• Title/Summary/Keyword: 계측기산업

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Evaluation of Characteristics of Re-liquefaction Resistance in Saturated Sand Deposits Using 1-g Shaking Table Test (1-g 진동대시험을 이용한 포화된 모래지반의 재액상화 강도 특성 평가)

  • Ha Ik-Soo;Kim Myoung-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2005
  • Many case histories of re-liquefaction phenomena seem to support the idea that sand deposits, if they once have been liquefied, could be reliquefied again by a subsequent earthquake even though the earthquake is smaller than the previous one. The magnitude of the strains induced in the initial liquefaction has a significant influence on the resistance of the sample to re-liquefaction. The deposits undergoing liquefaction experience large shear strain during liquefaction. And this previous strain changes the microstructure into highly anisotropic structure such as columnlike structure and connected voids. This type of anisotropy is so unstable that it can reduce re-liquefaction resistance. It is blown that the extent of anisotropic structural change depends on the gradation characteristics of ground. The purpose of this study is to estimate the correlation between the gradation characteristics of the sand and the ratio of re-liquefaction resistance to liquefaction resistance. In this study, 1-g shaking table tests were carried out on five different kinds of sands. During the tests the values of excess pore pressure at various depths and surface settlements were measured. Re-liquefaction resistances were not affected by the initial void ratio and the effective confining pressures, and the deposits of all test sands which had once been liquefied were reliquefied in the cyclic loading number below 1 to 1.5. The ratio of re-liquefaction resistance to liquefaction resistance linearly decreased as $D_{10}/C_u$ increased, and was constant as about 0.2 above the value of $D_{10}/C_u$, 0.15 mm.

The Distribution and Behavior of Medically-derived 131I in the Yeongsan River Basin (영산강수계 의료기원 방사성요오드(131I) 핵종의 분포 및 거동평가)

  • Kang, Tae-Woo;Han, Young-Un;Park, Won-Pyo;Song, Kwang-Duck;Hwang, Soon-Hong;Kang, Tae Gu;Kim, Kyung Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.243-250
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    • 2018
  • BACKGROUND: Recently, the use of $^{131}I$ for diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer has been increasing, and the radionuclide is continuously released into aquatic ecosystem. This study was carried out to investigate the $^{131}I$ concentrations in mainstreams, tributaries, and sewage wastewater treatment plants (SWTPs) of the Yeongsan River Basin and to identify their origins from the assessment of behaviors in the rivers. METHODS AND RESULTS: The water samples were collected from 19 sites including mainstreams (13), tributaries (4) and SWTPs (2). The $^{131}I$ concentration was measured using a gamma-ray spectrometry with a HPGe detector. The $^{131}I$ in SWTPs was detected mostly in the discharged effluent at the sampling sites. However, from the surface water of the rivers, $^{131}I$ was found only at two sites from each sampling period of the first (MS4 and MS10) and the second half (MS4 and MS7) of the year 2017. The concentrations of $^{131}I$ in the effluent discharged from SWTPs were in the range of 0.0870 to 3.87 Bq/L for SWTP1, and $^{131}I$ in the river revealed that it was not detected in the upper streams of the mainstreams and tributaries, while continuous detection was found in the SWTPs and downstream sites affected by the effluent. However, the concentration of $^{131}I$ decreased downstream, eventually becoming undetectable. Such behavior was closely related to the behavior found in the SWTPs. CONCLUSION: These results indicated that medically-derived $^{131}I$ was discharged to the river via sewage effluent at the SWTPs. It is necessary to evaluate the influence of aquatic ecosystems through continuous monitoring in the future.