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1 Yoon YH. 2016. Bio-environmental characteristics of the Uljin marine ranching area (UMRA), East Sea of Korea. 1. Spatio-temporal distributions of phytoplankton community. J. Korean Soc. Mar. Environ. Ener. 19:37-46./   DOI View Article
2 Yoon, Yang Ho(2016). Bio-environmental characteristics of the Uljin Marine Ranching Area (UMRA), East Sea of Korea. 1. Spatio-temporal distributions of phytoplankton community. Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment and Energy 19, 37-46./   DOI View Article
3 Park, J.H. and Yoon, H.S., 2016, "Variation Characteristics of the Groundwater Level of Natural Vegetation and Sandy Beaches", J. Korean Soc. Mar. Environ. Energy, Vol.19, No.1, 62-73./   DOI View Article
4 Huh, C., Kang, S.G. and Cho, M.I., 2016, "Numerical analysis on depressurization of high pressure carbon dioxide pipeline", J. Korean Soc. Mar. Environ. Energy, Vol. 19, 52-61./   DOI View Article
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