• Title/Summary/Keyword: 가족친화성

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A noninvasive esthetic treatment of isolated microdontia using new high-translucent cubic-phase zirconia (5Y-PSZ) laminate veneers: A case report (고투명도 입방정상 지르코니아(5Y-PSZ) 라미네이트를 이용한 왜소치의 비침습적 심미 수복 증례)

  • Ahn, Min-Zin;Ahn, Do-Gwan;Pyo, Se-Wook;Kim, Hee-Kyung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.263-270
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    • 2019
  • Current trends in restorative dentistry focus on improving the esthetics and keeping the sound dental tissues as long as possible. The aims of this case report were to describe the successful outcome of cubic-phase zirconia laminate veneers for a patient with isolated microdontia by using a digital workflow, and to describe their clinical implications. A 15-year-old female who had isolated microdontia in combination with spacing visited Ajou University Dental Hospital for esthetic treatment. In this case, 6 maxillary anterior teeth were restored with cubic-phase zirconia laminate veneers without tooth structure removal by using a digital impression, computer-aided design (CAD) software, and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) procedures. At 6-month follow-up, no distinct mechanical and biological complications were detected and the prostheses exhibited satisfactory esthetics and functions. Due to its favorable tissue responses and enhanced translucency, cubic-phase zirconia can be a suitable strategy for a noninvasive esthetic approach.

The Home Ownership, Public Expenditure and Change of Home Ownership Rate (복지국가의 주택소유와 공공지출, 주택소유율의 변동)

  • Eun, Min-su
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.3-29
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    • 2017
  • The study checked whether the trade-off relationship between the home ownerhip and welfare by Kemeny and Castles was still valid in four welfare regimes, and analysed the factors of change and stability on rate of home ownership between social democratic states and southern european states. Based on the results of the study, the relationship between housing ownership and public expenditure was confirmed only in the liberal welfare regime and in the conservative welfare regime, as evidenced by the 2014 data collection. Second, social democratic states have dramatically increased housing mortgage loans and showed signs of housing commodification but southern european states have showed pre commodification of housing, maintained comparatively whole home ownership and low mortgage loans. Third, social democratic states has resulted in a rise in housing demand and housing prices, through reduced new housing and social rented housing construction, home owenership friendly taxation and generous lending policies, but southern european states have maintained a stable housing demand and housing prices thanks to the rich housing stocks, extended family, self provision and self promotion by close relatives, and intergenerational inheritance and transfers of housing. Although sequence of the equity ownership and welfare are still unclear, it is not a rational alternatives to induce housing ownership through large mortgage loans.

The Utilization of Military Welfare Facilities by Private Sectors (군 복지시설의 민간활용 연구)

  • Syung uk Lee;Jinsoo Ko
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to improve the private utilization of military welfare facilities that are aging or underutilized in urban areas. It also aims to develop ways to strengthen cooperative win-win strategies between the military and local communities. The use of military welfare facilities by the private sector refers to activities where the private sector generates additional benefits or added value by allowing the use of these facilities, including both private use and improvements to facilities or development of land through private sector involvement. From the perspective of the city and the locals, military welfare facilities are perceived as resident-friendly and excellent urban resources that can promote reciprocal satisfaction between the military and local communities. From the perspective of the military, military welfare facilities are important for enhancing the welfare of military personnel. However, they often face limitations in providing various welfare services due to the aging of facilities and limited operations with a single purpose. The improvement of private utilization of military welfare facilities will bring diverse reciprocal benefits to the military, the city, and the locals. Above all, improving the private utilization of military welfare facilities can help the military and local communities jointly address diverse urban issues. To establish cooperative governance and find flexible and diverse development strategies that can promote the welfare of the military and enhance the quality of life for the locals, it is important that both the military and local communities make continuous efforts.

A Case Study of Configuration Strategy and Context in Everyday Artifacts - Concentrated on analysis by Creativity Template Theory and Artifact Context Model - (일상 디자인산물의 구성배치 전략과 맥락에 관한 연구 - 창조성템플릿이론과 산물맥락모델을 이용한 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Jin Sun-Tai
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.4 s.66
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2006
  • It is generally regarded a design system in post-industrial society, which products designed by in-house designers or design consultancy are manufactured in factory and distributed in market for the consumer. Although it is treated an old design system in traditional society, the traces of vernacular design has been remaining in the state of adopted to the periodical needs in these days, also proving the attribute of design culture to constitute human's material environment as well as existing design systems. There were discovered various design artifacts in daily surroundings vary from the established design in several manners, user modifications or manufactures in everyday lives formalized them. It was approached a case study that analyze the changes of artifact configuration and designer/user context and creation process of the non-professional design artifacts, Creativity Template Theory and ACM(Artifact Context Model) have been utilized for the analysis model. From the analysis result, It assume that the everyday artifacts may be ordinary but extra-ordinary including particular ideas and identity represented by everyday designers or users. Beside these characteristics induce the potentiality that reflect on creative motives for the designers or a complementary artifact generator filling up with drawbacks in established design system. The everyday design domain, various explorations and alternatives are made, is seems to be another design practice domain dissimilar to the one in the industry-based design. Moreover it provides an more easily accessability for the approaching user-friendly design, user customization because they conduct the reliable modeling of consumer and end-user. Finally, based on the exploratory study regarding interpretation of context and configuration in the everyday artifacts, new approach for the design process and design education through more detailed cognitive modeling of everyday designers will be a further study.

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A Study on the Nature-friendly Management Regarding the User Pattern of Yangjae Stream (양재천의 이용특성을 고려한 환경친화적 관리방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Sun-Hee;Hong Suk-Hwan;Bae Jung-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.306-315
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    • 2004
  • Yangjae stream, stretching through Seocho-gu and Gangnam-gu, is a representative city stream with its environmentally friendly stream makeover project model, launched in 1995. The district of Gangnam-gu, the subject of this study, is under high pressure from the residents for its use as a huge residential areas close to the stream. The study has two main purposes. The first is to identify the condition and characteristic of utilization of Yangjae stream which is currently being increased in use by the stream restoration. Secondly, the study aims to suggest the environment-friendly management to accomplish arrangement of the naturally friendly stream based on the identification survey, The result from the user survey with 303 valid answer sheets show that the people from neighboring residential areas use this stream a lot doing exercising(51.8%) and taking a walk(24.4%) in their free time. Also regular use rate is high, and people are likely to use it alone(30.4%) or as a family(28.4%). With regard to the need of facility increase, even though the respondents required resting places in the shade(80.8%) most, overall, additional introduction of facilities was analyzed as unnecessary(78.8%). safety issue(22.0%) and a lack of convenience facilities(17.6%) and resting places in the shade(16.6%) are pointed as main problems while the users are generally satisfied(59.5%) with the stream. Improving walk-way and planting trees for shade on the slope were designed as a solution for these problems. For securing safety through improvement of walk-way, the scattering of pressure of current walk with building new walk using berms was presented. In order to increase safety on the walk-way(see above figure), the study proposes to build a new walk-way with berms to disperse excessive pressure. It also suggests the tree planting to provide shade in the stream and to make a provision for the planting of forest trees in the current law.

The Relation between Mother's LOHAS Propensity and Healthy Dietary Life Attitude perceived by Chinese University Students (대학생 자녀가 지각한 어머니의 로하스(LOHAS) 성향과 건강식생활 태도와의 관련성 연구 - 중국대학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Yeon-Jung;Ahn, Gee-Jung
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.101-120
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to examine the relation between a mother's LOHAS lifestyle propensity, healthy dietary life, and nutrient intake perceived by Chinese university students. The subjects consisted of 376 Chinese university students. The research results are summarized below. The mother's LOHAS attitude index was 76.02 points out of a perfect score of 100 points. High LOHAS attitude factors of mothers were 'health', whereas 'social welfare' scored low. The highest LOHAS attitude items of mothers that Chinese university students perceived was 'My mother uses health food, organic food, clean food'(4.26 points). Males who lived on their own in a large city and have normal BMI ($18.5{\sim}22.9kg/m^2$) perceived a high mother's LOHAS score. The highest food habit variables are 'eating without spilling food' 'cleaning up after meals around' and 'washing my hands before meals'. The highest healthy dietary life item is 'I try to maintain a pleasant and enjoyable life'(3.83 points). The highest nutrient intake attitude score is 'I tend to eat yellowish-green vegetables every day.'(3.92 points). According to mother's LOHAS lifestyle score, it was verified that the higher mother's LOHAS lifestyle score, the higher children's food habit, healthy dietary life, and nutrient intake score are. Mother's environment-friendly LOHAS attitude index has a meaningful impact on the child's food habits, healthy dietary life, and nutrient intake.