• Title/Summary/Keyword: $CCL_4$-damaged liver

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Studies on the Efficacy of Combined Preparations of Crude Drug(XL) -Effect of Sagan-Tang on the Central Nervous, Cardiovascular System and the Liver Damage- (생약복합제제(生藥複合製劑)의 약효(藥效) 연구(硏究) 제40보(第40報) -사간탕(瀉肝湯)이 중추신경계(中樞神經系), 순환기계(循環器系) 및 간독성(肝毒性에 미치는 작용(作用)-)

  • Hong, Nam-Doo;Bae, Hyung-Sub;Rho, Young-Soo;Kim, Nam-Jae;Kim, Jin-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.196-203
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    • 1989
  • Experimental studies were conducted to investigate the effect of Sagan-Tang on analgesic, sedative, antipyretic, isolated ileum and blood vessel and so on. The results of this investigation were summarized as follows; Analgesic action by the acetic acid stimulating method in mice were recognized. Prolonging action against the hypnotic duration induced by thiopental-Na was noted in mice. Antipyretic effect in typhoid vaccine febrile rats was recognized. Spontaneous motility of the isolated ileum of mice was suppressed and contractions of the isolated ileum of mice and guinea-pig induced by accetylcholine chloride, barium chloride and histamine were remarkably inhibited. Vaso-diating and hypotensive actions were recognized in rabbits. GOT and GPT activities in the serum of rats damaged by $CCl_4$ and galactosamine were decreased remarkably.

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Effects of Combined Preparation (DWP715) Containing Alaska pollack Extract, Maltol, Ascorbic Acid and Nicotinamide on Decreasing of Blood Alcohol Concentration, Anti- fatigue and Anti-oxidation (북어엑스 및 말톨 함유 복합 조성물(DWP715)의 혈중 알콜농도 저하, 항피로 및 항산화 효과)

  • Cho, Jae-Youl;Kim, Ae-Ra;Yeon, Je-Duk;Lim, Seung-Wook;Lee, Jae-Hwi;Yoo, Eun-Sook;Yu, Young-Hyo;Park, Myung-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 1997
  • Effect of combined preparation (DWP715) containing Alaska pollack extract, maltol, ascorbic acid and nicotinamide on decreasing of blood alcohol was evaluated in human blood. Treatment of DWP715 prior to administration of 25% alcohol (100 mL) decreased alcohol concentration in blood and showed significant difference after 2 hours. The pharmacokinetic parameters such as area under the concentration-time curve (AUC), $C_{max},\;T_{max}\;and\;T_{1/2}$ were also decreased and delayed when compared with control values. Effects of DWP715 on anti-fatigue and anti-oxidation activities were also studied in the restraint stress model using various parameters (GOT, GPT, LDH values and organ weights) on mild condition and examined through the content of lipid peroxide induced by 2% $CCl_4$ in mouse livers. While GPT level, thymus and adrenal weight were not influenced by DWP715 dosing, LDH, GOT level and spleen weight used as a parameter against fatigue and stress states were recovered almost to the nomal level. Furthermore, lipid peroxidation due to $CCl_4$ was significantly inhibited by DWP715 treatment. These results suggest that DWP715 seems to metabolize the blood alcohol rapidly and to restore the damaged liver and fatigue conditions which was caused by alcohol metabolism to normal condition.

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The Effect of Laserpuncture and Aquapuncture with Methionine on the Recovery in Artificially Induced Hepatic Damaged Rats (肝損傷 랫트에 있어서 Laser針療法 및 Methionine 水針療法이 肝損傷 回復에 미치는 影響)

  • 홍민성;이지영;이버들;이상은;서지민;송근호;김덕환;조규완;김명철
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2002
  • The present experiment was performed in order to know the therapeutic effect of laserpuncture and aquapuncture with methionine on recovery in artificially induced hepatic damaged rats by carbon tetrachloride. The animals were divided into control, laserpuncture and aquapuncture groups. The changes of serum enzyme activities(ALT and AST), serum total protein contents, protein fractions(ALB and GLB) and A/G ratio were examined before and after application of laserpuncture and aquapuncture. In change of serum ALT activity, recovery with treatment in laser and aquapuncture groups was more rapid than that of control. The significant decreased value was shown on 3rd(P < 0.05) and 7th day(P < 0.01) after treatment in laserpuncture group and on 7th day(P < 0.05) after treatment in aquapuncture group. In addition, significance was detected on 2nd day(P < 0.05) between laserpuncture and aquapuncture groups. In change of serum AST activity, recovery with treatment in laserpuncture and aquapuncture groups was more rapid than that of control. The significant lower values on 7th day(P<0.01) in aquapuncture groups. In addition, significant low value was detected on 7th day(P < 0.05) in aquapuncture group comparing with that of laserpuncture group. The change of serum TP contents showed similar pattern in control, laser and aquapuncture groups. The significances were detected on 7th day(P < 0.05) in both experimental groups. In addition, significant high value was detected on 2nd day(P < 0.05) in laserpuncture group comparing with that of aquapuncture group. The change of serum ALB content with treatment in laser and aquapuncture groups was more rapid than that of control. The significant high value was shown on 2nd(P < 0.01), 5th(P < 0.05) and on 7th day(P < 0.01) in laserpuncture group. In addition, significant high value was detected on 3rd day(P<0.01) only in aquapuncture group comparing with laserpuncture group. The change of serum GLB content showed similar pattern among groups. The significant low values were detected on 2nd day(P < 0.05) in aquapuncture group. In addition significant high value was detected on 5th day(P < 0.01) only in laserpuncture group comparing with that of aquapuncture group. In change of A/G ratio laser and aquapuncture groups showed higher values than that of control. The significant high values were detected on 1st day(P < 0.Of) and 2nd day(P < 0.05) in laserpuncture group, and on 1st day(P < 0.05) and 2nd day(P < 0.01) in aquapuncture group. In addition, significant high value was detected on 5th day(P < 0.05) in aquapuncture group comparing with that of laserpuncture. Considering above findings collectively, it was considered that both laserpuncture and aquapuncture were effective; aquapuncture was more effective than laserpuncture for recovery of hepatic damage.