• Title/Summary/Keyword: $Ca_{(1-2x)}Eu^{3+}_xNa^+_x$

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A Fundamental Study of Structure-Property Relationships in $Eu^{3+}$ Luminescence ($Eu^{3+}$ 이온의 발광성에 대한 구조와 성질의 기본적인 연구)

  • Chang, Ki-Seog
    • Korean Journal of Crystallography
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2002
  • The M/sub 1-x/Na/sub 2x/Al₂(BO₃)₂O (M = Ca and Sr) solid solution systems have been shown interstitial solid solutions and continuous substitutional solid solutions. The symmetry around the Eu site of yEu/sup 3+/ : M/sub 1-x/Na/sub 2x/Al/sub 2-y/Mg/sub /(BO₃)₂O (M = Ca and Sr) changes the intensities and the chromaticities of transitions. The Eu/sup 3+/ion can be very bright and efficient and have the desired emission wave-length depending on the site symmetry of the Eu/sup 3+/ion site. As the amount of Na in the Eu/sup 3+/ion doped Ca/sub 1-x/Na/sub 2x/Al₂(BO₃)₂O system increases, the Eu site symmetry is going to be a noncentrosymmetric site. With increasing x, the decreased intensity in the /sup 5/D/sub 0/→/sup 7/F₁(590 nm) transition relates to the low symmetry of the Eus/up 3+/-doped Ca/sub 1-x/Na/sub 2x/Al₂(BO₃)₂O system, because of the Ca-centered octahedron in the CaAl₂(BO₃)₂O compound. The SrAl₂(BO₃)₂O compound also provides an improved chromaticity due to the lower site symmetry of Eu/sup 3+/ion.

Pycnometric and Spectroscopic Studies of Red Phosphors Ca2+(1-1.5x)WO4:Eu3+x and Ca2+(1-2x)WO4:Eu3+x,Na+x

  • Cho, Seon-Woog
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.34 no.9
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    • pp.2769-2773
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    • 2013
  • Red phosphors $Ca_{(1-1.5x)}Eu_xWO_4$ and $Ca_{(1-2x)}Eu^_xNa_xWO_4$ were synthesized with various concentrations x of $Eu^{3+}$ ions by using a solid-state reaction method. The crystal structure of the red phosphors were found to be a tetragonal scheelite structure with space group $I4_1/a$. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results show the (112) main diffraction peak centered at $2{\theta}=28.71^{\circ}$, and indicate that there is no basic structural deformation caused by the vacancies ${V_{Ca}}^{{\prime}{\prime}}$ or the $Eu^{3+}$ (and $Na^+$) ions in the host crystals. Densities of $Ca_{(1-1.5x)}Eu_xWO_4$ were measured on a (helium) gas pycnometer. Comparative results between the experimental and theoretical densities reveal that $Eu^{3+}$ (and $Na^+$) ions replace the $Ca^{2+}$ ions in the host $CaWO_4$. Also, the photoluminescence (PL) emission and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectra show the optical properties of trivalent $Eu^{3+}$ ions, not of divalent $Eu^{2+}$. Raman spectra exhibit that, without showing any difference before and after the doping of activators to the host material $CaWO_4$, all the gerade normal modes occur at the identical frequencies with the same shapes and weaker intensities after the substitution. However, the FT-IR spectra show that some of the ungerade normal modes have shifted positions and different shapes, caused by different masses of $Eu^{3+}$ ions (or $Na^+$ ions, or ${V_{Ca}}^{{\prime}{\prime}}$ vacancies) from $Ca^{2+}$.

Control of $NaAlSiO_4:Eu^{2+}$ photoluminescence properties by charge-compensated aliovalent element substitutions

  • Kim, Jihae;Kato, Hideki;Kakihana, Masato
    • Journal of Information Display
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.97-100
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    • 2012
  • We have conducted two kinds of the so-called charge-compensated aliovalent element substitutions to control the photoluminescence properties of $NaAlSiO_4:Eu^{2+}$ with a special focus on the enhancement of the excitation intensity at 400 nm. The aliovalent element substitutions include cation-cation and cation-anion co-substitutions according to the general formulas $Na_{1-x}M_xAl_{1+x}Si_{1-x}O_4:Eu^{2+}$ and $Na_{1-x}M_xAlSiO_{4-x}N_x:Eu^{2+}$ (M = $Mg^{2+}$, $Ca^{2+}$, and $Sr^{2+}$), respectively. The increase in the relative excitation intensity at 400 nm has been achieved in both types of the co-substitutions. Thus, the present research has demonstrated the effectiveness of the charge-compensated element substitution.

Structure Study of Polycrystalline $Na_3YSi_3O_9$ and Its Substitutes Related to $Na_4CaSi_3O_9,\;Ca_3Al_2O_6$ Structure

  • Kim, Chy-Hyung;Banks, Ephraim
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.6-9
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    • 1987
  • The study of the $Na_3YSi_3O_9$ structure, by x-ray diffraction and infrared spectrum, showed that $Na_3YSi_3O_9$ is similar to $Na_4CaSi_3O_9$ except for its being pseudo-cubic instead of cubic. The peaks in the x-ray diffraction pattern of $Na_3YSi_3O_9$ could therefore be indexed on the basis of the $Na_4CaSi_3O_9$ cell. Also, modified $Na_3MSi_3O_9$ (M = Lu, Yb, Tm, Er, Y, Ho, Dy, Gd, Eu, and Sm) type compounds were synthesized by introducing excess sodium, decreasing M(III) concentration, and substituting small amount of phosphorus for silicon. The unit cell parameters of the composition $Na_{3.2}M_{0.7}Si_{2.9}P_{0.1}O_{8.7}$ were estimated from x-ray powder diffraction patterns using the Cohen method.

Behavior of Rare Earth Elements in Synthetic Fluorapatites Revealed by Rietveld Structure Refinement Data (리트벨트법에 의한 합성인회석 내의 희토류 원소의 거동에 관한 연구)

  • 문용희;최진범;이병임
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2000
  • 이성분 희토류 원소로 치환된 4종류의 합성불화인회석(synthetic fluorapatite) (Ap49: La+Gd, Ap50:Ce+Dy, Ap51: Pr+Er, Ap54: Eu+Lu; $Ca{10-x-2y}$ $Na_{y}$ $REE_{x+y}$($P_{1-x}$ //$Si_{x}$ $_{4}$)$_{6}$ $F_{2}$, x=0.13~0.12, y=0.26~0.42)을 대상으로 X-선 회절분석을 통해 얻어진 자료를 이용하여 리트벨트 구조분석을 실시하고 치환된 희토류원소의 거동을 단결정법으로 구해진 결과와 비교.분석하였다. 리트벨트 구조분석결과 합성불화인회석은 공간군 $P6_3$/m, 단위포는 평균하여 a=9.3906(1) $\AA$, c=6.8924(1) $\AA$, V=527.36 $\AA^3$의 값을 갖는다. 구조의 정밀도를 나타내는 R 지수를 보면 $R_{B}$ / 값은 17.29~18.80이고 S(GofF)값은 1.44~1.68로 계산되었다. 불화인회석은 9개의 산소를 배위하는 Ca1자리와 6개의 산소와 하나의 불소가 배위하는 Ca2자리가 있으며 Ca1-O의 평균거리는 2.563 $\AA$이고 Ca2-O의 평균거리는 $2.460 \AA$으로 Ca1자리가 Ca2자리보다 다소 크다. 구조자리 치환식에서는 $Ca^{2+}$ / 자리를 치환하는 $REE^{3+ }$ 로 인하여 전하균형을 맞춰주기 위해서 인과규소가 함께 참여하였다. ($REE^{3}$+Si$^{ 4+}$ $2Ca^{2+}$ : Ca1) 계산된 희토류원소의 자리점유율(REE-Ca2/REE-Cal)은 원자번호가 증가함에 따라 일정하게 감소하는 경향을 보여주며 이는 희토류원소의 거동이 LREE는 크기가 상대적으로 작은 Ca2 자리에 우선 치환되고 HREE는 크기가 큰 Ca1자리에 우선 치환되는 경향을 지시한다.

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Preparation and Photoluminescent Properties of NaCaPO4 Activated by Divalent Europium (2가 유로피움으로 활성화된 NaCaPO4의 합성과 광 특성)

  • Kim, Dong-Jin;Park, In-Yong;Lee, Jong-Won;Kim, Kyu-Jin;Kim, Byoung-Gyu
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.624-628
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    • 2006
  • In this study, divalent europium-activated $NaCaPO_4$ green phosphor powders were prepared by the chemical synthetic method followed by heat treatment in reduced atmosphere, and the crystal structures, morphologies and photoluminescent properties of the powders were investigated by x-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscope and spectrometer for the first time. The effects of Ca/P and Na/Ca mole ratios on the final products were also investigated. The influences of input amount change of europium as the activator on the light emission intensity were studied, and the resulting concentration quenching phenomenon was observed. The optimized synthesis conditions obtained in this study were Ca/P mole ratio 1.2, Na/Ca mole ratio 3.0 and 4 mole%Eu. The peak wavelength was 505 nm for all the samples. The result of excitation spectrum measurement indicated that the excitation efficiency was high for the long-wavelength UV region. It was thus concluded that the samples prepared in this study can be successfully applied for the light-emitting devices such as LED excited with long-wavelength UV light sources.

Role of modifiers on the structural, mechanical, optical and radiation protection attributes of Eu3+ incorporated multi constituent glasses

  • Poojha, M.K. Komal;Marimuthu, K.;Teresa, P. Evangelin;Almousa, Nouf;Sayyed, M.I.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.10
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    • pp.3841-3848
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    • 2022
  • The effect of modifiers on the optical features and radiation defying ability of the Eu3+ ions doped multi constituent glasses was examined. XRD has established the amorphous nature of the specimen. The presence of various functional/fundamental groups in the present glasses was analyzed through FTIR spectra. The physical, structural and elastic traits of the glasses were explored. The variation in the structural compactness of the glass structure according to the incorporated modifier was enlightened to describe their suitability for a better shielding media. For the examined glasses, the metallization criterion value varied in the range 0.613-0.692, indicating the non-metallic character of the glasses with possible nonlinear optical applications. The computed elastic moduli expose the Li-containing glass (BTLi:Eu) to be tightly packed and rigid, which is a requirement for a better shielding channel. Furthermore, the optical bandgap and the Urbach energy values are calculated based on the optical absorption spectra. The evaluated bonding parameters revealed the nature of the fabricated glasses covalent. In addition, we investigated the radiation attenuation attributes of the prepared Eu3+ ions doped multi constituent glasses using Phy-X software. We determined the linear attenuation coefficient (LAC) and reported the influence of the five oxides Li2O3, CaO, BaO, SrO, and ZnO on the LAC values. The LAC varied between 0.433 and 0.549 cm-1 at 0.284 MeV. The 39B2O3-25TeO2-15Li2O3-10Na2O-10K2O-1Eu2O3 glass has a much smaller LAC than the other glasses.