• Title/Summary/Keyword: 계약제도

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The Advancement of Underwriting Skill by Selective Risk Acceptance (보험Risk 세분화를 통한 언더라이팅 기법 선진화 방안)

  • Lee, Chan-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korean life insurance medical association
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    • v.24
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    • pp.49-78
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    • 2005
  • Ⅰ. 연구(硏究) 배경(背景) 및 목적(目的) o 우리나라 보험시장의 세대가입율은 86%로 보험시장 성숙기에 진입하였으며 기존의 전통적인 전업채널에서 방카슈랑스의 도입, 온라인전문보험사의 출현, TM 영업의 성장세 等멀티채널로 진행되고 있음 o LTC(장기간병), CI(치명적질환), 실손의료보험 등(等)선 진형 건강상품의 잇따른 출시로 보험리스크 관리측면에서 언더라이팅의 대비가 절실한 시점임 o 상품과 마케팅 等언더라이팅 측면에서 매우 밀접한 영역의 변화에 발맞추어 언더라이팅의 인수기법의 선진화가 시급히 요구되는 상황하에서 위험을 적절히 분류하고 평가하는 선진적 언더라이팅 기법 구축이 필수 적임 o 궁극적으로 고객의 다양한 보장니드 충족과 상품, 마케팅, 언더라이팅의 경쟁력 강화를 통한 보험사의 종합이익 극대화에 기여할 수 있는 방안을 모색하고자 함 Ⅱ. 선진보험시장(先進保險市場)Risk 세분화사례(細分化事例) 1. 환경적위험(環境的危險)에 따른 보험료(保險料) 차등(差等) (1) 위험직업 보험료 할증 o 미국, 유럽등(等) 대부분의 선진시장에서는 가입당시 피보험자의 직업위험도에 따라 보험료를 차등 적용중(中)임 o 가입하는 보장급부에 따라 직업 분류방법 및 할증방식도 상이하며 일반사망과 재해사망,납입면제, DI에 대해서 별도의 방법을 사용함 o 할증적용은 표준위험율의 일정배수를 적용하여 할증 보험료를 산출하거나, 가입금액당 일정한 추가보험료를 적용하고 있음 - 광부의 경우 재해사망 가입시 표준위험율의 300% 적용하며, 일반사망 가입시 $1,000당 $2.95 할증보험료 부가 (2) 위험취미 보험료 할증 o 취미와 관련 사고의 지속적 다발로 취미활동도 위험요소로 인식되어 보험료를 차등 적용중(中)임 o 할증보험료는 보험가입금액당 일정비율로 부가(가입 금액과 무관)하며, 신종레포츠 등(等)일부 위험취미는 통계의 부족으로 언더라이터가 할증율 결정하여 적용함 - 패러글라이딩 년(年)$26{\sim}50$회(回) 취미생활의 경우 가입금액 $1,000당 재해사망 $2, DI보험 8$ 할증보험료 부가 o 보험료 할증과는 별도로 위험취미에 대한 부담보를 적용함. 위험취미 활동으로 인한 보험사고 발생시 사망을 포함한 모든 급부에 대한 보장을 부(不)담보로 인수함. (3) 위험지역 거주/ 여행 보험료 할증 o 피보험자가 거주하고 있는 특정국가의 임시 혹은 영구적 거주시 기후위험, 거주지역의 위생과 의료수준, 여행위험, 전쟁과 폭동위험 등(等)을 고려하여 평가 o 일반사망, 재해사망 등(等)보장급부별로 할증보험료 부가 또는 거절 o 할증보험료는 보험全기간에 대해 동일하게 적용 - 러시아의 경우 가입금액 $1,000당 일반사망은 2$의 할증보험료 부가, 재해사망은 거절 (4) 기타 위험도에 대한 보험료 차등 o 비행관련 위험은 세가지로 분류(항공운송기, 개인비행, 군사비행), 청약서, 추가질문서, 진단서, 비행이력 정보를 바탕으로 할증보험료를 부가함 - 농약살포비행기조종사의 경우 가입금액 $1,000당 일반사망 6$의 할증보험료 부가, 재해사망은 거절 o 미국, 일본등(等)서는 교통사고나 교통위반 관련 기록을 활용하여 무(無)사고운전자에 대해 보험료 할인(우량체 위험요소로 활용) 2. 신체적위험도(身體的危險度)에 따른 보험료차등(保險料差等) (1) 표준미달체 보험료 할증 1) 총위험지수 500(초과위험지수 400)까지 인수 o 300이하는 25점단위, 300점 초과는 50점 단위로 13단계로 구분하여 할증보험료를 적용중(中)임 2) 삭감법과 할증법을 동시 적용 o 보험금 삭감부분만큼 할증보험료가 감소하는 효과가 있어 청약자에게 선택의 기회를 제공할수 있으며 고(高)위험 피보험자에게 유용함 3) 특정암에 대한 기왕력자에 대해 단기(Temporary)할증 적용 o 질병성향에 따라 가입후 $1{\sim}5$년간 할증보험료를 부가하고 보험료 할증 기간이 경과한 후에는 표준체보험료를 부가함 4) 할증보험료 반환옵션(Return of the extra premium)의 적용 o 보험계약이 유지중(中)이며, 일정기간 생존시 할증보험료가 반환됨 (2) 표준미달체 급부증액(Enhanced annuity) o 영국에서는 표준미달체를 대상으로 연금급부를 증가시킨 증액형 연금(Enhanced annuity) 상품을 개발 판매중(中)임 o 흡연, 직업, 병력 등(等)다양한 신체적, 환경적 위험도에 따라 표준체에 비해 증액연금을 차등 지급함 (3) 우량 피보험체 가격 세분화 o 미국시장에서는 $8{\sim}14$개 의적, 비(非)의적 위험요소에 대한 평가기준에 따라 표준체를 최대 8개 Class로 분류하여 할인보험료를 차등 적용 - 기왕력, 혈압, 가족력, 흡연, BMI, 콜레스테롤, 운전, 위험취미, 거주지, 비행력, 음주/마약 등(等) o 할인율은 회사, Class, 가입기준에 따라 상이(최대75%)하며, 가입연령은 최저 $16{\sim}20$세, 최대 $65{\sim}75$세, 최저보험금액은 10만달러(HIV검사가 필요한 최저 금액) o 일본시장에서는 $3{\sim}4$개 위험요소에 따라 $3{\sim}4$개 Class로 분류 우량체 할인중(中)임 o 유럽시장에서는 영국 등(等)일부시장에서만 비(非)흡연할인 또는 우량체할인 적용 Ⅲ. 국내보험시장(國內保險市場) 현황(現況)및 문제점(問題點) 1. 환경적위험도(環境的危險度)에 따른 가입한도제한(加入限度制限) (1) 위험직업 보험가입 제한 o 업계공동의 직업별 표준위험등급에 따라 각 보험사 자체적으로 위험등급별 가입한도를 설정 운영중(中)임. 비(非)위험직과의 형평성, 고(高)위험직업 보장 한계, 수익구조 불안정화 등(等)문제점을 내포하고 있음 - 광부의 경우 위험1급 적용으로 사망 최대 1억(億), 입원 1일(日) 2만원까지 제한 o 금융감독원이 2002년(年)7월(月)위험등급별 위험지수를 참조 위험율로 인가하였으나, 비위험직은 70%, 위험직은 200% 수준으로 산정되어 현실적 적용이 어려움 (2) 위험취미 보험가입 제한 o 해당취미의 직업종사자에 준(準)하여 직업위험등급을 적용하여 가입 한도를 제한하고 있음. 추가질문서를 활용하여 자격증 유무, 동호회 가입등(等)에 대한 세부정보를 입수하지 않음 - 패러글라이딩의 경우 위험2급을 적용, 사망보장 최대 2 억(億)까지 제한 (3) 거주지역/ 해외여행 보험가입 제한 o 각(各)보험사별로 지역적 특성상 사고재해 다발 지역에 대해 보험가입을 제한하고 있음 - 강원, 충청 일부지역 상해보험 가입불가 - 전북, 태백 일부지역 입원급여금 1일(日)2만원이내 o 해외여행을 포함한 해외체류에 대해서는 일정한 가입 요건을 정하여 운영중(中)이며, 가입한도 설정 보험가입을 제한하거나 재해집중보장 상품에 대해 거절함 - 러시아의 경우 단기체류는 위험1급 및 상해보험 가입 불가, 장기 체류는 거절처리함 2. 신체적위험도(身體的危險度)에 따른 인수차별화(引受差別化) (1) 표준미달체 인수방법 o 체증성, 항상성 위험에 대한 초과위험지수를 보험금삭감법으로 전환 사망보험에 적용(최대 5년(年))하여 5년(年)이후 보험 Risk노출 심각 o 보험료 할증은 일부 회사에서 주(主)보험 중심으로 사용중(中)이며, 총위험지수 300(8단계)까지 인수 - 주(主)보험 할증시 특약은 가입 불가하며, 암 기왕력자는 대부분 거절 o 신체부위 39가지, 질병 5가지에 대해 부담보 적용(입원, 수술 등(等)생존급부에 부담보) (2) 비(非)흡연/ 우량체 보험료 할인 o 1999년(年)최초 도입 이래 $3{\sim}4$개의 위험요소로 1개 Class 운영중(中)임 S생보사의 경우 비(非)흡연우량체, 비(非)흡연표준체의 2개 Class 운영 o 보험료 할인율은 회사, 상품에 따라 상이하며 최대 22%(영업보험료기준)임. 흡연여부는 뇨스틱을 활용 코티닌테스트를 실시함 o 우량체 판매는 신계약의 $2{\sim}15%$수준(회사의 정책에 따라 상이) Ⅳ. 언더라이팅 기법(技法) 선진화(先進化) 방안(方案) 1. 직업위험도별 보험료 차등 적용 o 생 손보 직업위험등급 일원화와 연계하여 3개등급으로 위험지수개편, 비위험직 기준으로 보험요율 차별적용 2. 위험취미에 대한 부담보 적용 o 해당취미를 원인으로 보험사고(사망포함) 발생시 부담보 제도 도입 3. 표준미달체 인수기법 선진화를 통한 인수범위 대폭 확대 o 보험료 할증법 적용 확대를 통한 Risk 헷지로 총위험지수 $300{\rightarrow}500$으로 확대(거절건 최소화) 4. 보험료 할증법 보험금 삭감 병행 적용 o 삭감기간을 적용한 보험료 할증방식 개발, 고객에게 선택권 제공 5. 기한부 보험료할증 부가 o 위암, 갑상선암 등(等)특정암의 성향에 따라 위험도가 높은 가입초기에 평준할증보험료를 적용하여 인수 6. 보험료 할증법 부가특약 확대 적용, 부담보 병행 사용 o 정기특약 등(等)사망관련 특약에 할증법 확대, 생존급부 특약은 부담보 7. 표준체 고객 세분화 확대 o 콜레스테롤, HDL 등(等)위험평가요소 확대를 통한 Class 세분화 Ⅴ. 기대효과(期待效果) 1. 고(高)위험직종사자, 위험취미자, 표준미달체에 대한 보험가입 문호개방 2. 보험계약자간 형평성 제고 및 다양한 고객의 보장니드에 부응 3. 상품판매 확대 및 Risk헷지를 통한 수입보험료 증대 및 사차익 개선 4. 본격적인 가격경쟁에 대비한 보험사 체질 개선 5. 회사 이미지 제고 및 진단 거부감 해소, 포트폴리오 약화 방지 Ⅵ. 결론(結論) o 종래의 소극적이고 일률적인 인수기법에서 탈피하여 피보험자를 다양한 측면에서 위험평가하여 적정 보험료 부가와 합리적 가입조건을 제시하는 적절한 위험평가 수단을 도입하고, o 언더라이팅 인수기법의 선진화와 함께 언더라이팅 인력의 전문화, 정보입수 및 시스템 인프라의 구축 등이 병행함으로써, o 보험사의 사차손익 관리측면에서 뿐만 아니라 보험시장 개방 및 급변하는 보험환경에 대비한 한국 생보언더라이팅 경쟁력 강화 및 언더라이터의 글로벌화에도 크게 기여할 것임.

  • PDF

Internationale Mobiliarsicherungsrechte an Luftfahrzeugausr$\ddot{u}$stung in EU (EU에 있어서 항공장비에 대한 국제동산담보권에 관한 소고)

  • So, Jae-Seon;Kim, Dae-Kyung
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.29-65
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    • 2012
  • Der neue strukturelle Ansatz der Kommbination eines Rahmen$\ddot{u}$bereinkommens und eines ausr$\ddot{u}$stungsspezifischen Sonderprotokolls bedingt einen neuen organisatorischen Anstz f$\ddot{u}$r die Zusammenarbeit zwischen internationalen Organisationen bei der Schaffung von internationalem Einheitsprivatrecht. So haben hier zwei internationale Organisationen gemeinsam die Verantwortung f$\ddot{u}$r einmultilaterales $\ddot{U}$bereinkommen $\ddot{u}$bernommen: auf der einen Seite UNIDROIT als die internationale Organisation, die generell f$\ddot{u}$r die Vereinheitlichung des Privatrechts kompetent ist; auf der anderen Seite ICAO als die f$\ddot{u}$r die private Luftfahrt zust$\ddot{a}$ndige internationale Organisation. Dieses neue, f$\ddot{u}$r die Luftfahrzeugausr$\ddot{u}$stung praktizierte organisatorische Modell eines joint venture zweier internationaler Organisation bei der Einheitsrechtsetzung, namlich die Betreuung eines allgemeinen privatrechtsvereinheitlichenden Rahmens$\ddot{u}$bereinkommens durch UNIDROIT und die Wahrnehmung der sektorspezifischen Belange in einem ausr$\ddot{u}$stungsspesifischen Sonderprotokoll durch die jeweils zust$\ddot{a}$ndige internationale Spezialorganisation, hat bereits f$\ddot{u}$r die Sektoren der Eisenbahn- und Weltraumausrustung Schule gemacht. Das in Kapstadt beschlossene v$\ddot{o}$lkervertragliche Regelungswerk hat erstmals ein einheitsrechtliches - grunds$\ddot{a}$atzlich weltweite Geltung anstrebendes - Sicherungsrecht geschafen. Dies kann f$\ddot{u}$r die Sachenrechtsintergration einen $\ddot{a}$hnlichen Durchbruch bedeuten, wis das Wiener UN-kaufrechts$\ddot{u}$bereinkommen von 1980 f$\ddot{u}$r das Schuldvertragsrecht. Voraussetzung daf$\ddot{u}$r ist allerdings die juristische Qualit$\ddot{a}$t und Praxisgerechtigkeit des Regelungswerkes und - insbesondere - das Funktionieren des Registersystems. Von wesentlicher Bedeutung f$\ddot{u}$r den Erfolg des $\ddot{U}$bereinkkommens wird auchsein, ob es Rechtssicherheit zu gew$\ddot{a}$hrleisten vermag.

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Derivation and Empirical Analysis of Critical Factors that Facilitate Technology Transfer and Commercialization of Research Outcome (연구성과의 기술이전 및 사업화 촉진요인 도출 및 실증분석)

  • Ku, Bon Chul
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2014
  • There is a growing interest in the technology transfer and commercialization both at home and abroad. Accordingly, this study looked at the concept of technology transfer and commercialization, identified the factors that should be taken into account in order to facilitate technology transfer and commercialization, and then performed a empirical analysis. As for the conventional technology transfer and commercialization, there was a tendency to limit its scope to the exploration, transfer and commercialization of technology itself. Here in this research, technology transfer and commercialization is defined the category to expand as various activities implemented in order to make sure that intellectual properties such as intangible technological developments, know-how, and knowledge are transferred between the relevant parties through a contract or negotiation, and the party to which the transfer is made can then further develop and exploit the technology into tangible products and other activities to obtain economic benefit out of that. In addition, the findings of the positive analysis of technology transfer and commercialization revealed that the focus of facilitating technology transfer has been on the technology itself, its management and securing efficiency of the systems and institutions involved in the technology transfer and commercialization. So there was lack of recognition as to the importance of financial support given to the phase of technology commercialization. This indicates that when it comes to the technology transfer and commercialization, quantitative performance has been the focus of interest such as patent application, registration, number of technology transfers, royalty, etc. So there was not enough understanding as to the issues of starting up a business, creating quality jobs through technology transfer and commercialization, which are directly related to the realization of the creative economy. In this regard, this research is expected to be used for the development for the future policies to boost technology transfer and commercialization as it suggests not only simply ensuring quantitative performance but also necessary to create the environment for the creation of the stable ecosystem for the parties involved in the technology transfer and commercialization and then to build circumstances in which creative economy can be realized.

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A Study on the Utilization of Private Security for Park Safety (공원안전관리를 위한 민간경비 활용방안 연구)

  • Kang, Yong-Gil
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.34
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    • pp.7-32
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    • 2013
  • The idea of this study was derived from awareness of local governments and police's limitation on attempts to 'creating safe park'. The purpose of this study is to examine current political measures of preventing various types of possible crimes in the park and the limitation of those policies. Furthermore, this study aims to suggest possible explanations to utilize Private Security Sector for the effective and continuous way of managing park safety by considering legal and practical solutions and its expectations. The methods of analysis used in this study are, first, literature review of current park safety management policies. Second, this article examined implications of strategies of those policies throughout the case study of the USA's park safety policy. Third, this study suggested plans of action and role of Private Security Sector to improve park safety. The results present several arguments for the park safety. First, legislation of mandatory crime preventing programme in the early stages of designing park is required. Introducing the 'park special judicial police system' to the major parks for a immediate response to the crime can be one of suggestions. Moreover, proactive police response systems, such as one of the Seoul Metropolitan Police's policies- 'returning safe parks to a citizen' are required. Second, the case study of the USA regarding park safety confirmed that major parks in the USA have rigorous and detailed park regulations. It also showed that those parks take not only preventing measures, but also follow-up measures against crimes. Third, the results suggest creating human resources by contracting out Park Managers and Private Security Sector that have specialized experiences and techniques to prevent crimes and public disorders. Overall in this study, increased citizen's satisfaction level, control of continuous and systematic crimes, the spread of joint-production of public safety, and increased fields of the Private Security Sector are expected from the findings.

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Status of Birds and countermeasures of the crop damage by the birds at Reed Marsh of Sihwa Lake (시화호 갈대습지의 조류상 및 농작물 피해 대처방안)

  • Lee, Si-Wan;Song, Min-Jung;Kang, Tae-Han;Yoo, Seung-Hwa
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.105-120
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out at Reed Marsh of Sihwa Lake from July 2003 to June 2004. We observed total(sum of maximum population) 5,752 individuals of 70 species including 12 species of ducks, 10 species of egrets, 6 species of wagtails and buntings, 4 species of eagles. The most dominant species was Spotbill Duck(Anas poecilorhyncha - 3,518 individuals, 61.16%), and other species were Mallard(Anas platyrhynchos - 540 individuals, 9.39%), Great Reed-Warbler(Acrocephalus arundinaceus - 217 individuals, 3.77%). Reed Marsh of Sihwa Lake were observed many kinds of protected species such as Great Bittern(Botaurus stellaris), Mandarin Duck(Aix galericulata), Chinese Sparrow Hawk (Accipiter soloensis), Eurasian Sparrow Hawk(Accipiter nisus), Japanese Buzzard(Buteo buteo), Hen Harrier(Circus cyaneus), Eurasian Hobby(Falco subbuteo), and Common Kestrel(Falco tinnunculus). Since the Reed Marsh of Sihwa Lake arrived many individuals of waterbird, crop damage by the waterbird occurred in the surrounding rice fields. It was an area adjacent to the reed marsh of sihwa lake such as Yoopori and Samhwari Bibongmyoun, Yamokri Maesongmyoun Hwaseong City. Bird of crop damage was ducks openly. The most species was Spot-billed Duck. Crop damage types by the Spot-billed Duck were grazing, used the grain up or lower in quality with step on the rice. Crop damage size was about 560bags of rice during the one month on August 2002. In 2003, After carrying out the various crop damage reduction countermeasures, which measured crop damage size in 2002's crop damage area. It happened about 152bags of rice during the two months from on August to September 2003. Migration routes of Spot-billed Duck were that it was migrated from up the sihwa lake to reed marsh. It took a rest at reed marsh and migrated the surrounding rice fields for the feeding action. In 2002, it was migrated direct from up the sihwa lake to in surrounding rice fields. But as environment of reed marsh was improved better than 2002, it was migrated to reed marsh because of reducing the energy attrition rate. Crop damage reduction countermeasures are get on ears to use explosion machine, searchlight, start-gun and patrol at regular intervals. Which was an effect short term. Indirect method is to make a feeding area of substitution at up the sihwa lake and reed marsh of sihwa lake.

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Analysis and countermeasure of causes of inducing violence of private security companies on the actual sites of administrative execution by proxy (행정대집행 현장에서 민간경비업체의 폭력 유발 원인 분석과 대책)

  • Choi, Kee-Nam
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.18
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    • pp.119-141
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    • 2009
  • Administrative execution by proxy is one of forced executions of administration and is also called as "enforced execution by proxy" in which administration institutions or the third party executes by proxy on behalf of parties who did not execute obligations under administration law and files claims to compensate expenses required in the proxy execution. Despite the actual site of administrative execution by law, social problems are generated because various violence and behaviors of infringement of human rights between executer and obligator are rampant and thus causing human damages since forced execution by physical force is carried out and cases of police indictments and petition to human rights committee are gradually increasing. Majority of people mobilized in this actual site of violence are supplied by private security companies which provide service contract and mobilization of people without qualification of guards or security service and irrational execution by proxy and violent actions by so-called service hooligans connected to violence organizations are now becoming social issues. In these actual sites of violence, structurally very complicated problems such as economic rights, right of residence, struggle for living, and intervention by outsiders are contained. This thesis has analyzed causes of outbreaks of violence and discussed about improvement countermeasure by paying attention to mobilization of people by private security companies. As the result, through revision and improvement of laws and systems, execution institution and policemen must be present at actual sites of execution by proxy to control physical execution of private security companies to be carried out legally and when violent collisions are occurring, it shall be stipulated that police should immediately intervene. Practices of execution by proxy of execution administration institutions shall be avoided and causes of occurrences of violence shall be eliminated by discrete decisions of execution by proxy, elimination of service contract conditions focused on accomplishments, and stipulation of responsibility of execution institutions when problems occur. Practices of solving petitions through collective actions of obligators shall be eliminated and strict enforcement of laws such as disturbance of official execution or compensation claims for expenses of execution by proxy must be carried out and intervention by the third parties must be intercepted. Mobilization of manpower by security companies shall be limited to people with prior registration who have acquired and finished qualification and education by security business law and before putting them on actual sites, it shall be obliged that execution plan with clear written records of working location, mission, and work rules must be submitted in advance to police station in charge and also they must be controlled to follow laws and statutes such as uniform and equipments. In addition, personal criminal responsibility for violent actions must be clearly stipulated and advanced securing soundness of security companies such as limits of service contracts with records of accidents is required. Order placement behaviors of special organizations under the pretext of rehabilitation business must be eradicated and companies with capability and strong intention of observation of laws must be able to receive orders by intercepting chains of contracts and sub-contracts. Issues of improvement countermeasure of social problem, living, and compensation including rights of residence and environment are excluded from the discussion.

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Independent Production Routines and Environmental Changes In 'Comprehensive Programming Television Channels' in Korea Focusing on Interviews with Independent Producers, Broadcast Writers and Individuals Involved with the TV Channels (종합편성채널의 독립제작 환경과 관행에 관한 연구 독립PD, 작가 및 종합편성채널 관계자 심층인터뷰를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Sun Young;Han, Hee Jeong
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.73
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    • pp.56-91
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    • 2015
  • This study examined changes in the independent production environment in the perspectives from flexible specialization of labor and media routines since January 2011, when comprehensive programming television channels (JTBC, MBN, Channel A, TV Chosun) emerged in Korea. In-depth interviews were conducted with thirteen individuals, including producers from independent production companies, broadcast writers, and individuals involved with these TV channels. The interview results indicated that a flexible specialization production system had been established by the comprehensive programming channels. This means that they were heavily dependent on independent producers, except in relations to their own news programs. Moreover, it was identified that the production of diverse programs could be difficult due to absurd contract practices such as those related to TV ratings and performance systems. Second, these channels have implemented some positive changes such as the payment of higher production costs and an incentive system, compared to terrestrial TV stations. However, the incentive system also helps to aggravate internal competition in the channel and also instigate contract competitions among independent companies, which can eventually result in the channels for holding exclusive rights to certain content and, hence, unfair business practices. Third, as a result of the newspaper and broadcast cross-owenership system of the comprehensive programming channels, hierarchical independent production practices can be established under the influence of newspaper proprietors and executives or managers who have previously worked for newspapers. Lastly, as a result of interviews with independent producers and individuals involved with the TV channels concerning the awareness of comprehensive programming channels, it could not be ascertained whether it is difficult to produce programs dealing with diverse items and genres, because programming autonomy has been distorted by capital or the advertisement market. In this circumstance, it is not surprising that some comprehensive programming channels mentioned that they prioritize profit and performance in programming. In conclusion, it is absolutely imperative that complementary and legal measures be implemented institutionally in order to redress the existing systematic dysfunctional routines in the independent productions of the comprehensive programming TV channels in Korea.

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A Study on the Legal Aspects of International Express Courier Business (현행 항공법상 상업서류 송달업의 문제점과 입법방향)

  • Lee, Chang-Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.125-147
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    • 2011
  • Considering a trend of logistics and transport industry in these days, it can be said that international express courier service is one of the most familiar transport type to the general public. Especially in Korea, due to development of electronic commercial transaction and the popularity of television home shopping, it can easily anticipated that express courier business will continuously grown in the future. However, the legal basis for international express courier is not properly set up so far. The only clause about this can be found on Korean Aviation Law said as 'commercial documents delivery business'. The origin of the commercial documents delivery business in Aviation Law is to make exception from public postal services which has been exclusive status as monopoly based on the Korean Postal Law. Basically, according to this regulation, all the private postal delivery is prohibited except some sort of commercial documents such as consignment notes, packing list, invoice etc. Thus, those documents could be delivered not only by public postal services but also by private courier company according to the Korean Postal Law. This waiver has probably come from under developing condition of Korean postal circumstances, however it should be revised according to the modernized business practice. Reflecting these revisions, the articles of Korean Postal Law adopted 'international express courier document' as the exception of postal service. Therefore, Korean Aviation Law also needs to be revised as Postal Law in due course. In addition to revision of Korean Aviation Law, some sort of new legislation is required to govern the private legal aspects such as legal liabilities, duties and rights of each parties on international express courier. This should be governed by 'law' not by 'terms and conditions' provided by business operators. Furthermore, to support and develop the current domestic logistics companies as international express courier company, it is required to regulate with the separate express courier law.

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A study on mandatory insurance for aircraft operators (항공보험 가입의무에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.169-197
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to present a reasonable and concrete standard for the Korean aviation insurance compulsory subscription system. Through this, we aim to improve the current revision of laws and regulations, and ultimately create an environment in which the safety and property of the Korean people who use aircraft with appropriate aviation insurance can be secured. In particular, by reviewing the aviation business law and its new laws and regulations enacted in 2017, the legislative improvement direction of aviation insurance will be proposed. In order to maintain the continuous growth of the air transportation industry and to make amicable compensation for the victims, considering the characteristics of the total accident, instantness, and giganticness of air accidents in which a lot of people and property are lost in the event of an accident, adequate insurance coverage is essential. In this respect, the compulsory insurance to amend the principle of freedom of contract, which is the great principle of the modern judicial system, will be persuasive. However, in comparison with foreign legislation, the legal provisions on Korea's obligation to comply with aviation insurance need to be revised around the following issues: First, it is reasonable to enforce the regulation of the mandatory aviation insurance by legislation from the Congress not by administrative regulations. Because it will force the monetary obligations of the individual such as common air carriers. Second, our law regulations respond to various kinds of air damages by using the phrase "limit of liability stipulated in international conventions". However, as we have seen in the text, the range of compensation are various according to the use of legal instruments in international conventions such as the Montreal Convention, which governs the compensation of passengers for damages to passengers today. Third, in countries with narrow territories, such as Korea, there are big differences in flying time and insurable risk between domestic and international transportation. Therefore, it is necessary to divide domestic transportation and international transportation even in the obligation to join the insurance. This dual discipline has the advantage for rookies in air carrier market who mainly start their business from domestic service. Fourth, according to Korean law, the regulations of automobile loss insurance is applicable to the aviation mandatory insurance of unmanned aerial vehicle accident which is lack of persuasion. In the future, it will be appropriate to discipline insurance for unmanned aerial vehicles with unlimited potential for development from a long-term perspective.

Liability of the Compensation for Damage Caused by the International Passenger's Carrier by Air in Montreal Convention (몬트리올조약에 있어 국제항공여객운송인의 손해배상책임)

  • Kim, Doo-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.18
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    • pp.9-39
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    • 2003
  • The rule of the Warsaw Convention of 1929 are well known and still being all over the world. The Warsaw Convention is undoubtedly the most widely accepted private international air law treaty with some 140 countries. In the international legal system for air transportation, the Warsaw Convention has played a major role for more than half century, and has been revised many times in consideration of the rapid developments of air high technology, changes of social and economic circumstances, need for the protection of passengers. Some amendments became effective, but others are still not effective. As a result, the whole international legal system for air transportation is at past so complicated and tangled. However, the 'Warsaw system' consists of the Warsaw Convention of 1929 the Guadalajara Convention of 1961, a supplementary convention, and the following six protocols: (1) the Hague Protocol of 1955, (2) the Guatemala Protocol of 1971, (3) the Montreal Additional Protocols, No.1, (4) the Montreal Additional Protocol No.2, (5) the Montreal Additional Protocol No.3, and (6) the Montreal Additional Protocol No.4. of 1975. As a fundamental principle of the air carrier's liability in the international convention and protocols, for instance in the Warsaw Convention and the Hague Protocol, the principle of limited liability and a presumed fault system has been adopted. Subsequently, the Montreal Inter-carrier Agreement of 1966, the Guatemala City Protocol, the Montreal Additional Protocol No.3, and the Montreal Additional Protocol No. 4 of 1975 maintained the limited liability, but substituted the presumed liability system by an absolute liability, that is, strict liability system. The Warsaw System, which sets relatively low compensation limits for victims of aircraft accidents and regulates the limited liability for death and injury of air passengers, had become increasingly outdated. Japanese Airlines and Inter-carrier Agreement of International Air Transport Association in 1995 has been adopted the unlimited liability of air carrier in international flight. The IATA Inter-Carrier Agreement, in which airlines in international air transportation agree to waive the limit of damages, was long and hard in coming, but it was remarkable achievement given the political and economic realities of the world. IATA deserves enormous credit for bringing it about. The Warsaw System is controversial and questionable. In order to find rational solution to disputes between nations which adopted differing liability systems in international air transportation, we need to reform the liability of air carriers the 'Warsaw system' and fundamentally, to unify the liability system among the nations. The International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO) will therefore reinforce its efforts to further promote a legal environment that adequately reflects the public interest and the needs of the parties involved. The ICAO Study Group met in April, 1998, together with the Drafting Committee. The time between the "Special Group on the Modernization and Consolidation of the 'Warsaw system'(SGMW)" and the Diplomatic Conference must be actively utilized to arrange for profound studies of the outstanding issues and for wide international consultations with a view to narrowing the scope of differences and preparing for a global international consensus. From 11 to 28 May 1999 the ICAO Headquarters at Montreal hosted a Diplomatic Conference convened to consider, with a view to adoption, a draft Convention intended to modernize and to integrate replace the instruments of the Warsaw system. The Council of ICAO convened this Conference under the Procedure for the Adoption of International Conventions. Some 525 participants from 121 Contracting States of ICAO attended, one non-contracting State, 11 observer delegations from international organizations, a total of 544 registered participants took part in the historic three-week conference which began on 10 May. The Conference was a success since it adopted a new Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air. The 1999 Montreal Convention, created and signed by representatives of 52 countries at an international conference convened by ICAO at Montreal on May 28, 1999, came into effect on November 4, 2003. Representatives of 30 countries have now formally ratified the Convention under their respective national procedures and ratification of the United States, which was the 30th country to ratify, took place on September 5, 2003. Under Article 53.6 of the Montreal Convention, it enters into force on the 60th day following the deposit of the 30th instrument of ratification or acceptation. The United States' ratification was deposited with ICAO on September 5, 2003. The ICAO have succeeded in modernizing and consolidating a 70-year old system of international instruments of private international law into one legal instrument that will provide, for years to come, an adequate level of compensation for those involved in international aircraft accidents. An international diplomatic conference on air law by ICAO of 1999 succeeded in adopting a new regime for air carrier liability, replacing the Warsaw Convention and five other related legal instruments with a single convention that provided for unlimited liability in relation to passengers. Victims of international air accidents and their families will be better protected and compensated under the new Montreal Convention, which modernizes and consolidates a seventy-five year old system of international instruments of private international law into one legal instrument. A major feature of the new legal instrument is the concept of unlimited liability. Whereas the Warsaw Convention set a limit of 125,000 Gold Francs (approximately US$ 8,300) in case of death or injury to passengers, the Montreal Convention introduces a two-tier system. The first tier includes strict liability up to l00,000 Special Drawing Rights (SDR: approximately US$ 135,000), irrespective of a carrier's fault. The second tier is based on presumption of fault of a carrier and has no limit of liability. The 1999 Montreal Convention also includes the following main elements; 1. In cases of aircraft accidents, air carriers are called upon to provide advance payments, without delay, to assist entitled persons in meeting immediate economic needs; the amount of this initial payment will be subject to national law and will be deductable from the final settlement; 2. Air carriers must submit proof of insurance, thereby ensuring the availability of financial resources in cases of automatic payments or litigation; 3. The legal action for damages resulting from the death or injury of a passenger may be filed in the country where, at the time of the accident, the passenger had his or her principal and permanent residence, subject to certain conditions. The new Montreal Convention of 1999 included the 5th jurisdiction - the place of residence of the claimant. The acceptance of the 5th jurisdiction is a diplomatic victory for the US and it can be realistically expected that claimants' lawyers will use every opportunity to file the claim in the US jurisdiction - it brings advantages in the liberal system of discovery, much wider scope of compensable non-economic damages than anywhere else in the world and the jury system prone to very generous awards. 4. The facilitation in the recovery of damages without the need for lengthy litigation, and simplification and modernization of documentation related to passengers. In developing this new Montreal Convention, we were able to reach a delicate balance between the needs and interests of all partners in international civil aviation, States, the travelling public, air carriers and the transport industry. Unlike the Warsaw Convention, the threshold of l00,000 SDR specified by the Montreal Convention, as well as remaining liability limits in relation to air passengers and delay, are subject to periodic review and may be revised once every five years. The primary aim of unification of private law as well as the new Montreal Convention is not only to remove or to minimize the conflict of laws but also to avoid conflict of jurisdictions. In order to find a rational solution to disputes between nations which have adopted differing liability systems in international air transport, we need fundamentally to reform their countries's domestic air law based on the new Montreal Convention. It is a desirable and necessary for us to ratify rapidly the new Montreal Convention by the contracting states of lCAO including the Republic of Korea. According to the Korean and Japanese ideas, airlines should not only pay compensation to passengers immediately after the accident, but also the so-called 'condolence' money to the next of kin. Condolence money is a gift to help a dead person's spirit in the hereafter : it is given on account of the grief and sorrow suffered by the next of kin, and it has risen considerably over the years. The total amount of the Korean and Japanese claims in the case of death is calculated on the basis of the loss of earned income, funeral expenses and material demage (baggage etc.), plus condolence money. The economic and social change will be occurred continuously after conclusion of the new Montreal Convention. In addition, the real value of life and human right will be enhanced substantially. The amount of compensation for damage caused by aircraft accident has increased in dollar amount as well as in volume. All air carrier's liability should extend to loss of expectation of leisure activities, as well as to damage to property, and mental and physical injuries. When victims are not satisfied with the amount of the compensation for damage caused by aircraft accident for which an airline corporation is liable under the current liability system. I also would like to propose my opinion that it is reasonable and necessary for us to interpret broadly the meaning of the bodily injury on Article 17 of the new Montreal Convention so as to be included the mental injury and condolence. Furthermore, Korea and Japan has not existed the Air Transport Act regulated the civil liability of air carrier such as Air Transport Act (Luftverkehrsgestz) in Germany. It is necessary for us to enact "the Korean Air Transport Contract Act (provisional title)" in order to regulate the civil liability of air carrier including the protection of the victims and injured persons caused by aircraft accident.

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