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1 Jeong, K.H., Kim, J.K., Han, D.W., Kwag, J.H., 2014. Status of anaerobic digestion facilility for pig slurry in korea. J. lives. hous. & Env. 20 (1), 27-34./ View Article
2 Lee, K.W., Choi, G.J., Kim, K,Y., Ji, H,J., Park, H.S., Lee, D.G., Lee, S.H. 2014. Effects of Seeding Time on Growth Characteristics and Seed Production. J. Kor. Grassl. Forage Sci. 34(2):103-107./   KOI   DOI   Ndsl View Article
3 Chaisit, S., Kung, H.Y., Pan, J.L., Chen, Y.H., 2014. Environmental Awareness Automation Monitoring System for Training Dog Kennel. Original Research Article. APCBEE Procedia, 8, 178-183./   DOI   Ndsl View Article
4 KOSIS., 2014. Livestock Trend Investigation Report. Statistics Korea./ View Article
5 MFDS (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety)., 2014. Article 2. Common Standards and Specifications for General foods. p 10./ View Article
6 Kim, D.H., Lee, I.B., Choi, D.Y., Song, J.I., Jeon, J.H., Ha, D.M., 2013. A survey on current state of odor emission and control from livestock operations. J. Anim. Environ. Sci. 19, 123-132./   KOI   DOI View Article
7 Kim, K.Y., Choi, J.H., 2013. Distribution characteristics of odorous compounds concentrations according to type of pig buildings. J. Kor. Soc. Odor Res. Eng. 12, 27-37./   DOI View Article
8 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC: AR5)., 2013. WGII The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 5th Assessment Report./ View Article
9 Kucevic, D., Plavsic, M., Trivunovic, S., Radinovic, M., Bogdanovic, V., 2013. Influence of microclimatic conditions on the daily production of dairy cows. Biotechnol. Anim. Husb. 29(1), 45-51./   DOI View Article
10 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. 2013. Outcome of animal waste generation and recycling('06-'12)./ View Article