• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경상호

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Design of Optimal Water Treatment Processes based on Required Water Quality for Utilization of the Saemanguem Lake Water (새만금 담수 활용을 위한 요구수질별 최적의 수처리 방안 연구)

  • Choi, Kyung-Sook;Lee, Kwang-Ya
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.169-178
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    • 2012
  • This study was aimed at providing optimal water treatment processes based on various required water quality for utilization of the Saemangeum lake water as water supply alternatives to this area. Various water treatment methods were considered for investigation there characteristics, pollution removal rate, pros and cons in order to select appropriate water treatment processes satisfying the required water quality for different purposes. As results, the FDA system for SS, turbidity, BOD removals, UV treatment for coliform, BOD removals, FNR process for T-N, T-P removals, and ECRS process for desalination purpose were found to be better methods in senses of removal efficiency, operation and maintenance. Case studies were provided with cost analysis for field applications in the Saemangeum area.

Three Models of Decision-Making (의사결정의 세 가지 모델)

  • Lee, Sang-hyung
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.144
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    • pp.257-283
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this paper is primarily to examine models of collective decision-formation and decision-making. The goal is to propose a model of decision-formation and decision-making that is appropriate for a democratic society. Habermas distinguishes these models of decision-formation and decision-making by liberal, republican, and deliberative political models according to their justification types. Axel Honneth, on the other hand, is divided into three models of liberalism, proceduralism, and republicanism. I want to divide the model of possible decision-making in democratic society into three, that is, the model based on force, the model based on procedure, and the republican model. This distinction will identify the characteristics of each decision-making model and this confirmation will help us find the best decision-making model for a democratic society. In the end, I will combine the republican model with the procedural model. For this synthesis, I will also propose three conditions in modern society. I will argue that the three conditions of collective intelligence, active freedom, and horizontal networks are necessary.

Inundation Simulations for an Ungauged Basin with a Pump Station (배수 펌프장을 포함한 미계측 유역에 대한 침수 모의)

  • Jin, Youngkyu;Lee, Sangho;Jeong, Taek-Mun;Kang, Taeuk
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.213-213
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    • 2019
  • 소하천으로 지정된 작은 규모의 하천은 '소하천정비종합계획'에 따라 지정된 빈도 유량 내에서 범람에 의한 침수 피해를 예방하기 위해 주기적으로 정비되고 있다. 소하천으로 지정되지 않은 하천의 경우에는 하천 정비와 관련된 법이 없으므로, 하천 정비 및 하천 관련 자료들이 미흡하다. 경상남도 양산시 물금읍 증산리의 증산 배수펌프장 유역은 2016년 10월 5일 태풍 '차바'의 호우로 인해 그 일원(농경지 및 주거지)이 침수되었다. 증산 배수펌프장 유역에는 소하천으로 등록되지 않은 새도랑천과 새도랑천의 시점부로 합류되는 이름 없는 하천(무명천)이 있고, 해당 하천의 단면 및 침수 모의에 필요한 자료가 없거나 오차가 큰 경우가 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 침수 모의에 필요한 자료들이 부족한 소규모 하천 유역에 대하여 기초 자료를 구축하는 과정과 이를 이용한 침수 모의 결과를 제시하는 것이다. 증산 배수펌프장 유역에 대해 침수 모의 시 필요한 자료는 강우량, 펌프 유량, 펌프장 유수지 제원, 지반고, 하천 단면, 농수로 단면, 인근 도시 지역의 하수관거 제원 등이다. 증산 배수펌프장 유역은 유역 내 하천수의 대부분을 펌프장을 통해 배수가 가능하다. 이와 같은 유역특성을 활용하여 유수지 제원, 하천 단면, 지반고 자료는 유수지 및 하천에 있는 물을 배수해서 무인항공기 측량으로 구축하였다. 증산 배수펌프장 유역의 침수모의는 준2차원 침수 모의가 가능한 CHI 사의 PCSWMM을 이용하였다. 침수 모의를 위한 모형에서 펌프장 모의 시 입력한 수심-양수량 관계 자료는 펌프 가동 일지를 참고하여 시행착오법으로 추정하였다. 침수 모의 결과 평균 침수심은 0.226 m, 최대 침수심은 0.800 m, 침수면적은 $0.562km^2$이다. 태풍 '차바'로 인한 침수 상황에 대하여 탐문조사 결과는 침수심이 약 0.2 ~ 0.3 m이었으며, 모의된 평균 침수심이 조사결과에 부합하는 것으로 판단된다. 증산 펌프장을 통하여 양수된 양에 대한 기록 자료와 모의 결과의 차이는 펌프 모의 운영 종료 시점까지 약 0.5%이다. 본 연구의 검증 자료는 인위적인 펌프 운영 일지 및 침수 상황의 사진으로 검증했다는 한계가 있다. 그러나 무인항공기 측량 및 현장조사, 펌프 운영 일지를 활용한 수심-양수량 관계의 추정으로 생산된 입력자료를 이용하여 모의한 결과는 실제 상황에 부합하는 결과가 도출된 것으로 판단된다.

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NiOx-based hole injection layer for organic light-emitting diodes (유기발광소자에 적용 가능한 NiOx 기반의 정공주입층 연구)

  • Kim, Junmo;Gim, Yejin;Lee, Wonho;Lee, Donggu
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.309-313
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    • 2021
  • Organic semiconductors have received tremendous attention for their research because of their tunable electrical and optical properties that can be achieved by changing their molecular structure. However, organic materials are inherently unstable in the presence of oxygen and moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to develop moisture and air stable semiconducting materials that can replace conventional organic semiconductors. In this study, we developed a NiOx thin film through a solution process. The electrical characteristics of the NiOx thin film, depending on the thermal annealing temperature and UV-ozone treatment, were determined by applying them to the hole injection layer of an organic light-emitting diode. A high annealing temperature of 500 ℃ and UV-ozone treatment enhanced the conductivity of the NiOx thin films. The optimized NiOx exhibited beneficial hole injection properties comparable those of 1,4,5,8,9,11-hexaazatriphenylene hexacarbonitrile (HAT-CN), a conventional organic hole injection layer. As a result, both devices exhibited similar power efficiencies and the comparable electroluminescent spectra. We believe that NiOx could be a potential solution which can provide robustness to conventional organic semiconductors.

Analysis of Development Priority Using Regional Assets (지역자산을 활용한 개발우선순위 분석)

  • Choi, Min-Ju;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.359-367
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    • 2019
  • As a strategy for strengthening local competitiveness, efficient use of regional assets is becoming more and more important. The key to regional identity and competitiveness is local assets. The purpose of this study is to derive the priority region for development by evaluating local assets. The analysis methods used in this study are Geographic Information System analysis, Big Data Trend analysis, and Analytic Hierarchy Process analysis. To assess the potential of local assets, the preference of assets, historical value, cluster of resources, wide-area transport accessibility, and population density were set as analysis indicators and itemized weights were applied using AHP to reflect the importance of each item. As a result of analyzing Yeongju city in Gyeongsangbuk-do, eight major points such as Buseoksa Temple, Sosu Seowon, Huibangsa Temple, Punggi Hot Spring Resort, Punggi Station, National Center for Forest Therapy, Yeongju east region and Museom Village were derived.

The Flora of Experiment Forest of Kookmin University (국민대학교 학술림의 식물상)

  • Choi, Im Jun;Lee, Jong-Won;Lim, Won Taek;Jang, Jun Ho;Kang, Shin-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2019.04a
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    • pp.45-45
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    • 2019
  • 학술림은 학생, 교수, 산림 연구기관의 실험 실습 등의 연구 기능을 하는 숲이며, 경제적, 사회적 및 환경적으로 큰 의미가 있어, 학술연구 및 교육에 있어서 중요한 필수 자산이다. 국내에 분포하는 학술림의 전체면적은 약 34,941ha로 국내 전체 면적 6,335,000ha의 0.55%를 차지하고 있다. 국내 학술림을 행정적으로 남부, 중부 및 북부 세권역으로 나눠볼 수 있는데 중부권역에 속해있는 한 곳인 국민대학교 학술림의 자생식물을 조사하였다. 국민대학교 학술림이 위치한 경상북도 안동시 길안면 배방리 일대는 청송 유네스코 세계지질공원 및 주왕산국립공원과 인접함에도 불구하고 연구가 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구에서 확인된 관속식물은 97과 292속 518종 등 총 518분류군으로 조사되었으며, 산림청지정 희귀식물로는 댕댕이나무, 산분꽃나무, 시호, 솜양지꽃, 산마늘 등 10분류군이 확인되었고, 특산식물은 청괴불나무, 참배암차즈기, 고려엉겅퀴, 분취 등 9분류군이 확인되었다. 식물구계학적 특정식물은 I등급은 고려엉겅퀴, 백선, 뻐꾹채, 초롱꽃, 투구꽃 등 26분류군, II등급은 곰취, 구와취, 노랑제비꽃, 채고추나물, 호오리새 등 11분류군, III등급은 복자기, 시닥나무, 참조팝나무, 눈개승마, 다북떡쑥 등 24분류군, Ⅳ등급은 개아마, 뚝사초, 산마늘, 왜방풍, 참배암차즈기 등 8분류군, V등급은 산분꽃나무 1분류군으로 확인되었다.

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A Study on Medical Consumers Hospital Selection Factors Using Kano Model and Timko Model (Kano모델과 Timko 모델을 이용한 의료소비자의 병원선택요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sujung;Kim, Junyong;Kim, Junbae
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.40-52
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to identify medical consumers' hospital selection factors in response to the rapidly changing environment of medical industry. For that purpose this study classified consumers' hospital selection factors into three categories such that human factors including expertise, reliability, empathy; system factor including, convenience, differentiation, efficiency; and facility factor including tangibility, accessibility, and location, based on the previous studies and the results of a preliminary survey of the patients of a small private hospital. The nine factors were further divided into 23 more specific attributes. Then, an online survey was conducted to measure the perceptions of the 23 attributes by the medical consumers over the age of 20. The analysis of the survey data using Kano model and Timko model indicated that 14 of the 23 attributes were classified as attractive factors, eight attributes were or classified as, one-dimensional factors, and one attribute, doctors' educational background, was classified as indifference factor. Of the 14 attractive factors, "unique and differentiated services related to medical treatment" and "distance from home to hospital" had the highest customer satisfaction coefficients. Of the eight one-dimensional factors, "kind treatment," "providing adequate explanations," "accuracy of diagnosis," and "cleanness of facilities" had the highest customer satisfaction coefficients as well as the highest dissatisfaction coefficients. The findings indicate that these six attributes are the most basic and most impactful attributes that hospitals must manage strategically to improve their service quality and attract more medical consumers to their hospitals.

Design of SECE Energy Harvest Interface Circuit with High Voltage Comparator for Smart Sensor (고전압 비교기를 적용한 스마트 센서용 SECE 에너지 하베스트 인터페이스 회로 설계)

  • Seok, In-Cheol;Lee, Kyoung-Ho;Han, Seok-Bung
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.529-536
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    • 2019
  • In order to apply a piezoelectric energy harvester to a smart sensor system, an energy harvest interface circuit including an AC-DC rectifier is required. In this paper, we compared the performance of full bridge rectifier, which is a typical energy harvester interface circuit, and synchronous piezoelectric energy harvest interface circuit by using board-level simulation. As a result, the output power of a synchronous electric charge extraction(: SECE) circuit is about four times larger than that of the full bridge rectifier, and there is little load variation. And a high voltage comparator, which is essential for the SECE circuit for the piezoelectric energy harvester with an output voltage of 40V or more, was designed using 0.35 um BCD process. The SECE circuit using the designed high-voltage comparator proved that the output power is 427 % higher than the FBR circuit.

A Study on Furniture Making based on Hojangjul (호장줄을 이용한 가구 제작에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-kooi
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.289-303
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    • 2019
  • This paper presents research on furniture making based on Hojangjul, which is an engraving technique that highlights the wooden patterns of traditional furniture. Somokbang, one of the 12 workshops in Tongyeong, has used Hojangjul as an engraving technique since Imjinwaeran. It was inherited by the late Cheon Sang-won, who was No. 59 of National Important Intangible Cultural Properties, and developed into Samhojang, Ohojang, Seongtoinoimun, Hotguinoimun, and Gyeopguinoimun. It was then spread to Masan, Ulsan, and Gwangyang via marine routes and further into the inland areas via land routes, developing in various patterns and forms. The present study investigated and examined the making techniques and characteristics of Hojangjul engraved in joinery furniture in Tongyeong, Masan, and Ulsan in the Gyeongsang region and Gwangyang and Dongbok in the Jeolla region, thus shedding new light on the traditional techniques that have been gradually disappearing and promoting the transmission, inheritance, and development of the traditional techniques.

Differential effects of online word-of-mouth about attractive and one-dimensional Kano attributes on hospital selection (온라인 입소문이 병원선택에 미치는 영향의 카노속성에 따른 차이)

  • Kim, Sujung;Kim, Junyong
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2022
  • Purposes: This purpose of this study was to check how much the online word of mouth influences on customer's hospital selection according to Kano's model. Methodology: Kano classified the attributes that affect customer's satisfaction into attractive, one-dimensional, indifferent, must-be, and reverse attributes. Among them, attractive and one-dimensional attributes make up the largest portion in hospital selection. Based on this, the influence of positive or negative online reviews on the selection of hospitals was investigated. Differentiated service was selected as the attractive attributes, and a kind, sufficient explanation was selected as the one-dimensional attributes. Then a questionnaire was conducted how much the positive or negative online reviews influence on hospital selection, respectively. It was conducted from August 7 to September 7, 2021 for medical consumers in their 20s and older who have used medical services for the past 3 years, and the final 142 questionnaires were analyzed. All data was analyzed by chi-square and two-way ANOVA using SPSS ver 25.0. Findings: The results showed that, in one-dimensional attributes, the difference between positive and negative reviews was not statistically significant, but in attractive attributes, positive and negative reviews showed a statistically significant difference. It suggests that positive reviews on attractive attributes had a greater influence on hospital selection. In terms of hospital selection, when the experimental participants were exposed to the positive reviews, the hospital selection ratio did not differ by Kano's attributes, but to the negative reviews it differed. The hospital selection ratio, even after they were exposed to negative reviews, was higher in the attractive attributes than in the one-dimensional attributes. Practical Implication: This study confirmed that hospital selection is influenced differently depending on the Kano's attributes and the direction of the reviews, and suggests that marketers should respond differently to each Kano's attributes when they deal with online reviews of hospitals.