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Analysis of the mixing effect of the confluence by the difference in water temperature between the main stream and the tributary (본류와 지류의 수온 차에 의한 합류부 혼합 양상 분석)

  • Ahn, Seol Ha;Lee, Chang Hyun;Kim, Kyung Dong;Kim, Dong Su;Ryu, Si Wan;Kim, Young Do
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 2023
  • The river confluence is a section in which two rivers with different topographical and hyrodynamic characteristics are combined into one, and it is a section in which rapid flow, inflow of sediments, and hydrological topographic changes occur. In the confluence section, the flow of fluid occurs due to the difference in density due to the type of material or temperature difference, which is called a density flow. It is necessary to accurately measure and observe the confluence section including a certain section of the main stream and tributaries in order to understand the mixing behavior of the water body caused by the density difference. A comprehensive analysis of this water mixture can be obtained by obtaining flow field and flow rate information, but there is a limit to understanding the mixing of water bodies with different physical properties and water quality characteristics of rivers flowing with stratigraphic flow. Therefore, this study attempts to grasp the density flow through the water temperature distribution in the confluence section. Among the extensive data of the river, vertical data and water surface data were acquired, and through this, the stratification phenomenon of the confluence was to be confirmed. It was intended to analyze the mixed pattern of the confluence by analyzing the water mixing pattern according to the water temperature difference using the vertical data obtained by measuring the repair volume by installing the ADCP on the side of the boat and measuring the real-time concentration using YSI. This study can supplement the analysis results of the existing water quality measurement in two dimensions. Based on the comparative analysis, it will be used to investigate the current status of stratified sections in the water layer and identify the mixing characteristics of the downstream section of the river.

Changes in chemical composition and physiological activity of Jeju-Tatary buckwheat tea according to leaching temperature (제주 타타리메밀의 침출 조건에 따른 제주 타타리메밀침출차의 이화학적 특성 및 생리활성)

  • Hyun-A Ko;Hyun Ju Park;Inhae Kang
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.65 no.4
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    • pp.421-427
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    • 2022
  • In this study, Jeju Tatary buckwheat tea's chemical composition and physiological activities were compared according to the leaching temperature (60, 80, 100 ℃). As the leaching temperature is increased, the degree of browning is induced. However, there was no significant change in pH. The total polyphenol content was higher at 80 ℃ than at 60 ℃ leaching temperature, but significantly decreased at 100 ℃ leaching temperature (60 ℃: 17.06 mg GA/g, 80 ℃: 20.09 mg GA/g, 100 ℃ :18.45 mg GA/g). There were high content of flavonoid and rutin as the leaching temperature increased. Consistently, 2,2-diphenyl1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and tyrosinase inhibitory activity were significantly higher with increasing temperature (DPPH % inhibition: 60 ℃: 41.88%, 80 ℃: 46.01%, 100 ℃: 46.80%/tyrosinase inhibitory activity: 60 ℃: 9.38%, 80 ℃: 22.94%, 100 ℃: 28.17%). However, there was no significant difference in DPPH radical scavenging activity between 80 and 100 ℃. A cytotoxicity test was performed by treating with Jeju Tatary buckwheat extract into mouse macrophage cells (Raw264.7). 100 and 200 ㎍/mL treatment (100 ℃ extract) were significantly upregulated the survival rate, but there was no significant difference in other concentrations. Collectively, most of the bioactive components, antioxidant activity, and tyrosinase inhibitory activity were induced as the leaching temperature increased. However, the content of polyphenols which are known to have antioxidant activity, was significantly reduced at 100 ℃ leaching temperature. Several reports have demonstrated that leaching at too high temperature lowered the overall acceptability, so the optimal leaching condition of Tatary Buckwheat is 80 ℃, 5 min in this study.

Chinese Maritime Dispute Strategy for territorialization in Korea's West Sea (중국의 한국 서해 내해화 전략 분석)

  • Lee, Eunsu;Shin, Jin
    • Maritime Security
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.113-136
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    • 2022
  • China has been pushing for a systematic strategy for territorialization over a long period of time to invade Korea's West Sea (Yellow Sea) in order to create China's territorial water. China's strategy for territorializing the West Sea is an activity in which China curbs the use of South Korea and enforces the illegal use of China in order to dominate the West Sea exclusively. China aided Chinese fishing boats that engaged in illegal fishing in Korea's jurisdiction as a means to territorialize the West Sea, and is opposed to combined exercise and training of Korea and the United States Naval Forces in the West Sea, while intentionally entering KADIZ(Korea Air Defense Identification Zone). In addition, Beijing used 'scientific exploration and research' measures as a pretext for its strategies in order to encroach on Korea's West Sea. China is carrying out such work to announce to the world that China is a systematic and organized country while consistently attempting to dominate the West Sea. China's activities in the West Sea seriously infringe South Korea's sovereignty. In order to respond to China's strategies of territorialization in the West Sea stated above, I analyzed the rejection effect of the ROK-US combined military training in the West Sea and presented a 'proportional response strategy centered on the ROK-US combined forces'. Korea should be able to respond proportionally to China's activities in the seas around the Korean peninsula, and Korea should be able to neutralize China's attempt to a Fait Accompli. In addition, just as China installs buoys in the Korea-China Provisional Measures Zone, Korea should be able to install and actively utilize some devices in the West Sea and for the use of free and open West Sea. Korea should not just wait for the tragic future to come without preparing for China's gradual and long-term strategy, and Seoul needs to respond to China's maritime policy in the West Sea with a more active attitude than it is now. China has historically taken a bold and aggressive response to neighboring countries that are consistent with a passive attitude, on the other hand, Beijing has taken a cautious approach to neighboring countries that respond with an active attitude. It should not be forgotten that Korea's passive response to the Chinese strategy in the name of a 'realistic approach' such as Korea's economic dependence on China for economy will result in China's success for territorialization of the West Sea.

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Exploring a Balanced Share of Slow Charging Options by Places Based on Heterogeneous Travel and Charging Behavior of Electric Vehicle Users (장소별 완속충전기 적정 보급 비율에 관한 연구 : 전기차 이용자의 통행 및 충전행태에 따른 이질성을 중심으로)

  • Jae Hyun Lee;Seo Youn Yoon;Hyeonmi Kim
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2022
  • With the support of local and central governments, various incentive policies for "green" cars have been established, and the number of electric vehicle users has been rapidly increasing in recent years. As a result, much attention is being given to establishing a user-centered charging infrastructure. A standard for the number of electric vehicle chargers to be supplied is being prepared based on building characteristics, but there is quite limited research on the appropriate ratio of slow and fast chargers based on the characteristics of each place. Therefore, this study derived an appropriate penetration ratio based on data about the distribution ratio of common slow chargers. These data were collected using a survey of actual electric vehicle users. Next, an analysis was done on how to categorize the needs of charging environments and to determine what criteria or characteristics to use for categorization. Based on the results of the survey analysis, three types of places were derived. Type-1 places require 10% of chargers to be slow chargers, Type-2 places require 40-60% of chargers to be slow chargers (i.e., around equal distribution of slow and fast chargers), and Type-3 places require more than 80% of chargers to be slow chargers. The required levels of slow chargers were classified by place type and by individual using latent class cluster analysis, which made it possible to categorize them into five clusters related to socioeconomic variables, vehicle characteristics, traffic, and charging behaviors. It was found that there was a high correlation between charging behavior, weekend travel behavior, gender, and income. The results and insights from this study could be used to establish charging infrastructure policies in the future and to prepare standards for supplying charging infrastructure according to changes in the electric vehicle market.

A Comparative Study of Production of [68Ga]PSMA-11 with or without Cassette Type Modules (비 카세트 방식과 카세트 방식을 이용한 [68Ga]PSMA-11의 자동 합성 방법 비교)

  • Hyun-Sik, Park;Byeong-Min, Jo;Hyun-Ho, An;Hong-Jin, Lee;Jin-Hyeong, Lee;Gyeong-Jae, Lee;Byung-Chul, Lee;Won-Woo, Lee
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.15-19
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    • 2022
  • Purpose [68Ga]PSMA-11 is needed the high reproducibility, excellent radiochemical yield and purity. In term of radiation safety, the radiation exposure of operator for its production also should be considered. In this work, we performed a comparative study for the fully automated synthesis of [68Ga]PSMA-11 between non-cassette type and cassette type. Materials and Methods Two different type of modules (TRACERlab FX N pro for non-cassette type and BIKBox for cassette type) were used for the automated production of [68Ga]PSMA-11. According to the previously identified elution profile, Only 2.5 ml with high radioactivity was used for the reaction. After adjusting the pH of the reaction solution with HEPES buffer solution, the precursor was added and reacted with at 95 ℃ for 15 minutes. The reaction mixture was separated and purified using a C18 light cartridge. The product was eluted with 50% EtOH/saline solution and diluted with saline. It was completed by sterilizing filter. In the non-cassette type, the aforementioned process must be prepared directly. However, in the cassette method, synthesis was possible simply by installing a kit that was already completed. Results Both total [68Ga]PSMA-11 production time were 25±3(non-cassette type) and 23±3 minutes(cassette type). The radiochemical yield of the non-cassette type(65.5±5.7%) was higher than that of the cassette type(61.6±4.8%) after sterilization filter. The non-cassette type took about 120 minutes of preparation time before synthesis due to washing of synthesizer and reagent preparation. However, since the cassette type does not require washing and reagent preparation, it took about 20 minutes to prepare before synthesis. Both type of synthesizer had a radiochemical high purity(>99%). Conclusion The non-cassette type production of [68Ga]PSMA-11 showed higher radiochemical yield and lower cost than the cassette type. However, The cassette type has an advantage in terms of preparation time, convenience, and equipment maintenance.

Morphometric Characterization of Newly Defined Subspecies Apis cerana koreana (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the Republic of Korea (국내 토종벌(Apis cerana koreana) 아종의 형태적 특성 분석)

  • Olga, Frunze;Jung-Eun, Kim;Dongwon, Kim;Eun-Jin, Kang;Kyungmun, Kim;Bo-Sun, Park;Yong-Soo, Choi
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.61 no.3
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    • pp.399-408
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    • 2022
  • There has been much debate on the morphometric divergence between the recently identified Apis cerana koreana and Apis cerana honey bees. The aim of this study was to obtain phenotypic information that can be used to compare A. c. koreana data with other A. cerana subspecies data from open resources and determine breeding results on the basis of morphometric traits. To differentiate A. c. koreana, we investigated 22 classic morphological characteristics; royal jelly secretion; and the weight of workers, queens, and drones of A. c. koreana bred in Korea. To define the selection results, we used the geometric morphometric method. The artificially selected A. c. koreana secreted significantly more royal jelly (1.18 times) than the naturally selected A. c. koreana, which positively influenced the health of the colonies. These honey bees were identified more clearly with the geometric morphometric method than with the classic morphometric method, which is traditionally used to determine the subspecies. Large trends were noted for A. c. koreana on the basis of our results and literature from the 1980s regarding A. cerana sizes in Korea (tarsal index, length of forewing, and cubital index were measured). The cluster analysis revealed the proximity of A. c. koreana, A. cerana in China, and A. c. indica on the basis of eight classic characters, which, perhaps, relay the origin of the honey bees. The results of this study defined the morphometric responses of A. c. koreana honey bees to geographic isolation, climate change, and selection, which are important to identify, protect, and preserve honey bee stock in Korea.

Hazardous Metal Content in Tattoo Cosmetics and Tattoo Inks (타투화장품 및 문신용 염료의 유해금속 함량 연구)

  • Mi Sun Kim;Su Un Kim;Sam Ju Jung;Young Eun Kim;Min Jung Kim;Myung Sook Lee;In Sook Hwang
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.66-77
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    • 2023
  • Background: Along with the increase in consumer interest in and consumption of tattoo products, the controversy over harmful heavy metals associated with the use of tattoo cosmetics is also increasing. Therefore, investigation of hazardous metals in these tattoo products is needed. Objectives: This study was performed to provide useful data for establishing reasonable standards to securely manage tattoo cosmetics, tattoo stickers, and tattoo inks distributed in the market. Methods: Thirteen kinds of hazardous metal contents (Pb, As, Cd, Sb, Ni, Co, Cu, Cr, Se, Ba, Zn, Sn, and Hg) were analyzed for 23 tattoo cosmetics, ten tattoo stickers, and 16 tattoo inks. Hg was measured through the combustion-gold amalgamation method, and other hazardous metals were measured by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after acidic decomposition using a microwave apparatus. Results: The detected ranges of Pb, As, Cd, Sb, Ni, and Hg in tattoo cosmetics were 0.07~1.18, 0.06~0.41, ND~0.07, 0.01~3.44, 0.12~2.75, and ND~0.01 ㎍/g, respectively. All of the hazardous metals detected were below the recommended maximum standards of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. The mean amount of Pb detected in tattoo stickers for children was 0.24 ㎍/kg and Cd was not detected, meaning both metals met the recommended criteria. There was no statistically significant difference in all measured metals between children's tattoo stickers and adults' tattoo stickers. In the results of the study on the hazardous metal content of tattoo inks, four products (25%) for Pb, one product (6%) for As, 13 products (81%) for Ni, four products (25%) for Cu, and five products (31%) for Zn exceeded the recommended standards approved by the government. The highest predicted exposure amount for hazardous metals exceeding the recommended level of tattoo inks in a single tattooing was 5.69 ㎍/kg for Ni, 8.51 ㎍/kg for Zn, 0.44 ㎍/kg for Pb, 8.07 ㎍/kg for Cu, 0.44 ㎍/kg for As, and 71.36 ㎍/kg for Ba. Conclusions: It is necessary to prepare criteria for content limitation for the management of Co, Cr, Ba and Se tattoo cosmetics, and tattoo inks require thorough quality control.

Diet status of college students evaluated by applying the photographic analysis method (사진분석법을 활용한 경북 일부지역 대학생의 식생활 실태 분석)

  • Chae Hong Lee;Kyung A Lee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.439-453
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: Concerns about accelerated aging are regularly being discussed. This study analyzed the dietary status and nutritional intake of college students who are about to enter their 30s and 40s. We further suggest ways to eat healthily. Methods: Totally, 67 students attending Daegu Catholic University were provided with a three-day meal record and analyzed. Results: The average demographics of the subjects were as follows: age 23.2 ± 2.0 years, height 165.1 ± 9.0 cm, weight 65.4 ± 13.6 kg, and BMI 23.5 ± 3.9 kg/m2. Overall, 76.3% of the subjects skipped breakfast. The food intake evaluation according to the food group intake pattern and the recommended number of servings determined that 38.3% of the subjects did not consume fruits and dairy products (GMVFDS = 111001), and both men and women lacked all food groups. Analysis of the nutrient intake state revealed lesser nutrient intake than the estimated energy need. Evaluation of the %RDA found that consumption of phosphorus was above the recommended amount, whereas all other nutrients were below the recommended amount. Men had a higher intake rate of phosphorus (p < 0.01), iron (p < 0.001), and sodium (p < 0.05) than women, whereas the intake rate of dietary fiber was higher in women (p < 0.05). Evaluation of the food intake by 22 food categories revealed that intake of regular grains was more in men than in women (p < 0.05) whereas women consumed significantly more mixed grains (p< 0.01). In protein foods, men consumed more meat (p < 0.01), while women consumed more eggs (p < 0.05) and beans (p < 0.05). Evaluating the fruit intake, juices were more frequently consumed by men than by women (p < 0.05). No differences were obtained in food intake and nutrient intake status according to obesity. Conclusion: Based on these results, there is an urgent requirement for attention and support for university cafeterias in order to induce changes in the eating habits of college students. Among other initiatives, this can be achieved by providing diet improvement programs and menus that consider food preferences.

Quality Changes of 'Baumkuchen' Cake with Modified Atmosphere Packaging during Storage (변형기체포장 처리에 따른 '바움쿠헨' 케이크의 저장 중 품질 특성 변화)

  • Myungho Lee;Minhwi Kim;Youn Suk Lee
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2023
  • Fresh bakery products are widely consumed worldwide and therefore particular requirements for their quality characteristics have been established. The shelf life of bakery products is mainly subjected to microbial spoilage and staling. This study investigated the optimum conditions of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) application to extend the shelf life of the bakery products. The gas conditions of the headspace in 'Baumkuchen' cake were 0, 30, 70, and 100% CO2 concentrations and stored at 30℃ for 5 days. The bakery samples were evaluated weight loss, hardness, color change, pH and total aerobic bacteria, yeast and molds count throughout the storage period. Values of the weight loss and hardness were increased over the storage period, meanwhile pH was significantly decreased. However, no significant color changes were observed during storage. It was also found no significant difference between the different gas treatments. Total aerobic bacteria count of the stored samples after day 5 was increased by 6.94 log CFU/g in the air filled package, compared to 6.20 log CFU/g in the 100% CO2 filled package and 6.02 log CFU/g in the 70% CO2 filled package. Yeast and molds count were 3.65 log CFU/g in air filled package, 2.66 log CFU/g in 100% CO2 filled package, 2.64 log CFU/g in 70% CO2 filled package, 2.86 log CFU/g in 30% CO2 filled package and 3.31 log CFU/g in 100% N2 filled package on day 2. In conclusion, it was shown that 70% and 100% CO2 treatments in the package were effective to reduce microbial growth.

A Research on the Special Characteristics of the Changes of the Vegetations in the World Cup Park Landfill Slope District (월드컵공원 사면지구 식생현황 및 변화 특성 연구)

  • Han, Bong-Ho;Park, Seok-Cheol;Choi, Han-Byeol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2023
  • This research intended to reveal the special characteristics of the vegetation structure and the tendency of change of -landfill slope districts, which are reclaimed land, through an investigationsinto the presently existent vegetation and plant community structure of the World Cup Park landfill slope district. For the analysis of changes in vegetation, this study compared the results of field surveys in 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2021. For the investigation into the plant community structure, a field investigation was carried out in 2021 with six fixed investigation districts designated in 1999 as subjects. To analyze the change in the plant community structure, the past data on the population, the number of the species, and the species diversity by the layer in 2021 were compared and analyzed in the landfill slope district, which is reclaimed land. The changes of the vegetation distribution and the power had been affected by typhoons (Kompasu). Above the plantation foundation, which had been dry and poor, Salix koreensis, marsh woody plants that had formed the community, decreased greatly. The Robinia pseudoacacia community, after the typhoon in 2010, decreased in the number of species and population. Afterward, it showed a tendency to rebound. Regarding the Ailanthus altissima-Robinia pseudoacacia-Paulownia tomentosa community, the number of the species and the population had shown a change similar to the Robinia pseudoacacia community. The Paulownia tomentosa and the Ailanthus altissima have been culled. The slope was predicted as a Future Robinia pseudoacacia forest. The Salix pseudolasiogyne community has been transitioning to a Robinia pseudoacacia forest. Only some enumeration districts, the Robinia pseudoacacia forests and the Salix pseudolasiogyne, had been growing. However, most had been in been declining. It was predicted that this community will be maintained as a Robinia pseudoacacia forest in the future. As these vegetation communities are the representative vegetation of the landfill slope districts, which is reclaimed land, there is a need to understand the ecosystem changes of the community through continuous monitoring. The results of this research can be utilized as a basic material for the vegetation restoration of reclaimed land.