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A study on the effects of vertical mass irregularity on seismic performance of tunnel-form structural system  

Mohsenian, Vahid (Civil Engineering Department, University of Science and Culture)
Nikkhoo, Ali (Civil Engineering Department, University of Science and Culture)
Publication Information
Advances in concrete construction / v.7, no.3, 2019 , pp. 131-141 More about this Journal
Irregular distribution of mass in elevation is regarded as a structural irregularity by which the modes with high energy levels are excited and in addition, it can lead the structure to withstanding concentration of nonlinear deformations and consequently, suffer from unpredictable local or global damages. Accordingly, with respect to the lack of knowledge and insight towards the performance of concrete buildings making use of tunnel-form structural system in seismic events, it is of utmost significance to assess seismic vulnerability of such structures involved in vertical mass irregularity. To resolve such a crucial drawback, this papers aims to seismically assess vulnerability of RC tunnel-form buildings considering effects of irregular mass distribution. The results indicate that modal responses are not affected by building's height and patterns of mass distribution in elevation. Moreover, there was no considerable effect observed on the performance levels under DBE and MCE hazard scenarios within different patterns of irregular mass distribution. In conclusion, it appears that necessarily of vertical regularity for tunnel-form buildings, is somehow drastic and conservative at least for the buildings and irregularity patterns studied herein.
tunnel-form structural system; performance level; irregular mass distribution; vertical irregularity; seismic reliability;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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