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Development and Management of Performance Indicators of Local Government for Citizen's Communication  

Chai, Eunkyong (인천연구원 도시경영연구실)
Lee, Chang Kil (인천대학교 도시과학대학 도시행정학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Urban Science / v.7, no.2, 2018 , pp. 11-19 More about this Journal
Local governments in South Korea are making efforts to promote highly effective policies through activating communication with citizens as a major innovation strategy. The performance evaluation system includes new performance indicators related to communication with citizens. This is a change to build a consumer-centered performance management system. The purpose of this study is to present guidelines when developing and applying the communication indicators promoted by local governments with interest. For this purpose, the development scope and management methods of the communication performance indicators are presented. For communication performance management, this study emphasized building a strategy planning based performance management system, presenting information that can be understood by citizens, complying with the development procedures of performance indicators, and improving qualitative indicators. In addition, for effective performance management, this study presented the decision-makers' strong willingness, gradual expansion of communication evaluation, establishment in organizational performance culture, and so on.
Communication Indicator; Local Government; Citizen; Performance Management;
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  • Reference
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