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1 함승연, "NCS 기반 직업교육과정 도입에 따른 공업계열 특성화고.마이스터고 교사의 직무수행능력 중요도 및 교육적 요구에 대한 인식", 대한공업교육, Vol.41, No.2, pp.69-88, 2016./ View Article
2 Lee, M. H. (2016). The structural relationship among resilience, major satisfaction and employment preparation of technical high school students. The Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Education, 14(1), 44-67./ View Article
3 안재영(2016). 산학일체형 도제학교의 컨설팅 요구 분석 연구. 대한공업교육학회지, 41(2), 24-47./ View Article
4 W. W. Kim and J. S. Choi, "Development and Application of a Turtle Ship Model Based on Physical Computing Platform for Students of Industrial Specialized High School," Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Educators, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 89-118, Sep. 2016./ View Article
5 임윤진, 손다미, "언어네트워크 분석을 적용한 국가직무능력표준(NCS) 연구 동향 분석," 大韓工業敎育學會誌, 41(2), 48-68, 2016./ View Article
6 Bae, G. M., & Yoon, G. S. (2015). Training needs analysis for the development of basic job skill curriculum in specialized high school. Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Educators, 40(2), 44-71./ View Article
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