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Computational ablative thermal response analysis of carbon/phenolic composites for thermal protection system  

Park, Taehoon (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University)
Lee, Kang-Hyun (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University)
Yun, Gun Jin (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University)
Publication Information
Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science / v.8, no.3, 2021 , pp. 251-271 More about this Journal
This study presents an efficient computational methodology to perform ablative thermal response analysis of carbon/phenolic composites by introducing a novel dual-domain technique for heat transfer and gas diffusion physics. Phenomena such as in-depth heat transfer, material decomposition (i.e. pyrolysis), in-depth gas diffusion, and surface recession required for ablation analysis of carbon/phenolic composites are simulated. The proposed method is verified with reference simulation test data from Ablation Workshop for a one-dimensional model under four different combinations with surface heat flux, temperature, pressure boundary conditions, and surface recession conditions verified. A two-dimensional ablation problem was also solved, showing its scalability. Temperatures, recession depth, depth of boundaries between layers, the mass flux of char, and pyrolysis gas are obtained and compared with the reference for all cases.
charring ablation; carbon/phenolic composite; finite element analysis; thermal protection system;
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