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1 Flow-3D' User's Manual Version 9.2, 2017, Flow Science Inc./ View Article
2 Petroleum Safety Authority Norway, 2016 (amended), Regulations relating to health, safety and the environment in the petroleum activities and at certain onshore facilities./ View Article
3 UK H.S.E., 2016c, Regulating CCS, (accessed 2016.11.01.)./ View Article
4 UK H.S.E., 2016a, ALARP "at a glance", (accessed 2016.11.01.)./ View Article
5 UK H.S.E., 2016b, Principles and guidelines to assist HSE in its judgements that duty-holders have reduced risk as low as reasonably practicable, (accessed 2016.11.01.)./ View Article
6 Korean Institute of Marine Science & Technology Promotion, 2016.1, Analyzing the Economic Effects of the Oceans and Fisheries Industry and the Growth Prospect./ View Article
7 Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, 2016.2, A Study on Preliminary Investigation and the Investigation Guideline Establishment on Oceans and Fisheries Industrial Statistics./ View Article
8 Brown, M.T., Campbell, D.E., DeVilbiss, C., Ulgiati, S., 2016, "The geobiosphere emergy baseline; A synthesis", Ecol. Modell., Vol. 339, No. 10, 92-95./   DOI View Article
9 Sun, L., Zang, J., Chen, L., Taylor, R.E. and Taylor, P.H., 2016, "Regular waves onto a truncated circular column: A comparison of experiments and simulations", Appl. Ocean Res, Vol. 59, 650-662./   DOI View Article
10 Ham, D.K., Yaleyong, and Woo,J.H., 2016.4, "A study on the Big-data based simulation for procument management of the shipyard fittings", Journal of the Korean Institute Of Industrial Engineers, 3142-3149./ View Article