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Shape Decision and Shear Experiment of High-Shear Ring Anchor for Steel-Concrete Connection  

Jeon, Sang Hyeon (협성대학교 건축공학과)
Kim, Mun-Kil (인천대학교 도시과학대학 도시건축학부)
Publication Information
Journal of Urban Science / v.7, no.2, 2018 , pp. 29-36 More about this Journal
The demand for reinforcement in accordance with remodeling, seismic retrofit, and change of use of the existing structure is increasing. Originally, shear wall new and extension method has been adopted a lot as seismic retrofit methods. Recently, dry seismic retrofit method that uses structural steel is mostly adopted in order to minimize spatiotemporal aspect and underpinning that occurs when a construct shear wall. We redesigned the form of old and new concrete joint high-shear ring anchor that was developed according to recent reinforcement method and determined construction method. Shear tests were performed on High-Shear Ring Anchor for steel-concrete connection. Comparison with 4 tests shows that the average of test-to-prediction ratios is 1.01.
High-Shear Ring Anchor; Seismic retrofit; Structural Retrofit; Shear;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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