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1 김누리, 김성은, 장소은, "중환자실 간호사의 의사소통 능력, 직무만족도, 조직몰입이 간호업무성과에 미치는 영향," Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing, 제15권, 제1호, pp.58-68, 2022./   DOI View Article
2 M. J. Park and Y. M. Lee, "The effect on COVID-19 infection control practice of nurses who work in working sites with negative pressure isolation rooms," J. of Korean Critical Care Nursing, Vol.15, No.1, pp.35-46, 2022./   DOI View Article
3 Kim YS, Kwon IG. Intrahospital Transport of Critically Ill Patients: Critical Care Nurses' Perceptions. Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing. 2022;15(1):1-12.   DOI View Article
4 Ayad, A. (2022) Prospecting for polymetallic mineralization in Middle Morocco using fractal mapping. Arab. J. Geosci., v.15, p.1-12. doi: 10.1007/s12517-022-09613-2/   DOI View Article
5 Shin HY, Min HS. Factors associated with sarcopenia among hemodialysis patients. J Korean Crit Care Nurs 2022; 15(1): 24-34./   DOI View Article
6 Kim HM, Park JY. The influence of traumatic events on turnover intention among nurses working in intensive care units: moderating effect of emotional intelligence. Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing. 2021;14(2):70-81.   DOI View Article
7 Choi HJ, Lee YM, Park HJ. Effects of Awareness of Patient Safety Culture, Emotional Labor and Job Stress on Patient Safety Nursing Activities by Comprehensive Nursing Care Medical Service Ward Nurses. Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing. 2021;14(3):87-98.   DOI View Article
8 Ryu YJ, Lee YM. Influence of cultural competency and intercultural communication on clinical competence of emergency unit nurses caring for foreign patients. J Korean Crit Care Nurs 2021;14(1):40-9.   DOI View Article
9 Lee, S. H., Seol, R., & Kim, M. H. (2021). Effect of role conflict on job satisfaction by comprehensive nursing care service ward nurse: moderating and mediating effect of resilience. Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing, 14(3), 50-61./ View Article
10 Kim HM, Park JY. The influence of traumatic events on turnover intention among nurses working in intensive care units: the moderating effect of emotional intelligence. Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing. 2021;14(2):70-81.   DOI View Article