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1 하재정, 이용준, 조재희, 장원진, 김연욱, Li shaogang, 송영한. 2008. 한우 거세우의 계절 및 군 두수별 행동 특성. 한국축산시설환경학회지. 14(1):9-14/   KOI View Article
2 Yoo, Y. H., Kim, T. I., Jeong, J. W., Choi, H. C., Song, J. I., Yang, C. B., Jang, Y. K., Kim, H. J., and Song, K. P. (2005) A Field Survey on Concentration of Odor Compounds in Pig Buildings and Boundary Areas, J. Lives. Hous. & Env. 11(1), 45-54/ View Article
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