• Title/Summary/Keyword: 강제효과

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Thermal Performance of PV Cells Exposed to Irradiation by a Parabolic Trough Concentrator (PTC형 태양열 집열기로 조사되는 PV cell의 열적 성능)

  • Hwang, Seon Yeob;Kang, Tae Gon;Boo, Joon Hong
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.68-68
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구에서는 PV cell이 직달 일사에 노출되는 경우와 집광된 태양광에 조사되는 경우의 성능을 비교하는 한편 집광기의 형태에 따른 열적 성능을 검토하고자 하였다. PV cell은 본질적으로 반도체의 특성을 가지므로 작동온도의 상승에 따라 성능이 저하된다는 사실이 알려져 있으며, 태양조사의 강도 및 밀도 등 특성에 따라서도 성능의 변화를 예상할 수 있다. 그러나 이러한 성능변화에 관련된 인자들과 그 영향의 크기에 대한 정량적인 기술자료가 부족하므로 설치와 이용에 한계가 있는 것이 현실이다. 인공태양 장치(solar simulator)를 이용하여 0.7에서 1.2 sun 범위의 태양 조사 환경에서 결정질 실리콘계 PV cell과 집광형 PV cell의 성능을 검토하였다. 집광에 사용한 PTC는 집광면적의 폭이 500 mm이며, 집광 조사면적이 최소 10 mm인 경우 이론적 최대 집광비가 50이었다. PTC의 축방향으로는 균일한 태양조사가 있게된다는 것을 가정하여 모델의 길이는 간편한 실험을 위해 150에서 500 mm의 범위에서 제작하였다. 수평으로 놓인 PTC의 상부 초점 위치로부터 집광면이 아래 쪽에 위치할수록 집광 조사 면적이 증가하므로 PV cell의 크기에 따라 PTC 초점의 위치로부터 거리를 결정하였다. 한편, PTC 자체의 성능도 촛점거리와 집광면 폭의 비에 따라 달라질 수 있다는 가정 하에, 포물면의 최저 위치로부터 촛점거리는 각각 300, 400 및 500 mm가 되도록 세가지 형태를 제작하여 사용하였다. 동일한 형태의 PTC에서 PV cell의 동일한 설치 위치에서도 최고 $110^{\circ}C$ 범위의 PV cell의 작동 (표면) 온도에 따른 성능의 차이를 관찰하기 위해 셀의 후면을 냉각시키는 경우와 그렇지 않은 경우를 비교하였다. PV cell의 표면 온도 측정을 위해서, 후면의 온도와 같이 광선 차단 효과의 우려가 없는 경우에는 열전대를 설치하였으며, 셀의 전면 온도 측정을 위해서는 비접촉식 적외선 온도계를 사용하였다. 냉각 방법으로는 공기를 이용한 자연대류와 액체를 사용하는 강제대류의 경우를 고려하였으며, 필요에 따라 적절히 설계된 히트싱크를 설치하여 비교 실험을 진행하였다. 강제대류 냉각의 경우는 항온조를 사용하여 순환하는 냉각수의 유량과 공급온도를 변화시킴으로써 PV cell의 작동온도를 조절하고, 이에 따른 발전 성능의 변화를 관찰하였다. 본 연구에서 도출한 실험 및 분석 결과는 PV cell의 설치 환경과 작동온도의 변화에 따라 그 성능 변화를 예측할 수 있는 기술적 자료를 제공함으로써 에너지 이용의 합리화를 도모하는데 기여할 수 있을 것이다.

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A Study on the Heat Sink with internal structure using Peltier Module in the Forced Convection (강제대류에서 펠티에 소자를 이용한 내부터널 구조를 가지는 히트싱크에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Min;Kim, Tae-Wan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.3410-3415
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    • 2014
  • The heat generated by electronic devices can result in performance degradation. Therefore, a heat sink has been used to release the operating heat into the air outside. This study addressed a methodology for a heat sink with an inner tunnel. Under forced convection conditions, the heat transfer characteristics were different so the cooling and heating performances were studied for the heat sink with an inner tunnel. This was evaluated by performing the experimental test examining the heat transfer characteristics related to the variance in time and temperature distribution. In the cooling experiment, the temperature of the A-shape was lower than that of the B-shape, when the voltage was 10 V. These experimental results indicate the optimal cooling effect. In a heating experiment, the temperature of the A-shape was higher than that of the B-shape, when the voltage was 13 V. The experimental results showed that the temperature and efficiency of the A-shape were higher than those of the B-shape.

Comparative Analysis on the Measures and Programs for Age Equality of OECD Countries (OECD 국가의 연령차별 완화대책 및 프로그램 비교연구: 노동시장에서의 연령차별금지법을 중심으로)

  • Han, Hye-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.277-295
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to bring together evidence of the operation and impact of legislation to prohibit age discrimination in those countries that have such laws. We identified 5 countries with extensive age discrimination legislation: the US, Canada, Australia, Finland and Republic of Ireland. The objectives and cultural context of age discrimination lesgislation, which plays a large part in each country determining what type of lesgislation is deemed to be appropriate. The effeciveness or impact of the legislation, in terms of progress towards these objectives. Some key issues where choices of emphasis will need to be made in the introduction of new legislation to reduce age discrimination.

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Vibration Control of a Beam with a Tip Mass using a Lightweight Piezo-composite Actuator (경량 압전 복합재료 작동기를 이용한 끝단 질량이 부착된 보의 진동 제어)

  • Martua, Landong;Park, Hoon-Cheol;Goo, Nam-Seo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.218-224
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    • 2007
  • Although piezoelectric materials such as PZT have been widely used as actuators in the field of active vibration suppression, the use of bare PZT as an actuator may cause some drawbacks such as critical breaks in the installation process, short circuits in the host material and low fatigue performance. The LIPCA-C2 (lightweight piezocomposite actuator) was developed to alleviate these problems. We implemented the LIPCA as an actuator to suppress the vibration of an aluminum cantilever beam with a tip mass. In our test, we used positive position feedback control algorithm. The filter frequency for this type of feedback should be tuned to the natural frequency of the target mode. The first three experimental natural frequencies of the aluminum cantilever beam agree well with the results of finite element analysis. The effectiveness of using the LIPCA as an actuator in active vibration suppression was investigated with respect to the time and frequency domains, and the experimental results show that LIPCAs with PPF control can significantly reduce the amplitude of forced vibrations and the settling time of free vibrations. For a case study, the forced vibration control of several beams with different thicknesses were performed.

Generation and Management of Strong Passwords using an Ownership Verified Smartphone (소유권 확인된 스마트폰을 이용한 강력한 패스워드 생성 및 관리)

  • Park, Jun-Cheol
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2020
  • Enforcing additional authentication to password-based authentication, in addition to attempting to increase the security of the password itself, helps to improve the security of the password authentication scheme. For a well-known problem of using strong passwords that differ from site to site, we propose a scheme for password generation and management with an inherent supplementary authentication. Like the so-called password manager, the scheme retrieves and presents a strong site-specific password whenever requested without requiring the user to remember multiple passwords. Unlike the existing methods, however, the scheme permits the password retrieval process to proceed only through the authenticated user's ownership verified smartphone. Hence, even for sites not enforcing or supporting two-factor authentication, the logon process can benefit from the scheme's assurance of enhanced security with its two-factor equivalent authentication. The scheme can also prevent an attacker from impersonating a user or stealing secrets even when the stored information of the server for password retrieval service or the user's smartphone is leaked.

A Study on Stakeholders' Strategies toward IMO International Convention for Environmentally Sound Ship Recycling (IMO 선박재활용협약과 관련 당사자의 대응전략에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Hyun-Jeung
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2009
  • The issues of environmental pollution and labor safety on ship recycling in the undeveloped countries such as India, Bangladesh, etc have been proclaimed. For this, IMO has been actively participated in resolving such problems since 1998 and then finally the International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships is going to be adopted in this year. The convention provides the design, construction, operation and preparation of ships in order to facilitate safe and environmentally sound recycling as well as the safe and environmentally sound operation of ship recycling facilities. Therefore, the purposes of this study are to introduce the major contents of ship recycling convention and its time of entry into force and to analyse stakeholders' strategies toward it so that Korea will have a better position for the establishment of a mechanism regarding regulation stringency on environmentally sound ship recycling.

Numerical Study of the Effect of Fan Arrangement on the Cooling Performance of the ONAF Type Radiator for Power Transformer (변압기용 ONAF 방식 방열기의 팬 배치에 따른 냉각특성 연구)

  • Kim, Kuk-Kyeom;Suh, Yong Kweon;Kang, Sangmo
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.449-455
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    • 2015
  • Owing to the trend of an increase in capacity and high-efficiency requirement, the life and reliability of power transformer depend significantly on the amount of heat generation per unit volume and the degradation of insulation oil. These problems can be solved by enhancing the cooling performance of the radiator. The purpose of this study was to find a suitable position of fans for a better cooling effect given by the forced-convection of air in an ONAF (Oil Natural Air Forced) type transformer. In the simulation, commercial software was used for flow analysis, and the cooling passage of the oil was simplified to shorten the time taken for computation. With the diameter of the fan fixed at a constant value, the analysis was performed only by changing the position of the fans. As a result, a vertical position change of the fans does not affect the cooling performance significantly. However, the temperature drop given by the fans positioned on the front region of the transformer is larger than that on the rear region.

Synthesis of Silica/Alumina Composite Membrane Using Sol-Gel and CVD Method for Hydrogen Purification at High Temperature (Sol-gel 및 CVD법을 이용한 고온 수소 분리용 silica/alumina 복합막의 합성)

  • 서봉국;이동욱;이규호
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.124-132
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    • 2001
  • Silica membranes were prepared on a porous ${\alpha}$-alumina tube with pore size of 150nm by sol-gel and chemical vapor deposition(CVD) method for hydrogen separation at high temperatures. Silica and ${\gamma}$-lumina membranes formed by the sol-gel method possessed a large amount of mesopores of a Knudsen diffusion regime. In order to improve the $H_2$ selectivity, silica was deposited in the sol-gel derived silica/${\gamma}$-alumina layer by thermal decomposition of tetraethyl orthosilicate(TEOS) at $600^{\circ}C$. The CVD with forced cross flow through the porous wall of the support was very effective in plugging mesopores that were left unplugged in the membranes. The CVD modified silica/alumina composite membrane completely rejected nitrogen permeation and thus showed a high $H_2$ selectivity by molecular sieve effect. the permeation of hydrogen was explained by activated diffusion and the activation energy was 9.52kJ/mol.

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Performance analysis of a cold-air forced circulation type showcase (냉기 강제순환형 공랭식 쇼케이스 성능 해석)

  • Kim, Jeong-Sik;Kim, Nae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1003-1010
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    • 2013
  • In this study, a simulation program was developed, which predicts the performance of cold-air forced circulation type air cooled showcase. The showcase has an excellent display effect in addition to preserving the grocery. In the program, the compressor was analyzed using performance data supplied by the manufacturer and the capillary tube pressure drop was analyzed using a homogeneous model. The evaporator and condenser were analyzed by dividing the heat exchangers into small elements, where energy balance and appropriate heat transfer correlations were used. A showcase model with two 3/4 HP compressors, capillary tubes of 1.6 mm inner diameter, a fin-and-tube evaporator and condenser was tested, and the results are compared with the predicted values. It is shown that both evaporation and condensation temperatures are adequately predicted by the program.

Experimental analysis on the morphologic changes and adaption of the channels to floodplain vegetation (홍수터 식생에 의한 하도의 지형변화와 적응과정 실험적 분석)

  • Jang, Chang-Lae
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.10
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    • pp.801-810
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    • 2022
  • This study investigates the evolution processes of alternate bars in the channel with bank stability by vegetation by laboratory experiment. Laboratory experiments are conducted to elucidate the behavior of alternate bars by the influence of riparian vegetation on the rivers with erodible banks. To control bank stability of the channel, the actual vegetation, alfalfa, is grown by adjusting the density of alfalfa on the flood plain. As the vegetation density increases in the flood plain, the bank erosion rates and the channel widening rates decrease and the bank stability increases. The alternate bars migrate slow downstream over time. Moreover, the bars in a channel with strong banks migrate rapidly, which is related with the aspect ratio, that is, width to depth ratio. The bar wavelength decrease with vegetation density. Our laboratory experiments show that the behavior of bars differ according to bank strength.