• Title/Summary/Keyword: 戦後

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Effect of Physical Training on Electrocardiographic Amplitudes and the QRS Vector (체력단련(體力鍛練)이 심전도파고(心電圖波高)와 QRS벡타에 미치는 효과(效果))

  • Yu, Wan-Sik;Hwang, Soo-Kwan;Kim, Hyeong-Jin;Choo, Young-Eun
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.51-65
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    • 1984
  • In an effort to elucidate the effect of physical training on the electrocardiographic amplitudes, QRS vector, axis and QRS vector amplitude, electrocardiograms were recorded before and 1, 5 and 10 minutes after 3 minute rebounder exercise in 23 healthy male students aged between 18 and 21 years in two groups of athletes and non-athletes. ECG amplitudes were measured from lead I, $V_1$ and $V_5$ and axis and amplitudes of QRS vectors were measured from lead I and III in frontal plane, from lead $V_2$ and lead $V_6$ in horizontal plane. The results obtained are summarized as follows. ECG amplitudes: The R wave amplitude was $23.38{\pm}1.14\;mm$ in athletes which was higher than $17.91{\pm}2.00\;mm$ in non-athletes. After exercise, the difference in two groups remained significant throughout the recovery period. The S wave amplitude was increased significantly, and the T wave amplitude was decreased in both groups after exercise. The P wave amplitude was increased in both groups after exercise, and it was lower in athletes than in non-athletes. The PQ segment amplitude was zero in athletes but negative in non-athletes than in the resting state. The J point amplitude was positive in resting state and was negative after exercise in both groups. J+0.08 sec point amplitude was also lowered after exercise, and it was higher in athletes than in non-athletes. Therefore the whole ST segment was proved to be decreased after exercise. The summated amplitude of R in $V_5$ plus S in $V_1$ was $38.74{\pm}2.71\;mm$ in athletes which was higher than $32.82{\pm}2.90\;mm$ in non-athletes. After exercise, it was also significantly higher in athletes than in non-athletes. Axis of QRS vector: In frontal plane, axis of QRS vector was $62.7{\pm}7.36^{\circ}$ in athletes, it showed no significant difference between the two groups. In horizontal plane, axis of QRS vector was $-23.5{\pm}7.2^{\circ}$ in athletes which was significantly higher than $-38.8{\pm}8.2^{\circ}$ in non-athletes. After exercise, it was significantly higher than the resting state in both groups. Amplitude of QRS vector : In frontal plane, amplitude of QRS vector was $13.86{\pm}1.44\;mm$ in athletes which was significantly higher than $9.62{\pm}0.97\;mm$ in non-athletes. After exercise, it was also significantly higher in athletes than in non-athletes. In horizontal plane, amplitude of QRS vector was $19.82{\pm}2.10\;mm$ in athletes which was significantly higher than $16.90{\pm}1.39\;mm$ in non-athletes. After exercise, it was also significantly higher in athletes than in non-athletes. From the above, these results indicate that R wave amplitude in athletes was significantly higher than in non-athletes before and after exercise, and that the summated amplitude of R in $V_5$ plus S in $V_1$ in athletes was also $38.74{\pm}2.71\;mm$ suggesting a left ventricular hypertrophy We should note that the PQ segment and ST segment amplitude were higher in athletes than in non-athletes, and they were decreased with exercise in both groups. In particular, the fact that amplitudes of QRS vector in frontal plane or in horizontal plane were significantly greater in athletes than in non-athletes may be an index in evaluating athletes.

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  • Chol, Kang-Young;Lee, Sang-Han
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.570-593
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    • 1996
  • This study was intended to perform the influence of condyle positional change after surgical correction of skeletal Class III malocclusion after BSSRO in 20 patients(males 9, females 11) using computed tomogram that were taken in centric occlusion before, immediate, and long term after surgery and lateral cephalogram that were taken in centric occlusion before, 7 days within the period intermaxillary fixation, 24hour after removing intermaxillary fixation and long term after surgery. 1. Mean intercondylar distance was $84.45{\pm}4.01mm$ and horizontal long axis of condylar angle was $11.89{\pm}5.19^{\circ}$on right, $11.65{\pm}2.09^{\circ}$on left side and condylar lateral poles were located about 12mm and medial poles about 7mm from reference line(AA') on the axial tomograph. Mean intercondylar distance was $84.43{\pm}3.96mm$ and vertical axis angle of condylar angle was $78.72{\pm}3.43^{\circ}$on right, $78.09{\pm}6.12^{\circ}$on left. 2. No statistical significance was found on the condylar change(T2C-T1C) but it had definitive increasing tendency. There was significant decreasing of the distance between both condylar pole and the AA'(p<0.05) during the long term(TLC-T2C). 3. On the lateral cephalogram, no statistical significance was found between immediate after surgery and 24 hours after the removing of intermaxillary fixation but only the lower incisor tip moved forward about 0.33mm(p<0.05). Considering individual relapse rate, mean relapse rate was 1.2% on L1, 5.0% on B, 2.0% on Pog, 9.1% on Gn, 10.3% on Me(p<0.05). 4. There was statistical significance on the influence of the mandibular set-back to the total mandibular relapse(p<0.05). 5. There was no statistical significance on the influence of the mandibular set-back(T2-T1) to the condylar change(T2C-T1C), the condylar change(T2C-T1C, TLC-T2C) to the mandibular total relapse, the pre-operative condylar position to the condylar change(T2C-T1C, TLC-T2C), the pre-operative mandibular posture to the condylar change(T2C-T1C, TLC-T2C)(p>0.05). 6. The result of multiple regression analysis on the influence of the pre-operative condylar position to the total mandibular relapse revealed that the more increasing of intercondylar distance and condylar vertical axis angle and decreasing of condyalr head long axis angle, the more increasing of mandibular horizontal relapse(L1,B,Pog,Gn,Me) on the right side condyle. The same result was founded in the case of horizontal relapse(L1,Me) on the left side condyle.(p<0.05). 7. The result of multiple regression analysis on the influence of the pre-operative condylar position to the pre-operative mandibular posture revealed that the more increasing of intercondylar distance and condylar vertical axis angle and decreasing of condylar head long axis angle, the more increasing of mandibular vertical length on the right side condyle. and increasing of vertical lengh & prognathism on the left side condyle(p<0.05). 8. The result of simple regression analysis on the influence of the pre-operative mandibular posture to the mandibular total relapse revealed that the more increasing of prognathism, the more increasing of mandibular total relapse in B and the more increasing of over-jet the more increasing of mandibular total relapse(p<0.05). Consequently, surgical mandibular repositioning was not significantly influenced to the change of condylar position with condylar reposition method.

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The Role of Tumor Necrosis Factor-$\alpha$ and Interleukin-$1{\beta}$ as Predictable Markers for Development of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Septic Syndrome (패혈증 증후군환자에서 성인성 호흡곤란 증후군 발생의 예측 지표서의 혈중 Tumor Necrosis Factor-$\alpha$와 Interleukin-$1{\beta}$에 관한 연구)

  • Koh, Youn-Suck;Jang, Yun-Hae;Kim, Woo-Sung;Lee, Jae-Dam;Oh, Soon-Hwan;Kim, Won-Dong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.452-461
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    • 1994
  • Background: Tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-$\alpha$ and Interleukin(lL)-$1{\beta}$ are thought to play a major role in the pathogenesis of the septic syndrome, which is frequently associated with adult respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS). In spite of many reports for the role of TNF-$\alpha$ in the pathogenesis of ARDS, including human studies, it has been reported that TNF-$\alpha$ is not sensitive and specific marker for impending ARDS. But there is a possibility that the results were affected by the diversity of pathogenetic mechanisms leading to the ARDS because of various underlying disorders of the study group in the previous reports. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the roles of TNF-$\alpha$ and IL-$1{\beta}$ as a predictable marker for development of ARDS in the patients with septic syndrome, in which the pathogenesis is believed to be mainly cytokine-mediated. Methods: Thirty-six patients of the septic syndrome hospitalized in the intensive care units of the Asan Medical Center were studied. Sixteens suffered from ARDS, whereas the remaining 20 were at the risk of developing ARDS(acute hypoxemic respiratory failure, AHRF). In all patients venous blood samples were collected in heparin-coated tubes at the time of enrollment, at 24 and 72 h thereafter. TNF-$\alpha$ and IL-$1{\beta}$ was measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All data are expressed as median with interquartile range. Results: 1) Plama TNF-$\alpha$ levels: Plasma TNF-$\beta$ levels were less than 10pg/mL, which is lowest detection value of the kit used in this study within the range of the $mean{\pm}2SD$, in all of the normal controls, 8 of 16 subjects of ARDS and in 8 in 20 subjects of AHRF. Plasma TNF-$\alpha$ levels from patients with ARDS were 10.26pg/mL(median; <10-16.99pg/mL, interquartile range) and not different from those of patients at AHRF(10.82, <10-20.38pg/mL). There was also no significant difference between pre-ARDS(<10, <10-15.32pg/mL) and ARDS(<10, <10-10.22pg/mL). TNF-$\alpha$ levels were significantly greater in the patients with shock than the patients without shock(12.53pg/mL vs. <10pg/mL) (p<0.01). There was no statistical significance between survivors(<10, <10-12.92pg/mL) and nonsurvivors(11.80, <10-20.8pg/mL) (P=0.28) in the plasma TNF-$\alpha$ levels. 2) Plasma IL-$1{\beta}$ levels: Plasma IL-$1{\beta}$ levels were less than 0.3ng/mL, which is the lowest detection value of the kit used in this study, in one of each patients group. There was no significant difference in IL-$1{\beta}$ levels of the ARDS(2.22, 1.37-8.01ng/mL) and of the AHRF(2.13, 0.83-5.29ng/mL). There was also no significant difference between pre-ARDS(2.53, <0.3-8.34ngfmL) and ARDS(5.35, 0.66-11.51ng/mL), and between patients with septic shock and patients without shock (2.51, 1.28-8.34 vs 1.46, 0.15-2.13ng/mL). Plasma IL-$1{\beta}$ levels were significantly different between survivors(1.37, 0.4-2.36ng/mL) and nonsurvivors(2.84, 1.46-8.34ng/mL). Conclusion: Plasma TNF-$\alpha$ and IL-$1{\beta}$ level are not a predictable marker for development of ARDS. But TNF-$\alpha$ is a marker for shock in septic syndrome. These result could not exclude a possibility of pathophysiologic roles of TNF-$\alpha$ and IL-$1{\beta}$ in acute lung injury because these cytokine could be locally produced and exert its effects within the lungs.

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An Anatomical Study of the Posterior Tympanum (한국인 중이강후벽에 관한 형태해부학적 고찰)

  • 양오규;윤강묵;심상열;김영명
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1982.05a
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    • pp.17.2-19
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    • 1982
  • The sinus tympani is subject to great variability in the size, shape and posterior extent. A heavy compact bony zone, especially in the posterior portion and the narrow space between the facial nerve and posterior semicircular canal are the limitation of surgical approach. The facial recess should be opened, creating a wide connection between the mesotympanum and mastoid in the Intact canal wall tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy. The surgically created limits of the facial recess are the facial nerve medially, the chorda tympani laterally and the bone adjacent to the incus superiorly. Using adult Korean's thirty-five temporal bones, the authors measured the osteologic reslationship in the posterior tympanum, especially sinus tympani and facial recess. The result was as followed. 1. The average distance from the anterior end of the pyramidal eminence. 1) to the edge of the sinus tympani directly posterior was 2.54(1.05-5.40)mm. 2) to the maximum posterior extent was 3.22(1.25-7.45)mm. 3) to the maximum cephaled extent was 0.67 (0.40-1.75)mm. 2. The boundary of the sinus tympani was 82.9% from the lower margin oval window to the upper margin round window niche. 3. The deepest part of the sinus tympani was 62.9% in the mid portion, between the ponticulus and subiculum. 4. The oblique dimension from the fossa incudis above to the hypotympanum below was 8.13(7.90-9.55)mm. 5. The transverse dimensions midway between the oval window above and round window below was 3.00(2.85-3.45)mm. 6. The transverse dimension at the level of the fossa incudis was 1.81(1.40-2.15)mm. 7. The facial nerve dehiscence was 14.3%. 8. Anterior-posterior diameter of the footplate was 2.98(2.85-3.05) mm. 9. The average distance from the footplate. 1) to the cochleariform process was 1.42(1.35-1.55) mm. 2) to the round window niche was 1.85(1.45-2.10) mm.

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Evaluation of Image Quality Based on Time of Flight in PET/CT (PET/CT에서 재구성 프로그램의 성능 평가)

  • Lim, Jung Jin;Yoon, Seok Hwan;Kim, Jong Pil;Nam Koong, Sik;Shin, Seong Hwa;Yoon, Sang Hyeok;Kim, Yeong Seok;Lee, Hyeong Jin;Lee, Hong Jae;Kim, Jin Eui;Woo, Jae Ryong
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.110-114
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    • 2012
  • Purpose : PET/CT is widely used for early checking up of cancer and following up of pre and post operation. Image reconstruction method is advanced with mechanical function. We want to evaluate image quality of each reconstruction program based on time of flight (TOF). Materials and Methods : After acquiring phantom images during 2 minutes with Gemini TF (Philips, USA), Biograph mCT (Siemens, USA) and Discovery 690 (GE, USA), we reconstructed image applied to Astonish TF (Philips, USA), ultraHD PET (Siemens, USA), Sharp IR (GE, USA) and not applied. inside of Flangeless Esser PET phantom (Data Spectrum corp., USA) was filled with $^{18}F$-FDG 1.11 kBq/ml (30 Ci/ml) and 4 hot inserts (8. 12. 16. 25 mm) were filled with 8.88 kBq/ml (240 ${\mu}Ci/ml$) the ratio of background activity and hot inserts activity was 1 : 8. Inside of triple line phantom (Data Spectrum corp., USA) was filled with $^{18}F$-FDG 37 MBq/ml (1 mCi). Three of lines were filled with 0.37 MBq (100 ${\mu}Ci$). Contrast ratio and background variability were acquired from reconstruction image used Flangeless Esser PET phantom and resolution was acquired from reconstruction image used triple line phantom. Results : The contrast ratio of image which was not applied to Astonish TF was 8.69, 12.28, 19.31, 25.80% in phantom lid of which size was 8, 12, 16, 25 mm and it which was applied to Astonish TF was 6.24, 13.24, 19.55, 27.60%. It which was not applied to ultraHD PET was 4.94, 12.68, 22.09, 30.14%, it which was applied to ultraHD PET was 4.76, 13.23, 23.72, 31.65%. It which was not applied to SharpIR was 13.18, 17.44, 28.76, 34.67%, it which was applied to SharpIR was 13.15, 18.32, 30.33, 35.73%. The background variability of image which was not applied to Astonish TF was 5.51, 5.42, 7.13, 6.28%. it which was applied to Astonish TF was 7.81, 7.94, 6.40 6.28%. It which was not applied to ultraHD PET was 6.46, 6.63, 5.33, 5.21%, it which was applied to ultraHD PET was 6.08, 6.08, 4.45, 4.58%. It which was not applied to SharpIR was 5.93, 4.82, 4.45, 5.09%, it which was applied to SharpIR was 4.80, 3.92, 3.63, 4.50%. The resolution of phantom line of which location was upper, center, right, which was not applied to Astonish TF was 10.77, 11.54, 9.34 mm it which was applied to Astonish TF was 9.54, 8.90, 8.88 mm. It which was not applied to ultraHD PET was 7.84, 6.95, 8.32 mm, it which was applied to ultraHD PET was 7.51, 6.66, 8.27 mm. It which was not applied to SharpIR was 9.35, 8.69, 8.99, it which was applied to SharpIR was 9.88, 9.18, 9.00 mm. Conclusion : Image quality was advanced generally while reconstruction program which is based on time of flight was used. Futhermore difference of result compared each manufacture reconstruction program showed up, however this is caused by specification of instrument of each manufacture and difference of reconstruction algorithm. Therefore we need further examination to find out appropriate reconstruction condition while using reconstruction program used for advance of image quality.

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The hydrodynamic characteristics of the canvas kite - 1. The characteristics of the rectangular, trapezoid canvas kite - (캔버스 카이트의 유체역학적 특성에 관한 연구 - 1. 사각형 캔버스 카이트의 특성 -)

  • Bae, Bong-Seong;Bae, Jae-Hyun;An, Heui-Chun;Lee, Ju-Hee;Shin, Jung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.196-205
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    • 2004
  • As far as an opening device of fishing gears is concerned, applications of a kite are under development around the world. The typical examples are found in the opening device of the stow net on anchor and the buoyancy material of the trawl. While the stow net on anchor has proved its capability for the past 20 years, the trawl has not been wildly used since it has been first introduced for the commercial use only without sufficient studies and thus has revealed many drawbacks. Therefore, the fundamental hydrodynamics of the kite itself need to ne studied further. Models of plate and canvas kite were deployed in the circulating water tank for the mechanical test. For this situation lift and drag tests were performed considering a change in the shape of objects, which resulted in a different aspect ratio of rectangle and trapezoid. The results obtained from the above approaches are summarized as follows, where aspect ratio, attack angle, lift coefficient and maximum lift coefficient are denoted as A, B, $C_L$ and $C_{Lmax}$ respectively : 1. Given the rectangular plate, $C_{Lmax}$ was produced as 1.46${\sim}$1.54 with A${\leq}$1 and 40$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$42$^{\circ}$. And when A${\geq}$1.5 and 20$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$22$^{\circ}$, $C_{Lmax}$ was 10.7${\sim}$1.11. Given the rectangular canvas, $C_{Lmax}$ was 1.75${\sim}$1.91 with A${\leq}$1 and 32$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$40$^{\circ}$. And when A${\geq}$1.5 and 18$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$22$^{\circ}$, $C_{Lmax}$ was 1.24${\sim}$1.40. Given the trapezoid kite, $C_{Lmax}$ was produced as 1.65${\sim}$1.89 with A${\leq}$1.5 and 34$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$44$^{\circ}$. And when A=2 and B=14${\sim}$48, $C_L$ was around 1. Given the inverted trapezoid kite, $C_{Lmax}$ was 1.57${\sim}$1.74 with A${\leq}$1.5 and 24$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$36$^{\circ}$. And when A=2, $C_{Lmax}$ was 1.21 with B=18$^{\circ}$. 2. For a model with A=1/2, an increase in B caused an increase in $C_L$ until $C_L$ has reached the maximum. Then there was a tendency of a gradual decrease in the value of $C_L$ and in particular, the rectangular kite showed a more rapid decrease. For a model with A=2/3, the tendency of $C_L$ was similar to the case of a model with A=1/2 but the tendency was a more rapid decrease than those of the previous models. For a model with A=1, and increase in B caused an increase in $C_L$ until $C_L$ has reached the maximum. Soon after the tendency of $C_L$ decreased dramatically. For a model with A=1.5, the tendency of $C_L$ as a function of B was various. For a model with A=2, the tendency of $C_L$ as a function of B was almost the same in the rectangular and trapezoid model. There was no considerable change in the models with 20$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$50$^{\circ}$. 3. The tendency of kite model's $C_L$ in accordance with increase of B was increased rapidly than plate models until $C_L$ has reached the maximum. Then $C_L$ in the kite model was decreased dramatically but in the plate model was decreased gradually. The value of $C_{Lmax}$ in the kite model was higher than that of the plate model, and the kite model's attack angel at $C_{Lmax}$ was smaller than the plate model's. 4. In the relationship between aspect ratio and lift force, the attack angle which had the maximum lift coefficient was large at the small aspect ratio models, At the large aspect ratio models, the attack angle was small. 5. There was camber vertex in the position in which the fluid pressure was generated, and the rectangular & trapezoid canvas had larger value of camber vertex when the aspect ratio was high, while the inverted trapezoid canvas was versa. 6. All canvas kite had larger camber ratio when the aspect ratio was high, and the rectangular & trapezoid canvas had larger one when the attack angle was high.

The Patterns of Change in Arterial Oxygen Saturation and Heart Rate and Their Related Factors during Voluntary Breath holding and Rebreathing (자발적 호흡정지 및 재개시 동맥혈 산소포화도와 심박수의 변동양상과 이에 영향을 미치는 인자)

  • Lim, Chae-Man;Kim, Woo-Sung;Choi, Kang-Hyun;Koh, Youn-Suck;Kim, Dong-Soon;Kim, Won-Dong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 1994
  • Background : In sleep apnea syndrome, arterial oxygen saturation($SaO_2$) decreases at a variable rate and to a variable degree for a given apneic period from patient to patient, and various kinds of cardiac arrythmia are known to occur. Factors supposed to affect arterial oxygen desaturation during apnea are duration of apnea, lung voulume at which apnea occurs, and oxygen consumption rate of the subject. The lung serves as preferential oxygen source during apnea, and there have been many reports related with the influence of lung volume on $SaO_2$ during apnea, but there are few, if any, studies about the influence of oxygen consumption rate of an individual on $SaO_2$ during breath holding or about the profile of arterial oxygen resaturation after breathing resumed. Methods : To investigate the changes of $SaO_2$ and heart rate(HR) during breath holding(BH) and rebreathing(RB) and to evaluate the physiologic factors responsible for the changes, lung volume measurements, and arterial blood gas analyses were performed in 17 healthy subjects. Nasal airflow by thermistor, $SaO_2$ by pulse oxymeter and ECG tracing were recorded on Polygraph(TA 4000, Gould, U.S.A.) during voluntary BH & RB at total lung capacity(TLC), at functional residual capacity(FRC) and at residual volume(RV), respectively, for the study subjects. Each subject's basal metabolic rate(BMR) was assumed on Harris-Benedict equation. Results: The time needed for $SaO_2$ to drop 2% from the basal level during breath holding(T2%) were $70.1{\pm}14.2$ sec(mean${\pm}$standard deviation) at TLC, $44.0{\pm}11.6$ sec at FRC, and $33.2{\pm}11.1$ sec at RV(TLC vs. FRC, p<0.05; FRC vs. RV, p<0.05). On rebreathing after $SaO_2$ decreased 2%, further decrement in $SaO_2$ was observed and it was significantly greater at RV($4.3{\pm}2.1%$) than at TLC($1.4{\pm}1.0%$)(p<0.05) or at FRC($1.9{\pm}1.4%$)(p<0.05). The time required for $SaO_2$ to return to the basal level after RB(Tr) at TLC was not significantly different from those at FRC or at RV. T2% had no significant correlation either with lung volumes or with BMR respectively. On the other hand, T2% had significant correlation with TLC/BMR(r=0.693, p<0.01) and FRC/BMR (r=0.615, p<0.025) but not with RV/BMR(r=0.227, p>0.05). The differences between maximal and minimal HR(${\Delta}HR$) during the BH-RB manuever were $27.5{\pm}9.2/min$ at TLC, $26.4{\pm}14.0/min$ at RV, and $19.1{\pm}6.0/min$ at FRC which was significantly smaller than those at TLC(p<0.05) or at RV(p<0.05). The mean difference of 5 p-p intervals before and after RB were $0.8{\pm}0.10$ sec and $0.72{\pm}0.09$ sec at TLC(p<0.001), $0.82{\pm}0.11$ sec and $0.73{\pm}0.09$ sec at FRC(p<0.025), and $0.77{\pm}0.09$ sec and $0.72{\pm}0.09$ sec at RV(p<0.05). Conclusion Healthy subjects showed arterial desaturation of various rates and extent during breath holding at different lung volumes. When breath held at lung volume greater than FRC, the rate of arterial desaturation significantly correlated with lung volume/basal metabolic rate, but when breath held at RV, the rate of arterial desaturation did not correlate linearly with RV/BMR. Sinus arrythmias occurred during breath holding and rebreathing manuever irrespective of the size of the lung volume at which breath holding started, and the amount of change was smallest when breath held at FRC and the change in vagal tone induced by alteration in respiratory movement might be the major responsible factor for the sinus arrythmia.

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  • Yoo Sung Kyoo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 1969
  • The larvae of the ark shell Anadare broughtoni(Schrenck) were grown at room temporature (approximately $20.4^{\circ}C$), and fed laboratory-cultured Cyclotella nana. The egg of the ark shell produced in the laboratory measured about $54.9\mu$ in diameter. The embryos gradually developed into larvae up to $110.8\mu$ shell length, $83.9\mu$ shell height and with shell breadth of $58.2\mu$ even in the absence of the algal food. Beyond this sire, however, the growth of the larvae was considerably retarded. The larvae showed better growth rate when they were fed the algal food two days after spawning, i. e., early straight-hinge stage. Daily rate of food consumption varies according to the larval sizes. But the rate increases considerably when the larvae begin to form umbos. In general the rate Is indicated by the following formula: $Y=0.0025161\;X^{2.76459}$. The growth experiments of the larvae indicate that the efficiency of food conversion was higher when fed centrifuged food. Regarding to the difference in the slopes of growth curve, centrifuged food showed better growth rate as compared to those grown with the non-centrifuged food. The smaller the larval size, the greater will be the difference in growth. The larvae began settling when they reathed 261.7 to $289.6\;{\mu}$ in shell length, 199.2 to $221.7\mu$ in shell height and 147.6 to $170.8\mu$ in shell breadth. The time which elapsed from spawning to the larval settlement was about 28 days. The mean growth of the larvae is indicated with regression line and exponential curve equations as follows. Regression line shell length. 94.3 to $133.9\mu$ : Y==85.22857+3.35000X 141.6 to $269.3\mu$: Y=10.83036X-36.05357 296.8 to $373.2\mu$ : Y=19.10000X-279.30000 shell height: 72.7 to $89.7\mu$ : Y=67.11429+2.15714X 108.4 to $206.4\mu$ : Y=8.31607X-27.45357 228.6 to $282.1\mu$: Y=173.46700+13.37500X shell breadth: 45.3 to $77.8\mu$ : Y=38.08510X+2.73570X 87.4 to $157.7\mu$: Y=5.77320X-5.99640 175.4 to $214.0\mu$: Y=19.65000X-114.13300 Exponential curve shell length. 94.3 to $373.2\mu$: Y=72.45 $e^{0.04697x}$ shell height: 72.7 to $282.1\mu$: Y=54,96 $e^{0.04720x}$ shell breadth: 45.3 to $214.0\mu$ : Y=39.82 $e^{0.04927x}$ The relationships between the shell length and shell height and between the shell length and shell breadth are indicated as follows- shell height: 72.7 to $98.7\mu$ : Y=12.87780+0.63817X 108.4 to $206.4\mu$ : Y=0.90220+0.76456X 228.6 to $282.1\mu$ : Y=25.02630+0.69156X shell breadth: 45.3 to $77.8\mu$:Y=0.81373Xx-31.18914 87.4 to $157.7\mu$ : Y=13.37549+0.53230X 175.4 to $214.0\mu$: Y=30.24328+0.49545X

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Cultural Practices for Reducing Cold Wind Damage of Rice Plant in Eastern Coastal Area of Korea (동해안지대 도작의 냉조풍피해와 피해경감대책)

  • 이승필;김칠용
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.407-428
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    • 1991
  • The eastern coastal area having variability of climate is located within Taebaek mountain range and the east coast of Korea. It is therefore ease to cause the wind damages in paddy field during rice growing season. The wind damages to rice plant in this area were mainly caused by the Fohn wind (dry and hot wind) blowing over the Taebaek mountain range and the cold humid wind from the coast. The dry wind cause such as the white head, broken leaves, cut-leaves, dried leaves, shattering of grain, glume discolouration and lodging, On the other hand the cold humid wind derived from Ootsuku air mass in summer cause such symptom as the poor rice growth, degeneration of rachis brenches and poor ripening. To minimize the wind damages and utilize as a preparatory data for wind injury of rice in future, several experiments such as the selection of wind resistant variety to wind damage, determination of optimum transplanting date, improvement of fertilizer application methods, improvement of soils and effect of wind break net were carried out for 8 years from 1982 to 1989 in the eastern coastal area. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. According to available statisical data from Korean meteorological services (1954-1989) it is apperent that cold humid winds frequently cause damage to rice fields from August 10th to September 10th, it is therefore advisable to plan rice cultivation in such a way that the heading date should not be later than August 10th. 2. During the rice production season, two winds cause severe damage to the rice fields in eastern coastal area of Korea. One is the Fohn winds blowing over the Taebaek mountain range and the other is the cold humid wind form the coast. The frequency of occurrence of each wind was 25%. 3. To avoid damage caused by typhoon winds three different varieties of rice were planted at various areas. 4. In the eastern coastal area of Korea, the optimum ripening temperature for rice was about 22.2$^{\circ}C$ and the optimum heading date wad August 10th. The optimum transplanting time for the earily maturity variety was June 10th., medium maturity variety was May 20th and that of late maturity was May 10th by means of growing days degree (GDD) from transplanting date to heading date. 5.38% of this coastal area is sandy loamy soil while 28% is high humus soil. These soil types are very poor for rice cultivation. In this coastal area, the water table is high, the drainage is poor and the water temperature is low. The low water temperature makes it difficult for urea to dissolve, as a result rice growth was delayed, and the rice plant became sterile. But over application of urea resulted in blast disease in rice plants. It is therefore advise that Ammonium sulphate is used in this area instead of urea. 6. The low temperature of the soil inhibits activities of microorganism for phosphorus utilization so the rice plant could not easily absorb the phosphorus in the soil. Therefore phosphorus should be applied in splits from transplanting to panicle initiation rather than based application. 7. Wind damage was severe in the sandy loamy soil as compared to clay soils. With the application of silicate. compost and soil from mointain area. the sand loamy soil was improved for rice grain colour and ripening. 8. The use of wind break nets created a mocro-climate such as increased air. soil and water temperature as well as the reduction of wind velocity by 30%. This hastened rice growth, reduced white head and glume discolouration. improved rice quality and increased yield. 9. Two meter high wind break net was used around the rice experimental fields and the top of it. The material was polyethylene sheets. The optimum spacing was 0.5Cm x 0.5Cm. and that of setting up the wind break net was before panicle initiation. With this set up, the field was avoided off th cold humid wind and the Fohn. The yield in the treatment was 20% higher than the control. 10. After typhoon, paddy field was irrigated deeply and water was sprayed to reduce white head, glume discolouration, so rice yield was increased because of increasing ripening ratio and 1, 000 grain weight.

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The National Survey of Open Lung Biopsy and Thoracoscopic Lung Biopsy in Korea (개흉 및 흉강경항폐생검의 전국실태조사)

  • 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 학술위원회
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.5-19
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    • 1998
  • Introduction: Direct histologic and bacteriologic examination of a representative specimen of lung tissue is the only certain method of providing an accurate diagnosis in various pulmonary diseases including diffuse pulmonary diseases. The purpose of national survey was to define the indication, incidence, effectiveness, safety and complication of open and thoracoscopic lung biopsy in korea. Methods: A multicenter registry of 37 university or general hospitals equipped more than 400 patient's bed were retrospectively collected and analyzed for 3 years from the January 1994 to December 1996 using the same registry protocol. Results: 1) There were 511 cases from the 37 hospitals during 3 years. The mean age was 50.2 years(${\pm}15.1$ years) and men was more prevalent than women(54.9% vs 45.9%). 2) The open lung biopsy was performed in 313 cases(62%) and thoracoscopic lung biopsy was performed in 192 cases(38%). The incidence of lung biopsy was more higher in diffuse lung disease(305 cases, 59.7%) than in localized lung disease(206 cases, 40.3%) 3) The duration after abnormalities was found in chest X-ray until lung biopsy was 82.4 days(open lung biopsy: 72.8 days, thoracoscopic lung biopsy: 99.4 days). The bronchoscopy was performed in 272 cases(53.2%), bronchoalveolar lavage was performed in 123 cases(24.1%) and percutaneous lung biopsy was performed in 72 cases(14.1%) before open or thoracoscopic lung biopsy. 4) There were 230 cases(45.0%) of interstitial lung disease, 133 cases(26.0%) of thoracic malignancies, 118 cases(23.1%) of infectious lung disease including tuberculosis and 30 cases (5.9 %) of other lung diseases including congenital anomalies. No significant differences were noted in diagnostic rate and disease characteristics between open lung biopsy and thoracoscopic lung biopsy. 5) The final diagnosis through an open or thoracoscopic lung biopsy was as same as the presumptive diagnosis before the biopsy in 302 cases(59.2%). The identical diagnostic rate was 66.5% in interstitial lung diseases, 58.7% in thoracic malignancies, 32.7% in lung infections, 55.1 % in pulmonary tuberculosis, 62.5% in other lung diseases including congenital anomalies. 6) One days after lung biopsy, $PaCO_2$ was increased from the prebiopsy level of $38.9{\pm}5.8mmHg$ to the $40.2{\pm}7.1mmHg$(P<0.05) and $PaO_2/FiO_2$ was decreased from the prebiopsy level of $380.3{\pm}109.3mmHg$ to the $339.2{\pm}138.2mmHg$(P=0.01). 7) There was a 10.1 % of complication after lung biopsy. The complication rate in open lung biopsy was much higher than in thoracoscopic lung biopsy(12.4% vs 5.8%, P<0.05). The incidence of complication was pneumothorax(23 cases, 4.6%), hemothorax(7 cases, 1.4%), death(6 cases, 1.2%) and others(15 cases, 2.9%). 8) The 5 cases of death due to lung biopsy were associated with open lung biopsy and one fatal case did not describe the method of lung biopsy. The underlying disease was 3 cases of thoracic malignancies(2 cases of bronchoalveolar cell cancer and one malignant mesothelioma), 2 cases of metastatic lung cancer, and one interstitial lung disease. The duration between open lung biopsy and death was $15.5{\pm}9.9$ days. 9) Despite the lung biopsy, 19 cases (3.7%) could not diagnosed. These findings were caused by biopsy was taken other than target lesion(5 cases), too small size to interpretate(3 cases), pathologic inability(11 cases). 10) The contribution of open or thoracoscopic lung biopsy to the final diagnosis was defininitely helpful(334 cases, 66.5%), moderately helpful(140 cases, 27.9%), not helpful or impossible to judge(28 cases, 5.6%). Overall, open or thoracoscopic lung biopsy were helpful to diagnose the lung lesion in 94.4 % of total cases. Conclusions: The open or thoracoscopic lung biopsy were relatively safe and reliable diagnostic method of lung lesion which could not diagnosed by other diagnostic approaches such as bronchoscopy. We recommend the thoracoscopic lung biopsy when the patients were in critical condition because the thoracoscopic biopsy was more safe and have equal diagnostic results compared with the open lung biopsy.

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