• Title/Summary/Keyword: 가변댐퍼

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가변댐퍼의 성능해석

  • 최용빈;박우철;최승복;정재천
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1992.04a
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    • pp.227-231
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    • 1992
  • 본 연구에서는 ER(electro-rheological) 유체을 이용한 가변댐퍼(variable damper)를 제안했다. 전기장(electric field) 부하시 Bingham특성을 갖는 ER유체는 전기장에따라 항복전단응력이 변하기 때문에이를 이용하여 댐핑력을 제어할 수 있다. 피스톤의 상하압력차가 전기장의 함수이기 때문에 기존의 비능동 혹은 능동형 댐퍼에서 필요로하는 복잡한 밸브시스템이 필요없으며, 따라서 구조면에서 매우 간단하게 설계될 수 있고, 반응시간 또한 매우 빠르다. 간단한 현가정치 모델을 설정 하여제안된 ER 댐퍼의 효율성과 우수성을 주파수 및 시간 영역에서 해석하였다.

A Study on the Variable Damper System for Vehicle Driveline (차량구동계용 가변 댐퍼시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Park Dong-Hoon;Choi Myung-Jin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.14 no.9 s.90
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    • pp.837-845
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    • 2004
  • A variable friction damper for vehicle driveline has been proposed. This new torsional damper system uses a solenoid as an actuator to vary friction force of the damper. To verify the idea of using a solenoid in a variable damper system, the test fixture and the dampers are made and tested. Also, to find out the range of damper friction forces that influence the vehicle driveline vibration, a mathematical model of the driveline had been developed and simulated. Test and simulation results show that, within electric current used in the vehicle electric system, the solenoid can develop enough friction force that will surpass resonance in the driveline of 1.5 L Gasoline engine vehicle during acceleration.

Performance Analysis of a Semi-Active Variable Damper Featuring Electro-Rheological Fluids (ER 유체를 이용한 반능동식 가변댐퍼의 성능해석)

  • 최승복;정재천;최용빈;허승진;서문석
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.90-100
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    • 1993
  • This paper presents some inherent characteristics of a semi-active variable damper featuring electro-rheological (ER) fluid. The damping force of the damper can be selectively adjusted or controlled by employing electric field to the ER fluid domain. This is possible owing to the pressure drop across the piston occured by field-dependent variable yield stress of the ER fluid. This is fundamentally different than the performance of a conventional adjustable viscous damper. To demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority over the conventional one, the proposed damper is incorporated with a suspension system. A quarter car model with the suspension system is formulated and represented by a state equation. By choosing numerical values based on realistic package size, power requirements and suitable ER properties, the performance characteristics of the suspension system are obtained and evaluated in both frequency and time domains. The effects of constant electric field and on-off controlled electric field which relates to the damping force are also examined.

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Development of the Semi-Active Controlled Variable Damper System for Passenger Vehicles (승용차용 반능동형 가변댐퍼 시스템의 개발)

  • 허승진;심정수;황성호
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.683-689
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    • 1998
  • A control algorithm for multi-stage dampers is developed based on the mode skyhook control concept, and implemented on the full vehicle system environment. The test vehicle system is equipped with the real time controller, four-stage variable dampers and sensors. The real time controller is developed using a digital signal processor(DSP), digital I/O, A/D and D/A converters. The dampers are driven by the electromagnetic actuators of less than 20 msec response time. The sensors include accelerometers, relative displacement transducers, and steering wheel rate sensors, etc. Through a series of tests in laboratory and proving ground, the performance of the semi-active suspension system is evaluated and it is shown that the vehicle dynamic characteristics is improved with the developed damping system. Futhermore, the parameter tuning methods to enhance vehicle dynamic performance are propsoed.

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A study on the variable damping characteristics of the continuous controlled semi-active suspension system and the effect analysis of the vehicles motion performance (연속제어방식의 반능동형 전자제어 현가장치의 가변댐퍼 감쇠력 특성 연구 및 차량 운동성능에 미치는 효과 분석)

  • 소상균;조경일
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.190-198
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    • 1999
  • Continuously controlled semi-active suspension system may improve ride and handling properties. Here, as a mechanism to control the fluid flow solenoid valve mechanism is introduced and added to the basic passive damper to create damping forces of the shock absorbers. The system may produce continuously controlled damping forces in both solenoid valve only and combination with passive shock absorber including fluid flow is studied, and then the combined model is added to the full vehicle model to evaluate its ride and handling performance. Finally, the simulation results are compared to the vehicle models having similar suspension system.

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Analysis of Continuously Variable Damper Characteristics for Semi-Active Suspension Systems (반능동형 현가시스템을 위한 연속가변댐퍼의 특성 해석)

  • 허승진;박기홍
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.128-137
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    • 2003
  • Continuously variable damper can yield diverse damping forces for a single damping velocity. It is widely used in the semi-active suspension system since, with right control logics, it can enhance ride comfort compared to the passive damper while not degrading driving safety. A key to the successful design of the continuously variable damper is the knowledge of its complex and nonlinear characteristics. In this paper, research has been done for analyzing characteristics of the continuously variable damper. Various damper components have been investigated and their effects upon the force-velocity characteristics of the damper have been examined. The effects of the damper characteristics change upon ride comfort and driving safety have also been investigated by numerical simulations.

Test of RC Structures with Friction Damper (마찰형 댐퍼가 있는 RC 구조물에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Young Ju;Ahn, Tae Sang;Lee, Chang Hwan;Kim, Sang Dae
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.30-30
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    • 2011
  • 국내의 내진설계 기준은 1988년에 처음 도입되었으며, 최근 점차 강화되고 있는 실정이다. 공동주택에 주로 적용되는 전단벽식 구조시스템에서 증가된 지진력에 저항하기 위해서는 벽량과 철근이 증가하게 되어 공사비가 상승하게 된다. 이러한 단점을 보완하기 위한 제진설계의 필요성이 대두되고 있는 실정인데, 기존의 제진장치는 주로 가새형 또는 벽체형을 대부분이라 평면계획에 제약이 있다. 따라서 전단벽식 구조의 공동주택의 제진설계 시에는 우리나라와 같은 중 약진 지역에 적합하고 저렴한 비용으로 충분한 내진성능과 평면의 가변성을 확보할 수 있는 댐퍼의 선택이 필요하다. 본 연구의 목적은 기존의 가새형 및 벽체형 제진장치의 국내 공동주택 적용시의 문제점인 평면의 가변성 확보에 유리하고, 수동형 제진장치의 장점을 추구할 수 있는 마찰댐퍼를 삽입한 커플링보 제진시스템의 내진성능을 조사하는 것이다. 내진성능을 평가하기 위해서 실대형 커플링보 실험체를 계획하고 제작하였다. 실험체는 2개로 구성되어 있으며, 하나는 기존의 철근배근 상세를 갖는 철근콘크리트 커플링보 실험체와 커플링보에 마찰댐퍼가 삽입된 실험체이다. 횡하중에 대한 성능을 평가하기 위해서 유사정적 반복가력실험을 실시하였다. 엑츄에이터로부터 실험체 상보의 가력지그를 통해 하중이 전달되도록 하였으며, 가력은 최초 0.25%의 층간변형각부터 변위제어를 통해 목표 층간변형각인 1.5% 이상까지 진행되도록 하였다. 실험결과, 두 실험체의 이력곡선과 에너지 흡수능력을 평가하였다. RC 실험체는 핀칭현상이 관찰되었고, 가력이 진행됨에 따라 커플링보와 벽체에서의 균열이 확산되어 종국적으로 취성적인 커플링보의 전단파괴가 발생하였다. 마찰댐퍼를 삽입한 실험체는 계획된 마찰거동이 잘 발휘되어 목표 층간변형각인 1.5%까지 이선형거동이 잘 나타났다. 최대 내력은 RC 실험체가 3배 이상 크지만, 누적층간변형각에 따른 에너지 흡수능력은 마찰댐퍼 실험체가 2배 이상 우수한 결과를 보였으며, 커플링보 및 벽체에서의 균열이 매우 저감되었다.

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Development of the semi-active controlled variable damper system for passenger vehicles (승용차용 반능동형 가변댐퍼시스템의 개발)

  • 허승진;심정수;이광기;김홍석;황성호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 1995.04a
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 1995
  • 본 연구에서는 기존에 널리 사용되고 있는 스카이훅 제어 알고리즘(skyhook control algorithm)[3]을 바탕으로 확장 개발된 모드 스카이훅 제어(mode skyhook control) 개념 및 주파수 감응식 제어(frequency dependent control)개념[4][5]을 실용화하기 위하여 응답속도가 20msec이하의 비교적 빠른 응답 속도를 갖는 전자기식 작동기 (electro-magnetic actuator)에 의해 가변되는 4단 반능동형 가변 댐퍼 시스템을 개발한 후, 다음과 같은 성능의 향상을 시험결과를 통하여 보이고자 한다. -저속에서의 승차감 향상과 고속에서의 주행 안정성 향상 -커브 주행 또는 급격한 핸들 작동시의 롤안정성 (rolling stability) 향상 -제동 및 급발진시의 차체 피칭 운동 방지 (anti-dive, anti-squat)

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Modeling and Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of a Continuously Variable Damper with Reverse type Semi-active Suspension. (반능동현가장치용 리버스 무단연속가변댐퍼의 모델링 및 동특성 해석)

  • 박재필;최창림;윤영환;최병근;정용길
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.937-941
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    • 2004
  • Since semi-active suspension systems of automobile, of which suspension damper are controlled actively, exhibit high performance with light system weight, low cost and low energy consumption. From this view point, semi-active suspension systems are greatly expected to be in the mainstream of future controlled suspension systems. In this Paper, mathematical modeling and dynamic characteristics analysis of a reverse continuously variable damper and valve used for semi-active suspension systems are investigated. The mathematical model of piston with valve are proposed by IMAGINE/AMESim in the paper. To verify the mathematical model developed, the dynamic characteristics are simulated by IMAGINE/AMESim and are compared with experimental results. It was confirmed that the developed models represent well the actual system and can be used for control system design.

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