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Study on Nozzle Type and Proper Discharge Pressure of Sprayer for Vehicle Disinfecting System (차량소독장치용 노즐형태와 분무기의 적정토출압력에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Young-Il;Chang, Dong-Il;Kim, Jeong-Chul;Park, Dong-Suk;Lee, Seung-Joo;Kang, Beom-Sun;Kim, Suk;Gutierrez, Winson M.;Lee, Tae-Hoon;Choi, Chung-Heon;Chang, Hong-Hee
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2016
  • The current disinfection method of vehicles being applied in South Korea has various shortcomings. So, the epidemic has generated continuously at livestock farms. It is very important to develop an effective disinfection system for reduction of the epidemic. And various basic data is required for this development. Therefore, this study was performed to identify the nozzle type and proper discharge pressure of sprayers. The experiment was conducted from January 10, 2012 until February 28, 2012. All the performance measurement experiments were repeated five times. The subjects of experiment were the A, B and C company's products. The sprayed capacity, angle of spray and the covering area ratio were measured for each product. As a result, the sprayed capacity, angle of spray and the covering area ratio were increased as the discharge pressure of the sprayer was increased. In conclusion, the conical shaped of the nozzle is considered more appropriate than V-shaped, and the proper discharge pressure is expected to be at least 20kg/㎠.

Space Usage and Satisfaction with Privacy in General Hospital Inpatients (종합병원 입원환자의 공간사용 및 프라이버시 만족도)

  • Choi, In Young;Park, Hey Kyung
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.36
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    • pp.391-400
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    • 2018
  • To ensure a user-centered treatment environment, hospital construction needs an approach that is not centered on functional aspects such as efficiency or economic feasibility but on the consideration of needs as reflected in user psychology and behavior. Patients who are physically and psychologically vulnerable experience psychological pressure when they are placed in an unfamiliar environment. Most of existing studies however focus on the evaluation of the physical environment, without paying attention to the psychological or behavioral approach to anxiety and stress that patients may experience in a special environment that a hospital may be to them. This study examines general hospital inpatients to understand the usage of major space available and their satisfaction with privacy. This study provides useful primary information needed for the user-centered design of general hospital for improved patient health and welfare. For the purpose of the study, literature review, site investigation, and survey were conducted. Major functional space and privacy in general hospitals were studied, and the site investigation was performed to identify the plans and their status. Survey was also performed to understand the usage of functional space and satisfaction with such space usage as well as satisfaction with privacy. The findings were as follows: (1) Space usage was rated as average in general. It was found that patients used their rooms and lobby on a daily basis. By age, the usage was highest in the group in their 40s; the usage was relatively lower in the groups in their 30s or younger. (2) Space satisfaction was above average, indicating that patients were fairly satisfied. Satisfaction was highest in the lobby space designed with distinct features. By case, satisfaction was highest in Case B, characterized by its wide horizontal space in the rural settings. (3) Satisfaction with privacy in hospital was average, indicating that the demand for privacy was relatively higher but what patients receive in return was lower than their expectation. It was also found that satisfaction with privacy was a crucial element that affected the overall satisfaction with hospital.

Emotional Regulation's influence on Authentic Leadership and Change Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior (감성활용이 오센틱리더십과 변화적 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Yoonhee;Kim, Jong Kwan
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.8 no.8
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2018
  • Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize, facilitate, understand and control and utilize one's and other's emotions and has been researched extensively in last 20 years. Of the four domains of emotional intelligence, Emotional Regulation, the ability for one to manage and modify one's emotional reactions in order to achieve goal-directed outcomes, with its influence on authentic leadership and change oriented organizational citizenship behavior was researched by surveying 300 nurses at large metropolitan hospitals in B city in South Korea. Previous research demonstrated in relationship based and long term oriented cultures, such as Korea, Japan and Chinese cultures, ability to regulate emotions is critical component in successful social dynamics yet research the topic is minimal in Korea. Authentic leadership is a leader displaying sincerity and authentic behavior and through such, trust is gained in followers and collaboration is formed. Change oriented organizational citizenship behavior is a proactive behavior where the individual performs behaviors not included in his job functions voluntarily. The results indicate the three out of four sub domains of authentic leadership influenced positively to change oriented organizational citizenship behavior with the exception of balanced information processing. Moreover, Emotional Regulation partially mediated between authentic leadership and change oriented organizational citizenship behavior. Such results validated previous studies that indicated authentic leadership as possible antecedents of individual proactive behaviors and by examining authentic leadership and change oriented organizational citizenship behavior with emotional regulation as a mediator proved possibility as another potential antecedent of change oriented organizational citizenship behavior in hospital setting.

A User Participatory Study on the Development of Korean Road Racing Hand Cycle and Usability Assessment: Targeting on National Players (사용자 참여형 연구 기반의 한국형 경기용 핸드사이클 개발과 사용성평가 - 국가대표 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Dong Wook;Kim, Jeong Hyun;Kim, Jong Bae
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.28
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to contribute to the activation of sports for the disabled people in Korea through the localization of the road racing handcycles. Recently, there are no handcycles produced in Korea, and all the players are using products made in foreign countries. In the case of foreign products, it is made to fit the body shape of foreign athletes. Therefore, when domestic players are using them, they put additional parts to foreign products in order to fit their body shape. This not only adds to the cost burden, but also causes a decrease in the performance of the athletes. In order to overcome these problems, we developed the road racing handcycle in consideration of the body shape of the Koreans and conducted a comparative usability evaluation with the foreign products to evaluate the performance of the developed prototype. Therefore, we analyzed the quantitative and qualitative evaluation results of the prototype produced in the previous study, and developed the Korean road racing handcycle that can improve the competitiveness while considering the shape of domestic players. Based on the problems derived from the first prototype, this study additionally constructed a crank, an air intake part and a discharge part, and a rear anti-shake prevention device. In order to evaluate the usability, we conducted a comparative usability assessment with the foreign products used by the current standing handcycle athletes. The results were measured in the area of effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction, and the prototype developed through the research on efficiency and satisfaction excluding effectiveness was evaluated to be higher than those of foreign products. This study will contribute to the improvement of international competitiveness due to import substitution effects of foreign products and exports by lowering the handcycle cost of importing foreign handcycle.

The 50th Anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention: present status and challenges (유네스코 세계유산 협약 50주년, 현재 및 과제)

  • LEE Hyunkyung ;YOO Heejun ;NAM Sumi
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.264-279
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    • 2023
  • The 50th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention was in 2022. In order to reflect on the present and future of the meaning of World Heritage, this paper examines the development and changes of the UNESCO World Heritage system. After promulgating the convention in 1972, the UNESCO World Heritage system prioritized the protection of heritage sites in the world that were at risk due to armed conflicts and natural disasters to bequeath heritage to the next generation. In addition, the UNESCO World Heritage's emphasis on Outstanding Universal Value represents the particular culture of human beings formed during a certain period of time, and acts as a significant source of soft power in public diplomacy. The UNESCO World Heritage might be perceived as a shared heritage that has not only become a channel to understand various national values, but also an effective medium to convey one of UNESCO's main principles, that is, peacebuilding. However, the UNESCO World Heritage is now at the center of conflicts of heritage interpretation between many stakeholders related to invisible wars, such as cultural wars, memory wars, and history wars as the social, political, and cultural contexts concerning World Heritage have dramatically shifted with the passing of time. Paying attention to such changing contexts, this paper seeks to understand the main developments in UNESCO World Heritage's discourse concerning changes to the World Heritage Operation Guidelines and heritage experts' meetings by dividing its 50-year history into five phases. Next, this paper analyzes the main shifts in keywords related to UNESCO World Heritage through UNESDOC, which is a platform on which all UNESCO publications are available. Finally, this paper discusses three main changes of UNESCO World Heritage: 1) changes in focus in World Heritage inscriptions, 2) changes in perception of World Heritage protection, and 3) changes of view on the role of the stakeholders in World Heritage. It suggests new emerging issues regarding heritage interpretation and ethics, climate change, and human rights.

Effects of Telephone Hotline Counseling Program on Stroke Care (뇌졸중 환자에 적용한 핫라인 전화상담 프로그램의 효과)

  • Baik Kyun Kim;Dong-Wan Kang;Do Yeon Kim;Jung Hyun Park;Ji-Seok Woo;Young-Hee Kim;Hyun-Sook Kim;Min-Joo Moon;Jeong-Yoon Lee;Hyung Seok Guk;Nakhoon Kim;Sang-Won Choi;Hakyeu Ahn;Bosco Seong Kyu Yang;Jun Yup Kim;Jihoon Kang;Moon-Ku Han;Hee-Joon Bae;Beom Joon Kim
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.185-193
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    • 2023
  • Background: This study focuses on the establishment and operation of a stroke patient hotline program to help patients and their caregivers determine when acute neurological changes require emergency attention. Method: The stroke hotline was established at the Gyeonggi Regional Cerebrovascular Center, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, in June 2016. Patients diagnosed with stroke during admission or in outpatient clinics were registered and provided with stroke education. Consulting nurses managed hotline calls and made decisions about outpatient schedules or emergency room referrals, consulting physicians when necessary. The study analyzed consultation records from June 2016 to December 2020, assessing consultation volumes and types. Outcomes and hotline satisfaction were also evaluated. Results: Over this period, 6,851 patients were registered, with 1,173 patients (18%) undergoing 3,356 hotline consultations. The average monthly consultation volume increased from 29.2 cases in 2016 to 92.3 cases in 2020. Common consultation types included stroke symptoms (22.3%), blood pressure/glucose inquiries (12.8%), and surgery/procedure questions (12.6%). Unexpected outpatient visits decreased from 103 cases before the hotline to 81 cases after. Among the 2,244 consultations between January 2019 and December 2020, 9.6% were recommended hospital visits, with two cases requiring intra-arterial thrombectomy. Patient satisfaction ratings of 9-10 points increased from 64% in 2019 to 69% in 2020. Conclusion: The stroke hotline program effectively reduced unexpected outpatient visits and achieved high patient satisfaction. Expanding the program could enhance the management of stroke-related neurological symptoms and minimize unnecessary healthcare resource utilization.

A Study on Changes of Symptoms and Signs Diagnosised by Differentiation of the Pattern Identification in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients with Collaborative Treatment (한·양방 병행치료를 시행한급성기 뇌경색 환자에게 변증(辨證)별 평가항목 호전도에 대한 연구)

  • Lu, Hsu-yuan;Kim, Soo-kyung;Shim, So-ra;Kim, Hye-mi;Park, Joo-young;Cho, Seung-yeon;Park, Seong-uk;Jung, Woo-sang;Moon, Sang-kwan;Park, Jung-mi;Ko, Chang-nam;Cho, Ki-ho;Kim, Young-suk;Bae, Hyung-sup
    • The Journal of the Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.16-23
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    • 2011
  • Object : The purpose of this study is to observe the changes of symptoms and signs diagnosised by differentiation of the pattern identification in stroke patients. Methods : Seventy subjects were recruited from patients with stroke within ten days of onset. We chose twenty-nine subjects diagnosised as same differentiation of the pattern identification, and who had at least on follow up session. We had investigated change of symptoms and signs diagnosised by differentiation of the pattern identification. Results : There were five symptoms and signs (thick fur, dry fur, difficult defecation, heat vexation and aversion to heat, normal pulse) and ten (heavy-headedness, frequency of defecation, hard defecation, feel heavy, slippery pulsem, dry mouth, bitter taste in the mouth, feel lazy, look lazy) symptoms and signs that were statistically significant improved in fire-heat patterns and dampness-phlegm pattern, respectively. Conclusions : This study provides evidence that collaborative treatment is effective in improving some symptoms and signs in acute ischemic stroke patients diagnosised by fire-heat pattern and dampness-phlegm pattern. Further studies with larger scale, longer observation period would be required.

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Clinical Study of The Motricity Index and Symptoms and signs in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients on East-West Collaborative Treatment : A Pilot Study (한·양방 병행치료를 시행한 급성기 뇌경색 환자의 운동 기능과 임상 증상 및 증후의 호전도에 관한 연구 : 예비연구)

  • Kim, Min-kyung;Shim, So-ra;Kim, Soo-kyung;Kim, Na-hee;Cho, Seung-yeon;Park, Joo-young;Park, Seong-uk;Jung, Woo-sang;Moon, Sang-kwan;Park, Jung-mi;Cho, Ki-ho;Kim, Young-suk;Bae, Hyung-sup;Ko, Chang-nam
    • The Journal of the Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2011
  • Objective : Stroke is the most common disabling neurological disease of adult life. And some part of the clinical symptoms and signs are correlated to the post stroke complication. This study was to analyze the therapeutic effect of the East-West collaborative treatment, especially on the motor power and the clinical symptoms and signs improvement of ischemic stroke patients. Method : For 2 weeks as possible, we observed the patients with acute ischemic stroke receiving East-West collaborative treatment. We assessed the patients using Motricity Index (MI) and the changes of clinical symptoms and signs three times at seven-day intervals. At the end of the study, we compared the results. Result : Motricity Index of patients changed from 71.55 to 76.03 (upper limb) and 73.05 to 79.42 (lower limb), respectively. Some items of clinical symptoms and signs showed the statistically significant result. Especially, the urination and defecation symptoms improved obviously. Conclusion : The East-West collaborative treatment has an effect on motor power and clinical symptoms and signs improvement of acute ischemic stroke patients.

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The Comparison on the General Characteristics of Acute Stroke Patient between Heat pattern group and Cold pattern group (한열변증에 따른 중풍 환자의 제반특성 비교)

  • Kim, Min-kyung;Lee, ln-whan;Shin, Ae-sook;Kim, Na-hee;Kim, Hye-mi;Shim, So-ra;Na, Byung-Jo;Cho, Seung-yeon;Park, Seong-uk;Jung, Woo Sang;Moon, Sang Kwan;Park, Jung-mi;Ko, Chang-nam;Cho, Ki Ho;Kim, Young Suk;Bae, Hyung-sup
    • The Journal of the Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2010
  • Object : This study was conducted as part of the national project to standardize stroke diagnosis in Korean medicine. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the characteristics of acute stroke between heat pattern group and cold pattern group. Methods : We recruited stroke patients from 5 universities(Kyung-Hee University oriental medical center, Kyung-Hee University East-West Neo medical center, Kyungwon university lncheon oriental medical center, Kyungwon university Songpa oriental medical center and DongGuk university llsan oriental medical center) from April, 2007 until February, 2010. We diagnosed them and selected 463 heat pattern patients and 182 cold pattern patients. Results : We find that the risk factor of smoking, alcohol, diet(prefer to meat) are more associated with the heat pattern group. On the other hand, inflammation history in recent 3 months and diet(prefer to sea food) are more associated with the cold pattern group. RBC, Hg, Hct, TG, CK and Cl are more related to the heat pattern group. CPT, total cholesterol and HDL are more related to the cold pattern group. Tae-eum type takes high distribution of the heat pattern group, and So-eum type takes high distribution of the cold pattern group. Conclusions : This study provides evidence that the heat pattern group have more risk factor than the cold pattern group.

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Influence of Erythropoiesis Factors, BDNF, Cognitive Function and Working Memory by Intensity Aerobic Exercise in Middle Aged Women (강도별 유산소운동이 중년여성의 적혈구생성인자, BDNF와 인지기능, 작업기억에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Won-Je
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.553-566
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    • 2015
  • This study was performed to identify the effects of different intensities of regular aerobic exercise on erythropoietin (EPO) and BDNF levels, and cognitive function and working memory in middle-aged women. Women aged 40 to 60 years residing in G-gu, Y-si, Gyeonggi-do were divided into 3 groups: control group, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise group and high-intensity aerobic exercise. All groups were asked to exercise at the given intensities, twice a week for a total of 12 weeks. Blood samples were collected from participants on week 0 (before exercising), week 6 and week 12, and then cognitive function and working memory tests were followed to measure erythropoietin (EPO) and BDNF levels, cognitive function and working memory. Repeated measures ANOVA, univariate analysis and follow-up test were performed on all data to compare the group, period and interaction through a SPSS. As a result, a significant difference over time was observed in EPO, BDNF, cognitive function and working memory; therefore, a follow-up one-way ANOVA analysis was performed on each group. As a result of analysis, a significant increase in erythrocyte, hematocrit, BDNF level and working memory was observed in moderate-intensity aerobic exercise group while erythrocyte and working memory were significantly increased inhigh-intensity aerobic exercise group. When comparing the results between the groups, the level of hematocrit was shown to be significantly higher in both moderate-and high-intensity aerobic group than the control group and also the higher level of hemoglobin was observed in both moderate-and high-intensity aerobic group comparing to control group. Considering the results of this study, therefore, a 12-week long aerobic exercise at moderate to high intensity positively affected EPO and BDNF levels, cognitive function and working memory in middle-aged women.