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Auxiliary Reinforcement Method for the Safety of Tunnelling Face (터널 막장안정성에 따른 보강공법 적용)

  • Kim, Chang-Yong;Park, Chi-Hyun;Bae, Gyu-Jin;Hong, Sung-Wan;Oh, Myung-Ryul
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2000
  • Tunnelling has been created as a great extent in view of less land space available because the growth of population in metropolitan has been accelerated at a faster pace than the development of the cities. In tunnelling, it is often faced that measures are obliged to be taken without confirmation for such abnormality as diverged movement of surrounding rock mass, growing crack of shotcrete and yielding of rockbolts. In this case, it is usually said that the judgments of experienced engineers for the selection of measure are importance and allowed us to get over the situations in many construction sites. But decrease of such experienced engineers need us to develop the new system to assist the selection of measures for the abnormality without any experiences of similar tunnelling sites. In this study, After a lot of tunnelling reinforcement methods were surveyed and the detail application were studied, an expert system was developed to predict the safety of tunnel and choose proper tunnel reinforcement system using fuzzy quantification theory and fuzzy inference rule based on tunnel information database. The expert system developed in this study have two main parts named pre-module and post-module. Pre-module decides tunnel information imput items based on the tunnel face mapping information which can be easily obtained in-situ site. Then, using fuzzy quantification theory II, fuzzy membership function is composed and tunnel safety level is inferred through this membership function. The comparison result between the predicted reinforcement system level and measured ones was very similar. In-situ data were obtained in three tunnel sites including subway tunnel under Han river. This system will be very helpful to make the most of in-situ data and suggest proper applicability of tunnel reinforcement system developing more resonable tunnel support method from dependance of some experienced experts for the absent of guide.

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Optimal Incentives for Customer Satisfaction in Multi-channel Setting (멀티채널에서의 고객만족제고 인센티브 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sik
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.25-47
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    • 2010
  • CS is one of the major concerns of managers in the world because it is well known to be a key medium construct for firms' superior outcome. One of the major agents for CS management is retailers. Firms try to manage not only employees but also retailers to promote CS behaviors. And so diverse incentives are used to promote their CS behaviors under diverse channel setting such as multi-channel. However in spite of the rising needs there has been scarce studies on the optimal incentive structure for a manufacturer to offer competing retailers at the multi-channel. In this paper, we try to find better way for a manufacturer to promote the competing retailers' CS behaviors. We investigated how to promote the retailers' CS behavior via game-theoretic modeling. Especially, we focus on the possible incentive, CS bonus type reward introduced in the studies of Hauser, Simester, and Wernerfelt(1994) and Chu and Desai(1995). We build up a multi stage complete information game and derive a subgame perfect equilibrium using backward induction. Stages of the game are as following. (Stage 1) Manufacturer sets wholesale price(w) and CS bonus($\eta$). (Stage 2) Both retailers in competition set CS effort level($e_i$) and retail price($p_i$) simultaneously. (Stage 3) Consumers make purchasing decisions based on the manufacturer's initial reputation and retailers' CS efforts.

    Structure of the Model We investigated four issues about the topic as following: (1) How much total incentive is adequate for a firm of a specific level of reputation to promote retailers' CS behavior under multi-channel setting ?, (2) How much total incentive is adequate under diverse level of complimentary externalities between the retailers' CS efforts to promote retailers' CS behavior?, (3) How much total incentive is adequate under diverse level of cost to make CS efforts to promote retailers' CS behavior?, (4) How much total incentive is adequate under diverse level of competition between retailers to promote retailers' CS behavior? Our findings are as following. (1) The higher reputation has the manufacturer, the higher incentives for retailers at multi-channel are required in the equilibrium.
    shows the increasing pattern of optimal incentive level along the manufacturer's reputation level(a) under some parameter conditions(b=1/2;c=0;$\beta$=1/2). (2) The bigger complimentary externalities exists between the retailers' CS efforts, the higher incentives are required in the equilibrium.
    shows the increasing pattern of optimal incentive level along the complimentary externalities level($\beta$) under some parameter conditions(a=1;b=1/2;c=0). (3) The higher is the retailers' cost, the lower incentives are required in the equilibrium.
    shows the decreasing pattern of optimal incentive level along the cost level(c) under some parameter conditions(a=1;b=1/2;$\beta$=1/2). (4) The more competitive gets those two retailers, the higher incentives for retailers at multi-channel are required in the equilibrium.
    shows the increasing pattern of optimal incentive level along the competition level(b) under some parameter conditions(c=0;a=1;$\beta$=1/2). One of the major contribution points of this study is the fact that this study is the first to investigate the optimal CS incentive system under multi-channel setting.

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Damage Analysis of Korean White Pine Stands in which the Black-tipped Sawfly was Chemically Controlled (잣나무넓적잎벌 방제림분(防除林分)에 대(對)한 잣나무 피해해석(被害解析))

  • Chung, Sang Bae;Kim, Chul Su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.87 no.3
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    • pp.328-333
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    • 1998
  • To obtain basic information for establishing a pest control strategy for insect pest management system, changes in the population densities of the black-tipped sawfly(Acantholyda posticalis posticalis Matsumura) and damage patterns in tree growth were investigated in national forests in Hoigok-ri, Kapyung-gun, Kyunggi-do, where the pest control measures were taken. The results obtained were as follows ; 1. The larval density in the soil of the forests where the insecticides were applied have been kept below economic threshold for about 7 years. The density was the highest in the middle of slopes and similar to the level of the early stage of the insect outbreak. 2. After the pest control by insecticides, reduction in tree height and diameter growth lasted for 2-3 years in trees defoliated by over 70%. 3. The diameter growth of the trees damaged by black-tipped sawfly recovered faster in upper stem than in the lower. 4. volume growth of the trees defoliated over 70% by the insect decreased for three to four years. The volume loss of trees defoliated by 70% and 90% was 19.6% and 54.0%, respectively. 5. Maintaining the rate of defoliation below 50%, which is the economic threshold, by chemical control measures had an effect of reducing the tree volume loss by $40m^2/ha$ as compared with a stand defoliated by 90%.

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Textural and Geochemical Characteristics of Ferromanganese Crusts from the Lomilik and Litakpooki Seamounts, Marshall Islands, West Pacific (서태평양 마샬제도 Lomilik와 Litakpooki 해저산 망간각의 조직 및 지화학적 특성)

  • Woo, Kyeong-Sik;Park, Sung-Hyun;Jung, Hoi-Soo;Moon, Jai-Yoon;Lee, Kyeong-Yong;Choi, Youn-Ji
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2001
  • Six ferromanganese crusts from the Lomilik and Litatfooki seamounts in the Marshall Islands were analyzed for texture, geochemistry and stratigraphy to delineate the paleoceanographic conditions. The crusts can be divided into three layers; 1) outermost massive layer (Layer 1), 2) middle porous Fe-oxides rich layer infllled with biointemal clasts (Layer 2), and 3) innermost massive layer cemented and/or replaced by carbonate fluoapatite (CFA) (Layer 3). The Layer 1 contains higher Mn, Co, Ni, and Mg than other two layers, and the Layer 2 was relatively more enriched in Fe, Al, Ti, Ba, Cu, and Zn. However, the Layer 3 shows higher Ca and P and lower Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni contents than overlying two layers. Based on the Co-chronometry, the crusts are postulated to have begun to grow from 56-31 Ma (early Eocene to Oligocene). The boundaries between layers 1 and 2, and layers 2 and 3 are dated to be 7-3 Ma and 26-14 Ma, respectively. High contents of Ca and P in Layer 3 clearly indicate that the layer had been phosphatized prior to the formation of Layer 2. Considering the well-preserved mjcrostructures in Layer 3, it is unlike that the crusts themselves were recrystallized in suboxic condition. Also, the lower Co concentrations in Layer 3 may imply that the Co supply was not constant during the formation of Layer 3. Layer 2, characterized by the porous texture, grew over Layer 3 during 26-9 Ma. Internal biogenic sediments including foraminifera within the original cavities and the enrichment of organophillic elements such as Ba, Cu, and Zn, suggest that Layer 2 have below high production regions. Also, high content of allumino silicate components may indicate increased terrigeneous input during the formation of Layer 2. The Layer 2. The Layer 1 has been subjected to little diagenetic influence since the Pliocene.

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The Risk Factors for the Development of Hypertension in a Rural Area - An 1-Year Prospective Cohort Study - (농촌 지역 주민들의 고혈압 발생 위험요인 - 1년간 전향성 추적 조사 -)

  • Oh, Hee-Sook;Kam, Sin;Yeh, Min-Hae;Kang, Yun-Sik;Kim, Keon-Yeop;Lee, Young-Sook;Park, Ki-Soo;Son, Jae-Hee;Lee, Sang-Won;Ahn, Moon-Young;Chun, Byung-Yeol
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.199-207
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    • 2000
  • Objectives : This study was peformed to identify the risk factors related to the development of hypertension in a rural area. Method : Total of 3,573 subjects in Chung-Song County were interviewed and examined in 1996. The study cohort comprised 2,580 hypertension-free subjects aged above 20. One-year follow up was completed for 1,781 subjects(69.0%) in 1997. General characteristics(age, gender, education level, economic status, marital status), the family history of hypertension, diet, alcohol, smoking, coffee, stress, past history of oral contraceptive and menopausal status in female, height, weight, waist and hip circumference, baseline blood pressure, and serum total cholesterol were considered as risk factors. Results : Multivariate analysis using logistic regression model indicated that age(RH=1.50, 95% CI; 1.15-1.96), the family history of hypertension(RR=2.11, 95% CI; 1.04-4.26), waist-hip ratio(WHR) (RR=2.09, 95%, CI; 1.15-3.79), and baseline systolic blood pressure(130-139/<120mmHg)(RR=3.34, 95% CI; 1.47-7.60) were significant risk factors associated with the development of hypertension above the borderline level in male. In female, age(RR=1.06, 95% CI; 1.03-1.09), change in menopausal status$(no{\rightarrow}yes/no{\rightarrow}no)$ (RR=3.32, 95% CI; 1.01-10.87), baseline systolic blood pressure(120-129/<120mmHg: RR=2.00, 95% CI; 1.02-3.90)(130-139/<120mmHg: RR=2.64, 95% CI; 1.34-5.20) and baseline diastolic blood pressure(85-89/<80mmHg)(RR=4.09, 95% CI; 1.86-8.96) were identified as risk factors. Conclusions : Age and high normal blood pressure were significant risk factors for the development of hypertension above the borderline level. In addition, the family history of hypertension and WHR in men, and the change of menopausal status in women might be significant risk factors in Korea.

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Effects of Feeding Type of Concentrates During Growing Period and Slaughter Age on Growth Performance, Feed Efficiency and Carcass Characteristics in Growing-Fattening Holstein Steers (홀스타인 거세우에 대한 육성기 농후사료 급여형태 및 출하월령이 성장발육, 사료이용성 및 도체특성에 미치는 효과)

  • Kang, S.W.;Jeong, H.Y.;Ahn, B.S.;Oh, Y.K.;Son, Y.S.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.989-998
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    • 2004
  • The objectives of this work was to investigate the effects of feeding type of concentrates during growing period and slaughter age on growth performance, feed efficiency and carcass characteristics in growing-fattening Holstein steers. Treatments were two concentrates feeding types(ad libitum or restricted 1.9% of BW) and three slaughter ages(at 19, 22 or 25 mo). Body weight at slaughter was numerically higher(approx. 8.3%) for the restricted than the ad libitum feeding groups. TDN intake rate was higher(8.4%) for the restricted than the ad libitum feeding groups. One mo slaughter delay increased TDN intake by 4%. Despite the lack of significances, higher back fat thickness and rib-eye area appeared in the restricted feeding or the late slaughter groups compared with the ad libitum feeding or the early slaughter groups. Marbling score(mean 2.46) numerically increased when the steers were restrictively fed concentrates compared with the ad libitum feeding groups. In addition, significant increases in the marbling score were associated with the slaughter age delay. In economic analysis, increases in total income were associated with the restricted feeding and the slaughter age delay. Whereas the highest monthly income appeared in the restricted feeding-and-slaughter at 22 mo group. In conclusion, the optimal feeding system may be 1) the restricted concentrates feeding(1.9% of BW) during growing period and 2) the late slaughter age(22${\sim}$25 mo of age) in growing-fattening Holstein steers fed rice straw.

Application of Borehole Radar to Tunnel Detection (시추공 레이다 탐사에 의한 지하 터널 탐지 적용성 연구)

  • Cho, Seong-Jun;Kim, Jung-Ho;Kim, Chang-Ryol;Son, Jeong-Sul;Sung, Nak-Hun
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.279-290
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    • 2006
  • The borehole radar methods used to tunnel detection are mainly classified into borehole radar reflection, directional antenna, crosshole scanning, and radar tomography methods. In this study, we have investigated the feasibility and limitation of each method to tunnel detection through case studies. In the borehole radar reflection data, there were much more clear diffraction signals of the upper wings than lower wings of the hyperbolas reflected from the tunnel, and their upper and lower wings were spreaded out to more than 10m higher and lower traces from the peaks of the hyperbolas. As the ratio of borehole diameter to antenna length increases, the ringing gets stronger on the data due to the increase in the impedance mismatching between antennas and water in the boreholes. It is also found that the reflection signals from the tunnel could be enhanced using the optimal offset distance between transmitter and receiver antennas. Nevertheless, the borehole radar reflection data could not provide directional information of the reflectors in the subsurface. Direction finding antenna system had a advantage to take a three dimensional location of a tunnel with only one borehole survey even though the cost is still very high and it required very high expertise. The data from crosshole scanning could be a good indicator for tunnel detection and it could give more reliable result when the borehole radar reflection survey is carried out together. The images of the subsurface also can be reconstructed using travel time tomography which could provide the physical property of the medium and would be effective for imaging the underground structure such as tunnels. Based on the results described above, we suggest a cost-effective field procedure for detection of a tunnel using borehole radar techniques; borehole radar reflection survey using dipole antenna can firstly be applied to pick up anomalous regions within the borehole, and crosshole scanning or reflection survey using directional antenna can then be applied only to the anomalous regions to detect the tunnel.

Derivation of rock parameters from Televiewer data (텔레뷰어에 의한 토목설계 매개변수의 산출)

  • Kim Jung-Yul;Kim Yoo-Sung
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1999.08a
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    • pp.137-155
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    • 1999
  • Recently, Televiewer(Borehole Acoustic Scanner(Televiewer)) has come to be widely used specially for the general engineering construction design. The Televiewer tool using a focussed acoustic beam is to detect the amplitude and traveltime of each reflected acoustic signal at the wall, resulting in the amplitude- and traveltime image respectively. Fractures can be well detected, because they easily scatter the acoustic energy due to the highly narrow beam. In addition, the drilling work will rough the borehole wall so that the acoustic energy can be scattered simply due to the roughness of the wall. Thus, the amplitude level can be directed associated with the elastic properties(impedance) and the hardness of the rock as well. Meanwhile, the traveltime image provides an information about the borehole shape and can be converted to a high precision 3D caliper log(max. 288 arms). In this paper, based on the high resolution of Televiewer images, general evaluation methods are illustrated to derive very reliable rock parameters.

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Optimization of TDA Recycling Process for TDI Residue using Near-critical Hydrolysis Process (근임계수 가수분해 공정을 이용한 TDI 공정 폐기물로부터 TDA 회수 공정 최적화)

  • Han, Joo Hee;Han, Kee Do;Jeong, Chang Mo;Do, Seung Hoe;Sin, Yeong Ho
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.650-658
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    • 2006
  • The recycling of TDA from solid waste of TDI plant(TDI-R) by near-critical hydrolysis reaction had been studied by means of a statistical design of experiment. The main and interaction effects of process variables had been defined from the experiments in a batch reactor and the correlation equation with process variables for TDA yield had been obtained from the experiments in a continuous pilot plant. It was confirmed that the effects of reaction temperature, catalyst type and concentration, and the weight ratio of water to TDI-R(WR) on TDA yield were significant. TDA yield decreased with increases in reaction temperature and catalyst concentration, and increased with an increase in WR. As a catalyst, NaOH was more effective than $Na_2CO_3$ for TDA yield. The interaction effects between catalyst concentration and temperature, WR and temperature, catalyst type and reaction time on TDA yield had been defined as significant. Although the effect of catalyst concentration on TDA yield at $300^{\circ}C$ as subcritical water was insignificant, the TDA yield decreased with increasing catalyst concentration at $400^{\circ}C$ as supercritical water. On the other hand, the yield increased with an increase in WR at $300^{\circ}C$ but showed negligible effect with WR at $400^{\circ}C$. The optimization of process variables for TDA yield has been explored with a pilot plant for scale-up. The catalyst concentration and WR were selected as process variables with respect to economic feasibility and efficiency. The effects of process variables on TDA yield had been explored by means of central composite design. The TDA yield increased with an increase in catalyst concentration. It showed maximum value at below 2.5 of WR and then decreased with an increase in WR. However, the ratio at which the TDA yield showed a maximum value increased with increasing catalyst concentration. The correlation equation of a quadratic model with catalyst concentration and WR had been obtained by the regression analysis of experimental results in a pilot plant.

The Usefulness of Multidetector CT Arthrography in the Diagnosis of Shoulder Pathology -Comparison with MR Arthrography and Arthroscopic Findings in the Same Patient- (견관절 병변의 진단에서 다중 검출 전산화 단층촬영을 이용한 관절조영술의 유용성 - 동일 환자에서 시행한 자기공명 관절조영술 및 관절경 소견과의 비교 -)

  • Kim, Dong-Soo;Park, Kyoung-Jin;Kim, Yong-Min;Choi, Eui-Sung;Shon, Hyun-Chul;Cho, Byung-Ki;Park, Ji-Kang;Kim, Seok-Won
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the usefulness of CT arthrography (CTA) by conducting a comparative study of CTA and MR arthrography (MRA) with the arthroscopic findings in the same patients. Materials and methods: Forty nine patients who suffered from shoulder disease underwent MRA and CTA concurrently. The sensitivity and specificity of CTA was evaluated, as compared to MRA, in the case of four types of shoulder pathological lesions. The accuracy of CTA was evaluated by analyzing the arthroscopic findings of thirty four patients. Results: Compared to MRA, CTA showed a sensitivity of 90% and a specificity of 100% for diagnosing supraspinatus tendon (SST) full thickness tear, and CTA showed a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 97.5% for making the diagnosis of superior labrum anterior to posterior (SLAP) lesion. For diagnosing partial articular side supraspinatus avulsion (PASTA) lesion, some studies have shown the usefulness of CTA with a sensitivity of 71.4% and a specificity of 97.7%. However, for diagnosing SST bursal side partial tear, the sensitivity of CTA was as low as 10%. CTA has been shown to be relatively accurate when the diagnoses were verified with the arthroscopic findings; diagnosing SST full thickness tear and SLAP lesion with CTA has shown an accuracy of 100% and87.5% respectively, and CTA showed 71.4% diagnostic accuracy for PASTA lesion. Conclusion: CTA was a useful tool and it was equivalent to MRA for the assessment of SST full thickness tear, SLAP lesion and PASTA lesion, but not bursal side partial tear. Thus, it may be used preferably to diagnose shoulder pathology and for follow up as an inexpensive tool after operation.