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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: 게임 테스트

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MINDLE : The Psychometric Platform Designed For The Online Mental Care System (민들레 : 온라인 심리 치료를 위한 심리 상담 플랫폼)

  • Jeong, Ju-yeong;Kim, Min-kyu;Jang, Min-seong;Seo, Min-su;Lee, Jun-Yeop;Koh, Seok-Joo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.652-654
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    • 2018
  • Recently there are many people who suffer from a mental problem like depression or anxiety caused by the stress of employment or school works. Some mental care agencies serve a campaign for them, but it's less accessible due to the geographic distance. And before taking the service, people should find out what is a better psychological test for them to diagnose the problem. Furthermore, it is inconvenient that keeping the diagnosis which is written in some papers. In his paper, in order to solve these problems, suggests the novel platform that serves psychological tests to users and stores results into database so that involved agencies could contact quickly. The psychological tests BAI, BDI, PHQ-15, and Q-15 were used to verify the reliability and effectiveness of the platform.

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A Study on utilization of 3-Dimension GIS for Disaster Prevention on Urban Safety and Disaster Paradigm (도시안전패러다임을 고려한 방재분야 3차원 공간정보 활용방안 연구)

  • Park, Young-Jin;Yeon, Kyung-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.136-141
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    • 2008
  • The rapid development of the information technology has passed over the implementation of the virtual reality. It is realizing information services that are form of the globalization, based on the Internet. In addition, the effort to apply IT to public administration for public services has been made. The remarkable development of computer hardware has overcome the limit of the information distribution and emerged for practical use in various fields such as public institution, underground facilities management, tourism industry development etc. However, the practical use of Virtual Reality with Three-Dimensional GIS on disaster management by Korea National Emergency Management Agency is very much low. Therefore, this studies focus on how to use 3-Dimensional GIS for the purpose of fire disaster prevention. The studies also discussed, through understanding of the limitations of 2-Dimensional GIS, the establishment of basis for fire prevention technology development and its utilization among those ubiquitous city paradigms, which have become so much issues these days.

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Implementation of Real-Time Channel Module for Applying Wireless Communication Environments (무선 통신 환경 적용이 가능한 실시간 채널 모듈 구현)

  • Park, Chan Ju;Kim, Woojoong;Jang, Byung-Jun;Yoon, Hyungoo;Yoon, Young Joong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.438-444
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, A real-time channel module which can apply the wireless propagation channel was developed using USRP and Lab-VIEW. When the proposed channel module is used in conjunction with the implemented HW(hardware) simulators for cognitive radio and frequency interference analysis and so on, it can increase the reliability about wireless propagation environments. In addition, the proposed module overcomes the limit of existing HW simulator that data transfer rate is limitative in communication system through the design of the inner parts. Along with this, it is possible to apply channel parameters necessary to estimate the easier communication performance. Also, this has the advantage that it can be flexibly applied in implementing the communication channel with the upcoming new scenarios. The proposed module can estimate the communication performance via constellation and BER using the implemented module.

Diagnosis of Atopy in Dogs : A Review of the Need for Conceptual and Diagnostic Refinement I (개들의 아토피 진단 : 개념적 및 진단학적 순화의 필요성 검토 I)

  • Perkins Jacqueline
    • Journal of the korean veterinary medical association
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.376-382
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    • 2002
  • 호주의 많은 소동물 임상수의사들이 최근에 관심을 갖고 있는 부분은 개의 아토피(Canine Atopy)에서의 알러지-특이성(Allergen-specific)IgE에 쓰이는 혈청 ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay, 효소결합면역흡착검사)테스트의 활용 가능성에 관한 것이다. 희망사항은 개 아토피의 진단과 치료에 있어서 도움이 되도록 접근할 수 있는 시험(Accessible test)일 것이다. 아토피(Atopy)는 진단과 치료를 실패시키는 질병이며, 새로운 ELISA라도 이 문제를 쉽게 해결하여 주지 못한다. 개의 아토피에서 알려진(Allergens)들을 분석하는 데 쓰이는 혈청 ELISA처럼 아주 정확하게 특성화되어져야 한다. 해당 개는 아토피성(Atopic)으로서 진단되어져야만 되고 그 다음에 치료에 지침이 되도록 개별 알러진 동정(Individual allergen identification)용 ELISA로 개의 혈액을 스크린하는데 적합하여야 한다. ELISA와 피내접종시험(Internal testing)방법은 상관도가 낮고 그렇기 때문에 어떤 시험이 더 신뢰할 수 있는 것일까? 이러한 사실은 논쟁의 여지가 있으며 이상의 2가지 시험들이 옳다면 각각의 상응하는 각각 다른 아형(Subtypes)의 아토피라고 볼 수있다. 아마도 알러진들은 경피적으로 흡수되어 아토피성피부염으로 되어진다. 그것은 인체에서 건초열(Hay fever)이나 천식(Asthma)과 같이 흡입에 의해 일으키는 유사한 증후군동종 (Syndrome akin)과 같은 접근의 초기양식(Primary mode of access)으로부터 생기는 다른 유사한 질병과정이 되어질 수도 있다. 이러한 2가지 증후군은 함께 병발하는 경우가 있다. 의학에서는 피부 반점시험방법의 예비조사연구(Preliminary research with skin patch testing in medicine)는 아토피성 피부염을 야기하는 알러진들의 경피흡수경로의 개념을 지지해준다. 흡인 알러진들을 사용한 개들에서의 도전 시험(Challenge tests)들은 거의 대부분이 비-피부학적 임상증상들을 발현하였다. 모든 증거가 분명히 나타나도록 미래의 조사연구를 인도해 주는 게 필요하며 개 아토피의 정의와 진단을 둘러싼 수수께끼를 해결하는데 도움이 될 것이다.

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Implementation of the adaptive Local Sigma Filter by the luminance for reducing the Noises created by the Image Sensor (이미지 센서에 의해 발생하는 노이즈 제거를 위한 영상의 조도에 따른 적응적 로컬 시그마 필터의 구현)

  • Kim, Byung-Hyun;Kwak, Boo-Dong;Han, Hag-Yong;Kang, Bong-Soon;Lee, Gi-Dong
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we proposed the adaptive local sigma filter reducing noises generated by an image sensor. The small noises generated by the image sensor are amplified by increased an analog gain and an exposure time of the image sensor together with information. And the goal of this work was the system design that is reduce the these amplified noises. Edge data are extracted by Flatness Index Map algorithm. We made the threshold adaptively changeable by the luminance average in this algorithm that extracts the edge data not in high luminance, but just low luminance. The Local Sigma Filter performed only about the edge pixel that were extracted by Flatness Index Map algorithm. To verify the performance of the designed filter, we made the Window test program. The hardware was designed with HDL language. We verified the hardware performance of Local Sigma Filter system using FPGA Demonstration board and HD image sensor, 1280×720 image size and 30 frames per second.

A Method of Interoperating Heterogeneous Simulation Middleware for L-V-C Combined Environment (L-V-C 통합 환경 실현을 위한 이기종 시뮬레이션 미들웨어 연동 방안)

  • Cho, Kunryun;No, Giseop;Jung, Sihyun;Keerativoranan, Nopphon;Kim, Chongkwon
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.213-219
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    • 2015
  • Simulation is used these days to verify the hypothesis or the new technology. In particular, National Defense Modeling & Simulation (M&S) is used to predict wartime situation and conduct the military training. National Defense M&S can be divided into three parts, live simulation, virtual simulation, and constructive simulation. Live simulation is based on the real environment, which allows more realistic sumulation; however, it has decreased budget efficiency, but reduced depictions of reality. In contrast, virtual and constructive simulations which are based on the virtual environment, have increased budget efficiency, but reduced depictions of reality. Thus, if the three parts of the M&S are combined to make the L-V-C combined environment, the disadvantages of each simulation can be complemented to increases the quality of the simulation. In this paper, a method of interworking heterogeneous simulation middeware for L-V-C combined environment is proposed, and the test results of interworking between Data Distribution Service (DDS) and High Level Architecture (HLA) are shown.

A Personalized Model and its Implementation of Real-Life Space for Providing Efficient Ambient Service (효율적인 엠비언트 서비스 제공을 위한 실생활 공간의 개인화 모델 및 구현)

  • Lim, Sora;Kwon, Yong-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38C no.1
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    • pp.118-130
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    • 2013
  • With the advent of a new services environment based on high-speed mobile networks and high-performance mobile devices, users in real life require content-centric services that provide personalized information conveniently and efficiently. These services are defined as ambient services. To implement and support sustainable ambient services, there is a critical need to conduct research regarding practicable models and methodologies. This paper proposes an effective model for ambient services based on the personalization of real-life space. The model consists of Public Info-space, Universal Info-space and Private Info-space. We also show a methodology for implementing the model with currently available techniques in order to prove that the model and methodology constitute an applicable solution to developing true ambient services. Finally, a kind of role-playing game which is built on a real university campus is presented to show the model to be available, where the test bed infrastructure consists of wireless mesh networks and real-time location systems (RTLSes).

Design and Implementation of Interactive-typed Bluetooth Device interact with Android Platform-based Contents Character (안드로이드 플랫폼 기반의 콘텐츠 캐릭터와 연동되는 체감형 블루투스 기기의 설계 및 구현)

  • Park, Byoung-Seob;Choi, Hyo-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 2014
  • Interactive-typed devices and contents that have been often applied in the field of entertainment and game are the technology that allows you to maximize the enjoyment and participation of users through the interaction of each. In this paper, we designed an interactive-typed smartphone app that is based on the Android platform, implemented the wearable Bluetooth device to control via a interactive interface with a vibration sensor and three-axis acceleration sensor. We tested the functionality and 3-axis motion's operability by using smartphone app, interface interactive-typed device that has been developed, prove useful as a wearable Bluetooth device that has the convenience of the user. Further, it is shown that by implementing the optimized protocol of the sensor data transfer over Bluetooth, it is possible to reduce the malfunction of the content of the smart phone.

Hierarchical IoT Edge Resource Allocation and Management Techniques based on Synthetic Neural Networks in Distributed AIoT Environments (분산 AIoT 환경에서 합성곱신경망 기반 계층적 IoT Edge 자원 할당 및 관리 기법)

  • Yoon-Su Jeong
    • Advanced Industrial SCIence
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2023
  • The majority of IoT devices already employ AIoT, however there are still numerous issues that need to be resolved before AI applications can be deployed. In order to more effectively distribute IoT edge resources, this paper propose a machine learning-based approach to managing IoT edge resources. The suggested method constantly improves the allocation of IoT resources by identifying IoT edge resource trends using machine learning. IoT resources that have been optimized make use of machine learning convolution to reliably sustain IoT edge resources that are always changing. By storing each machine learning-based IoT edge resource as a hash value alongside the resource of the previous pattern, the suggested approach effectively verifies the resource as an attack pattern in a distributed AIoT context. Experimental results evaluate energy efficiency in three different test scenarios to verify the integrity of IoT Edge resources to see if they work well in complex environments with heterogeneous computational hardware.

Transformation of the Music Market brought about by Technology (테크놀로지가 가져온 음악 시장의 변혁)

  • kim, Joy
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.537-541
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    • 2022
  • As technology advances, various applications linked to the music industry are becoming popular through new media. There have been many changes in the music market. Beyond the existing music market, where music copyright and performance rights were the center of the music business, we are unifying and operating communication channels that connect artists and fans, such as investment products derived from music copyrights. The technology that connects the fandom with additional business digital content has transformed into global platforms such as HYBE Entertainment's and YG Entertainment's Weverse, as well as SM Entertainment's Bubble. In addition, various national support projects to build a 5G MEC (MobileEdge Computing) environment to quickly respond to the rapidly changing 5G industry ecosystem are supporting for the immersive content demonstration, immersive content testing, and technical analysis, we are laying the groundwork to efficiently respond to the ever-expanding metaverse content market. Technology is changing dramatically. Therefore, we would like to study to changes in the music market brought about by technology and suggest strategies for a new era in the music business.