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Properties of concrete incorporating sand and cement with waste marble powder  

Ashish, Deepankar K. (Department of Civil Engineering, PEC University of Technology)
Verma, Surender K. (Department of Civil Engineering, PEC University of Technology)
Kumar, Ravi (Department of Civil Engineering, Kurukshetra University)
Sharma, Nitisha (Department of Civil Engineering, Kurukshetra University)
Publication Information
Advances in concrete construction / v.4, no.2, 2016 , pp. 145-160 More about this Journal
Marble is a metamorphic rock used widely in construction which increases amount of marble powder obtained from it. Marble powder is a waste product obtained from marble during its processing. Marble waste is high in calcium oxide content which is cementing property but it creates many environmental hazards too if left in environment or in water. In this research, partial replacement of cement and sand by waste marble powder (WMP) has been investigated. Seven concrete mixtures were prepared for this investigation by partially replacing cement, sand with WMP at proportions of 0%, 10% and 15% by weight separately and in combined form. To determine compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength of concrete made with waste marble powder, the samples at the curing ages of 7, 28 and 90 days was recorded. Different tests of durability were applied on samples like ultrasonic pulse wave test, absorption and sorptivity. For further investigation all the results were compared and noticed that WMP has shown good results and enhancing mechanical properties of concrete mix on partially replacing with sand and cement in set proportions. Moreover, it will solve the problem of environmental health hazard.
waste marble powder; concrete; strength; pulse velocity; sorptivity; water absorption; durability; X-ray diffraction;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 15  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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