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Assessment for $CO_2$ Biomineralization Characteristics and its Applicability for Solidified Sludge (이산화탄소 생광물화 특성 및 슬러지 고화물 적용성 평가)

  • Min, Dong-Hee;Ahn, Chang-Min;Han, Ji-Sun;Yoon, Soon-Uk;Jeon, Eun-Jeong;Won, Jong-Choul;Chun, Seung-Kyu;Kim, Chang-Gyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.33 no.11
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    • pp.812-820
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to characterize $CO_2$ biomineralization on several minerals (i.e., CaO, MgO, $SiO_2$) by bottle test in an aqueous solution and solidified sludge using different aerobic bacterial strains like Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus pasteurii by batch test. These bacteria promote the formation of microenvironments that facilitate the precipitation of mineral phases that were unsaturated in the bulk solution. For one type of mineral solely amended, the $CO_2$ was reduced at the highest of 4.0 mmol for MgO while it was not that much lower for CaO and $SiO_2$ showing 1.1 and 0.3 mmol $CO_2$2, respectively. For two types of minerals simultaneously amended, the $CO_2$ was reduced at the greater extent for both Ca + Mg and Mg + Si showing 2.7 and 2.3 mmol, respectively whereas it was less for Ca + Si at 1.8 mmol. For solidified sludge, the $CO_2$ reduction rate changed depending on the volume of solidified sludge placed in the medium and the input $CO_2$ concentration.. The reduction rate of $CO_2$ was increased with increasing the volume of solidified sludge. Results of XRD analysis indicate that $CaCO_3$ (Calcite) was dominantly formed among others (e.g., Aragonite, Dolomite). SEM analysis showed that the sample with Bacillus pasteurii, could more form minerals rather than control. As demonstrated in this study, $CO_2$ would be effectively sequestered in biomineralization process.

Adhesion Characteristics and the High Pressure Resistance of Biofilm Bacteria in Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Process (역삼투 해수담수화 공정 내 바이오필름 형성 미생물의 부착 및 고압내성 특성)

  • Jung, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Jin-Wook;Kim, Sung-Youn;Kim, In-S.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2009
  • Biofouling in seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination process causes many problems such as flux decline, biodegradation of membrane, increased cleaning time, and increased energy consumption and operational cost. Therefore biofouling is considered as the most critical problem in system operation. To control biofouling in early stage, detection of the most problematic bacteria causing biofouling is required. In this study, six model bacteria were chosen; Bacillus sp., Flavobacterium sp., Mycobacterium sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas fluorescens, and Rhodobacter sp. based on report in the literature and phylogenetic analysis of seawater intake and fouled RO membrane. The adhesion to RO membrane, the high pressure resistance, and the hydrophobicity of the six model bacteria were examined to find out their fouling potential. Rhodobacter sp. and Mycobacterium sp. were found to attach very well to RO membrane surface compared to others used in this study. The test of hydrophobicity revealed that the bacteria which have high hydrophobicity or similar contact angle with RO membrane ($63^{\circ}$ of contact angle) easily attached to RO membrane surface. P. aeruginosa which is highly hydrophilic ($23.07^{\circ}$ of contact angle) showed the least adhesion characteristic among six model bacteria. After applying a pressure of 800 psi to the sample, Rhodobacter sp. was found to show the highest reduction rate; with 59-73% of the cells removed from the membrane under pressure. P. fluorescens on the other hand analyzed as the most pressure resistant bacteria among six model bacteria. The difference between reduction rates using direct counting and plate counting indicates that the viability of each model bacteria was affected significantly from the high pressure. Most cells subjected to high pressure were unable to form colonies even thought they maintained their structural integrity.

Preliminary Report on the Geology of Sangdong Scheelite Mine (상동광산(上東鑛山) 지질광상(地質鑛床) 조사보고(調査報告))

  • Kim, Ok Joon;Park, Hi In
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 1970
  • Very few articles are available on geologic structure and genesis of Sangdong scheelite-deposits in spite of the fact that the mine is one of the leading tungsten producer in the world. Sangdong scheelite deposits, embedded in Myobong slate of Cambrian age at the southem limb of the Hambaek syncline which strikes $N70{\sim}80^{\circ}W$ and dips $15{\sim}30^{\circ}$ northeast, comprise six parallel veins in coincide with the bedding plane of Myobong formation, namely four footwall veins, a main vein, and a hangingwall vein. Four footwall veins are discontinuous and diminish both directions in short distance and were worked at near surface in old time. Hangingwall vein is emplaced in brecciated zone in contact plane of Myobong slate and overlying Pungchon limestone bed of Cambrian age and has not been worked until recent. The main vein, presently working, continues more than 1,500 m in both strike and dip sides and has a thickness varying 3.5 to 5 m. Characteristic is the distinct zonal arrangement of the main vein along strike side which gives a clue to the genesis of the deposits. The zones symmetrically arranged in both sides from center are, in order of center to both margins, muscovite-biotite-quartz zone, biotite-hornblende-quartz zone and garnet-diopside zone. The zones grade into each other with no boundary, and minable part of the vein streches in the former two zones extending roughly 1,000 m in strike side and over 1,100 m in dip side to which mining is underway at present. The quartz in both muscovite-biotite-quartz and biotite-hornblende-quartz zones is not network type of later intrusion, but the primary constituent of the special type of rock that forms the main vein. The minable zone has been enriched several times by numerous quartz veins along post-mineral fractures in the vein which carry scheelite, molybdenite, bismuthinite, fluorite and other sulfide minerals. These quartz veins varying from few centimeter to few tens of centimeter in width are roughly parallel to the main vein although few of them are diagonal, and distributed in rich zones not beyond the vein into both walls and garnet-diopside zone. Ore grade ranges from 1.5~2.5% $WO_3$ in center zone to less than 0.5% in garnet-diopside zone at margin, biotite-hornblende-quartz zone being inbetween in garde. The grade is, in general, proportional to the content of primary quartz. Judging from regional structure in mid-central parts of South Korea, Hambaek syncline was formed by the disturbance at the end of Triassic period with which bedding thrust and accompanied feather cracks in footwall side were created in Myobong slate and brecciated zone in contact plane between Myobong slate and Pungchon limestone. These fractures acted as a pathway of hot solution from interior which was in turn differentiated in situ to form deposit of the main vein with zonal arrangement. The footwall veins were developed along feather cracks accompanied with the main thrust by intrusion of biotite-hornblende-quartz vein and the hangingwall vein in shear zone along contact plane by replacement. The main vein thus formed was enriched at later stage by hydrothermal solutions now represented by quartz veins. The main mineralization and subsequent hydrothermal enrichments had probably taken place in post-Triassic to pre-Cretaceous periods. The veins were slightly displaced by post-mineral faults which cross diagonally the vein. This hypothesis differs from those done by previous workers who postulated that the deposits were formed by pyrometasomatic to contact replacement of the intercalated thin limestone bed in Myobong slate at the end of Cretaceous period.

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Geochemistry of Geothermal Waters in Korea: Environmental Isotope and Hydrochemical Characteristics II. Jungwon and Munkyeong Areas (한반도 지열수의 지화학적 연구: 환경동위원소 및 수문화학적 특성 II. 중원 및 문경 지역)

  • Yun, Seong-Taek;Koh, Yong-Kwon;Choi, Hyen-Su;Youm, Seung-Jun;So, Chil-Sup
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.201-213
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    • 1998
  • From the Jungwon and Munkyeong areas which are among the famous producers of the carbonate-type groundwaters in Korea, various kinds of natural waters (deep groundwater, shallow groundwater and surface water) were collected between 1996 and 1997 and were studied for hydrogeochemical and environmental isotope (${\delta}^{34}S_{so4}$, ${\delta}^{18}O$, ${\delta}D$)systematics. Two types of deep groundwaters (carbonate type and alkali type) occur together in the two areas, and each shows distinct hydrogeochemical and environmental isotope characteristics. The carbonate type waters show the hydrochemical feature of the 'calcium(-sodium)-bicarbonate(-sulfate) type', whereas the alkali type water of the 'sodium-bicarbonate type'. The former type waters are characterized by lower pH, higher Eh, and higher amounts of dissolved ions (especialJy, $Ca^{2+}$, $Na^{+}$, $Mg^{2+}$, $HCO_3{^-}$ and $SO_4{^{2-}}$). Two types of deep groundwaters are all saturated or supersaturated with respect to calcite. Two types of deep groundwaters were both derived from pre-thermonuclear (about more than 40 years old) meteoric waters (with lighter 0 and H isotope data than younger waters, i.e., shallow cold groundwaters and surface waters) which evolved through prolonged water-rock interaction. Based on the geologic setting, water chemistry, and environmental isotope data, however, each of these two different types of deep groundwaters represents distinct hydrologic and hydrogeochemical evolution at depths. The carbonate type groundwaters were formed through mixing with acidic waters that were derived from dissolution of pyrites in hydrothermal vein ores (for the Jungwon area water) or in anthracite coal beds (for the Munkyeong area water). If the deeply percolating meteoric waters did not meet pyrites during the circulation, only the alkali type groundwaters would form. This hydrologic and hydrogeochemical model may be successfully applied to the other carbonate type groundwaters in Korea.

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Types and Characteristics of Fibrous Serpentine Minerals Occurred in Serpentinite in Hongseong and Gapyeong (홍성과 가평 사문암 내에서 섬유상으로 산출되는 사문석군 광물의 종류 및 특성)

  • Jeong, Hyewon;Kang, Serku;Roh, Yul
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2016
  • Chrysotile is well known as a fibrous mineral in serpentinite by the previous studies in S. Korea. Previous studies in other countries showed that antigorite also occurred as asbestiform and harmful to humans. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate types and characteristics of fibrous serpentine minerals occurred in serpentinite in Hongseong, Chungnam and Gapyeong, Gyeonggi in S. Korea. XRD, SEM-EDS, PLM and EPMA mapping analyses were used to examine the occurrence and formation mechanism of serpentine minerals. Serpentinization partially occurred in amphibole-schist and calc-schist at two study sites, Hongseong, Chungnam and Gapyeong, Gyeonggi, respectively. Both chrysotile and antigorite occurred as a fibrous mineral at Hongseong site, but chrysotile occurred as a fibrous mineral at Gapyeong site. Based on PLM analysis with dispersion staining, the chrysotile was observed horizontally magenta and vertically blue colors. The antigorite appeared as horizontally gold to golden magenta and vertically blue magenta colors under central stop dispersion staining objective(DSO). PLM and SEM analyses showed the fibrous minerals were formed from plate form of serpentine minerals or by hydrothermal alternation of primary minerals. The EPMA mapping showed that Mg contents in chrysotile is relatively higher than that in antigorite while Si and O contents in antigorite is higher than them in chrysotile. However, more studies are necessary to know the exact variation in chemical composition of chrysotile and antigorite. These results indicate that even though asbestiform antigorite found associated with asbestos chrysotile in serpentinites, the fibrous antigorite can be distinguished from chrysotile by different dispersion staining colors.

Study for the Geochemical Reaction of Feldspar with Supercritical $CO_2$ in the Brine Aquifer for $CO_2$ Sequestration (이산화탄소의 지중저장 대염수층에서 과임계이산화탄소에 의한 장석의 지화학적 변화 규명)

  • Choi, Won-Woo;Kang, Hyun-Min;Kim, Jae-Jung;Lee, Ji-Young;Lee, Min-Hee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.403-412
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this study is to investigate the geochemical change of feldspar minerals by supercritical $CO_2$, which exists at $CO_2$ sequestration sites. High pressurized cell system (100 bar and $50^{\circ}C$) was designed to create supercritical $CO_2$ in the cell and the surface change and the dissolution of plagioclase and orthoclase were observed when the mineral surface reacted with supercritical $CO_2$ and water (or without water) for 30 days. The polished slab surface of feldspar was contacted with supercritical $CO_2$ and an artificial brine water (pH 8) in the experiments. The experiments for the reaction of feldspar with only supercritical $CO_2$ (without brine water) were also conducted. Results from the first experiment showed that the average roughness value of the plagioclase surface was 0.118 nm before the reaction, but it considerably increased to 2.493 nm after 30 days. For the orthoclase, the average roughness increased from 0.246 nm to 1.916 nm, suggesting that the dissolution of feldspar occurs in active when the feldspars contact with supercritical $CO_2$ and brine water at $CO_2$ sequestration site. The dissolution of $Ca^{2+}$ and $Na^+$ from the plagioclase occurred and a certain part of them precipitated inside of the high pressurized cell as the form of amorphous silicate mineral. For the orthoclase, $Al^{3+}$, $K^+$, and $Si^{+4}$ were dissolved in order and the kaolinite was precipitated. In the experiments without water, the change of the average roughness value and the dissolution of feldspar scarcely occurred, suggesting that the geochemical reaction of feldspars contacted with supercritical $CO_2$ at the environment without the brine water is not active.

The Behavior of Dissolved and Particulate Phases of Trace Elements within the Watershed of Juam Reservoir (주암호 집수유역 내 용존 및 입자상 미량원소의 거동 특성)

  • Lee, Pyeong-Koo;Chi, Se-Jung;Youm, Seung-Jun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.405-425
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    • 2008
  • In order to investigate the amounts of trace elements flowing into reservoir, and to elucidate the relationship between trace element mobility and fraction size, the stream water and sediment samples were collected from thirty-two sites of the 3rd or 4th order stream within watershed surrounding the Juam reservoir. Chemical analyses of trace elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) for all samples were completed, and additionally cationi and anion for stream water samples. Considering the distribution of rocks and contamination sources in watershed, the eight stream sediments were selected from typical sites representing study areas, and we determined the concentrations of trace elements according to size fractions ($2\;mm{\sim}200\;{\mu}m$, $200{\sim}100\;{\mu}m$, $100{\sim}50\;{\mu}m$, $50{\sim}20\;{\mu}m$ and < $20\;{\mu}m$). The correlation relationships between concentrations and size fractions of stream sediments were important to identify the hydro-geochemical behavior of trace elements that flow into Juam reservoir. Stream waters showed four water types (Ca-Mg-$HCO_3$, Ca-Na-$HCO_3$-Cl, Ca-Na-$HCO_3-SO_4$, Ca-Na-$HCO_3$) depending on pollution sources such as coal mine, metal mine, farm-land and dwellings. Concentrations of trace elements increased clearly with the decrease in size fractions of stream sediments. Concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn increased dramatically in silt size (< $20\;{\mu}m$) fraction, while As had high concentrations in sand size ($2\;mm{\sim}100\;{\mu}m$) fraction in downstream sediments of metal mines. These indicate that Cu, Zn, and Pb moved into Juam reservoir easily in the adsorbed form on silt size grain in sediments, and As was transported as As-bearing mineral facies, resulting in its less chance to reach into Juam reservoir.

A Mineralogical and Gemological Studies for the Enhancement of Tanzania Ruby by Heat Treatment (탄자니아산 루비의 열처리에 의한 보석·광물학적 품질개선 연구)

  • Kim, Seon-Ok;Wang, Sookyun;Oh, Sul-Mi;Park, Hee Yul;Park, Maeng-Eon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.563-569
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    • 2014
  • Ruby is one of the most favor colored gem, for beautiful red tone, be high in scarcity value. However, rubies with high quality are produced in restricted regions, such as in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Tanzania etc., and they have been gradually exhausted by mining for a long period. Therefore, improving qualities of low level rubies with various treatments is arising an alternative way to obtain better rubies. Gemological and mineralogical properties of the natural ruby from Tanzanian were studied with heat treatments. Those characteristics were compared between only heat and adding flux materials under heating. Tanzanian raw rubies were applied a heat treatment ($1,600^{\circ}C$ for 6 hours). However, chromameter and UV-Vis analyses found that a simple heat treatment is inappropriated for the Tanzanian ruby. Although $Cr^{3+}$ containing for red color in the ruby increased with heat treatment, the ruby displays dark medium red because of Fe in the ruby as a form of $Fe_2O_3$. The low transparency after heat treatment is attributed to the recrystallization of $SiO_2$ which has a low melting point. Chromameter confirmed adding Pb-containing flux under heating greatly improves the clarity and color of Tanzanian rubies with micro-fractures and cavities on the surface. EMPA results show that Pb as an additive fills the cavities and cracks on raw Tanzanian rubies during the heat treatment. As a rewult of it, the quality of the Tanzanian ruby raw dramatically improved. These results indicate that the heat treatment with an additive (Pb in this study) is an effective way to obtain better quality of the Tanzanian ruby. Consequently, this study suggests a suitable method to improve the properties of the Tanzanina ruby. The result of this study would provide useful information to upgrade the qualities of similar gem stones such as corundum and sapphire.

A study on application of fractal structure on graphic design (그래픽 디자인에 있어서 프랙탈 구조의 활용 가능성 연구)

  • Moon, Chul
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 2004
  • The Chaos theory of complexity and Fractal theory which became a prominent figure as a new paradigm of natural science should be understood not as whole, and not into separate elements of nature. Fractal Dimensions are used to measure the complexity of objects. We now have ways of measuring things that were traditionally meaningless or impossible to measure. They are capable of describing many irregularly shaped objects including man and nature. It is compatible method of application to express complexity of nature in the dimension of non-fixed number by placing our point of view to lean toward non-linear, diverse, endless time, and complexity when we look at our world. Fractal Dimension allows us to measure the complexity of an object. Having a wide application of fractal geometry and Chaos theory to the art field is the territory of imagination where art and science encounter each other and yet there has not been much research in this area. The formative word has been extracted in this study by analyzing objective data to grasp formative principle and geometric characteristic of (this)distinct figures of Fractals. With this form of research, it is not so much about fractal in mathematics, but the concept of self-similarity and recursiveness, randomness, devices expressed from unspeakable space, and the formative similarity to graphic design are focused in this study. The fractal figures have characteristics in which the structure doesn't change the nature of things of the figure even in the process if repeated infinitely many times, the limit of the process produces is fractal. Almost all fractals are at least partially self-similar. This means that a part of the fractal is identical to the entire fractal itself even if there is an enlargement to infinitesimal. This means any part has all the information to recompose as whole. Based on this scene, the research is intended to examine possibility of analysis of fractals in geometric characteristics in plasticity toward forms in graphic design. As a result, a beautiful proportion appears in graphic design with calculation of mathematic. It should be an appropriate equation to express nature since the fractal dimension allows us to measure the complexity of an object and the Fractla geometry should pick out high addition in value of peculiarity and characteristics in the complex of art and science. At the stage where the necessity of accepting this demand and adapting ourselves to the change is gathering strength is very significant in this research.

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A study on small stone crafts in the Cho Sun Dynasty (조선조시대 소품 석공예에 관한 연구)

  • 유해철
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.157-168
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    • 1999
  • Stone in the Cho Sun Dynasty has been used as the material of industry arts, widely building materials and an important material for the artistic design. But it has been generally used as an use of practical living Product like, suban, a metal printing type, a fire place, a pillowcase, a pencil case, etc, and ornament with the quality of stone material and the aesthetic view. There are several problems as like size, quantity, delivery and processing method with the stne material according to its variety and selection. Accordingly it has been studied through the whole process of shape, a material selection of design and processing method as well as studying about small stone crafts which were manufactured in the Cho Sun Dynasty, considering these problems. Stone crafts in Cho Sun Dynasty has been widely used as a living tool. There was some what difference on manufacturing purpose on its technique of folk crafts of stone crafts, but, through the research of collected crafts, they were almost the same that social need, user's taste and hobby in those days were reflected in. In the result of analysis as dividing the stone crafts into daily living product, stationery and tool, the major of daily products have been manufactured with emphasis of practicability. And they have been manufactured from agalmatolite for the propose of use. further, kitchen product had no design due to the function and living products which has been used in the main living room has been carved with the decorative expression of the various form by using intaglic, relieve, inlaid technique, etc. For the stationery, it has been characterized with aesthetic point considering the decorative effects & selection of material in accordance with use. A material for manufacturing has been used in the range of agalmtolite, atopaz, a sapphire, white stone etc. As the result of this research, It was noticeable that there was the spleudidness on the expression of design and carving. It was also noticeable that black stone and guanite have been widely esed because it didn't need the delicacy as a tool.

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