• Title/Summary/Keyword: 가스 터빈

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Hot Corrosion of NiCrAlY(ZrO2-Y2O3) Heat Resistant Composite Coatings for Gas Turbines (가스터빈용 NiCrAlY/(ZrO2-Y2O3) 내열복합코팅의 고온 용융염 부식)

  • Lee, Jae Ho;Lee, Changhee;Lee, Dong Bok
    • Korean Journal of Metals and Materials
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.506-513
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    • 2010
  • The composite coatings of $(ZrO_2-8Y_2O_3)$/(Ni-22Cr-10Al-1Y) were prepared by the air plasma spraying method. They consisted of (Ni,Cr)-rich regions,$(ZrO_2-Y_2O_3)$-rich regions, and $Al_2O_3$-rich regions that were formed by oxidation of Al from (Ni-22Cr-10Al-1Y) during spraying. The coatings corroded at 800 and $900^{\circ}C$ in NaCl-$Na_2SO_4$ molten salts up to 50 hr. Ni, Cr and Al oxidized to NiO, $Cr_2O_3$ and ${\alpha}-Al_2O_3$, respectively. These oxides and $(ZrO_2-Y_2O_3)$ were dissolved off into the molten salts during hot corrosion, which resulted in the ever-lasting corrosion of the composite coatings. Chromium diffused out from the (Ni,Cr)-rich regions and oxidized to $Cr_2O_3$, which was most frequently found as surface scales. Aluminum retained in the (Ni,Cr)-rich regions were similarly diffused out.

Evaluation of the Degradation of a 1300℃-class Gas Turbine Blade by a Coating Analysis (1300℃급 가스터빈 1단 블레이드의 코팅분석을 이용한 열화평가)

  • Song, Tae Hoon;Chang, Sung Yong;Kim, Beom Soo;Chang, Jung Chel
    • Korean Journal of Metals and Materials
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    • v.48 no.10
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    • pp.901-906
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    • 2010
  • The first stage blade of a gas turbine was operated under a severe environment which included both $1300^{\circ}C$ hot gas and thermal stress. To obtain high efficiency, a thermal barrier coating (TBC) and an internal cooling system were used to increase the firing temperature. The TBC consists of multi-layer coatings of a ceramic outer layer (top coating) and a metallic inner layer (bond coat) between the ceramic and the substrate. The top and bond coating layer respectively act as a thermal barrier against hot gas and a buffer against the thermal stress caused by the difference in the thermal expansion coefficient between the ceramic and the substrate. Particularly, the bondcoating layer improves the resistance against oxidation and corrosion. An inter-diffusion layer is generated between the bond coat and the substrate due to the exposure at a high temperature and the diffusion phenomenon. A thickness measurement result showed that the bond coat of the suction side was thicker than that of the pressure side. The thickest inter-diffusion zone was noted at SS1 (Suction Side point 1). A chemical composition analysis of the bond coat showed aluminum depletion around the inter-diffusion layer. In this study, we evaluated the properties of the bond coat and the degradation of the coating layer used on a $1300^{\circ}C$-class gas turbine blade. Moreover, the operation temperature of the blade was estimated using the Arrhenius equation and this was compared with the result of a thermal analysis.

A Simple Calculational Method by using Modified Von Mises Transformation applied to the Coaxial Turbulent Jet Mixing (유동함수를 이용한 난류제트혼합유동 계산에 관한 연구)

  • Choi Dong-Whan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2005
  • A simple but efficient grid generation technique by using the modified compressible form of stream function has been formulated. Transformation of a physical plane to a streamline plane, the Von Mises Transformation, has been widely used to solve the differential equations governing flow phenomena, however, limitation arises in low velocity region of boundary layer, mixing layer and wake region where the relatively large grid spacing is inevitable. Modified Von Mises Transformation with simple mathematical adjustment for the stream function is suggested and applied to solve the confined coaxial turbulent jet mixing with simple $\kappa-\epsilon$ turbulence model. Comparison with several experimental data of axial mean velocity, turbulent kinetic energy, and Reynolds shear stress distribution shows quite good agreement in the mixing layer except in the centerline where the turbulent kinetic energy distributions were somewhat under estimated. This formulation is strongly suggested to be utilized specially for free turbulent mixing layers in axisymmetric flow conditions such as the investigation of mixing behavior, jet noise production and reduction for Turbofan engines.

Spray Characteristics of Jet According to Position of Injector Hole in Crossflow (횡단유동내 인젝터 홀의 위치에 따른 제트의 분무 특성)

  • Choi, Myeung Hwan;Shin, Dong Soo;Radhakrishnan, Kanmaniraja;Son, Min;Koo, Jaye
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.88-96
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    • 2018
  • Effects of injector position and momentum flux ratio on a vertical jet in a cross-flow field are qualitatively studied and displayed using air and water. The position of the injector hole and the momentum flux ratio is changed and image visualization is performed using a shadowgraph technique and a high-speed camera. The visualized images are compared to find differences in spraying using density gradient magnitude image. It is observed that, as the x/d of the apparatus increases, the jet break-up height decreases. When x/d is 0, the spray reaches the bottom and ceiling at any momentum flux ratio.

HIL based LNGC PMS Simulator's Performance Verification (HIL 기반 LNGC PMS 시뮬레이터의 성능 검증)

  • Lee, Kwangkook;Park, Jaemun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2016.10a
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    • pp.219-220
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    • 2016
  • A power management system (PMS) has been an important part in a ship integrated control system. To evaluate a PMS for a liquefied natural gas carrier (LNGC), this research proposes a real-time hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS), which is composed of major component models such as turbine generator, diesel generator, governor, circuit breaker, and 3-phase loads on MATLAB/Simulink. In addition, FPGA based control console and main switchboard (MSBD) are constructed in order to develop an efficient control and a similar real environment in an LNGC PMS. A comparative study on the performance evaluation of PMS functions is conducted using two test cases for sharing electric power to consumers in an LNGC. The result shows that the proposed system has a high verification capability for the operating function and failure insertion evaluation as a PMS simulator.

  • PDF

Study on Microstructure and Physical Properties of PUF by the Impeller Type of Agitator (교반기의 임펠러 형태에 따른 폴리우레탄 폼의 미세구조와 물성 연구)

  • Lee, Chae-Rim;Kim, Jung Soo;Park, Byeongho;Um, Moon-Kwang;Park, Teahoon
    • Composites Research
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2021
  • Polyurethane foam (PUF) can be manufactured in soft, semi-rigid, and hard forms, so it is used in various fields industrially. Among them, rigid PUF has excellent mechanical properties and low thermal conductivity, and is used as a thermal insulation material for buildings and as a cold insulation material in the natural gas transportation field. In this field, there is a steady demand on higher mechanical strength and lower thermal conductivity. In this study, a rigid PUF was manufactured, and the microstructure and physical properties were studied according to the impeller type (propeller, dispersed turbine) of the agitator. Through FE-SEM and Micro-CT analysis, it was confirmed that the average pore size of the foam manufactured with the dispersed turbine was 21.5% smaller than that of the pore made by the propeller. The compressive strength was improved by 15.4%, and the thermal conductivity decreased by 3.1% in the foam with small pores. This result can be utilized for fabricating PUF composites.

Control of the Longitudinal Instability by Symmetry Breaking in the Can Burner Simulating Annular Nozzle (환형노즐을 모사한 캔 연소기에서 Symmetry Breaking에 의한 종-방향 연소불안정성 제어 연구)

  • Lee, Huido;Kim, Jaehyeon;Lee, Keeman
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.66-78
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the effect of Symmetry Breaking was compared according to the equivalent ratio condition and the number of nozzles where combustion instability occurs in an annular combustor. Generally, due to the relatively short combustor length, a longitudinal instability was less likely to occur in the annular combustor, but the combustion instability sometimes happens when ducts such as transition piece in gas turbine power station are present. In this case, due to the duct, only the longitudinal instability mode is observed. The characteristics of Symmetry Breaking were investigated according to the number of five lean nozzles and the equivalent ratio combination, and as the equivalent ratio decreased, the effect of Symmetry Breaking rapidly occurred, and the instability was dramatically disappeared and the amplitude was greatly reduced. In addition, it was confirmed that as the number of lean nozzles increased, a phenomenon such as a reduction in the equivalent ratio appeared.

Performance Characteristics of Hypersonic External Compression Inlet Using Isentropic Compression Surface (등엔트로피 압축면을 이용한 극초음속 외부 압축형 흡입구 성능 특성)

  • Kim, Young Jin;Lee, Hyoung Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.297-308
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    • 2022
  • Most air-breathing aircraft operated in the hypersonic region are equipped with a scramjet engine. In a scramjet engine, a shock wave generated at an inlet acts as a compressor for a general gas turbine engine instead, so total pressure loss caused by the shock wave is considered very important. In this study, to minimize total pressure loss, a method of designing an external compression inlet using isentropic compression surface was proposed, and an external compression inlet with 3-deflection angles and Busemann inlet were designed under the same conditions. After that, through computational analysis, the performance characteristics at off-design conditions were compared. Each inlet shape was truncated according to the length of the 3-ramp external compression inlet, and the boundary layer correction was performed. The isentropic external compression inlet showed superior performance at the design point, but under the off-design conditions, its performance was degraded compared to the 3-ramp external compression inlet.

Degradation Quantification Method and Degradation and Creep Life Prediction Method for Nickel-Based Superalloys Based on Bayesian Inference (베이지안 추론 기반 니켈기 초합금의 열화도 정량화 방법과 열화도 및 크리프 수명 예측의 방법)

  • Junsang, Yu;Hayoung, Oh
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the artificial intelligence-based degradation index from the image of the cross-section of the microstructure taken with a scanning electron microscope of the specimen obtained by the creep test of DA-5161 SX, a nickel-based superalloy used as a material for high-temperature parts. It proposes a new method of quantification and proposes a model that predicts degradation based on Bayesian inference without destroying components of high-temperature parts of operating equipment and a creep life prediction model that predicts Larson-Miller Parameter (LMP). It is proposed that the new degradation indexing method that infers a consistent representative value from a small amount of images based on the geometrical characteristics of the gamma prime phase, a nickel-base superalloy microstructure, and the prediction method of degradation index and LMP with information on the environmental conditions of the material without destroying high-temperature parts.

Flow Symmetry Breaking Effect According to Instability in Annular Combustor Part.I : Characteristics of Nozzle Arrangement (환형연소기에서 불안정성에 따른 유동적인 대칭성파괴 효과 Part I : 노즐 배치의 특성)

  • Huido Lee;Keeman Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.62-73
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    • 2022
  • This research proposes a method to control combustion instability in a gas turbine combustor having an annular combustor form and compares the effect of flow symmetric braking through nozzle arrangement and the corresponding change in equivalent ratio. To this end, the symmetry breaking effect was confirmed through mode analysis of FFT, Time signal, and phase trajectory. In addition, the unstable area and the stable area were identified through mode analysis, and this was shown on the contour map. The present research shows that instability occurs when the equivalent ratio and the arrangement of the nozzles are symmetry or when the nozzles are continuously arranged, but if the arrangement and equivalent ratio are not symmetry, the combustion instability decreases dramatically even if the difference in the equivalent ratio is small.