidents from 1992 to 1997 on Shingal-Ansan Freeway were analyzed in this study to clarify the relationship. Hourly accident rate and V/C were calculated for each facility sections : basic freeway section, tunnel section and toll gate section. The accident rate models consisting of an independent variable of V/C were established by repression analysis and compared with each other. The relationship between accident rates and V/C ratios represented U-shaped pattern for all sections. The result of this study indicates that accident rates are highest in the low hourly V/C range, decrease with increasing V/C ratio, and then increase as the V/C ratio increases. The accident rate of toll gate section is in general higher than that of other sections. Although the accident rate of tunnel section is higher than that of basic freeway section when V/C is above 0.67, there is no significant difference of accident rate between basic freeway and tunnel section when V/C is between 0.5 and 0.8. Basic freeway tunnel and toll gate section have the minimum accident rate when V/C is 0.78, 0.75 and 0.57 respectively.

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A Study on the Capacity Analysis of 8-lane basic section Freeway (8차로 고속도로 기본구간 용량분석에 관한 연구)

  • 김상구;서영선
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 1999
  • It is very important to analyze the capacity of basic freeway section in terms of planning, design, and operation of roads. Capacity, in Korean Highway Capacity Manual was Published in 1992, had been determined by data collected in only 4-lane freeway. But, Korea is continuously planning and constructing multi-lane roads for increasing traffic demand. For this reason, it is necessary to determine the capacity for multi-lane freeways. This study goals are two-fold the determination of lane capacity for 8-lane freeway; and the development of methodology determining total capacity using lane friction factor This study utilized the data collected by loop detectors at a station of FTMS in Kyungbu expressway. For determining capacities, this study analyzed maximum flow rate in various aspects such as collecting period, each lane, and total lane in one-way. In addition, this study evaluated the breakdown in traffic flow relations in order to find out interrelation of breakdown among lanes. Through this analysis, this study determined lane friction factors, critical speed, and critical density. Finally, this study expressed a new methodology of capacity analysis for multi-lane freeways using some findings from this analysis.

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The Method of Deciding Design Level of Service with Optimal User Cost (사용자비용최적화를 통한 도로 설계서비스수준 산정방안)

  • 장재남;이용택;김호덕;장명순
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2000
  • LOS(Level of Service), the qualitative measure describing operational condition of highway, must be evaluated as quantative index in terms of user service. So, This study is focused on developing the user cost function that user cost is measured in the variation of V/C, MOE(Measure of Effectiveness) of LOS in basic Section of highway. The user cost is calculated as the sum of accident cost, operation cost, travel time cost. The data is collected in the four basic section of Singal-Ansan and Jung bu Highway. As the result of user cost function analysis, the user cost is the lowest When V/C is 0.54. Considering the V/C ratio(0.7) of Basic Section in rural highway suggested in KHCM, We find out that the LOS suggested KHCM increase the user cost of highway.

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Impacts of Automated Vehicles on Freeway Traffic-flow - Focused on Seoul-Singal Basic Sections of GyeongBu Freeway - (자율주행차량 도입에 따른 고속도로 교통류 영향분석 - 경부고속도로 서울-신갈 기본구간을 중심으로)

  • Park, In-seon;Lee, Jong-deok;Lee, Jae-yong;Hwang, Kee-yeon
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.21-36
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    • 2015
  • These days Automated Vehicle(AV) has been receiving attention as a fundamental solution to resolve the various transportation problems and various researches related to the benefits of AV have been done. However, previous researches mainly analyzed the effects in the virtual network. The purpose of this research is to predict and to find out the benefits by introducing the Automated Vehicle to present road traffic system. Thus, the study analyzes the traffic-flow changes of Gyeongbu freeway Seoul-Singal basic section which is planned for setting the test-bed. The results show that Automated Vehicle can have negative effects on the traffic-flow in low volume of LOS A and B. However, the average speed increases and the traffic density decreases in more than LOS C, the traffic volume increase. Therefore, the introduction of Automated Vehicle achieves positive effect on various transportation problems such as the traffic congestion.

LOS Evaluation of Urban Freeway by the Occupancy Characteristics (점유율 특성을 이용한 도시고속도로의 서비스수준(LOS) 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae gon;Moon, Byoung Keun;Jo, In Kook;Jung, Yu Na
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.3D
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    • pp.335-345
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    • 2009
  • Generally, density is used as a measure of effectiveness (MOE) of the level of service (LOS) for the basic segment of the roadway facility, but can not express the operational condition of the roadway facility properly because there can be an error in the computed density compared with the density measured in the field. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the real-time traffic characteristic data (traffic flow, speed, occupancy, headway, spacing, etc.) from the detectors installed on the mainline section of urban freeway under the study, analyze the maximum flow rate from the relationship between the real-time traffic characteristics collected, and evaluate the LOS criteria within the basic segment of the urban freeway based on the relationship between the occupancy and the v/c ratio depending on the level of service.

An Analysis of Traffic Characteristics of the Basic Sections of Urban Expressway -in the case of SHIN-CHUN DaeRo in Tae-gu- (도시고속도로 기본구간의 교통특성분석 -대구신천대로를 대상으로-)

  • 김갑수;신판식
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 1998
  • 국가경제의 기반시설인 지역간 고속도로와는 달리 도시고속도로는 도시내 교통을 담당하는 교통시설로서 대부분의 도시에서 건설중이거나 운용 중에 있다. 연속류 도로라는 시설측면을 지역간 고속도로와 비슷하나 이용주체, 차량구성비, 정시성, 제한속도 등 그 성격에는 다소 차이가 있을 것으로 판단된다. 이런 이유에서 현재 도시고속도로의 계획이나 운영에 대한 지침이 지역간 고속도로의 계획 및 운영에 대한 지침과 동일시 되고 있다는 점은 불합리한 것으로 판단된다. 그러므로, 본 연구에서는 도시고속도로의 계획과 운영에 대한 지침을 마련하기 위해 현재 운영중인 대구신천대로를 대상으로 교통류특성 등 기초적 연구를 수행하였다. 연구결과를 간략하게 나타내면 다음과 같다. . 교통류 모형분석에서 기존의 Greenshield 모형이 설명력 90%이상을 나타냈다. . 승용차환산계수 분석에서 중형차량이 1.16, 대형차량이 1.47로 분석되었다. . 용량분석에서 최대관측교통량은 4,684pcphpl, 차두시간분석은 2,432pcphpl, 교통류 모형에서는 2,422pcphpl로 분석되어, 대구신천대로의 서비스용량은 2,300pcphpl에 가까운 것으로 판단되며, 차로폭, 측방여유폭에 따른 보정으로 이상적 조건에서의 용량은 약 2,400pcphpl로 분석되었다. 이 결과는 도시고속도로가 지역간 고속도로의 기본교통용량 2,200pcphpl보다 약 200대 정도 높을 것으로 추정된다.

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Traffic Flow Analysis for The Weaving Section Design on Urban Freeways (I) (도시고속도로 엇갈림 구간의 합리적 설계를 위한 교통 특성 분석 (I))

  • 최재성;이승준
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2000
  • This Paper is a Part of research Project series to analyze unique traffic characteristics observable within weaving sections on urban freeways. The research objectives were to establish with headway distribution and maximum Passing volume on weaving sections the basis of weaving designs that can promote safety and efficiency. Until now, when one wants to check the maximum Passing volume on weaving sections, it is taken for granted using headway distribution of freeway basic section. However. it was suspected in this research that for weaving sections different form of headway distribution had better be used. To prove this, field surveys were made to count headway intervals which supposedly were influenced not only by freeway basic section flows but also by weaving flows and later on used to develop headway distribution for weaving sections. For validation of the developed headway distribution, $x^2$-test was applied to three different data set of observed headways, currently used headway distribution for basic sections(Pearson Type III distribution) and new headway distribution. The result indicated new headway distribution as the most appropriate distribution form. Also, maximum passing volume within weaving sections was calculated based on new headway distribution and compared with Drew's maximum Passing volume.

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